Class Rules

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Room# _____

1. Students will enter and exit the classroom in an orderly manner.
a. Students must be mindful of their surroundings and be able to hear and see the
teacher as they enter and exit the class.
b. There is also a safety concern that students may injure themselves or another student
by rushing in or out of class.

2. Students will be seated in their assigned seat prior to the tardy bell.
a. This is a time for taking attendance.
b. This also allows the teacher to see who is prepared for class.

3. Students will be respectful of classroom, school, and personal property.
a. These are items that we use daily and to waste or misuse them would cause
interruption in achieving our goals.
b. Disrespect to teachers or fellow students will he handled in accordance with school

4. Students will follow instructions given by the teacher.
a. Situations may arise where the teacher will give instructions to the class and it is
imperative that they are followed. ex. FIRE DRILL, BAD WEATHER,

5. Students will enjoy this class!
a. It is your mission to find joy in learning. It is my mission to help you find it!

Bragging Rights Verbal Warning
Excellent Grades One on One Meeting with Teacher
Leadership Opportunities Letter to Parent
Extra Points on Tests Meeting with the Principal
Parent / Teacher Conference

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