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(19-24) Choose the best alternative that best

fits in the blank in each sentence and write it

in your answer book (3 m)
SET - 1
1. Accident - An unintentional or unexpected
happening that is undesirable or
2. Accidence - The part of grammar that
deals with the variable Parts of words.
3. Coincidence - An event or two or more
events at one time happening apparently
by mere chance.
4. Incidence - Rate of occurrence or action.
SET- 2
1. Continual - Frequent
2. Continued - To go on or keep on. To carry
on from the point of suspension or
3. Continuous - Unceasing; being in immediate
connection; Uninterrupted in time.
SET - 3
1. Apparel - Clothes, especially of a fine sort.
2. Attire - Dress, Clothes (Literature or
3. Clothes- Things to wear on the body.
4. Costume - Clothes typical of a certain
period, country or profession, especially
worn on the stage.
5. Outfit- All the things, especially clothes,
needed for a particular purpose.
6. Dress - Clothing worn on special
7. Garb - Clothes, especially unusual clothes
or those worn by a particular type of
8. Garment - An article of clothing that is
ready for sale.
9. Uniform - Type of clothing that all
members of a group wear.
SET - 4
1. Beneficial - advantageous or helpful
2. Beneficent - doing good or causing good
to be done
3. Beneficiary - person who receives benefits
or profits
SET - 5
1. Comprehensive - Complete, Including,
nearly all
2. Comprehensible - That can be understood
3. Apprehensive - Uneasy; worried.
1. The opposition does not appreciate the
________ act of the Government.
( beneficient, beneficial, beneficiary )
2. For the fancy-dress competition, my friend
appeared in a 17
century ____________
(costume, uniform, garment)
3. It is .. to see a small child suffering on
a hospital bed.
(heartily, heartrending, heartburn)
4. All the characters in this novel are
(imaginable, imaginary, imaginative)
5. As the patient has recovered from his illness,
he was _______ from the hospital.
(released, discharged, set free)
1. beneficient 2. costume
3. heartrending 4. imaginary
5. discharged
Class For Regular Updates:
Q.No.s 37 & 38
1. Comma:
a) to separate two or more words of the same
parts of speech (not connected by 'and')
b) After and before parenthesis.
c) Before and after a participle phrase.
d) After nominative of address.
e) to mark off a direct quotation from the
2. At the end of a sentence, use
a) a fullstop if the sentence is either
a statement or imperative.
b) a question mark if it is a question.
c) a wonder mark if it is an
exclamatory sentence.
3. The colon is used
a) to introduce a question, like:
Shakespeare said: All the world is a stage
b) between contrasted sentences when
'but' is not used.
4. Capital letters are used:
a) at the beginning of every sentence.
b) at the beginning of every line of poetry.
c) for the pronoun 'I', interjection 'O' to begin
noun or pronoun indicating God.
d) At the beginning of direct speech.
e) For degrees and titles.
Q.No. 37
Read the following passages. The end of
each sentence is not indicated. Decide
where each sentence ends and write the
last word followed by [.] or [?] or [:]
1. She speaks with an Indian lilt in her voice
like convent-bred Indians she often ends her
sentence with an interrogatory "no" mea-
ning isn't that so her answers are very brief
2. Mother Teresa, whence this special interest
in the dying I asked her it is a vocation a call
nobody wants the dying, the sick, no
Answers: 1.voice [.] no [?] so [?] brief [.]
2. dying [?] her [.] call [.] no [?]
Q.No. 38
Use commas, full stops, exclamation,
question marks, quotation marks where
necessary and rewrite the sentence in
your answer book. (3 x = 1 )
1. Are we leaving right away the little girl
why is there something you have forgotten
asked her mother.
No I was just wondering if we could leave
an hour later said the girl
2. what was your name before you became a
nun it is not important i was subhashini das
i was the first to join the mother.
1. "Are we leaving right away," the little girl
"Why? Is there something you have
forgotten?" asked her mother
"No, I was just wondering if we could leave
an hour later," said the girl.
2. "What was your name before you became a
"It is not important. I was Subhasini Das. I
was the first to join the Mother."
Q.No. 39-43
Read sentence (a), then complete sentence
(b) using the ideas in (a). Keep sentence
(b) as close in meaning as possible to
sentence (a). (5 marks )
A conditionals sentence has two clauses.
1. main clause
2. if clause
Eg: If it rains the match will be cancelled
(If clause) (main clause)
Conditionals are mainly of three kinds.
For Regular Updates: 10
Transformation of sentences
In this type, the condition mentioned may or
may not take place. Here the if clause must
be in simple present tense.
The main clause will be - will /can / shall /
may +v
Eg: It may rain. They will cancel the match.
If it rains they will cancel the match .
In this type, the condition mentioned is
unreal (improbable it is unlikely to take
place. Here if clause must be in Simple past
tense (plural).
The main clause is- would / could /should + v
1. It will not rain. They will not cancel the
If it rained they would cancel the match.
2. I do not have time. I can't accept this job.
If I had time, I could accept this job
In this type the condition mentioned is an
unfulfilled action. It speaks of the past. Here
the if clause must be past perfect tense.
The main clause must be-would / could/
should + have + V,
Eg: He was careless. So, he met with an
If he had not been careless, he would not
have met with an accident.
1. a). I don't have time. So I cannot accept the
b) If __________________________
2. a). She did not carry her driving license.
She had to pay a fine .
b) If __________________________
3. a). Unless you work hard. You can't pass
the exam.
b) If __________________________
1. If I had time, I would accept the job.
2. If she had carried her driving license, she
would not have paid a fine.
3. If you work hard, you can pass.
Rule 1.
If the reporting verb is in simple present
or future tense, then the tense of the
reported speech does not change.
He says. "She is unwell."
He says that she is unwell.
She will say, "I am going."
She will say that she is going.
The tense of the Universal facts also
remains unchanged.
The teacher said, "The earth revolves round
the sun".
The teacher said that the earth revolves
round the sun.
Rule 2.
If the reporting verb is in past tense, the
tense of the reported speech verb is
changed as follows .
Simple Present ------- Simple Past
Present continuous ------- Past continuous
Present Perfect ------- Past perfect
Present perfect continuous ------- Past
perfect continuous
Simple Past ------- Past perfect
Past continuous ----- Past perfect continuous
(Past perfect and past perfect continuous
remain unchanged)
Eg :
1. He said, " I am unwell."
He said that he was unwell.
2. He said, "Arun is working hard."
He said that Arun was working hard.
1. He said, "It has been raining since
2. Kiran said, "Lata had gone home."
3. The master said to the servant, "Go away."
4. He said to me, "Who are you?"
1. He said that it had been raining since
2. Kiran said that Lata had gone home.
3. The master ordered the servant to go away.
4. He asked me who I was.
Class For Regular Updates:
II. Direct and Indirect Speech
Voice: It is a form of a sentence that tells
whether the action is done by the subject or
the effect of the action is received by the
Active Voice: When a subject is acts, the
sentence is in active voice. Eg: He writes a
Passive Voice: When the effect of action is
received by the agent or object, the sentence
is in passive voice.
Eg: A letter is written by him.
Read sentence (a), then complete
sentence (b) using the ideas in (a). Keep
sentence (b) as close in meaning as
possible to sentence (a).
1 a) They got in because you didn't lock the
door properly.
b) If you ___________________________
2. a) "Didn't we discuss this yesterday?" asked
the teacher.
b) The teacher asked __________________
3. a) There is a man standing at the end of the
street. He has been given the best teacher
b) The man ________________________
4. a) They are repairing the engine.
b) The engine _______________________
5. a) He is poor. He is honest.
b) Though__________________________
1. If you had locked the door properly, they
would not have got in.
2. The teacher asked if they had not discussed
that the previous day.
3. The man who is standing at the end of the
street has been given the best teacher award.
4. The engine is being repaired by them.
5. Though he is poor, he is honest.
Q.No. 44
Identify the parts of speech of the
underlined words.
i) Nouns - names of persons, places, actions,
ideas etc.
ii) Pronouns - words that can be used in place
of nouns.
iii) Verbs - words that denote doing, being or
iv) Adjectives - words describing nouns,
v) Adverbs- words which modify verbs,
adjectives or other words.
vi) Prepositions - words placed before a noun
or a pronoun to show in what relation those
stand with other words.
vii) Conjunction - words used to join two
words, phrases or clauses.
viii) Interjections - words expressing sudden
Identify the parts of speech of the
underlined words and write the words
and its part of speech.
1. Nathu's wife looked at him questioningly.
She could see slight embarrassment on his
2. I handed the list to the king, who read it and
asked to see my sword.
1. verb adverb adjective noun
2. noun pronoun verb adjective
For Regular Updates: 10
Change of Pronouns
Subject Object
I me
We us
You you
He him
She her
It It
They them
III Active and Passive Voice
Parts of speech
Q.No. 45
Rewrite the following sentence after
necessary corrections.
1. Verbs like avoid, stop, remember, enjoy,
risk, mind, see, hear are followed by a
gerund ( ing form)
You must avoid to meet her. (wrong)
You must avoid meeting her. (right)
2. " Be able to / able to " are not used with
can / could
Eg: I can able to do it (wrong)
I can do it (right) or
I am able to do it (right)
3. The verb ' RETURN' is not followed by
' back' & 'REPEAT' is not followed by '
Please return back the money and don't
repeat it again (wrong)
Please return the money and don't repeat it
4. Remember the pattern of a direct
( WH ) + HV + SUBJECT + MV ?
Why you went out without my permission ?
(wrong) Why did you go out without my
permission ? (right)
Note :
But when a main clause precedes a question,
the question is changed a statement form.
Please show me where is Aditya public
school? (wrong)
Please show me where Aditya public school
is. (right)
5. Verbs like understand, know, remember,
forget, think, prefer, want hear, smell,
taste, see, like, dislike, hate, love, seem,
become, mind etc. are not used in
continuous tenses.
Eg: I am forgetting your telephone
I forget your telephone number.(right)
6. Nouns like news, innings, measles,
rickets, mumps, classics, economics,
politics etc are singular
The news are interesting (wrong)
The news is interesting (right)
Rewrite the following sentences after
necessary corrections.
1. Why you are preferring the radio than T.V?
2. Economics are my favourite subject.
3. I love the poetries of Wordsworth.
1. Why do you prefer the radio to T.V?
2. Economics is my favourite subject
3. I love the poetry of Wordsworth
Q.No. 46
Rewrite the following passage making the
improvements you think necessary.
2 marks
To answer this question use pronouns and
conjunctions to make improvements in the
1. This book contains many stories. They are
short. They are interesting. They are
delightful. All people like this book. The
children like this book in particular. The
children like this book because there are
stories about animals.
2. Once upon a time, there lived a rich man. He
lived in a town. He was eccentric. There
were people in the town. They were very
lazy. The rich man longed to find one thing.
He longed to find the laziest man in a town.
1. Answer:
This book contains many short interesting
stories. All the people, particularly children
like this book because there are stories
about animals.
2. Answer:
Once upon a time, there lived a rich,
eccentric man in a town full of lazy people.
He longed to find the laziest man in the
Class For Regular Updates:
Making Necessary Improvements
Q.No. 47-51
Read the following passage and answer
the questions given under it.
5 marks
Every day at 6am K.L. Viswanathan(71),
steps out of his small flat in a rundown
building in Mumbai and walks to a nearby
bookstall, for doing odd jobs at the stall.
Viswanathan is permitted by it's owner to
scan a number of newspapers and
magazines. Viswanathan is a careful reader.
But not of the articles. What he is interested
in are appeals from sick people who can't
afford to pay for their treatment. For
Viswanathan's mission in life is to raise
money for such patients.
In the last 13 years, Viswanathan has helped
raise over Rs. 14 lakh for treating around
150 patients all over India- a remarkable
achievement for a man who is not well-
connected and does not have much money
himself. The sums raised have varied from a
few hundred rupees, in the case of a man in
Andhra Pradesh who needed spine surgery
to nearly Rs. 1.1 lakh for a Calcutta girl
whose kidneys had failed. Twice, he even
persuaded Air-India to provide free tickets
to patients who had to travel abroad for
Viswanathan's fund-raising technique is as
simple as the man himself. He first writes to
the patient asking for a doctor's statement
authenticating the case and estimating the
cost of treatment. He then sends the patient
a list of around 150 charitable organizations
ranging from the Prime Minister's Relief
Fund to Rotary Clubs who are likely to help.
Occasionally, if he feels the case is
especially deserving, he writes to the
organizations himself.
1. Why does Viswanathan go to the
bookstall every day?
2. What does Viswanathan want to achieve
in life?
3. Viswanathan has helped raise Rs. 14
lakhs for treating patients all over India.
Why does the writer consider this a
remarkable achievement?
4. What is Viswanathan's technique in
raising funds?
5. What extra thing does he do in deserving
Read the following passage and answer
the questions
On 5
November, the youth wing of Child
Relief and You organized an event to
discuss issues related to child labour and
child rights. The event consisted of slide and
film shows, song and dance sequences by
the students of various local schools. Ashort
film to depict the lives of newspaper boys
and their rights was also screened.
The event stressed essentially four
rights for children-the right to survival, the
right to protection, the right to development
and the right to participation. The event
ended with candle-light vigil as a symbolic
show of support for the rights of the child
and child labour eradication. The students
sang. "We are the world" during the candle-
light vigil.
For Regular Updates: 10
1. Viswanathan goes to the nearby bookstall
everyday for doing odd jobs there.
2. Viswanathan wants to raise money for sick
people who cannot afford to pay for their
3. Viswanathan is not well-connected, nor
does he have much money himself. Yet he
has helped raise over Rs.14 Lakhs for sick
people all over India. The writer considers
this a remarkable achievement.
4. Viswanathan first writes to the patient
asking for doctor's statement authenticating
the case and estimating the cost of
treatment. He then sends the patient a list of
about 150 charitable organizations ranging
from the Prime Minister's Relief fund to
Rotary Clubs who are likely to help.
5. If he feels the case is especially deserving,
he writes to the organizations himself.
Questions :
1. What does CRY stand for ?
2. What were the two key issues that the
event focussed on ?
3. What are the four rights for children?
4. What was the short film on?
5. What does the title of the song. "We are
the world" suggest?
Q.No. 52
I. Read the following passage. (6x1/2=3)
People enjoy going to wildlife reserves and
sanctuaries. But, this is not always good for
the forest or it's wildlife. Modern hunters
shoot only with cameras and not with guns,
but all the same they can upset the lives of
the animals. The roar of jeep and vans, the
clicking of the cameras and the chatter of
tourists disturbs the peace and scares the
Animals, like the deer, are greatly tempted
by the food offered by the tourists. Such
food is not good for animals, and sometimes
they eat the plastic wrappers as well. This is
extremely dangerous for them.
Most people visit wildlife reserves during
the hot, dry season. This is the season when
plant life is struggling to stay alive. Sadly,
the grass and shrubs are destroyed by tourist
vehicles, and the feeding habits of grass
eating animals are disturbed.
Now read the following statements and find
SIX of them which are in agreement with
the passage. Write only the letters of the
TRUE statement.
a. Tourists are good for forests and it's wildlife.
b. Modern hunters shoot only with cameras.
c. The roar of jeep, clicking of cameras
disturbs and scares the animals.
d. Animals are not fed by people.
e. Deer sometimes eat plastic wrappers.
f. People visit wildlife during hot season.
g. Hot season is best for animals.
h. Plant life generally struggles to stay alive
during hot season.
i. Grass and shrubs are available in abundance
in hot season.
j. Feeding habits of grass eating animals are
disturbed in hot season.
II. Read the following passage. (6x1/2=3)
People who eat apples frequently are less
likely to have heart attacks or strokes or to
develop any of several kinds of cancer. The
apple's pectin, a soluble fibre found just
beneath the skin, can take some of the credit
because it helps regulate cholesterol. The
rest goes to plant chemicals called
flavonoids. Fruits are also good sources of
flavonoids, as well as fibre and vitamins and
minerals. Eating plenty of fruits is
associated with a lower risk of heart
diseases, high blood pressure and several
cancer. Fibre is another pulse that fruit
provide. In most fruits, some of the fibre is
soluble, which lowers blood cholesterol and
help prevents heart diseases. Moreover,
most fruits are also low in sodium high in
potassium-a combination that lowers the
risk of high blood pressure.
Now read the following statements and find
six of them which are in agreement with the
Write only the letters of the TRUE statements.
a. People who eat apples frequently will not
get cancer.
b. Flavonoids remove the cholesterol that
pectin cannot.
c. If you peel apples thickly you will lose most
of the pectin.
d. Flavonoids are a type of chemical found in
Class For Regular Updates:
1. CRY stands for Child Relief and You.
2. The two key issues the event focussed on
were child labour and child rights.
3. The four rights for children are: a) the right
to survival b) the right to protection c) the
right to development d)the right to
4. The short film was on the lives of
newspaper boys and their rights.
5. The title of the song. 'We are the World'
suggests a symbolic show of support for
the rights of the child and child labour
e. Flavonoids provide us with fibre, vitamins
and minerals.
f. People with high blood pressure should eat
plenty of fruits.
g. People with high blood pressure should eat
less sodium and more potassium.
h. The fibre found in fruit dissolves in the
i. High cholesterol can cause blood pressure.
j. Pectin and flavonoids present in apples give
them their disease.
Q.No. 53-55
Human beings have a much poorer sense of
smell than animals which hunt their prey or
have to be cosnstantly on the look out for
enemies. If the wind is in the right direction,
a deer can smell a person 800 meters (half a
mile) away. Adog can follow the faint scent
left by a rabbit in its tracks or detect the
smell of crushed grass where the rabbit has
passed over it. Not only is the human sense
of smell poor, but it also gets used to odours
easily. If a person sniffs at a week smell for
few minutes, he is soon unable to smell it at
Now complete the following statements. In
each case, write down the letter of your
choice in the space provided. (1 )
1. According to the passage [ ]
a) animals have a better sense of smell than
human beings
b) human beings can smell strong odours
better than animals
c) a deer has a better sense of smell than dogs
2. Human beings have a much poorer sense
of smell than [ ]
a) animals such as the dog and the deer
b) animals which hunt their prey
c) animals which are generally found in forests
3. In addition to being poor, the human
sense of smell [ ]
a) cannot detect weak smells
b) gets used to odours easily
c) is not well developed.
ANSWERS : I. 1.A 2.B 3.C
II. Read the following passage.
The antenna of a devilfish cannot be cut, it
is a leathery substance upon which a knife
make no impression ; it slip under the blade
; to sever it would be to wound severely the
victim's own flesh. The creature is
formidable. but there is a way of resisting it.
In fact it's only vulnerable part is it's head.
James avoided the antenna. and at the very
instant the monster derted forward he struck
it with his knife. There were two convulsive
movements in opposite direction-that of the
devilfish and that of James. James had
plunged the blade of his knife into the fat,
slimy substance and wrenched off its head.
Now complete the following statements. In each
case, Write down the number of the statement
and your choice in your answer book.
1. The antenna of devilfish cannot be cut,
because ( )
a) it is a tough leathery substance
b) it is very formidable
c) it is very vulnerable
2. James stuck his knife into the devilfish
and ( )
a. wrenched off its antenna
b. wrenched off its head
c. wrenched off its stomach
3. James struck when the monster ( )
a. darted forward
b. slipped under the blade of his knife
c. moved in the opposite direction
ANSWERS : I. 1.A 2.B 3.A
For Regular Updates: 10

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