Apply For The Post of Civil Engineer On Contract Basis in Project Division

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Lasantha Dadallage

Civil Engineer,
Transmission Construction Projects
Ceylon Electricity Board
No.98, i!e "oad,
Colom#o $%
'uly ($)&
De*uty +eneral ,anager -Transmission Projects.
loor, Ceylon Electricity Board
P.0. Bo1 %2$, 3ir Chittam*alam 4 +ardinar ,a5atha,
Colom#o $(
Apply for the Post of Civil Engineer on Contract Basis in Project Division
6 am 5riting to e1*ress my 7een interest in your vacancy !or a civil Engineer 5hich 5as recently
advertised on the Daily Ne5s *a*er.
6 am an enthusiastic and highly motivated individual 5ho has a clear understanding o! the role
and res*onsi#ilities associated 5ith #eing a civil engineer.
6 had #een 5or7ing in your esteemed organi8ation Ceylon Electricity Board since )
'une ($$9.
9hen 6 5as 2& years old, 6 have #een recruited as a civil engineer !or :**er ;othmale <ydro
Po5er *roject -Lot (, ,ain Civil 9or7s. under Ceylon electricity Board. 6 have *ossessed a
#road range o! technical, *ersonal e!!ectiveness and leadershi* s7ills !or three year success!ul
career *eriod in u**er 7othmale hydro *o5er *roject.
6 have !ully involved !inishing the (2,9 'a!!na Po5er *roject 5ithin the given very short
*eriod target -8 months. as a mem#er o! Ceylon Electricity Board consultant team.
6 shall #e really great !ull i! you can select me !or the *ost o! Civil Engineer in your esteemed
organi8ation. 6t is the greatest o**ortunity !or me to serve as a *ro!essional engineer 5ith active
involvements 5ith *ro!essional #odies and industry.
,y curriculum vitae have here5ith #een enclosed.
=ours truly,
Lasantha Dadallage

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