By Nadia and Char0 Hope You Enjoy Please People, Save The OCEANNNN!!!!

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By Nadia and Char0

hope you enjoy

Please people, save the OCEANNNN!!!!
 Shells
It is a seashells and it come from the shells of the snails too.
Even though seashells is alive it is actually only the inside is
alive not the outside. The outside it’s only for protecting.
It is a really natural environment.
 Rock
Man-made <some>
Natural<some > but still an abiotic factors because it’s non
living things.
It is hard and sometimes pointy.
 Sand
A mix of rocks, sea shells and the shell of the snail.
It is natural but an abiotic factor.
The reds, browns yellow and green color of algae help
them to blend in with the colors of the ocean floor (in
other word, disguise) in which they won’t be attacked
by predators. They are used of the changing colors
when they are moving from place to place because
they are really light and soft they move around easily.
There are big, strong ocean currents, so kelp’s roots,
hold fast is adapted to the big deep into the rocks
and soil to make sure it doesn’t drift anywhere.
A sponge can blend themselves into different corals
or environment or disguise themselves
 If you look at a shark, you will see it has a number of special
adaptations that allow it to fit into an ocean environment. A shark
has fins and streamlined bodies that help it swim through
water. It has gills, which take in oxygen directly out of the water.
Because of its gills, sharks can stay underwater and not have to
come to the surface to breathe.
 Jellyfish’s stinging cells keep the warm because lots of jellyfish
goes down and down because of the predators and foods. Down,
down there it’s really cold, so the stinging cells are really useful
for them. When they get babies, some of their babies will have
more and less stinging cells. The less stinging cell babies will dies
because of clod. However this will take decades or centuries to
make it happen.
 There are a lots of reef stonefish adaptations. First of all are they
are really good at hiding themselves in the reef bottoms or next
to and under the rocks and at sandy or muddy bottoms. Their
skin color is almost the same as the color of the rocks in the
ocean, so it’s easy for them to disguise as a rock or a reef.
 Sea Horse
The sea horse has along thin moth for eating plankton.
It Ackers itself to seaweed so it will not float away in the
The back fin is used for a motor.

 Angler fish
They use a light on top of their heads to attract prey
grows to about 1 in. long
Very crabby most likely to be the ugliest animal on the planet
Sharks – if you think shark is really mean with the
other fish, you are WRONG. Lots of sharks and fish
cooperates together by fish cleaning shark’s teeth,
cleaning the blood of human on shark’s body and
etc. however they don’t even eat the fish because
they are cooperating together.
When 2 sharks see one prey infront of them they will
want to have it and it eat till they’re full. However
there’s only one so they have to fight for it. They
push each other and sometimes bite each other till
the other died or tired. After, the shark that alive will
eat the prey.
 Whales - lots of humpback whales use a technique to get
more food. It is called the bubble net fishing. A school of
humpback whales swims a wide circle around and under
schools of fish. One of the humpbacks will blow a bubble with
the blowholes and the bubble will trap the fish. After, one or
more humpbacks whale will swims upwards and through the
school of fish that has been trapped and it thousand and
thousand of them in one gulp.
 When the whales already got the schools of fish they will
fight against it. If one of the whale already swallow all the
fish, how about the other fish? They will get mad and want it.
Hwever whales are nice so they don’t fight for little things s o
they just let it go and find more food without the whale who
were being selfish.
Well as you know there’s a lot of environment
that is endangered in the ocean. However not
only the ocean almost all around the world
there are like 65% of animals that is
endangered. Maybe more than that. So, in the
ocean, it will gonna change bcs there’s a lot of
whaling happening in Japan and Indonesia.
Also, we need more food and almost all of the
food that we ate came from the ocean, fish.
As a result, of course the ocean going to
change A LOT and maybe the world too.
 The coldest temperature
on winter for the Pacific It occurs when the
Ocean is 32 degrees atmosphere (which is
a large gaseous
 The warmest on summer
is 88 degrees Celsius. solution) becomes
However if you go pacific saturated with water
ocean near some of the vapor and the water
place like Australia the
temperature is going to condenses and falls
be normal a usual. out of solution
(precipitates). The air
becomes saturated by
two processes: cooling
Diving Goggles.
Fishing Net.
Air cylinder in case the tourists want to dive to
a very deep place underwater.
Worms for fishing the fish.
It is really fun there so you can enjoy.
 Global Warming
Global warming impacts all life on Earth, including the
ocean. With Global Warming, the sea level rises and
higher ocean temperatures start, entire ecosystems are
rapidly changing, and animals are having a difficult time
surviving the impacts. The effects are already beginning
to be felt.  Whole species of marine animals and fish are
at risk to the temperature rise, and they cannot survive in
the changed conditions.
   Overfishing:
Overfishing happens when the amount of fish caught
exceeds the amount of fish needed to sustain fish stocks
in a given region.
You may believe that we saved the whales in the
1980’s. But Japan has been using a loophole in
international law to conduct ”scientific research”
on whales for years. Each year, the Japanese
government slaughters 850 minke whales. This
year, they have announced plans to expand their
“research” to kill 50 endangered humpback
whales, and 50 endangered fin whales, in addition
to their usual minke slaughter.
Factory Fishing:
These industrial fishing fleets target one
species at a time, until numbers are so low,
that they turn to another species, decimating
the entire ocean food chain and threatening
the very future of our oceans.
The oceans have become more important for recreational use, as
each year more people are attracted to the sports of swimming,
fishing, scuba diving, boating, and waterskiing. Ocean pollution,
meantime, has escalated dramatically as those who use the
oceans for recreational and commercial purposes, as well as
those who live nearby, have disposed of more and more wastes
there (see water pollution).
The heat capacity of the ocean is approximately 1000 times as
large as that of the atmosphere. The ocean transports heat with
its current, supplies energy to the atmosphere, dissolves various
substances to create chemical reactions, and supports huge
variety of creatures, thereby plays a dominant role in stabilizing
global environment and maintaining life on this planet. So it is
really important to keep the ocean clean. Ocean is really
important to us and the world.
Mr. Roland
Mr. Wilson

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