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Lesson Plan in TLE III (Computer Education III)

Duration: 2 meetings
Date: July 28 2! 2"##
$ear Le%el: T&ird $ear E'EP
I( )*+ecti%es
a. Create a movie using Windows Movie Maker.
b. Appreciate the importance of Windows Movie Maker
II( Lesson Title: ,indo-s .o%ie .a/er
A. ower oint resentation
III( 'trategies
A. !esson introduction.
". Motivation
#how an e$ample of a movie created using WMM.
C. !esson proper.
%. &nderstanding Windows Movie Maker.
'he menu bar and toolbar(
'he panes and(
'he story board and the timeline.
). *mporting pictures and photos to storyboard
+. Adding pictures to storyboard.
,. *mporting audio or music and adding audio
-. Adding audio
.. Adding titles and credits.
/. Adding creative video transitions.
0. Application
%. Call one student to demonstrate how to import pictures1videos and add
the picture to storyboard.
). Call another student to demonstrate how to import music and add it to
the timeline.
+. Call one student to demonstrate how to add titles and credits.
,. Call one student to show how to make creative video transitions.
2. 3roup the students and let them create their own movie by using the pictures
and videos they have captured during the nutrition month cooking activities
held in the school campus.
I0( 1ssignment
!earn how to make video clips, add and combine video clips.
repared by:
!4R25A 2. A3AR*3A5
M' *, *C26# 7 #ta. 8ilomena
Computer 'eacher

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