The Diamond Necklace

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Home Reading Report

I. Title of the Story

The Diamond Necklace

A diamond necklace that Mathilde Loisel Borrowed from Madame Forestier.
It is a super diamond necklace, Mathilde life was change, she work harder
because of the diamond necklace.

II. Author of the Story

Guy de Maupassant
Guy de Maupassant is a French author of the naturalistic school who is
generally considered the greatest French short story writer. He was probably
born in Normandy of an old French family. His experience among the Norman
peasants, as a soldier in the Franco Prussian War, and a civil service officer for
the government were in corporate in a total of more than thirty volumes, short
stories, novels, plays, and travel sketchers. Guy De Maupassant came to believe
that man is a victim of his heredity and environment. His pessimistic attitude is
evident in many of his most famous stories such as The White Wolf and La
Mere Saurage.

III. Characters

1. Mathilde Loisel
She is the girl who borrowed the necklace to Madame Forestier and
who lost the diamond necklace. She also pretty and charming.
2. Mr. Loisel
He is a good husband to Mathilde Loisel, Mr. Loisel is patient, caring,
lovable, and understanding.
3. Madame Forestier
A friend of Mathilde Loisel and she is beautiful and also charming.

IV. Settings

The night of the ball and palace of the Ministry on Monday evening, January

V. Conflict

When Mathilde Loisel lost the diamond necklace that she borrowed from
Madame Forestier.

VI. Resolution

His husband and Mathilde Loisel was working harder to return the diamond
necklace that Mathilde borrowed from Madame Forestier and the success of
working and they replace the necklace form Madame Forestier.

VII. Summary

There was a girl who is rich, pretty and charming. She married to a little clerk
of the ministry of Public Instruction. Until they invited to go at the minister of
Public Instruction Ball. But Mathilde was not happy to attend because she had no
gown to wear, his husband gave him a money to buy a gown, but Mathilde
doesnt have a jewelry to use, she go to her friend Madame Forestier to borrow a
necklace then Madame Forestier borrowed Mathilde a diamond necklace. The
night of the ball arrived. Mathilde was a great success she was prettier than any
other woman present. His husband had been sleeping since midnight in a little
deserted anteroom. When they reached the street they could not find a carriage.
When she go home, she suddenly uttered and cry, because she no longer had the
necklace around her neck. She tells to his husband that she lost the diamond
necklace. His husband returned to the party that was Mathilde lost the necklace
but he was found nothing. The next day the couple goes to the jewelry shop and
they see a similar necklace. Mathilde and his husband were working harder
because of the diamond necklace that Mathilde lost. At the end of ten years, they
had paid everything, Mathilde Loisel life was changed because of the diamond
necklace that she lost. She suddenly perceived woman who was leading a child.
It was Madame Foreister did not recognized Mathilde Loisel because her look
was changed then Mathilde Loisel tell her about the necklace that she had lost
but she brought her back another exactly like it. Madame Forestier said to
Mathilde that her necklace was a paste and it worth at most only five hundred

VIII. Moral Lessons

Be contented on what you have and be careful on what you have been
borrowed and face all the trials in your life, and also dont easily trust the people
around you.

IX. Vocabulary Words

1. Ingenuity skill or cleverness in discovering, inventing or planning.
Ex. Her ingenuity in cooking can bring her to success.
2. Cease to come or bring to an end.
Ex. I want to cease the war.
3. Tortured to cause great suffering.
Ex. She tortured the pig.
4. Dainty delicacy
Ex. I have a dainty dinner
5. Triumphant celebrating victory.
Ex. An accident happen when we are triumpanting.
6. Queer oddly unlike the usual or normal.
Ex. That was a queer house.
7. Intoxicated to make wildly excited.
Ex. She is intoxicated to go to the party.
8. Thunderstruck stunned as if struckly or thunderbolt.
Ex. Im scared when there is thunderstruck.
9. Odious causing hatred or strong dislike.
Ex. Shes stole her book thats why she felt odious.
10. Hierarchy any system of persons or things ranked one above another.
Ex. The logical structure of a document is defined visually, typically through a
hierarchy of headings.

Home Reading

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