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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 1 de 5

Unit Studying Plan Template

Units Author
Name and Last Name Taisha Ivette Innis Williams de Mendoza
School Name Centro Educativo Repblica de China (Taiwn)
Schools Location Las Garzas de Pacora, Panam Este
Other pertinent information
Our school opened its door on the 24th of February,
2013, under the leadership of Ricardo Martinelli B.,
President of the Panama Republic and executed by the
Ministry of Education M.B. Lucy Molinar.
Unit Description
Units Tittle
We never stop moving!

Units Summary
Through this topic, students will identify the different types of means of transportation present in their
surrounding community. They will have to recognize all the ways to get from one place to another, with the aim
to create a real connection between the transportation system and their daily activities. Students will be visiting
a web page created by their teacher for the purpose. They will also be given the opportunity to interact within
themselves, through completing an online pre-test, on, as well as, with some other technological
resources for the brainstorming and discussion of ideas and opinions. Student will watch informative sequence of
images through a movie maker presentation and investigate about those means more commonly used by them
and their families on an everyday basis. It is very important to highlight another focus of this project on the
aspect of having student to understand and appreciate the behavior to be observed when using the different
forms of transportation.

Subject/s Curricular Area/s
English (all four blocks: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Oral Expression) / Means of Transportation
Social Science / Transportation System as a habitual part of life.
Computer Science / Technological Tools (Google Drive, Weebly, Montage, Lync, others.)
Music Arts (Means of Transportation song)

Third Graders A, B, and C.

Time needed
Eight periods of classes of forty two minutes each.

Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 2 de 5

Units Aim

Means of Transportation
Bus, Taxi, Metro, Bike, Train,
Horse, Boat, Airplane, and

Identifying means of
transportation in
different sources.

Listing and describing means
of transportation.

Asking and giving
information about the
usage of transportation.
Promoting the safe and
responsible use of means
of transportation.

Being polite when he/she
use of the means of

Being aware of
transportation in his/her

Learning Objetives
After completing this lesson, students will be able to perform the following tasks with minimal difficulty; learning
the rules of the different forms of transportation, such as the public bus, learn how behave when traveling on a
public transportation, and also recognize all the possible ways of transportation.

Identifies each type of means of transportation and the sources it uses for moving.
Prepares a creative chart with his favorite mean.
Reflects about the frequency of transportation system in his/her community.
Explains the expected behavior to be observed on a public transportation.
Presents the material learned orally.

Guided question focused on the units studying plan
Esencial question

How can people move from one place to another? Is there
something that help you move?

Units question

How did you come to school this morning? Do you come to
school the same way every day?

Content question
Mention the public means of transportation you know and how
should be your behavior when traveling on one of them?

Evaluation plan
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 3 de 5

Cronograma de evaluaciones

Opening class
Class development activities Closing class activities

New words
Watch a video and
listen to a song
Active participation in
class activities
(learning a song)

Copybook illustration.
Worksheet activities.
Written practices.
Build your favorite mean of

Means of transportation
My Favorite Mean

Evaluations Summary
Opening Evaluations

As to begin this topic, the teacher will provide students with an online pre-test found at to diagnose the general knowledge of students about the topic to be
taught. Then the teacher will present to students a SQA chart where they will be asked, what do they know
about means of transportation?; and give some examples according to their sources of movement. With this
information compiled we will fill out the first column of our SQA chart. Then students will watch a video about
the topic, taking notes of relevant information to proceed to a discussion circle where we all, would exchange
our opinions and ideas about the visual presentation. This will help them out to complete the two remaining
columns of their SQA chart. The teacher will invite students to sing along the new song and make the
movements involved in it.
Development Evaluations
During the development of the evaluation process, students will copy a vocabulary which must be illustrated
with pictures related to the topic, in class the teacher will prepare a large chart with each of the transportation
sources (land, water and air), and proceed to make original and creative drawings of means of transportation
which will be paste on the chart.

Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 4 de 5

Closing Evaluations
To complete this evaluation process, students will present a funny dramatization of a day making use of the
public transportation system. For this they have had to already complete a selected mean of transportation
made out of cardboard, and show to the class the behavior and manners to be observed, through a moral
message at the end of their presentations. In class, prior to the presentation day they will be rehearsing with
the guidance of the teacher. Finally, students will be presenting a post-test, where they will share their
learning experiences throughout this topic.

Units Details
Prior Habilities


Possess a simple vocabulary background.
Recognizes pictures and sounds of transportation means when seen and listened to.
Reads labels and short information found in books and on the board.
After listening for a few times he/she engages in learning a song presented by the teacher.


Knows how to handle simple technological tools.
Creates innovative works when assigned.
Participates in working teams.
Prepares and present speeches, songs and dramatization related to the studied topic.


Students are taken to the front opened area of the school to observe at a specific point. Teacher remains
completely in silent, while students react in a variety of ways. They are taken back to the class where they are
asked an opened question, what did you see moving up and down the road? Can you name some of the thing
you see? And then they will be introduced to the topic to be studied. They will be shown videos and flashcard
with the involved vocabulary, complete written and artistic activities through fun and educational worksheets,
present homework assignments and prepare charts and mockups involved in a team groups. Teacher would be
constantly monitoring students progress and participation, recognizing his/her enthusiasms and receiving their
feedbacks after each day lessons basis.

Curricular differentiation / adequacy
Students with
special needs
Students with special need would be given easier and shorter assignments to be
mostly done at school with the help of the English teacher. They would be directly
involved within the class working groups with specific assignments to be done only by

Non Spanish-
Non Spanish speaker students would be taught the given topic with the help of much
more visual materials (flashcards, take home flying sheets, and videos), constant
repetition drills would not left out, and they would be allowed to translate only into
Spanish any questions or material that might result slightly difficult to understand at
a specific moment.

Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 5 de 5

Super star
These students would be involved in more technological and investigative
assignments. Extra material would be prepared for them, as to keep their minds
active, even after completing the programmed activities of the day. Only those
students that show interest in helping out some of their classmates with any types of
needs would be guided on what to do to help them out. Eventually, all super star
students would be inspired and challenged to help out their special needs and non-
Spanish speaking classmates.
Needed materials and resources
Technology Hardware (necessary equipment)

Digital Camera
Internet Access
Projector device system
Video Camera
Video conference equipment
Other (Smart Board)
Technology Software (needed)

Data Base / Spreadsheet
Publication Scheme
E-mail program(s)
CD-ROM encyclopedia
Images Editor
Web searcher

Website development
Printed Materials
Textbook, flashcards, worksheets, charts, drawings.

Internet and key words Access
Smart Board remote control

Internet resources
Opening activities

Video and song


Pre and Post test

Other Resources
Pencil, eraser, cardboard, hard carboard, water paints, markers, images,
colored pencils, notebooks, others.

Los programas de Intel Educacin son financiados por la Fundacin Intel y la Corporacin Intel.
Derechos reservados 2008, Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Intel, el logo de Intel, la iniciativa de Intel Educacin y el
Programa Intel Educar son marcas registradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pases. *Otros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.

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