3 Student Profile - Sample

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Student Profile

Peyton Manning

1. Student Login ex. 2014johnathansmith - 2014peytonmanning

2. Year in School Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior? - Freshman

3. Average grades last year (A,B,C,D,F) - As & Bs

4. Extracurricular Activities? Both in and out of school.. (Sports, Groups, Church,
Volunteer Work, Hobbies, Other Activities, etc)

Football, Basketball, Baseball, Volunteer at Childrens Hospital working in
Pediatric Cancer Center, NPUMC Youth Group, Enjoy Gardening and Water

5. List any after school or summer jobs?

McDonalds & Mow my Neighbors Yard.

6. Brothers or Sisters? Names & Ages?

Eli 14
Cooper - 20

7. Parents Names & E-Mail Addresses?

Archie Manning Amanning@gmail.com
Suzie Manning Suemanning@comcast.net

8. Most exciting thing you did this summer?

Went to Kings Island with Drew Brees. Spent a lot of time in the weight
room. Went on family vacation to New Orleans.


9. If you had $1,000 to spend what would you buy?

I would buy a new Flat Screen HD TV & Madden 2011. Save the rest for

10. Favorite T.V. Shows? List Three

The Office, Big Bang Theory & Modern Family

11. Favorite Movies? List Three

Rudy, Remember the Titans & Friday Night Lights

12. Who has been your favorite teacher and why?

Mrs. Jones. She played football with us at recess. She came to all my
football games. She loved Science and was excited about teaching science,
which made it fun.

13. Who has been your most effective teacher? (taught you the most) why?

Mr. Davidson. He made sure I understood my math assignments. He
stayed after school to help me. He made me work really hard which has
paid off.

14. What job would you like to have ten years from now?

I would like to become involved with Broadcast Journalism

15. What are your biggest talents? What are you good at?

Im good at Sports, Public Speaking, and Writing. I am also a good leader.

16. What is something not everyone knows about you...

My first sport was Ice Hockey. I played for two years before trying football.

17. My Three Primary Goals for This School Year Are

1. Get all As and Bs

2. Get involved with Campus Life and Student Council

3. Pass all of my End of Course Assessments

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