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Avaya Communications Manager 5&6, Aura Messaging, Netra Call Management System,

Intuity/Audix Interactive Voice Resonse, and Contact Center Control Manager!

1. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
2. Advanced Router Confguration
3. Backup Using TTP
!. Basic "e#ugging
$. Basic Router Confguration
%. Basic &'o( Co))ands
*. Cisco "iscover+ Protocol (C"P)
,. Confguring "o)ain -a)e &+ste) ("-&)
.. Confguring /Pv%
10. Confguring -et(ork Ti)e Protocol (-TP) Aut'entication
11. Confguring 1pen &'ortest Pat' irst (1&P)
12. Confguring PPP2PAP2C3AP
13. Confguring Router /nter4aces
1!. Confguring &tatic and 1&Pv3 Routing
1$. Confguring Telnet on Catal+st 2.$0 &(itc'es
1%. Confguring Trunking on Catal+st 2.$0 &(itc'es
1*. Confguring 56A-s on a Catal+st 2.$0 &(itc'
1,. Confr)ing t'e -et(ork Confguration
1.. Creating a 3ost Ta#le
20. "e4ault Routes
21. "eleting 56A-s on a Catal+st 2.$0 &(itc'
22. "3CP ("+na)ic 3ost Confguration Protocol)
23. "3CP Rela+ Agents
2!. "+na)ic -AT
2$. 7n'ancing &(itc' &ecurit+
2%. 78tended Access 6ists
2*. ra)e Rela+
2,. ra)e Rela+ 3u#2and2&poke
2.. /9RP
30. /9RP Routes
31. /)ple)enting /Pv%
32. /)ple)enting -et(ork Address Translation (-AT)
33. /nitial &(itc' Confguration
3!. /P Addressing
3$. /P Addressing on Catal+st 2.$0 &(itc'es
3%. 6oop#ack /nter4aces
3*. :an+2to21ne -AT
3,. -a)ed Access 6ists (AC6)
3.. -AT overloading 2 PAT
!0. -AT Pool
!1. -u)#ered Access 6ists
!2. 1&P
!3. Router Basics
!!. Router Re)ote Access via Telnet
!$. Routing /n4or)ation Protocol (R/P)
!%. &aving Router Confgurations
!*. &etting up a &erial /nter4ace
!,. &tandard Access 6ists (AC6)
!.. &tatic -et(ork Address Translation (-AT)
$0. &tatic Routes
$1. &(itc' and ;orkstation Confguration
$2. &(itc' Basics Part
$3. Telnet
$!. Testing Connectivit+ (it' Traceroute
$$. Trivial ile Trans4er Protocol (TTP)
$%. Trou#les'ooting PPP2PAP2C3AP
$*. Trou#les'ooting R/P
$,. Using t'e /nitial &+ste) Confguration "ialog 4or /nitial &(itc' Confguration
$.. 5aria#le 6engt' &u#net :asks (56&:)

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