Evaluation - Med Surg Linda

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NURS 442: SUMMATIVE Evaluation Form

Student: ____ Kylie Muntz. ____ Clinical Instructor: _Linda Heyer _________ _
1mca o a ion: er 1 R tr
N euro 3H T t I# d oa b avs: a sent 0 tardy/left early 0 cancelled 0
Course outcomes:
Final avera!!e score:
I) Organize client care using concepts ofleadership and collaboration. (Collaborative 4.5
*Written work to support achievement of this objective: Students submits one formal organized plan during
Must meet at Level 4
leadership week to identify how he/she would organize care for a group of patients and demonstrating
delegation that incorporates interdisciplinary team "systems" thinking, and consideration of effective leadership
Supportive Faculty Comments: Kylie collaborates with the team, and uses appropriate resources to assure safe and effective care. She is able to
adapt her care routine to address medical urgencies and/or patient's priorities.
Kylie's documentation accurately conveys assessment findings.
If the student does not earn an average score of 4, list specific behaviors the student must show to meet this objective:
2) Evaluate a plan of coordinated care for diverse populations across the lifespan who
have a variety of health states in acute care, long term care and community settings.
*Written work to support achievement of this objective: Chart reviews of diverse patients from a variety of Must meet at Level 4
settings to determine effectiveness/appropriateness of proposed plans of care. (1-2 day pull out to complete on-
Supportive Faculty Comments: Kylie matches the appropriate nursing strategies with patient needs. Kylie communicates with patients in order
to assist them in achieving their health goals, additionally she communicates well with the team.
Kylie accomplished a PowerPoint presentation on Fall Risk and presented her findings in post-conference.
If the student does not earn an average score of 4, list specific behaviors the student must show to meet this objective:
3) Provide patient care using clinical reasoning and ethical judgment that supports a
safe standard of care, advocacy for patients, and an improved health care
environment (Health Care Environment)
*Written work to support achievement of this objective: Completion ofTRUEPIC Clinical Reasoning on one Must meet at Level 4
patient & presentation to peers/instructor in post conference.
Supportive Faculty Comments: Kylie identifies abnormal assessment findings and reports promptly, she is also able to articulate possible
solutions and/or prevention strategies.
Kylie performs medication administration safely.
If the student does not earn an average score of4, list specific behaviors the student must show to meet this objective:
4) Evaluate professional behaviors that reflect core values and an interdisciplinary practice.
*Written work to support achievement of this objective: Student to identify "core values" and associated Must meet at Level 4
"professional behaviors" that correlate to an observed or experienced situation in the clinical setting. This
should take into account interdisciplinary team members in the evaluation and plan to improve in this area.
Supportive Faculty Comments: Kylie is friendly and professional. She displays the behaviors and attitudes of the RN role.
Kylie completed a project on professional behavior and presented in post-conference.
If the student does not earn an average score of 4, list specific behaviors the student must show to meet this objective:

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