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1. A free electron has a wave function

where x is in eters. !in" its #a$ "e %ro&lie wavelen&th' #($ oentu'
an" #c$ )inetic ener&* in electron volts.
2. A +uantu ,article in an in-nitel* "ee, s+uare well has a wave
function &iven (*

for . / 0 an" 1ero otherwise. #a$ 2eterine the e/,ectation value of
x. #($ 2eterine the ,ro(a(ilit* of -n"in& the ,article near the (*
calculatin& the ,ro(a(ilit* that the ,article lies in the ran&e ..34.L x
..51.L. #c$ What If? 2eterine the ,ro(a(ilit* of -n"in& the ,article
near #6$L (* calculatin& the ,ro(a(ilit* that the ,article lies in the
ran&e ..23.L x ..27.L.#"$ Ar&ue that the result of ,art #a$ "oes not
contra"ict the results of ,arts #($ an" #c$.
8. 9)etch #a$ the wave function :#x$ an" #($ the ,ro(a(ilit* "ensit*;:#x$;
the n < 3 state of a +uantu ,article in a -nite ,otential well.
3. =alculate the transission ,ro(a(ilit* for +uantu echanical tunnellin&
in each of the followin& cases.#a$ An electron with an ener&* "e-cit of >-E
< ..1.e? is inci"ent on a (arrier of wi"th 0 < .1..n .#($ An electron with
an ener&* "e-cit of 1...e? is inci"ent on the sae (arrier. #c$ An al,ha
,article #ass 7.75 / 1.
)&$ with an ener&* "e-cit of 1 Me? is inci"ent on
a (arrier of wi"th 1f.#"$ An A )&. %owlin& (all with an ener&* "e-cit of 1B is
inci"ent on a (arrier of wi"th 2c.
5. 9u,,ose a +uantu ,article is tra,,e" in its &roun" state in a (o/ that has
in-nite hi&h walls. Cow su,,ose the left han" wall is su""enl* lowere" to a
-nite hei&ht an" wi"th. #a$Dualitativel* s)etch the wave function for the
,article a short tie later.#($Ef the (o/ has a len&th 0' what is the
wavelen&th of the wave that ,enetrate the left han" wallF
7. A +uantu si,le haronic oscillator consists of an electron (oun" (* a
restorin& force ,ro,ortional to its ,osition relative to a certain e+uili(riu
,oint. The ,ro,ortionalit* constant is A.44CG. What is the lon&est
wavelen&th of li&ht that can e/cite the oscillatorF

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