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Money Smarts

Your Name: Robby Craig

Grade Level: 2

Lesson Objective(s): The students will learn how to subtract numbers using money. They will
be able to determine differences between sets of equations.

IN State Standard(s) Students solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction of
numbers up to 100.

IN Indicator(s): MA.2.2.3 2000
Subtract two whole numbers less than 100 without grouping.

Content: The students will read the Shel Silverstein poem Smart. After reading they will
identify subtraction problems in the poem. They will be able to subtract appropriately to decide
whether the boy in the poem received a good deal or not.

Materials/Media: Smart, Real of fake coins
I. Motivation Read the poem as a class, giving students opportunity to see it on a paper in
front of them. They will be able to follow along while the teacher reads. They will be given
coins to help count with.
Goal for Learner What is the easiest way for you to subtract? Can reading the problem
using words be made easier by changing it into numbers?

II. Procedure
1. The students will each receive a copy of the poem Smart.
2. The teacher will read aloud while students follow along.
3. After reading, students will make predictions of whether he made good choices or not.
4. Students will receive an appropriate number of coins to count with.
5. Students will discuss subtraction problems and perform their own using the poem

New Information Students will be learning how to change words into number problems, as
well as subtracting numbers larger than ten.

Checking for Understanding What do you think the best deal was? Did the boy lose money
or make money?

Modeling I will set up the first equation on the board.

Guided Practice The students will talk amongst the class on how to identify and set up the
next problem on the board. Students will work together with teacher help to come up with an

Checking for Understanding What makes the answers less than before? He is gaining more
coins, but less money. Why?

Practice Students will be creating their own poem with money involved in it. It can consist
of addition or subtraction.

Assessment Students will be assessed using a standardized testing system. Although they
are learning through literature and bridging, the test will be math focused. The summative
test will allow me to have documentation on place.

Extension The students will have different money books and simple addition and subtraction
books as well as fake coins around the room to use during groups.

Closure Do the students understand how to subtract numbers? Does money make it any

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