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Far from reality / psychosomatic problems /comradeship /inescapable inevitability

A particular section of consumers becomes their soft target: vulnerable/ sitting ducks
Consumers should not get carried away by
Make tall claims/overclaim their product
In vogue laughing stock/odd men out
Tamper = to change something withour permission
A bone of contention A drop in the ocean
A hard nut to crack a pain in the neck
A piece of cake/walk in the park/ childs play
at a stretch at stake
to be in good books of burning issue
burn ones fingers wedded to crime
by hook or by crook
cat and dog life coin money
dance to ones tune: obey blindly follow religiously
fair-weather friends fan the flames gain ground/lose ground
grease the palm have the upper hand
in the air = prevalent in the light of = considering
paint the town red = enjoy in showy manner
pave the way
sell like hot cakes spread like wild fire
steal a march over
take a back seat, take a front seat
the long and short of it
order of the day=which is currently common
through thick and thin
turn over a new leaf in full swing
Bitter pills may have blessed effects
Variety is the spice of life
Sky is the limit
Museums are a bridge between the present and the past/ preserve our cultural and artisitic
Bridge the gap

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