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Sequence of thesis parts and what to incude in the Ta!e of Contents

Ite" Part Pa#e $u"!erin# Ta!e of Contents
%& Frontispiece If any -- not numbered. Include in Table of
'& Tite Pa#e Counted as lower-case roman
numeral "i" but not numbered
No. Do not include in
(& Appro)a Pa#e Awa*s nu"!ered ower+case
ro"an nu"era ,ii,
Include in ToC
-& Partia Cop*ri#ht License In Archive and Library copies
only. Not numbered.
.& A!stract First pa#e awa*s nu"!ered
ower+case ro"an nu"era
,iii,/ a second pae would be
numbered "iv"
Include in ToC
0& 1edication If any! numbered consecutively
with a roman numeral
Include in ToC
2& 3uotation If any! numbered consecutively
with a roman numeral
Include in ToC
4& Ac5nowed#e"ents If any! numbered consecutively
with a roman numeral
Include in ToC
6& Ta!e of Contents 7ToC8 Numbered consecutively with
roman numeral"s#
Include in ToC
%9& List of Ta!es If any! numbered consecutively
with roman numeral"s#
Include in ToC
%%& List of Fi#ures:
Iustrations: etc&
If any! numbered consecutively
with roman numeral"s#
Include in ToC
%'& Preface or Foreword If any! numbered consecutively
with roman numeral"s#
Include in ToC
%(& Te;t Includin the introduction! first
pa#e awa*s nu"!ered with
Ara!ic nu"era ,%,/ paes
numbered consecutively
thereafter $
Include in ToC$ Chapter
headins and two to
three levels of
subheadins "at
discretion of supervisor#
SFU Library/Assistant for Theses Office
PS/023/U:/Checklist_Orer of thesis !arts_!s"oc
#$ly 2%& 20'(
%-& Appendices If any! all appendi% paes
numbered consecutively with
rest of te%t! in Arabic numerals&
&At the discretion of the student's
(upervisory Committee) the Appendices
may follow the *iblioraphy or List of
Include in ToC
%.& $otes If any! paes numbered
consecutively with rest of te%t!
Arabic numerals.
Include in ToC
%0& <i!io#raph* or List of
,aes numbered consecutively
with rest of te%t! Arabic
Include in ToC
%2& Inde; If any "not commonly used in
theses#! paes numbered
consecutively with rest of te%t!
Arabic numerals.
Include in ToC
SFU Library/Assistant for Theses Office
PS/023/U:/Checklist_Orer of thesis !arts_!s"oc
#$ly 2%& 20'(

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