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i am in northern uganda (apac district) where1 there is no internet save this hallowed wifi that i've accessed on a coworker's phone2 there is
only cold water3 there is occasional electricity4 children scream in fright upon seeing me.... and it is amazing
for those of you who responded aout the skype! thanks .... and to the one of you who said you've put on credit! no no no! that's the whole
point! skype"to"skype is free and i only wanted you all to have it so that in a pinch we could use its te#ting feature $sighs$ oh well! too late now
when i return to kampala i'll send a etter synopsis of this northern adventure
and oh yeah! my phone was stolen so don't try to contact me through it
if you direly need me! i can e contacted at %2&' ((&43)'(( ut i honestly can't imagine that you would need to do so! and indeed! as the rates
would e e#oritant from this end i kindly ask that you don't (seriously! even if one of you goofalls kicked the ucket i wouldn't e ale to
reach an airport

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