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Generic writing rubrics for assessment of coursework

Score Task description

5 A response at this level largely achieves all of the following:
Fully answers all aspects of the task in sufficient depth.
Selects appropriate information from sources with clear and accurate citation.
Has a suitable introduction and conclusion with a clearly organized sequence of paragraphs which follow a
general to specific structure. Definitions, explanations and examples are clearly and appropriately used.
Develops ideas from familiar to new using summarizing noun phrases and sentence linking devices to help a
reader follow the logical thread of the text.
Uses a wide range of functional language and academic vocabulary appropriate for the essay question.
Mistakes are not significant.
4 A response at this level largely achieves all of the following:
Answers the task in sufficient depth to cover the main points.
Mainly selects appropriate information from sources but with some errors in citation.
Has an introduction and conclusion with an organized sequence of paragraphs which mostly follow a general
to specific structure. Definitions, explanations and examples are appropriate and sufficient.
Mainly develops ideas from familiar to new using summarizing noun phrases and sentence linking devices
which largely help a reader follow the logical thread of the text.
Uses a good range of functional language and academic vocabulary appropriate for the essay question.
Some mistakes occur, but do not prevent understanding.
3 A response at this level is marked by one or more of the following:
The main points are covered but there may be some unnecessary or irrelevant ideas.
Information selected is not always appropriate. Citation from the source text contains many errors.
The introduction and conclusion may be too brief. The organization of paragraphs may show some
weaknesses. Some paragraphs do not follow a general to specific structure. Definitions, explanations and
examples are not fully developed.
Ideas may not develop from familiar to new. Absence or incorrect use of summarizing noun phrases or
sentence linking devices leads to misunderstanding.
Some functional language is used but vocabulary is not always appropriate for the essay question.
Repeated mistakes occur which sometimes prevent understanding.
2 A response at this level may reveal one or more of the following weaknesses:
Not all aspects of the task are covered or not in enough depth.
Information selected is not appropriate. Citation from the source text is absent or incorrect.
There may not be a suitable introduction or conclusion. Attempts to sequence the paragraphs are evident
but insufficient. Most paragraphs do not follow a general to specific structure. Inappropriate or insufficient
definitions, explanations and examples to support generalizations in response to the task.
The text lacks coherence. Absence of summarizing noun phrases or sentence linking devices makes it
difficult for the reader to follow the ideas or understand the text.
There is only limited use of functional language and inappropriate vocabulary choice.
There are a large number of serious mistakes. Meaning is often unclear.
1 A response at this level is seriously flawed by one or more of the following weaknesses:
Misses the topic entirely or is much shorter than the required length.
The writer clearly has not understood the ideas in the source text. Or the writer has plagiarized large parts
of the source text with or without appropriate citation.
The essay is unstructured or structured in such a way that prevents understanding.
The text is incoherent. Very few sentence linking devices appear and these are usually used incorrectly.
The writer has very little control over grammar and vocabulary and is unable to make the meaning clear to a
0 An essay at this level
is unconnected to the topic or is copied from sources or the writer has only produced one or two sentences.

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