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Word Spanish translation English definition

A big pot belly n Barriga cervecera. An enlarged, swollen, or
protruding abdomen.
Account n Crnica A written or spoken report of
Acutely adv Sumamente, etremadamente. !tremely.
Allegedly adv Supuestamente Supposedly
Apprehension n Aprensin A feeling of aniety or fear that
something bad or unpleasant
will happen.
Ashtray n Cenicero Container for cigarette ash.
Beekeeper n Apicultor Somebody who keeps bees for
honey or to pollinate crops.
Bigotry n "ntolerancia #he attitude, state of mind, or
behavior characteristic of a
bigot$ intolerance.
Bubble n Burbu%a, pompa... A thin sphere of li&uid
enclosing air or another gas.
Burst v 'eventar Break or cause to break
suddenly and violently apart.
Callousness n Crueldad #he &uality or condition of
being cruel.
Cattery n (ater)a A boarding or breeding
establishment for cats.
Chambermaid n Ama de llaves A maid who cleans and cares
for bedrooms, as in a hotel.
Chiropodist n *odlogo #he person who treats the feet
and their ailments.
Chisel n +ormn A long,bladed hand tool with a
bevelled cutting edge, struck
with a hammer or mallet to cut
or shape wood, stone, or metal.
Clear the air v Aclarar las cosas. -efuse a tense situation by
frank discussion.
Clear the table v .uitar la mesa Clear the table after having
Coalmining n /iner)a del carbn A mine where coal is dug from
the ground.
Compass n Br0%ula An instrument containing a
magneti1ed pointer which
shows the direction of magnetic
north and bearings from it.
Crowbar n *alanca An iron bar with a flattened
end, used as a lever.
-rag v Arrastrar los pies. #o move along with great
effort, having contact with the
-eprive v *rivar #o take something away from
-itch n 2an%a A narrow channel dug to hold
or carry water.
-o1er n Bulldo1er A powerful tractor with
caterpillar tracks and a broad
curved blade at the front for
clearing ground.
-rain v 3aciar Cause the li&uid in 4something5
to run out, leaving it empty or
-roppings n !crementos #he ecrement of animals.
-ustman v Basurero A man employed to remove
household refuse from dustbins.
-ynamite n -inamita A high eplosive consisting of
nitroglycerine mied with an
absorbent material.
!litism n !litismo #he belief that a society or
system should be run by an
!nvisage v "maginar 'egard or conceive of as a
!planatory ad% !plicativo (iving reasons or details that
eplain something.
!pletive n "mproperio A word or phrase used to fill
out a sentence or a line of verse
without adding to the sense.
+aint,hearted n, ad% *usil6nime -eficient in conviction or
courage$ timid.
+ertiliser n +ertili1ante A chemical or natural substance
added to soil to increase its
+ishtank n Acuario A tank or pool or bowl filled
with water for keeping live fish
and underwater animals.
(rieve v Sufrir #o eperience great sadness
over something such as a death.
(rinding machine n !smeriladora /achine tool that uses a
rotating abrasive grinding
wheel to change the shape or
dimensions of a hard, usually
metallic, workpiece.
7aberdashery n #ienda de ropa y accesorios
para caballeros.
A shop or department that sells
7andsaw n Serrucho A saw for use with one hand.
7ave a laugh v 'e)rse #o laugh.
7edge n Seto A fence or boundary formed by
closely growing bushes or
7ose n /anguera A fleible tube conveying
water, used chiefly for watering
plants and in firefighting.
7umiliating ad% 7umillante Something that in%ures the
dignity and self,respect of.
"ntermingled ad% /e1clado Something mied together with
something else.
8ackhammer n /artillo neum6tico. A portable pneumatic hammer
or drill.
8ostle v9n !mpu%ar 9 empu%n #o knock or bump against
somebody, or push or elbow
somebody deliberately,
sometimes as an epression of
aggression or hostility.
:ook at v ;bservar !amine 4a matter5 and
consider what action to take.
/akeshift ad% *rovisional *roviding a temporary and
usually inferior substitute.
/illing machine n +resadora A machine fitted with milling
cutters to cut, shape, or finish
metal ob%ects.
/ourner n -oliente A person who attends a funeral
as a relative or friend of the
dead person.
<ationalist n = ad% <acionalista A person who believes that
nations will benefit from acting
independently rather than
collectively, emphasi1ing
national rather than
international goals.
<ationalistic ad% <acionalista Something related to the belief
that nations will benefit from
acting independently rather than
collectively, emphasi1ing
national rather than
international goals.
*om n "ngl>s 4informal5 A British person.
*reach 4or give5 a sermon v -ar un sermn. ?. #o preach a talk on a
religious or moral sub%ect,
especially one given during a
church service and based on a
passage from the Bible.
@. #o give a long or tedious
admonition or reproof.
*ull out v Salir 'etreat from an area.

'ealignment n 'ea%uste #he act or instance of restoring

or changing to a previous or
different position.
'osewood n *alo de rosa ,Any of various tropical or
semitropical leguminous trees
of the genera Tipuana,
Pterocarpus, or Dalbergia,
having hard reddish or dark
wood with a strongly marked
!#he wood of any of these trees,
used in cabinetwork.
Self,conscious ad% #)mido, acomple%ado, cohibido. <ervous or awkward because
unduly aware of oneself or
oneAs actions.
Sheila n /u%er Boman.
Shuffle v Arrastrar los pies, moverse con
#o walk by dragging oneAs feet
slowly along.
Somersault n = v -ar vueltas #o perform an acrobatic
movement in which a person
turns head over heels in the air
or on the ground and finishes
on their feet.
Spreader n !sp6tula A device for spreading.
S&uirm v <o saber dnde meterse 4tierra
Be embarrassed or ashamed.
Steer v Conducir, dirigir. #o go or move in a particular
way or direction when being
driven or propelled.
Steering wheel n 3olante A wheel that a driver rotates in
order to steer a vehicle.
Stumble n #raspi> A mistake or hesitation.
Swerve v 3irar bruscamente. Abruptly diverge or cause to
diverge from a straight course.
#ake place v #ener lugar ;ccur.
#hongs n Chanclas A kind of sandal, held on by the
toes and made of rubber.
#onsilitis n Amigdalitis "nflammation of the tonsils$
#ouch off v *rovocar #o make something eplode,
especially by touching it with a
flame or smoldering match.
#uning fork n -iapasn An instrument with a stem and
two prongs that produces a
constant pitch when struck,
used to tune musical
instruments and in acoustics.
#wit n "mb>cil A silly or foolish person.
3iciousness n *erversidad Cruelty.
Barmth n Calor, calide1. #he feeling, &uality, or state of
being warm.
Bhinge v .ue%arse #o complain annoyingly or
continuously about something
relatively unimportant.
Bhip up v /otivar #o arouse or provoke a strong
feeling or reaction in a group of
Bhisk n Batidor A utensil for whipping eggs or
Brite,off n Cna ruina. A vehicle that is too badly
damaged to be repaired.
Clara (uill>n +ern6nde1

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