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Monetary Policy

The Concept of Money

Relationship of money and economic activity
Barter System
Purchasing Power
Money (measurement, evolution, functions, kinds/characteristics, forms, properties)
The Monetary Standard;
Evolution of the Phil. Currency

Brief History of Banks
Banks role and functions
How banks create money?
Loan and Money expansion
Banks Classifications and Functions
The Phil. Banking System (Structure);
Evolution of the Phil. Banking System
Banking Laws of the Philippines

Monetary Theory
Monetary Theory (Quantity theory of money, Income theory, Transaction theory, and Cash
balance theory)
Monetary Policy (Monetary base and open market operation, reserve requirement, discount
window lending
Monetary Policy in the Philippines
Regulation/control of banking (regulatory expectation)
Bank supervision/examination

Central Banking
Central Banking (objectives, functions)
The Federal Reserve System
Central Banking in the Philippines
History of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (organization, management, objectives, and responsibilities)

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