Robby Rabbit-1 Story3small

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QXD 11/9/07 10:11 Page 20

Published by Macmillan Publishers Limited.
Story 3 Buzz, buzz, buzz
Bee: Buzz, buzz, buzz. (Point to the bee, move your fingers to show the bee flying.)
Sara: One (Point to the ball. Pretend to bounce a ball once.); one ... two
(Pretend to bounce a ball twice.); one ... two ... three ... .(Pretend to bounce
a ball three times.)
Bee: Buzz, buzz, buzz. Buzz, buzz, buzz. (Point to the bee and move your fingers
to show the bee flying.)
Sara: Oh! A bee! (Point to Sara and look surprised.)
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Published by Macmillan Publishers Limited.
Story 3 Buzz, buzz, buzz
Bee: Buzz, buzz, buzz. Is this a flower? (Point to the bee; move your fingers
like a bee and point to the different parts of the face in turn.)
Sara: No, its my nose!
Bee: Buzz, buzz, buzz. Is this a flower?
Sara: No, its my ear!
Bee: Buzz, buzz, buzz. Is this a flower?
Sara: No, its my eye!
Bee: Buzz, buzz, buzz. Is this a flower?
Sara: No, its my mouth!
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Published by Macmillan Publishers Limited.
Story 3 Buzz, buzz, buzz
Sara: Follow me, little bee! Follow me, little bee! (Make a beckoning gesture
and point to the bee.)
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Published by Macmillan Publishers Limited.
Story 3 Buzz, buzz, buzz
Sara: This is a flower! (Point to the flower and pretend to smell it.)
Bee: Thank you. Now I can make honey! (Point to the honey.)
Sara: Mmm. I love honey! (Point to Sara, lick your lips and rub your tummy.)
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