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Case 1
a) Prabhu lal is completely justified in his complaint. He believes
that company has missed a number of opportunities to obtain good
contract. He does not have any authorities to make any decision or
commitment. He has to depend on the technical experts so he is
unable to make any contribution
b) To improve such a situation the company should give maximum
possible authorities to such sincere and hard working employees
like Prabhu lal so that they can contribute properly and help the
company in maximum possible way
Case 2
a) The company has outdated and bureaucratic organization
structure. t re!uires a change and flexibility" it should adopt a
decentralized type of organizational structure to make it more
flexible so that the company can compete in today#s highly
dynamic environment.
Case 3
$r. %aushik" the most dependable manager of the company&'harat
product ltd.). he is an all rounder who is paying attention to all the
issues going in the company. He is performing the job of a
manager in exellent manner.
'ut his managerial style can be further improved if his work load
is reduced. He should not be called for very small issues so that he
can perform his duties with full concentration should be increased
to encourage him so that he can further improve himself and give
more contribution to the company.
Case 4
a) The company (ujoy industries ltd. Has a problem with its
worker who are very socialized. The company wants that its
worker should pays full attention to the work instead of talking
each other about other things. )ue to this problem the production
of company is low.
b) *es" the president has taken a classical"neoclassical or modern
theory view of the productivity issue. The production of a company
depends much on its worker. f the worker are not paying attention
on their work and are engaged in other activities then the
production will be definitely poor. (o the president has made a
good plan to enable the worker to earn more if they do their work
with full attention.
c) n this case study the president has made a very good plan to
improve the work force in its plan. This plan will improve the
working condition in the company in order to get more income.
The worker will pay full attention to their work and the production
will improve.

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