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1he "#$$%&' ()& *%+,-.+/ ls
lnLended for paLlenLs Lo
beLLer undersLand Lhe
compllcaLed and ofLen
mysLlfylng language of
modern medlclne.

Summarles for aLlenLs are
presenLed for lnformaLlonal
purposes only. 1hese
summarles are noL a
subsLlLuLe for advlce from
your own medlcal provlder.
lf you have quesLlons abouL
Lhls maLerlal, or need
medlcal advlce abouL your
own healLh or slLuaLlon,
please conLacL your

1he full reporL ls LlLled:
"Sleep uuraLlon and
Clycemlc ConLrol ln aLlenLs
wlLh ulabeLes MelllLus:
korea naLlonal PealLh and
nuLrlLlon LxamlnaLlon
Survey 2007-2010."lL ls ln
Lhe 2013 lssue of Lhe 0)#&.%1
)( 2)&-%. $-3,4%1 /4,-.4-
(volume 28, no. 9, pg. 1334-
1339.) 1he auLhors are klm,
8u kyung, 8ong Sun klm, So-
?eon An, Mln Suk Lee, ?ong
!un Chol, Seung !ln Pan,
?oon-sok Chung, kwan-Woo
Lee, and uae !ung klm.

1hls summary was wrlLLen
by Andrea Camber,
Sodexo uleLeLlc lnLern

And was revlewed by
8oberL Zurfluh 8un, and
Allson 8eyes, MS, 8u,
CcLober 2013

!"#$ &' $"( )*+,-(. #/0 1"#$ &' 2/+1/ #,+3$ &$ '+ 4#*5
lor paLlenLs wlLh dlabeLes, unconLrolled blood sugars may lead Lo hearL dlsease.
1here are several sLeps dlabeLlc paLlenLs can Lake Lo prevenL hearL problems and
keep Lhelr dlabeLes under conLrol such as exerclslng and a eaLlng a healLhy dleL. A
recenL sLudy shows LhaL Lhe amounL of sleep you geL each nlghL also affecLs your
blood sugar levels. revlous sLudles have shown LhaL a lack of sleep lncreases one's
rlsk of developlng Lype 2 dlabeLes, buL unLll now Lhere have noL been any sLudles
LhaL examlne Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween duraLlon of sleep and blood sugar conLrol.

!"6 0&0 $"( *('(#*7"(*' 0+ $"&' )#*$&73-#* '$3065
1o deLermlne lf duraLlon of sleep had an affecL on blood sugar conLrol.

!"+ 1#' '$30&(05
1weny-one Lhousand LhlrLy-four korean dlabeLlc paLlenLs (1,063 males and 1,069
females) over Lhe age of 20.

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A quesLlonnalre was used Lo collecL Lhe daLa. aLlenLs self-reporLed Lhe amounL of
sleep ln 24 hour perlod by answerlng Lhe quesLlon Pow much on average do you
sleep each day?" 1hey had flve answers Lo choose from: less Lhan 6 hours a day, 6, 7,
8 and greaLer Lhan or equal Lo 9 hours a day. 1he researchers compared Lhe blood
sugar levels of paLlenLs who were sleeplng 7 hours a day wlLh Lhose sleeplng Lhe
shorLesL amounL of Llme (less Lhan 6 hours a day) and Lhe longesL amounL of Llme
(greaLer Lhan or equal Lo 9 hours a day).

!"#$ 0&0 $"( *('(#*7"(*' 4&/05
aLlenLs who were sleeplng Lhe shorLesL amounL of Llme or longesL amounL of Llme
had hlgher blood sugar levels Lhan Lhose sleeplng 7 hours a day.

!"#$ 1(*( $"( -&.&$#$&+/' +4 $"( '$3065
Slnce Lhe lnformaLlon was gaLhered from self-reporLs, you have Lo conslder Lhe facL
LhaL paLlenLs may noL have accuraLely recalled Lhelr sleep duraLlon. 1he deslgn of Lhe
sLudy (cross-secLlonal) creaLed a llmlLaLlon because Lhe lnformaLlon was noL
measured over Llme. 1he cause (sleep duraLlon) and effecL (blood sugar levels) were
assessed aL Lhe same Llme so Lhere ls no evldence of a relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe Lwo,
over Llme.

!"#$ #*( $"( &.)-&7#$&+/' +4 $"( '$3065
When llvlng wlLh dlabeLes, researchers ln Lhls sLudy recommend 7-9 hours of sleep
each nlghL. ulabeLlc paLlenLs should also make sure Lhey geL a conslsLenL amounL of
sleep LhroughouL Lhe week. uolng so can help Lo regulaLe blood sugars aL safe and
normal levels.

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