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Professional Development Plan

Name of Pre-Service Teacher:

Luke (Byung) Kang
July 24, 2014
Australian Catholic University
Final Year/Semester
Bachelor of Teaching
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Graduate)
Queensland College of teachers (Link):

A. What knowledge or skills do I need to focus on improving this year?(Based
on QCT: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers)

Based on a self assessment of the Australian Professional Standard for Teachers
proposed by the QCT, Standard 2 (Graduate) has been selected as my major focus
for this Professional Development Plan.

Professional Knowledge: Standard 2 (Graduate) Know students and how
they to teach it. This is a standard which require teachers to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of the content and teaching strategies of the area
(Sub strand 2.1), as well as organising the content into an effective learning and
teaching sequence (Sub-strand 2.2).

B. What actions would I take to enhance my ongoing professional learning
and to meet the Professional Standard?

I will enhance my ability, knowledge, skills, dispositions and performances relative
to Standard 2 as it relates to maximising students academic experience in the
following ways:

By regularly and actively attending workshops, seminars and conferences
for professional development proposed by Education Queensland. The most
recent session related to my professional development is due August 1,
2014 in Alexandra Hills Hotel. I aim to incorporate ideas from this seminar
on my next PEP.

Register and attend the next Queensland Education Resources Expo. The
exhibition that is most related to my professional development is Cool
Australia Free Quality Teaching resource. I will include these retrieved
resources on my next PEP.

Consistently attending mentoring program for beginning teachers
introduced by Department of Education, Training and Employment through
an online video or applying for one in my next PEP. I will model the
pedagogical knowledge in my next PEP

C. Specific Goals, Strategies to learn and intended outcomes

1. To enhance the understanding of the content knowledge to a proficient level,
and apply the knowledge of the content through a number of sophisticated
instructional methods, resources and pedagogy. i.e. Blooms Taxonomy,
multiple intelligences etc
2. To proficiently organise the content into a unit plan that is coherent and
well-sequenced while promoting learning and stimulating higher order
thinking process. i.e. Field Trip/Museum, Mini reports (newspaper),
multiple choice test, Peer-assisted learning, balance of individual/group
work etc

Strategies to learn
Shadowing the mentor teacher and other experienced colleagues by visiting
and observing a variety of classrooms in action
Carrying out action research in the classrooms / school
By regularly and actively attending workshops, seminars and conferences
for professional development of content knowledge proposed by Education
Discuss ideas with mentor teacher (s)
Have mentor teacher provide feedback based on my content knowledge
Book study about the converting content knowledge into pedagogy

Intended Outcome
I will devise lesson plans that include inquiry process model, Blooms
Taxonomy and multiple intelligences
I will apply sophisticated instructional methods, resources and pedagogy
Outstanding feedback from my mentor teacher (including PEP reports)
Exceeding have feedback from my faculty mentor
Excellent feedback from other experienced teachers
Majority of my students will pass their assessments
Guiding Questions: For the purpose of developing my Professional
Development Plan, I will review the following guide questions listed below to
assist my process.

What am I going to do achieve my goals?
What are the initial steps to begin my plan?
What activities, resources, and materials can I included in my classrooms to
achieve each of my goals?
What resources will I need?
How will I make the time to do what I plan?
What evidence will I collect to demonstrate fulfillment of my plan and
achievement of my professional development goals?
How will I organise my evidence?

I will document my
progress in enhancing
my skills and
knowledge, dispositions
and performance with
the following evidence
Evidence / Documentation:

1. Observation Logs
2. Lesson Plan and Unit Plans
3. Personal Evaluation of the lesson
4. Feedback from mentor and other colleagues
5. Revision / Reflection from workshops,
conferences and seminars
6. Student Reports
Implementation of my
Development Plan will
be in accordance with
my timeline.
ACU EDFX 414 Extended Reflective Practice /
Internship (October 6 November 14)
October 6 - 17
Get resources and share with the mentor
Discuss unit/lesson ideas with mentor
Arrange visits for observation
October 20 31
Carry out action research
Book Study
Visit conferences, seminars and workshops

November 3 14
Review and Apply feedback

The following resources
may be used for the
implementation of my
Development Plan
List Resources:

How to be a brilliant teacher by Trevor Wright
(Routledge, 2009)

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