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Word Power

knight's attendant
Tainted Currept
Vandalise Damage
Brew Make Beer Or coffee
Zymurgy Chemistry of Fremention
Shrewish Quarrelsome
Xantippe Shrewish Women
Wheedle Entice by flattery
Wharf Structure for loading ships
Welter Confused Mixture of thing or people
Wassail festive occasion of drinking
Warren Crowed Building
Wangle To get by manupulation
Vituperate Curse
Vignette Small Sketch, headline, article or Story
Vicissitude Variation in luck
verisimilitude Appearing true or real
Ventriloquist person who can make his voice appear to come from a different source
Valetudinarian person who likes to feel he is an invalid
Valedictory an act of bidding farewell
Vagabond Who has no home and wonder about
haemorrhage Excessive Bleeding
rumble Make deep Sound
reconing transform
Preclude Prevent or Make impossible
Predilection Special Liking, Mental Preference
Premonition Feeling that smthng bad is abt to happen
Palpitate Tremble
Paltry V Small
Panegyric Eulogy
Parry Block
Predantic Bookish
Per Se By itself
Perambulate To Travel Through
Percipient Capable of perception
Peripatetic Wandering
Pestilent Deadly
Petrous Rock Like
Phalanx Gp Of similar things standing together
Pied Of mixed colors
piffle Nonsense
Pillage Rob or steel with violence

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