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Focus: Reading

Learning Standard(s): 2.1.2 (f) /ks/, 2.2.1

Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
i. read sentences correctly and
ii. replace pictures with the correct words.
Time: !" #inutes
Teaching Aid(s): pictures, sentence strips, reading te$t
Cross Curricular
Set Induction:
a. 'eacher leads pupils to sing the ()* +)* B)* ,)*- song. (.ppendi$
b. 'eacher shows pictures and pupils identify ob/ects. (.ppendi$ 1)
c. 'eacher shows the word on the board as pupils identify each ob/ect.
Ste !:
a. 'eacher shows pictures one at a ti#e. (.ppendi$ 0)
b. 'eacher introduces the corresponding lines orally.
c. 'eacher puts up the sentence strips. (.ppendi$ 1)
d. 2upils repeat after teacher.
e. 'eacher carries out chain reading.
)rganise pupils into groups.
2upils read aloud the line as instructed by the teacher.
Repeat a few rounds.
a. 2upils read the te$t aloud.
b. 2upils co#plete the e$ercise.
.224567* 1
Picture of a fox Picture of a box
The number six
Picture of an ox
Picture of a man fixing a door.
Arrow pointing to the fixing
.224567* 2
O"# $o"# bo" and So"
La lala lala
O"# $o"# bo" and So"
Laaaa lalalalala
I"# $i"# %i" and Si"
La lala lala
I"# $i"# %i" and Si"
Sung to the tune o$ &%ro'n (irl in The )ing* b+ %one+ ,-
()e$er to .outube $or the tune)
.224567* 0
Picture of a man fixing a door,
arrow pointing to the fixing action
Picture of a lady mixing some flour
and butter in a big bowl, arrow
pointing to her action of mixing
Picture of an ox named Dix Picture of the number 6
.224567* 1
So" is a $o"-
So" sits on a bo"-
%i" is an o"-
%i" li/es to $i"-
So" is si" +ears old-
%i" is si" $eet tall-

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