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Thousands Walk for Unity

SUNDAY, 27 JULY 2014

The Walk for Unity orani!e" #y the So$iali%t Yo&th Union to $ele#rate the
'rotherhoo" Day that (alke" fro) *alia(atta to +ihara)aha"e,i -.en Air Theatre
(a% .arti$i.ate" #y a lare atherin/ A rally an" a $&lt&ral %ho( (ere hel" at the
-.en Air theatre later/
A)on the lare $ro(" of Sinhale%e, Ta)il an" *&%li) )a%%e% that .arti$i.ate" (ere
the Lea"er of the J+0 An&ra Di%%anayaka, Dr/ 1han"ra&.tha Then&(ara, the
0re%i"ent of 2UTA, *oho))e" Ni%ha) 0eo.le for Unity, 3eno(ne"
(riter% Ariya(an%a 3ana(eera an" 4ini"&)a S&nil Sene,i, Sa)an Waaara$h$hi of
the A$tion 1o))ittee for *e"ia 2ree"o), *anoharan, the 5eneral Se$retary of All
1eylon 4in"& Yo&n *en% 2e"eration, +en/ *ahanel&#a"a(e An&r&"ha Thero,
*e)#er of the 67e$&ti,e 1o))ittee of National 'hikk& 2ront, Lak)al Niro%han of
Sa)&hika 0rayathnaya, Attorney at La( 0riyantha 5a)ae, 67e$&ti,e *e)#er of
'ar A%%o$iation of Sri Lanka, Wa%antha Sa)ara%inhe National Tra"e
Union 1enter, 2r/ 3ohan 6kanayaka of National 1hri%tian 'rotherhoo", Shya) Na,a!,
National Trea%&rer of all 1eylon *&%li) Lea&e an" Ta)ara 8&nanayaka), for)er
0er)anent,e of Sri Lanka to the Unite" Nation% -ffi$e an" Sri Lanka9%
for)er en,oy to 1&#a/
The $&lt&ral %ho( (a% hel" (ith the ,ol&ntary .arti$i.ation of .o.&lar arti%te%/:
+i"eo at:htt.%:;;(((/fa$e#ook/$o);.hoto/.h.<

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