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Alphalary for Descriptive adjectives (460)
A) Able, Abundant, Accepting, Accommodating, Active, Addictive, Adequate, Aggressive,
Amazing, Amiable, Amicable, Amusing, Antagonistic, Anxious, Anxious, Apathetic, Aquatic,
Arrogant, Articulate, Artistic, Attentive, Attractive, Authoritative, Awesome
B) Barren, Benevolent, Biodegradable, Blase, Bold, Bonding, Boorish, Bountiful, Braggart,
Brave, Brilliant, Buoyancy, Busy, Buzz
C) Callow, Captious, CARING, Celestial, Charm, Chaste, Cheat, Cheerful, Churlish, Civil,
Clean, Clever, Coastal, Cold, Colossal, Combustible, Comfortable, Commercial,
Communicative, Compact, Competitive, Compulsive, Confident, Conflicted, Congenial,
Conscientious, Conservative, Considerate, Conspicuous, Contemptible, Contiguous,
COOPERATIVE, Cordial, COURAGEOUS, Courteous, Covetous, Creative, Critical, Critical,
Crucial, Crude, Culpable, Curious, Current, Curt, Cynical
D) Decent, Decorous, Defensive, Deferential, Deft, Dejected, Delightful, Demeaning, Demise,
Dependable, Deplorable, Depressed, Destructive, Devious, Devoted, Dictatorial, Diligent,
Diminutive, Diplomatic, Discreet, Disdainful, Dishonesty, Dishonorable, Disposable,
Disrespectful, Distracted, Docile, Downcast, Dynamic, Dynamic
E) Earnest, Earthy, Ecological, Efficient, Egotistical, Electrifying, Elitist, Empathetic,
Endangered, Endemic, Energetic, Enigmatic, Enthusiastic, Esteemed, Estimable, Ethical,
Euphoric, Evergreen, Exclusive, Expectant, Explosive, Exquisite, Extravagant, Extrovert,
F) FAIR, Faithful, Fallow, Falseness, Famous, Fancy, Ferocious, Fertile, Fervent, Fervid,
Fibrous, Fierce, Flexible, Focused, Forgiving, Forlorn, Frailty
G) Generous, Genial, Genteel, Gentle, Genuine, Gifted, Gigantic, Glib, Gloomy, Good,
Gorgeous, Grace, Gracious, Grand, Grateful, Gravity, Green, Grouchy, Guilty, Guilty,
H) Happy, Hard-hearted, Healing, Heedless, Helpfulness, Heroic, HONEST, Honorable,
Hopeful, Hostile, Humane, Humble, Humorous, Hygienic, Hysterical
I) Idealistic, Idolize, Ignoble, Ignorant, Ill-tempered, Impartial, Impolite, Improper, Imprudent,
Impudent, Indecent, Indecorous, Indifference, Indigenous, Industrious, Ingenuous, Innocent,
Innovative, Insightful, Insolent, Inspirational, Instructive, Insulting, Intense, Intense, Intense,
Intolerant, Introvert, Intuitive, Inventive, Investigative, Irascible, Irresponsible
J) Jaundiced, Jealous, Jealous, Jocular, Jolly, Jovial, Joyful, Jubilant, Just, Juvenile
K) Keen, Kind, Kindred, Knowledgeable
L) Liberal, Listener, Loathsome, Loving, LOYAL
M) Magical, Magnificence, Magnificent, Malevolent, Malicious, Mammoth, Manipulative,
Marine, Mastery, Meddling, Meritorious, Meticulous, Migratory, Minuscule, Miserable,
Mistrustful, Modest, Moral, Mysterious
N) Naive, Nascent, Native, Natural, Natural, Nature, Needy, Nefarious, Negative, Neglected,
Neglectful, Negligent, Nice, Noble, Notorious
O) Obedient, Observant, Open, Open-minded, Opinionated, Oppressive, Orderly, Oriented,
Original, Outrageous, Outspoken
P) Parasitic, Partial, Passionate, Patient, Perceptive, Personable, Personal, Petulant,
Pleasant, Poise, Polite, Pollutant, Popular, Popular, Powerful, Prejudicial, Preposterous,
Pretentious, Prideful, Principled, Pristine, Prompt, Proper, PUNCTUAL, Purposeful
Q) Quaint, Quarrelsome, Quick, Quiet, Quiet, Quirky
R) Radioactive, Rancorous, Rational, Reasonable, Reckless, Refined, Reflective, RELIANT,
Remarkable, Remorseful, Renewable, Reproductive, Repugnant, Resilient, Resilient,
Resolute, Resourceful, Respectful, Responsible, Responsive, Restorative, Reverent, Rotting,
Rude, Ruthless
S) Sadness, Safe, Scornful, Scrumptious, Selfish, Sensible, Sensitive, Sharing, Simple,
Sober, Solar, Solemn, Solitary, Soluble, Sour, Spatial, Special, Splendid, Splendid, Staunch,
Staunch, Stern, Stunning, Successful, Sullen, Superb, Superior, Supportive, Surly,
Suspicious, Sweet, Sympathetic
T) Tactful, Taint, Temperate, Temperate, Tenacious, Terrific, Testy, Thoughtful, Thoughtless,
Tolerant, Towering, Toxic, Treacherous, Tropical, TRUSTWORTHY, Truthful
U) Ultimate, Ultimate, Uncivil, Uncouth, Undeveloped, Unethical, Unfair, Unique, Unique,
United, Unity, Unmannerly, Unrefined, Unsavory, Unworthy, Uplifting, Upright, Uproot,
V) Valiant, Veracious, Versatile, Vicious, Vigilant, Vigilant, Vigorous, Vile, Villainous, Virtuous,
Visible, Visible, Vivacious, Vocal, Volatile, Volunteering, Vulnerable
W) Warm, Wary, Waspish, Watchful, Welcoming, Wicked, Wild, Willingness, Winning,
Winsome, Wise, Wishy-washy, Wistful, Witty, Woeful, Wonderful, Worldwide, Worrier,
Worthwhile, Worthy
Y) Yearning, Yielding, Yielding, Yourself, Youthful
Z) Zany, Zealot, Zealous, Zealous, Zero-tolerant
Descriptive Adjectives of Emotion, Mood, Feelings by grade level word list:
Grades 3-5 descriptive adjectives:
affectionate, content, curious, depressed, devoted, disturbed, grateful, impatient, negative, reluctant
Grades 6-8 descriptive adjectives::
belligerent, compassionate, conicted, deant, dejected, hostile, inquisitive, motivated, perceptive, sentimental

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