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Global Studies & Geography Mr.

Peer Evaluation, Self-Assessment and Project Rubric
Directions: At the end of your project fill out the Peer Evaluation and Self-Assessment portions of this form. Then fold the
form and give it Mr. DeRock before the presentation. This is for your eyes only; your partner will not see this form. I will
hand it back to you with your final project grade.

Your name: _________________________________ Partner Name: ___________________________________
Peer Evaluation: Will be filled out by student
Circle Participation Rating (0-4): 0 = did not participate 4 full cooperative participation
Your Participation: 0 1 2 3 4
Partner Participation: 0 1 2 3 4

Self-Assessment: Will be filled out by student
Give your project an honest assessment of the overall quality 0 100.
0 = did not contribute to or complete the project
50 = boring, missing information, ineffective
65 = had all components but missing detail, poor quality
80 = Ok project, good visuals, descent content
100 = tremendous, informative, detailed, appealing

Scoring Rubric: Will be filled out by teacher
0 = no effort, wrong info, poor quality, no presentation, incomplete

5 = minimal effort, wrong info, poor quality, poor presentation,
incomplete parts

10 = hearted effort, missing some info, lack of detail/quality, poor
presentation, and minimal completeness

15 = good effort, good info, good quality, good presentation,

20 = great effort, very informative, high quality, captivating
presentation, complete and detailed

0 - 20
Your Grade
Self-Assessment Grade

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