Digital Portfolio

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Digital Portfolio

Your final portfolio is a chance for you to show me all of the work you’ve done through
the semester and to demonstrate how you have developed as a writer during this time.
Your portfolio will be graded based on inclusion of all required elements, as well as your
ability to reflect meaningfully on your work.

Checklist: /10

____Introductory letter* ___Blog reflection (w/ link to blog)*

____Ethnography final draft ___Rhetorical remix video
____Ethnography writer’s memo ___Rhetorical remix paper
____Rhetorical analysis paper (with video) ___Rhetorical remix writer’s memo
____Rhetorical analysis writer’s memo ___Multiple perspectives paper
____Multiple perspectives writer’s memo
*explained below

Introductory letter: /25

Open your portfolio with a three-four page reflective introduction letter. Please address
the following:
• What have you learned about the writing process/you as a writer this semester,
and how is that borne out in the pieces you’ve written?
• What is your strongest piece of the semester? Why?
• Which piece would you most like to revise? How would you go about that?
• What do you still need to work on with your writing?
• How will you apply what you’ve learned in this class to your major?
• What did you get out of being in a digital section of 111? Would you choose
differently if you had to do it over again?
• Anything else you would like to share

Blog reflection: /15

Review your blog and the entries that you’ve made throughout the semester.
• Which are your two strongest entries? Why?
• Is the blog genre different from other writing scenarios? How?
• Would you ever consider keeping your own blog? How public would you make
TOTAL: /50

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