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Temporal Bone

Five Parts:

1) Squama temporalis
2) Mastoid portion,
3) Petroud Portion
4) Tympanic Part
5) Styloid Process


1) OM suture: Occipital bone from mastoid portion
2) Squamosal suture: parietal bone & squama portion of temporal bone
3) Sphenosquamosal suture: sphenoid from squama portion


VII Facial
VIII Vestibularcochlear


External Rotation/Depression/Extreme Rotation/Internal Rotation

Frontal Bone

Three Parts:
1) Squamous
2) Orbital
3) Nasal


1) Lacrimal Bone frontolacrimal suture
2) Nasal Bone frontonasal suture
3) Ethmoid Bone frontoethmoidal suture
4) Maxilla Frontomaxillary suture
5) Zygomatic Bone zygomaticofrontal suture
6) Sphenoid Bone sphenofrontal suture
7) Parietal Bone coronal suture

Occipital Bone

only bone to come into contact with cervical spine
CN VI Accessory Nerve

Four Parts:

1) Basilar part
2) Condylar part x2
3) Squamous part


1) Lambdoid suture separates from Parietal
2) OccipitalMastoid suture Mastoid Process of Temporal bone
3) Petro-occipital suture petrous part of temporal bone
4) Spheno-occipital suture (SBS)

Sphenoid Bone

Four Parts:

1) Body
2) Lesser Wing
3) Greater Wing
4) Pterygoid Process


1) Frontal (sphenofrontal suture)
2) Parietal (sphenoparietal suture)
3) Squamous part of Temporal Bone (squamosal suture)
4) Occipital Bone (spheno-occipital suture SBS)


CN II - Optic
CN III - Oculormotor
CN IV - Trochlear
CN V - Trigeminal
CN VI Abducens

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