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Bohea Tea

20, 1773

On the night of
December 16, 1773.
The patriots of the
Massachusetts city
Boston revolted against
the Tea Act. If you not
familiar: the Tea Act is
when parliament
decided to tax our tea
and forced us to buy
and drink only British
East India Company tea.
A group of patriot
colonist led by Samuel
Adams, Paul Revere,
and others disguised
themselves as Native
Americans and dumped
circa 342 chests of
Bohea Tea in the
Boston Harbor. The
word is that Parliament
will pass the Boston
Port Bill.
We shouldnt be
worrying about that.
We should be worrying
about the fact of no
ships can come in and
go out until all the tea
that was dumped into
the harbor is paid for!
Even worse is the fact
of the Coercive Acts
that will come upon us.

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