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Three levels of feedback prompt prompts clarification: that which is received via e-mail, that which

emerges from having re-viewed America yesterday-p.m. with critical minds, and that which is emitted
by thinking-libs. Focus on that which others may have missed is desirable, but more desirable remains
receipt of any/all critique of the conclusions drawn from these meta-analyses of myriad hyperlinks;
when it is suggested that most arise from Drudge/Breitbart, the retort is that many are drawn from
KeystoneReport/PoliticsPAalthough many leftie-sites are insufficiently factual. The ideal [constantly
drawing from everywhere, no matter how inane] is yielding to the sufficient [drawing upon lefties who
require clarification, rather than comprehensively]; as it is, the ongoing desire is to streamline ASAP.

The speako is a neologism prompted by the claim by an ObamaDontCcare Architect,
who claimed his Comments [when he Admitted in 2012 that States without Exchanges
Lose Subsidies] Were Just A Typo.

Anyone watching America @ the 4:30 viewing in the Regal [Plymouth Meeting albeit on Ridge Pike]
would have been struck by the applause that spontaneously erupted @ the end; indeed one person who
was watching this with my little group was still tearing after Bonos Georgetown quotes [Keeping Faith
with the Idea of America] @ the end during the closing rendition of the National Anthem by Megadeath
[channeling Jimi Hendrix @ Woodstock]. The extensive discussion thereafter was introduced by moi,
noting the discussion prompted by [lib] Stu Bykofsky column [America: 2/3 good], where I posted a four-
part analysis and held-off all critics; the consensus was that the movie indeed had three parts, amplified
by a few literary-licenses [the indictment of America, the response to the indictment, and the underlying
reasons for the indictment]. Those who were libs were non-plussed, whereas those who were
conservatives were blown-away by the production values and the enlightenment conveyed.

My theme was that I hadnt known of the impact of Howard Zinns Peoples History of
America [which even permeated the Sopranos, per a clip that DSouza invoked] and,
thus, that there was a definable educational-value thereof; indeed, at least one
lawmaker wants to Push Bill Requiring Dinesh D'Souza's 'America' Be Shown in Schools.
The counter-critique was that DSouza cited extremists [e.g., Ward Churchill]; I replied
by noting that he chose people to encompass the major components of the attackers of
America for theft [encompassing Native Ameicans, Mexicans, Blacks, the world, the
populace]. The counter-critique that was claimed to have been omitted inappropriately
was female-exploitation; I replied that this was not customarily included in indictments
of American Exceptionalism [and others noted that Susan B. Anthony, etc. were mostly
Republicans]. Some felt it was laden with excess hype; I opined that there aint nuttin
wrong with a lidda good ol fashioned patriotism, as long as it wasnt functioning as the
last refuge of the scoundrel. Everyone agreed the visuals were gripping, although some
felt the film didnt live-up to its subtitle [imagine a world without her]; I observed that
one cannot disprove a negative, and that DSouza was showing so many positives that
the viewer/reader was tasked with recognizing and then imagining what a loss it would
have been if these achievements [entrepreneurship, etc.] hadnt occurred. The database
was left intact, although it was claimed that others had also shed slavery; this led to the
somewhat classic back-and-forth as to whether the War Between the States was based
primarily on abolishing slavery vs. preserving the Union. [In my view, this is a false issue,
because the way the South wanted to preserve slavery was by abolishing the Union.]

The meat of the flick was the unabashed attack on BHO and Hillary
[plus Elizabeth Warren, in two brief clips], noting their Alinsky-roots.
Indeed, the last-third of the flick was devoted to probing these forces,
clearly an intellectually honest pursuit. Some people are contented with
attack-attack-attack; DSouza not only answered the indictment by the
lefties, but he then probed the progressive forces-at-play that have now
created this perfect-storm. He even referenced his own conviction for
having paid others to support a NY-candidate/friend; he pulled no
punch in the process, conveying refreshing I have no secrets candor.

It must be noted that there are many touches in the flick that arent in the book, so it
is advised that both be experienced. Although these data are pulled from different sites
it seems that America [$11.4M] compares favorably when compared with the gross of
two top documentaries: Roger and Me [$7,706,368] and DSouzas 2016 [$33,349,941].
Perhaps the best way to sculpt expectations is to compare the tomato-meter [9%] and
the audience-support [89%]

It may be desirable to recall prior critiques of his book during the past month [the first five chapters,
three subsequent chapters, and three additional chapters]; Chapter 12 [A Global Success Story]
climaxes [after having noted American leadership in creating this environment, and having shown that
on some levelMarx was corrupted by Lenin] thusly: The bottom line is that, in a globalized economy,
the job goes to the people who can do it best and at the most affordable price. [page 197]. In the
process, he notes how colonization no longer exists, particularly within countries [such as his native
India] where technology has flourished. [The last four chaptersEmpire of Liberty, The Biggest Thief of
All, American Panopticon, and Decline is a Choicewere skimmed prior to re-viewing the flick, but the
juiciest morsels thereof will be provided after a re-reading; they serve only to amplify prior points.]

The Independence Hall Tea Party Association, the largest Tea Party group in the tri-state
region of PA, NJ, and DE, will be removing Tea Party from its name and will henceforth
be known as the Independence Hall Foundation. The organization will also be shifting
its focus and dissolving its PAC. My uploaded-comments about this entity are subject to
being discussed more thoroughly [orally] but, suffice-to-say, this event may actually
reflect the fact that its leadership [the Adams-Siblings] never really felt comfortable
consorting with TEA-Party-types; it may, however, fade in potency as a direct result.

In PA, Corbetts Pension-Reform Gambit continues to attract pixels [e.g., As $50B pension debt weighs
on PA, other states have embraced retirement overhauls], even as PSU/Sandusky-related items abound
[Son: Joe Paterno feared wrongly accusing Sandusky and Judge denies Spanier bid to halt criminal case];
meanwhile, much to the consternation of gun-control advocates, the Fitzgerald-Mercy Hospital shooting
has dramatized the self-protection issue [Armed doctor's actions in Philly shooting reinvigorates debate
on gun-carry and DA: Gunman offended by hospital's 'gun-free' policy]. {Also, the POPE will visit Philly.}

As BHOs lawlessness continued to blossom [SHOWDOWN: Top Political Adviser Ignores
Subpoena Again as White House Defies Issa; Dem: 'You don't have right to know' what's
going on; and New IRS Form Proves President Fibbed About Individual Mandate Tax],
Sarah Palin raised the Impeachment issue; at the time, I noted that this was sufficient
for this issue to be polled, moving the topic-of-conversation to an area that assumes
incompetence-plus has already been established. It is desirable for an environment to
exist ASAP [prior to the mid-terms, sustained for the subsequent two years] to prompt
people to want to count the days prior to BHOs departure on 1/21/2017.
As anticipated, the churning continues [Rep. Puts Impeachment On
Table In Closed Door Immigration Meeting] replete with Boehners
denials [as the GOP laughs-to-the-bank], OBAMA HAS ALREADY
CHECKED OUT, Plays Golf With ESPN Hosts -- Again, CNN POLL:
Americans wish they'd elected Romney]; attempting to spin this
atmospheric to promote $-raisingdespite the fact that the House
wont want to repeat the mistakes of 1999the Dems have lapsed into
indignant attacks on this issue [WHITE HOUSE WARNS ON
IMPEACHMENT, Senior Obama adviser on impeachment: 'I would not
discount that possibility', 'BEGGING TO BE IMPEACHED', Dems suggest
'imminent,' use to raise cash, and Aide: GOP Will Be Coming].

That a POLL showed that One-third of Americans want it merely illustrates disgust;
because one mustnt rest on own-laurels, the GOP must message the distinction that
this rejection of Big Government philosophies should not encompass the House-GOP.

A spate of articles about Illegals serves to illustrate prior themes [BHOs arrogance, etc.]:
Obama Readying 'Very Significant' Executive Action On Immigration
Unilateral grant of 'work authorization'
Millions of Illegals to Get Work Permits Under Obama Plan
Gutierrez: Amnesty for 5 million
Sessions: Will 'end immigration enforcement'
Plea to America: Melt Congressional Phones, Kill Executive Amnesty

Idaho Governor Tells Feds Not To Dump Illegals In His State...TOO LATE!
Feds use vans instead of buses to transport illegals; Avoid attention
More than 200 dumped in Indiana
Residents get robocalls about plans to shelter children
Mayor in Town Besieged by Migrants Accosted by Actvists
FL schools brace for flood
Mexican Immigrant With Drug-Resistant TB Goes Missing in CA
Residents Protest in MA
GODFATHER: Send them to us
Texas Officials Seize Jet Ski Used By 'Coyotes'
TX official sees 'tsunami'

'Death Train' to increase traveling speeds to deter migrants
HONDURAN PRESIDENT UNLOADS: 'Our Neighbor Isn't Doing Its Part'
Feds consider letting Hondurans into USA without making trek
PELOSI: If Egypt didn't accept Moses, we wouldn't have 10 Commandments!

Hillary Spokesman: Anti-Hillary Books Should Not Be Allowed [book-burning?]

Regarding pot-legalization, a consensus appears to be congealing [Rand's Quiet Weed Overture, New
Paul Bill Addresses Pot Brownies, Feds Test How Stoned Is TOO STONED To Drive, and Repeal
Prohibition, Again]. Meanwhile, a Wonder drug could break Medicaid [to treat Hepatitis C].

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