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1. I have a headache today.

2. She is feeling giddy/ I am feeling giddy.
3. There is something wrong with my stomach.
4. He has sprained his foot.
5. I was laid p with fever.
!. I was sddenly ill.
". #re yor eyes sore$
%. I am sffering from diarrhoea.
&. I have sore throat.
1'. (are yor nails.
11. )eep to the left.
12. *hat +rings yo here$
13. *hat are yo after$
14. Spea, a +it loder.
15. -nlace yor shoes and sit at ease.
1!. .o not dmp gar+age here.
1". Handle the sitation tactflly.
1%. .o not write in pencil.
1&. /low ot the nose.
2'. .o not spit on the floor.
21. 0oo, p this word in the dictionary.
22. (rices of all the articles are loo,ing p.
23. It is 11111111 2day of3 111111111 2month3 today.
24. Sch e4cses will not do here.
25. I am feeling cold.
2!. I was slapped on the face.
2". 5y sister came to see me.
2%. I feel nasea.
2&. *ater is giving ot fol smell.
3'. I shall settle score with him.
31. 6o spoiled the whole game.
32. He is credlos.
33. *here are yo coming from$
34. I am shivering with cold.
35. I have +een waiting for yo since morning.
3!. *hat is she to yo$
3". Things are getting rotten 2wrong3 day +y day.
3%. He is a very naghty +oy.
3&. # cool +ree7e is +lowing.
4'. It loo,s li,e rain.
41. The s,y is overcast with dar, clods.
42. It is very hot today.
43. It is very pleasant today.
44. It is dri77ling.
45. There has +een a good shower today.
4!. The heat today is simply sffocating.
4". 5y hose faces 8ast.
4%. (t the chair aside.
4&. It is getting dar,.
5'. Selfishness is the order of the day.
51. This hose is tasteflly decorated.
52. I live on the grond floor.
53. 5y friend lives on the first floor.
54. I have invited my friends to tea.
55. The mil, has gone sor.
5!. (eel off these apples.
5". I don9t relish sweets.
5%. The food is well pampered.
5&. They ate to their fill.
!'. I have only two meals a day.
!1. I feel no appetite today.
!2. Serve food to the gests.
!3. The washerman has +roght the clothes.
!4. I told my lessons to the teacher.
!5. *e shall ta,e a test in 111111111 2any s+:ect3 tomorrow.
!!. The paper was rather stiff.
!". It is only a wee, to or annal e4amination.
!%. This new time ta+le comes into force with effect from 5onday
!&. How are yo getting on with yor stdies$
"'. There goes the last +ell.
"1. *e won the toss.
"2. /oth the teams were well; +alanced.
"3. The match ended in a draw.

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