Madagascar Pamphlet

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Madagascar is the 4th largest island in the world that is off the
coast of southeast Africa. Containing the 3rd largest coral reef in
the world, i t is a great vacation spot that is unique and filled wi th
Madagascar contains more than 22
million people. Although there are a
lot of people, don't expect anyone
over the age of the 70, because
most people die before they reach
that age. But, even with the life
expentancy age being lower than
the United States, the death rate is 7
out of 1,000 people die each year
which is a lot lower than the United
States. And a cool thing to visit and
see in Madagascar is a burial tomb
where the dead bodies are put in.
Madagascar has a lot of French inuenced
things in their culture. You may hear people
speak French or Malagasy, both ofcial
languages, but English is used a lot as well,
with Madagascar being a great vacation spot.
Many of the people there are Cotiers, French,
Indian, and Malayo-Indonesian. It seems like
Madagascar is a very different culture but we
share a lot of similarities. For one, 52% of the
people there have their own indigenous
beliefs! but most of the others are Christians,
like a lot of Americans. You can celebrate a lot
of the same holidays, like Christmas and
Easter, but they have their own holidays Like
their own Independence Day on June 26.


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