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By admin on Nov 20, 2010 | In Srividya

On the paurNamI of dAmodara mAsa, vakra-kubjikA or vakreshvarI (one among the navaratna-kubjikAs) is propitiated. The origin and mAhAtmya of vakra-kubjikA is desribed
in AmnAya-nirNaya and a!so the proedure for her saparyA. "hagavatI, #ho represents agni-kuN$a!inI in m%!AdhAra and the yoni of m%!a-kubjikA, is #orshipped a!ong #ith
her onsort &ord shikhAsva'handa bhairava and #ith the AmnAyanAyikA-s( tripura-bhairavI (%rdhvAmnAya), bhuvaneshvarI (p%rvAmnAya), dak)hiNA kA!ikA
(dak)hiNAmnAya), m%!a-kubjikA (pashhimAmnAya), p%rNa-haN$I or aniruddha-sarasvatI (uttarAmnAya), tripura-bhairavI (%rdhvAmnAya) and vajrayoginI
(pAtA!AmnAya). &ike the m%!a-vigraha of kubjikA, this form a!so is #orshipped #ith si* faes #hih are onstituted by parA, mA!inI, mAt+,ikA, kA!ikA, tripurA and kheharI.
The sama)hTi p%jA ho#ever is offered to the m%!a-kubjikA (the summation of the navaratna-s) a!ong #ith navAtmeshvara-bhairava.
It is be!ieved that vakreshvarI had b!essed the ru!ers of Nepa! #ith her protetion, p!eased #ith their upAsanA. -o#ever, after a prine vio!ated the modesty of a kumArI #hose
father #as a #e!!-kno#n upAsaka of kubjIshAnA and shrIvidyA (and a!so one of the teahers of +ana .ung "ahadur), bhagavatI turned #rathfu! to#ards the roya! fami!y.
Aording to our soures, a "uddhist ora!e #as onsu!ted by the Nepa! +oya! fami!y severa! years ago #hih onfirmed this unfortunate situation but no remedia! measures #ere
undertaken to appease the goddess. One of my teahers reounted a vision of vakra-kubjikA during his period of upAsanA at /andi in -imaha! 0radesh. A friend of his #ho #as
a Tibetan &ama a!so got a g!impse of ambikA and #as ured of tuberu!osis.



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