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City, State Zip
Email address
A position where there is a need for an individual with__________, _________; and, ___________.
COMPETENCIES [List skills that you have that align w/ what the employer is looking for as well as industry standards. Begin w/
the job description then go to for additional ideas. We call this 3 x 3. You can list fewer skills,
but should not list more, unless you add a Technical Competencies section]
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
The University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, Texas, 2015. [Only list the year you plan to graduate or have graduated.]
Bachelor of Arts [Write out the formal name of the degree, do not abbreviate.]
Major: Mathematics [Write out the formal name of the Major, do not abbreviate.]
LANGUAGES [when listing Language, you do not always need to be fluent to list a language. You may have varying skills in a
variety of languages. Even if you have a beginning language skill, list it.
English, first language
Spanish, fluent [when fluent this includes: reading, writing & speaking.]
French, advanced in reading, writing; and, conversational speaking [If you are not fluent, you communicate at
different levels in either speaking, reading, writing. Be specific.]
Company/Organization, City, State, time span in years (no months).
Job Title, statement of responsibilities and/ or
bullet statements
bullet statements
Job Title, statement of responsibilities and/ or
bullet statements
bullet statements
Company/Organization, City, State, time span in years (no months).
Job Title, statement of responsibilities. [You can list one statement in sentence form, or a list of responsibilities.]
bullet statements
bullet statements
Volunteer, East Texas Food Bank, Tyler, TX,. 2012, 2013, 2014.
Member, University Debate Team, The University of Texas at Tyler, Tyler, TX, 2013-2014.
Center contact information.
Place in the body of the
resume, not the header.
[List skills you have that align w/ the job description]

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