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New Student Adjustment Timeline to the University of Rhode Island

Parent Blog Topic Suggestions

Week One: 8/31/14
Giving your student space
Dealing with initial homesickness
Nurturing new relationships
Considering experimenting with alcohol and other substances
New faces everywhere

Week Two: 9/7/14
Roommate Issues/ learning how to live with others
Figuring out laundry
Exploring clubs and getting involved
The benefits of Greek life
Keeping up the enthusiasm

Week Three: 9/14/14
Balancing Social Life and Academics
Feeling disconnected from home the power of a care package
Struggling with long distance relationships
Learning how to study in college

Week Four: 9/21/14
How to help your sick student from a distance
Overwhelming academics
Computer Problems
Visiting your student on campus

Week Five: 9/28/14
Dating in College
Tough professors
Dealing with discouragement
Finding your roommate isnt who they seemed roommate problems as the politeness
wears off

Week Six: 10/5/14
Missing home
New Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Struggling to balance involvement with class work
Learning to budget getting an on campus job

Week Seven: 10/12/14
Communicating with others group projects
Missing high school friends
Not getting enough sleep
One bad test grade is not the end of the world
Week Eight: 10/19/14
Mid-semester grades are posted
Academic reality check
Finding a balance between challenge and support when it comes to your students grades
Getting ready to sign up for Spring classes

Week Nine: 10/26/14
Uncertain about their major
Discontent with next semester schedule
First Halloween away from home

Week Ten: 11/2/14 Family Weekend
Meeting your students new friends
Students enthusiasm to show you his/her new life
What is there to do?

Week Eleven: 11/9/14
Homesickness once you leave
Care package ideas
How to keep up with developing new interests

Week Twelve: 11/16/14
Thinking about housing for next year
Keeping the dorm clean
Asking about classes

Week Thirteen: 11/23/14 Thanksgiving Break
Balancing old friendships with new ones
Keeping up the enthusiasm for the final stretch until winter break

Week Fourteen: 11/30/14
Exhaustion as the semester comes to an end
Roommate issues

Week Fifteen: 12/7/14 Exams Begin
Stressing over exams
Avoiding procrastination
All Nighters

Week Sixteen: 12/14/14
How to prepare for Winter Break
Newfound independence
Missing school friends

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