Lae 4863 Technology Integration Unit

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LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell

Jessica Fennell
July 28th, 2014
LAE 4863
Technology Integration Unit
r! "itte
Technology Integration Lesson#
The $est o% &ur To'n
(ra)e# 8
LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell
*ationale# This lesson is created for an 8th grade Language Arts classroom. The purpose of
this lesson is to get students to take advantage of all the wonderful things their town provides for
them. Lately, students have expressed great interest in getting outside and being active so this
lesson is the perfect way to do that. They have also shown that they need to improve their
research and writing skills and this lesson will incorporate all of this. Students will be creating a
eebly site that shines a light on ! of the following things" the best restaurant, store, mall, park,
market or festival they think is the best in their town. Students must provide a picture for each
place and a detailed, written explanation of why it is the best based on their own opinion and
research done in class. Their final eebly site will touch on three of the places and each place
should have a separate tab. The classroom technology provided will be a #ac Lab with $% #ac
&ooks which is a laptop for each student to use that will stay in the classroom, ' camera per each
student which can be taken home. (nce eebly sites are created, students will present them to
their classmates to show students all of the wonderful things they can do outside of their homes
and school. (nce the present, the teacher will send all links to the eebly pages to a class in
London who will be doing the same pro)ect and sending them to us to see both cultures.
+o,,on +ore -tan)ar)s#
rite arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence
*ntroduce claim+s,, acknowledge and distinguish the claim+s, from alternate or opposing claims,
and organi-e the reasons and evidence logically.
Support claim+s, with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources
and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
.se words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim+s,,
counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
/stablish and maintain a formal style.
0rovide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument
0+TE -tan)ar)s#

1evelop proficiency and fluency with the tools of technology2 this will be met by using
the #ac&ook3s and cameras.
LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell

1esign and share information for global communities that have a variety of purposes2 this
will be met by having students design a eebly site and sharing their site with classroom in

#anage, analy-e, and synthesi-e multiple streams of simultaneously presented

information" Students will meet this standard by doing online research about the places they
I-TE -tan)ar)s#
'. 4acilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.
$. 1esign and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments.
!. #odel digital age wok and learning.
5. 0romote and model digital age citi-enship and responsibility.
66 demonstrate their knowledge of how to research a sub)ect and put into writing.
66 create a eebly site using pictures they have taken on a camera
66 write for a specific audience and support their arguments for why they think the places they
chose are the best.
66 organi-e their research into one, creative pro)ect that they will present to the class.
66 share their findings with a classroom across the world.
4or this lesson, students will need a laptop and a camera. &oth will be provided by the school.
Teacher will need a Smart &oard.
Antici5atory -et" Students will first be introduced to the pro)ect by doing a 7uick )ournal.
They will start by writing a small paragraph about why they love the town they live in. They will
then list '8 places they love the most and discuss with a classmate beside them. Then, they will
narrow it down to % places. After this, teacher will explain directions for pro)ect which can be
found in attachments and explain how students will be graded.
Teaching -trategy#
ay &ne
LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell
Time Allowed Students Will Teacher Will
20 minutes (see anticipatory set) (see anticipatory set)
25 Minutes Students will get laptops
and create their Weebly
Accounts. (Permission slip
from parents turned in
week before to use
Weebly.) On their Weebly
page, they will create a
Home Page with a brief
summary introducing
themselves and their
choices. They will then
make 3 tabs labeled
according to their choices.
Teacher will guide students
through making their
Weebly pages by
demonstrating and going
along with them using the
Smart Board. Teacher will
create their own Weebly
page so students can
follow along step by step.
Teacher will answer any
questions students might
have a long the way.
10 Minutes
Students will pack up
laptops and listen to further
instructions from teacher.
Teacher will tell students
what their homework is:
-Complete their list of 3
things. If students would
like to take a camera to
take pictures of their three
things, they may.
Otherwise, they may fnd
pictures on the internet.
The list should consist if 3
of the following: a park,
restaurant, festival, store or
market. Students need to
come to class the next day
prepared to complete one
of the tabs on their Weebly

LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell

ay T'o

Time Allowed: Time Allowed: Time Allowed:

10 Minutes (anticipatory
Students will come into the
classroom, grab a laptop
and follow the teachers
Teacher will explain to
students what they will be
doing today. They will
choose 1 of their 3 topics to
research and write about
during the class period. If
students did not take their
own pictures, they may get
some of of the internet.
15 Minutes Students will research their
place, park, market, festival
or store and look for things
such as pictures and
history. They will get as
much information as they
can in these 15 minutes
from the internet.
Teacher will help guide
students through their
research process by
answering any questions
they have. Teacher will also
help students with their
citations by having the
proper website citation for
Last Name, First Name.
Article Title. Website Title.
Publisher of Website, Day
Month Year article was
published. Web. Day Month
Year article was accessed.
LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell
Time Allowed: Time Allowed: Time Allowed:
15 Minutes Then, students will write
about why they think it is
the best in their town.
Students must include
historical facts as well as
their opinions in their
Teacher will help students
in their writing process by
telling them to make a
short outline frst showing
some history of their choice
and then why they think it
is the best in their town.
Teacher will answer any
questions students might
have and will walk around
the classroom and monitor
10 Minutes
Students will save their
work and fnish what they
need to for homework.
Teacher will help students
save their work and tell
them to come prepared to
work on another page
tomorrow. Teacher will also
tell students to fnish what
they did not in class for

ay Three

LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell

Time Allowed Students Will: Teacher Will:
15 Minutes (anticipatory
Students will come into
class and read directions
on the board that teacher
will have written before
class started. Directions
Get with a partner and
show each other your
Weebly pages so far.
Discuss with each other
where you think
improvement is needed in
each others pages. Be
positive in your critiques.
Teacher will write directions
on the board before
students enter the
classroom. Get with a
partner and show each
other your Weebly pages
so far. Discuss with each
other where you think
improvement is needed in
each others pages. Be
positive in your critiques.
Teacher will walk around
the room and monitor
students and answer any
questions they have.
15 Minutes Like the day before,
students will research
another one of their
choices. This time should
be easier since they now
have critiques from their
classmates. They can
improve on what they write
about and what they
Teacher will walk around
the room and answer any
questions students have.
Teacher will also have the
proper citations still on the
board for students.
Last Name, First Name.
Article Title. Website Title.
Publisher of Website, Day
Month Year article was
published. Web. Day Month
Year article was accessed.
LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell
Time Allowed Students Will: Teacher Will:
20 Minutes Students will write for 20
minutes about the topic
this day because this will
also give them extra time
to edit their page from the
day before if needed.
Teacher will monitor
classroom and make sure
students are keeping on
task and understanding
their writing.
5 Minutes Students will save their
work and ask any
questions they have.
Teacher will help students
save their work and tell
them they can fnish their
work for homework if they
did not fnish.

ay Four

LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell

Time Allowed: Students Will: Teacher Will:
15 minutes (anticipatory
Students will come into
class, grab a lap top and
open up to their Weebly
page. A student will be
asked to volunteer and
show the class on the
Smart Board the progress
they have made so far. If
no student volunteers, the
teacher will use the Class
Dojo website to pick a
random student.
Teacher will ask for
volunteers and help
monitor the Smart Board
while student is using it to
show class their progress.
10 Minutes Since students have done
this for the past 2 days
already, they will be given
less time to research their
choice they are working.
Teacher will roam around
the classroom and answer
any questions students
have and monitor the
25 Minutes Students will have more
time today to write about
their choice. They should
be looking at their other
choices as well and they
should be editing them.
Teacher will help students
if they have a question
about what they are writing.
Teacher will be walking
around the classroom
5 Minutes
Students will save their
work and quickly pair up
with a partner to share and
discuss their work.
Students will put the
fnishing touches on their
Teacher will help students
save their work and partner
up with a classmate.
Teacher will tell students to
fnalize their projects at
home and prepare to
present the next day.

LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell

ay Fi3e

Time Allowed: Students Will: Teacher Will:

10 Minutes (anticipatory
Come into class and
complete their journals.
They will also grab their
laptop and pull up their
fnal weebly page.
Teacher will have written
journal prompt on the
board before students
arrive in classroom. It is:
Do you think after doing
this project that your ability
to put what you have
researched into writing has
improved? Do you think
you are more familiar with
the internet after using
Weebly and doing
research? Why or Why
40 Minutes One by one, students will
go to Smart Board and
connect their laptops so
they can present their
Weebly pages to the class.
There are 25 students and
each presentation should
be 2-3 minutes long.
Teacher will monitor time
limit to make sure everyone
gets a chance to present. If
a student does not get to
present, he or she will
present at the beginning of
the next class
period.Teacher will then tell
students the homework
which is having the

For,al# 4ormal assessment for this unit will be the eebly site which will be
graded according to the rubric found in attachments.
LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell
In%or,al# *nformal assessment for this unit will be observing students progress
throughout the week.

6o,e'or7# 4or this unit, the only homework every night will be finishing what the
students did not complete in class.


irections# 4or this assignment, you will be creating a eebly site called, 9The &est of
(ur Town.: 4or this website, you will be choosing ! of the following which you think are
the best in your town" a restaurant, a store, a mall, a park, a festival or a market. ;ou will
create a page on your eebly website for each choice that will give a brief explanation of
what your choice is and why you think it is the best. ;ou will be researching on the
internet about each of our choices. /ach page must have '6! pictures. A camera will be
provided to you, if needed. The purpose of this assignment is to strengthen your research
and writing skills as well as showing you all your town has to offer. <emember to cite
your sources properly and according to #LA format.


#omo3s 0i--a

4o,o9s :i;;a was founded in '=== in Tallahassee, 4lorida. Since opening their
first store on est Tennessee Street, they have expanded and opened a second location in
#arket S7uare. According to their website, 4o,o9s makes their dough fresh and from
scratch every morning before they open. They make pi--a3s anywhere from '> inches to
!8 inches and you can order by the slice.
* think #omo3s is the best pi--a in our town because of their low prices and thin
crust. * love the convenience of being able to order )ust one slice and either eating it at the
restaurant or taking it home. ;ou can even call to order for a pick up. #omo3s has a fun
atmosphere that all can en)oy and this is why * think it is the best pi--a restaurant in

LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell

(ra)ing *u1ric#

Points Allowed Points Earned

Student properly cites all
sources used
/5 /5
Student uses correct
grammar and punctuation
/5 /5
Student chooses 3 places
in their town
/10 /10
Student provides 1-3
pictures on each Weebly
/10 /10
Student makes their
opinion clear in their writing
/10 /10
Students fnal Weebly page
works properly with all of
the necessary tabs and
home page
/20 /20
Total /60 /60
LAE 4863: Technology Integration Unit JJ Fennell

Acco,,o)ations# Students hard of hearing will be seated next to the classroom

speaker and teacher will speak into a microphone. Students who are physically handicap
will already have laptops at their desks upon arrival to class. Students struggling with eye
sight will be printed separate directions in bigger font2 they will also be seated in the front
of the classroom so they can see the Smart &oard and anything the teacher may have
written on the board. Students with A11?A1@1 will have the option of sitting on the
floor during assignments. Students who need extra time will be accommodated by letting
them take what they don3t finish home as homework. Students who do not have access to
a computer outside of school will be accommodated by doing research during class.
Students may also stay after school and work on their pro)ects as well.

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