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How to Braid Hemp | eHow










eHow Crafts Jew elrymaking Jew elry Projects How to Braid Hemp

How to Braid Hemp

By Amber Hemmer, eHow Contributor , last updated December 17, 2013


Tw eet


Hemp is a fiber that originates from the cannabis plant. The hemp fibers are extracted and
spun together to make hemp twine. Hemp twine is commonly used to make different kinds
of jewelry and accessories. Purchase it in different thicknesses and colors. When braiding
hemp into jewelry, add beads and charms to further accessorize. Learn to braid hemp to
make a wide range of bracelets, necklaces and custom accessories.

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Things You'll Need

Hemp twine
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Measure and cut three equal lengths of hemp twine. The

specific length you use depends on what kind of project you
are making. A braided hemp necklace will require more hemp
twine than a braided hemp bracelet.
Tie a slip knot in the twine. Match up the ends of the three
hemp twine pieces. Hold the ends between your thumb and
forefinger. Wrap the hemp twine around your finger and
thumb to make a loop. Push the twine through the loop. Pull
the loose knot up the twine toward the cut ends. Position the
knot approximately 2 inches from the cut ends. Pull the knot
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How to Braid Hemp | eHow

Open the safety pin and position the sharp end in the middle of the slip knot. Carefully
push the safety pin directly through the knot.

Push the pin through a stable object, such as a pillow, cloth bag or even your pant leg.
Close the safety pin. This will hold the hemp twine into place as you braid.

Separate and untangle the three twine pieces, with one extending out toward the left,
one to the right and the third piece in the middle.

Grasp the left piece of twine in between your left thumb and forefinger. Grasp the right
piece of twine in between your right thumb and forefinger.

Pull the right piece of twine over the middle piece. As you move the twine, use your
right middle finger to hold the middle piece of twine taut. The right and middle pieces
have switched places because they have crossed each other. Instead of keeping track of
where which piece originated, simply think of them in terms of where they are currently

Pull the left piece of twine over the middle piece. As you move the twine, use your left
middle finger to hold the middle piece of twine taut.

Repeat the process of pulling the right piece of hemp twine over the middle and pulling
the left piece of hemp twine over the middle. As you move along, you will notice a
braiding pattern.


Add beads or charms, if desired. Simply string a bead onto any piece of hemp before
you cross it over the middle. If the bead is added to the middle piece, start the braid
underneath the bead. If the ends of the hemp twine become frayed, rub them with a
piece of beeswax. This will make them stick together tightly.


Continue the braid until it reaches the desired length. Create a slip knot beneath the
bottom of the braid. Cut the twine approximately 2 inches below the slip knot.

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