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Example Data dictionary

(Taken from the CDC Manual: Indicators and methods for cross sectional surveys of
vitamin and mineral status of populations)
A Data Dictionary is a document that describes the basic organiation of a database!
Typically a data dictionary "ill contain a list of variables in the database as "ell as the
assigned variable names and a description of each type of variable (e!g! character#
numeric# dates)! The data dictionary should also include the values accepted for each
variable# and any helpful comments such as important e$clusions and skip patterns!
The data dictionary is used primarily for data analysis!
%ariable %ariable name %ariable type %ariable &idth %alues'notes
(articipant ID
ID )umeric * ++,-.++
Cluster number C/01T23 )umeric 4 ,-*+
Age in months A52 )umeric 4!, 6!+-7.!.
Date of birth D89 dd'mm'yyyy ,-*,',-,4',.++-
1e$ 12: )umeric , , ; male 4 ;
Date of survey 103%2< dd'mm'yyyy ,7'+6'4++= >
@emoglobin @9 )umeric 4!, =!+ > ,?!+
0rinary iodine 0I )umeric =!, +!+ > ,+++!+
Iodine levels in
salt based on
rapid test kit
I8DI)2 )umeric 4 +#A# ,7# *+

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