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Rental Agreement

Applicant information
Date of birth: Ssn: Phone:
Current address:
City: State: ZIP Code:
Own Rent (Please circle) onthly !ayment or rent: "ow lon#$
Pre%ious address:
City: State: ZIP Code:
Owned Rented (Please circle) onthly !ayment or rent: "ow lon#$
Employment information
Current employer:
&m!loyer address: "ow lon#$
Phone: &'mail: (a):
City: State: ZIP Code:
Position: "ourly Salary (Please circle) *nnual income:
Previous employer:
*ddress: "ow lon#$
Phone: &'mail: (a):
City: State: ZIP Code:
Position: "ourly Salary (Please circle) *nnual income:
Emergency Contact:
*ddress: Phone:
City: State: ZIP Code:
Credit cards
Name *ccount no+ Current balance onthly !ayment
Auto loans
*uto loans *ccount no+ ,alance onthly !ayment
Other loans, debts, or obligations
Descri!tion *ccount no+ *mount
Other assets or sources of income
Descri!tion *mount !er month or %alue
Name Relationshi!-Occu!ation Contact Information
"a%e you e%er been e%icted$ .es /// no/// date ////////
"a%e you e%er been con%icted of0 !led #uilty or no contest to any felony or misdemeanor$
.es/// no/// If 1yes20 where-when :
*utomobile information
3hy are you %acatin# your !resent !lace of residence$ //////////////////////////////////////////////// "a%e you #i%en
le#al notice where you now li%e$ .es //// no////
I certify that the abo%e information is correct and com!lete and authori4e you to do a credit chec5 and ma5e any in6uiries you deem
needed to e%aluate my tenancy and credit standin#+ I understand that #i%in# incom!lete or false information is #rounds for re7ection of
this a!!lication0 and the submission of information later found to be false is #rounds for termination of tenancy+
8he landlord may obtain a consumer credit and-or in%esti#ati%e consumer re!ort which may include the chec5in# of the a!!licant2s
credit0 em!loyment0 income0 rental history0 court records and character+
.ou ha%e the ri#ht to re6uest additional disclosures !ro%ided under section 9:9 ;9<;d(b) of the fair credit re!ortin# act0 and a written
summary of your ri#hts !ursuant to section 9:=(c)+
.ou ha%e the ri#ht to dis!ute the accuracy of the information !ro%ided to the owner-a#ent by the screenin# com!any or the credit
re!ortin# a#ency as well as com!lete and accurate disclosure of the nature and sco!e of the in%esti#ation
*!!licant//////////////////////////////////////////// date a!!lication submitted////////////

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