Gardening Care

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Electronics Kit
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EE2031E- Circuit & System Design Lab
(Mini-Project Report)

Prepared for: Prof. Heng Chun Huat
Prepared by: Kyaw Soe Hein (A0103612Y)
Lew Jia Hui (A0105416R)
Dated: 09 July 2014
Electronics Kit
Electronics Kit
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Gardening-Care Electronics Kit
The mini-project is encouraged by Devices & Circuit Lab module in which students are required to
build an analog application circuit developed from the components provided only. Thus, it draws
attention to project members that implementing the circuit which is modest yet, very useful in our
practical daily life would benefit the learning process. Therefore, from this mini-project, the objective
to achieve an analog electronics circuit which aids the gardening came into the light.
Plants are sophisticated living things- caring them would need extra attention in most of the cases. In
gardening, daily watering process play the important part of survival of the plant. Over watering or
under watering would harm the plant. As well as, not exposing enough sunlight or over exposure
would deter its photosynthesis process.
Thus, it would be great to have an electronics-aid that would help plant lovers for care & cultivation
of plants. Here we introduce Gardening-Care which will monitor soil moisture to prevent under
watering or over watering, as well as, sunlight exposing status.

Figure1. Abstract explanation of the application
Monitoring & Sunlight Status
Buzzer & LED
Detector Circuit
Mositure Sensor Rain Sensor
Soil Moisture Status
Under-Watering Over-Watering
LDR circuit
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Design Process
Outline of design

The water monitoring is essential part of the project; therefore, monitoring sensors are required to
detect that the soil condition is within optimum conditions. The sunlight condition also taken into
consideration for the plants as it could dry up the moisture in sunny days.
Hence, there are three sensors needed, namely moisture sensor, rain (over-watering) sensor and lastly,
light sensor.
Moisture Sensor
This will help to determine the moisture content of the soil by measuring resistance. In other words,
higher moisture means lower resistance of the soil as it could easily conduct electricity. If moisture is
low and doesnt optimum condition, it will give a logic state according to the value set in the circuit.
Rain Sensor
Rain is generally much appreciated by the gardeners; however, if one would leave plotted plants in the
rain unattended, it would have drooping effect on plants in which case it is referring to over watering
as well.
Excessive collection of water at the base of the plants would stop breathing of roots by displacing air
and minerals around them. The roots might not dry up as normal and start to rot, causing the plant to
Therefore, whenever theres excessive watering, this sensor will give a logic state to alert the buzzer,
reminding the owner to move the plant away from the rain.
Light Sensor
Sunny light intensity with low moisture will offer inhabitance to plants. Thus, theres light sensor
needed to determine the light intensity- dark, cloudy, sunny. Light sensor output will be considered
with moisture sensor output for different conditions.
Conditions of Sensors & its output
Firstly, over watering or Rain is the key condition for this application as it is the ceiling of the logic
pattern. Thus, if the plant is experienced over-watering, it would alarm the user. If the condition is
met that there is no over-watering, it will consider the logic output of Moisture and Light sensor. In
details, these conditions are considered.
Low moisture and Intensive sun light Dry condition Alarm ON
Low moisture and little or no sun light Sustainable moisture in ground Alarm OFF
High moisture and sun light Optimal condition Alarm OFF
High moisture and no sun light Good condition Alarm OFF
Raining Over-watering, bad condition Alarm ON
Electronics Kit
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Design Process
Design Consideration

After defining which conditions and what sensors are needed for the application. It is complemented
on the logic combinations to give the desired output.
Moisture 1 > good moisture content
0> poor moisture content
Sunlight 1> Sunny Light condition
0> Cloudy/Dark condition
Rain 0> Rain / Over-watering NOT Detected
1> Rain / Over-watering Detected
Buzzer 1> Activate Buzzer
0> Inactive Buzzer
Moisture Sensor
The probes are probed into the soil, which act as a resistor between the base and emitter of the
transistor; the output is measured at the collector. In the circuit-diagram below, R2 is the soil
resistance. If moisture content is good, R2 is approximately 41Kohm, giving a collector voltage of
1.5V.Which is the minimum for a logic high to a NAND gate.

Rain Moisture Sunlight Buzzer
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 X X 1
1 X X 1
1 X X 1
1 X X 1
Electronics Kit
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Design Process

Figure2. Moisture Sensor Circuit Diagram (LTSpice Simulation)

Figure3. Moisture Sensor Probe (Application Circuit)
Electronics Kit
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Design Process
Characterization of the soil and probe is experimented for data evaluation and for circuit logic
Reference initial condition - Soil: 230Kohm, Probe 5cm apart.
Rain Sensor
It is exactly same as moisture sensor principle as above Figure2 circuit diagram. In fact, when over-
watering is not detected it will act as open-circuit in R2 and when it detects over-watering; it will act
as short-circuit in R2. The handmade PCB cross-grid is applied in this project for easier fabrication,
yet very high sensitivity to water presence. The copper traces are left opened intentionally between
them for open-circuit, when rains; the water will be conducting between the traces, thus shorted.
Therefore, no characterization is needed for rain sensor, once the sensor PCB pad is wet, it is shorted.
Otherwise, it is totally open-circuit.

Figure4. Rain Sensor Circuit Diagram (LTSpice Simulation)

Electronics Kit
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Design Process

Figure4. Rain Sensor Pad (Application Circuit)
Light Sensor
Light sensor is highly efficient by means of Light Dependent Resistor and Op-amp as a comparator.
In Figure 5 below, R3 is the LDR. The LDR resistance value increase as the light intensity increases.
Therefore the voltage of V- to the Op-amp will change. The voltage applied to V+ is 07V. Initial
condition (room light) for V- is 1.5V. When the LDR is approximately 2Kohm, V- will drop below
0.7V, and the Op-amp will give a high output voltage of 3.6V.
Characterization of LDR is needed as the data sheet and real application will not match as exactly.
The characterization table is built by monitoring of project members and the circuit logic
implemented according to these data available.

Figure5. Light Sensor Circuit Diagram (LTSpice Simulation)

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Design Process

Figure6. Light Sensor Circuit Diagram (Circuit Application)
Characterization of LDR resistance
Sun Light Condition Resistance
Very Sunny 2kohm
Sunny - Fair 12kohm
Sunny - Cloudy 21kOhm
Cloudy 1800kohm
Darkness >1800kohm (open-circuit)

Components & Estimated Costing
Here are the components needed to implement this application circuit.
Component Name Model No. Quantity Estimated Cost
NPN transistors BC108 02 S$0.40 x 2 = S$0.80
Resistors Variety 07 S$0.02 x 7 = S$0.14
Op-amp LM358M 01 S$0.10 x 1 = S$0.10
NAND Gate 74LS00N 01 S$0.01 x 1 = S$0.01
NOR Gate 74LS02N 01 S$0.01 x 1 = S$0.01
LDR Photoresistor 5637 01 S$0.001
Rain Sensor Pad DIY 01 S$0.30
Moisture Sensor Probe DIY 01 S$1.00
THD Buzzer 5V active thin 12065 01 S$0.30
Sub-total S$2.66

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Design Process
Application Circuit Diagram

Figure6. Application Circuit Diagram (Multi-Sim 13.0)

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Project Demo
Having described the design process of the Garden Care, the application of the circuit shall be
presented. Below is the truth table of Sensors against Buzzer output.

Thus, it will buzz the plant lovers when RAIN/ flooding are detected in anytime to prevent over-
watering in the plots. Users would just simply move plots to another place covered.
For good moisture content, the optimum conditions are satisfied any means of sunlight condition.
For poor moisture content, if the light intensity is strong, it could dry up the plants. Thus, the buzzer
will make sounds to remind the users to water.
In another condition such as poor moisture, but cloudy or dark light will not make buzzer sounds. It is
considered as moisture contents are still sustainable or it is going to rain anytime soon.

Rain Moisture Sunlight Buzzer
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 X X 0
1 X X 0
1 X X 0
1 X X 0
Electronics Kit
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After discussing the design considerations and outline of goals to achieve, it is crystal clear that the
implementation of the circuit is rather uninvolved, unornamented and modest. However, it imposed
huge deal for garden lovers for easy application and usefulness as it is highly applicable, simple and
affordable to build on ones own time effortlessly.
Thus, it is strongly believed that Gardening-Care Electronics Kit would bring to daily life
something greater and especially for plants. Hereby, it wouldnt be overly claimed that this could be
recommended for every households potted plants and gardens for the sake of caring as well as loving
the flowers & plants/
As of now, the application is mainly analogous. However, if time & resources permits, this circuit
would turn into large scale gardens and plantations applicable. By adding additional more sensitive
sensors such as temperature, pressure and humidity, the reading could be logged by computers; analog
to digital converters. These graphs and readings will definitely useful for plantation owners and
business to monitor the optimum environment conditions for the best yielding plants.

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