Behavioral Theorist

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Behavioral Theorist

Born March 20
1904 .
1936 Married Yvonne Blue.
1948 research with pigeons.
1966 Skinner introduced the concept of critical period
in reinforcing an event.
1971 Published Beyond Freedom and Dignity.
1972 Received the Humanist of the Year Award by the
American Humanist Association.
1990 Skinner died on August 18th.
Uses rewards and punishment to increase the
chance that behavior will happen again
Reinforcement (increase a behavior)
Positive - adding something good
Negative - removing something bad
Punishment (decrease a behavior)
Positive - adding something bad
Negative removing something good
A rat is placed inside a
box with a lever and
eventually it will start
activating the lever for
food because every
time the rat clicks the
lever it is being
Learn more about -
B.F. Skinner

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