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PowerPoint #1 PowerPoint #2 PowerPoint #3

Contrasted font
with background
1 = Used white font on a
dark blue/black
1 = Used black font on white
0 = Background is purple with
different color text on each
Did not use busy
1 = Background is a
simple gradient fade
from black to blue
1 = Back ground is white 0 = background is a crazy
purple mess and on some slides
the background is a distorted
Correct use of
spelling and
1 = No mistakes caught
my attention
1 = No mistakes were detected 1 = no mistakes stood out
Appropriate use of
0 = Used same graphic
on almost each slide
1 = used graphics sparingly only
when providing a picture for
something discussed on the slide
0 = every slide has a graphic
that flies in with some type of
animation some slides have
about 6 graphics but they serve
no purpose.
amount of text
0 = Some slides
contained up to 13 bullet
points with two line
sentences on each bullet.
0 = some slides contained
paragraphs bullet points with
paragraphs next to them
sometimes several on one slide.
0 = The slides are overcrowded
with text with a small font size
to allow more text on the slide

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