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July 27, 2014

Melissa Bisel
1981 E. 104
Grant, MI 49327
(231) 7807833
Ms. &u%ra 'els(n&rnett
'urse Mana"er)es(ur*e +enter
S,e*tru# -ealth
100 Mi*hi"an St. 'E
Gran%, )a,i%s, MI 49.4/
0ear Ms. 'els(n&rnett1
In &u"ust, I 2ill 3e "ra%uatin" !r(# 4erris State 5ni6ersity 2ith a Ba*hel(r (! S*ien*e in
'ursin" an% Business &%#inistrati(n. 7(u 2ill see that #y e8,erien*e #at*hes the 9uali!i*ati(ns
liste% !(r this ,(siti(n.
I ha6e si"ni!i*ant e8,erien*e 2(r:in" in h(s,itals an% #e%i*al *enters. M(st re*ently, I ha6e
3een at S,e*tru# -ealth Butter2(rth (n / -eart, +ar%ia* an% 4 -eart, I+5. ;ith "ui%an*e !r(#
#y ,re*e,t(r an% (ther nursin" sta!!, I ha6e ,er!(r#e% su*h nursin" %uties as I< thera,y, 3l((%
trans!usi(ns, an% *atheter inserti(n. =his e8,erien*e has all(2e% #e t( in*rease #y nursin" s:ills
2hile als( ,r(6i%in" a 3r(a%er 3ase (! #e%i*al :n(2le%"e. 0urin" the ,ast year an% a hal!, I
ha6e 2(r:e% at S,e*tru# -ealth 2here I "aine% nursin" s:ills 2hile als( %eli6erin" t(tal ,atient
*are. 0urin" this ti#e I ha6e als( 6(lunteere% as a sa!ety *(a*h, this all(2s #e t( ensure ,atient
9uality an% sa!ety.
In a%%iti(n t( #y nursin" s:ills, I 2ill 3rin" lea%ershi, an% str(n" (r"ani>ati(n s:ills t(
S,e*tru# -ealth. 0urin" #y ti#e at 4erris State 5ni6ersity they ha6e tau"ht #e t( #ana"e
#ulti,le tas:s si#ultane(usly 2hile #aintainin" enthusias# !(r the ,r(?e*t at han%. My
,re*e,t(rs an% a%6is(rs ha6e *(##ente% (n #y a3ility t( *(#!(rta3ly 3alan*e #y *(urse 2(r:
an% *lini*al e8,erien*es 2ith #y stu%ent lea%ershi, ,(siti(ns.
I 2el*(#e the (,,(rtunity t( %is*uss this ,(siti(n in ,ers(n at y(ur *(n6enien*e. I 2ill *(nta*t
y(u in the ne8t 2ee: t( !(ll(2 u,. I! there is any a%%iti(nal in!(r#ati(n y(u 2(ul% li:e #e t(
,r(6i%e, ,lease !eel !ree t( *(nta*t #e at the in!(r#ati(n a3(6e. I a# ea"er t( a,,ly #y ener"y,
enthusias# an% e8,erien*e t( S,e*tru# -ealth an% l((: !(r2ar% t( hearin" !r(# y(u s((n.
=han: y(u !(r y(ur ti#e an% *(nsi%erati(n.
Melissa Bisel

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