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Ingvar Johansson

Telefon: 0370-81060, 070-5833116
Toronto ove!ber 5, "013
Anskan om KONSTRUKTR i IAB Protool AB , Vrnamo, annons-ID: 00!-!"##$
#$ na!e is %etri&a To!a an' I fo(n' $o(r position a'vertise!ent on arbetsfor!e' )ith this
letter I *ant to appl$ for it.
I a! &(rrentl$ *or+ing as ,esign -ngineer at .*it&hing .ol(tions In&. I a! espe&iall$ e/perien&e' *ith
rapi' protot$ping an' preparation of protot$pes, 'e!onstrate' abilit$ to be &reative an' innovative, an'
profi&ient *ith !o'eling0anal$sis soft*are, parti&(larl$ 3, !o'eling. #oreover, I have goo'
+no*le'ge in %ro-ngineer an' .oli' )or+s, an' !ore than 5 $ears in !e&hani&al &onstr(&tion.
In a''ition, I have e/tensive e/perien&e *ith a *i'e variet$ of !an(fa&t(ring an' pro'(&tion pro&esses.
1s a person, I a! intereste' to 'evelop an' learn, having interest in te&hnolog$. #$ 23 provi'es a
s(!!ar$ of !$ e'(&ation, ba&+gro(n', an' e/perien&e, b(t I strongl$ feel that '(ring the &o(rse of a
personal intervie* !$ potential for !a+ing a signifi&ant &ontrib(tion to $o(r &o!pan$ gro*th &an be
!ore f(ll$ 'e!onstrate'.
I an' !$ *ife, *ho is a 'entist, 'e&i'e' to !ove to .*e'en an' f(rther 'evelop o(r &areer. I have also a
strong personal !otivation as !$ sister-in-la* lives *ith her fa!il$ in .to&+hol!. .he 'i' her %h, in
4arolins+a Instit(tet an' her h(sban' is a %rofessor in 5o$al Instit(te of Te&hnolog$. 1''itionall$, I
believe *e have the potential to learn .*e'ish ver$ fast as !$ *ife an' I spea+ fl(entl$ three lang(ages.
I &onsi'er learning .*e'ish is e/tre!el$ i!portant in or'er to &o!!(ni&ate an' &ollaborate *ith the
&olleag(es in a *or+pla&e.
%lease feel free to &onta&t !e an$ ti!e if $o( nee' f(rther infor!ation.
6oo+ing for*ar' to hear fro! $o( an' to 'is&(ss !$ 7(alifi&ations in !ore 'etail8
4in' regar's,
%etri&a To!a
--!ail: petri&!a@g!ail.&o!
#obile: 9 1 :;16<-==3-"8"0

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