Some Prime Numbers. Then e P+Q

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Camp Euclid Research

Pascals Triangle: Is there a natural number n which appears 5 times in Pascals triangle?
Initial Thoughts: Find patterns in columns of the triangle; generalize this to the nth
Goldbach Conjecture: Let e be an even natural number greater than 2 and let p and q be
some prime numbers. Then e = p+q.
Initial Thoughts: Perhaps the density of the prime numbers allows this to be possible.
Unfolding Polyhedra: Can every convex polyhedra be unfolded in such a way that each face
is connected to another by at least 1 side and there are no overlaps?
Initial Thoughts: Eulers theorem - Let P be a polyhedron that is topologically the same
as a sphere (convex), and suppose that it has V vertices, E edges, and F faces. Then E-V-
F = 2. It can be shown that any triangulation of a sphere leads to the same result. Perhaps
we can generalize this to any polygonation (A network of polygons drawn on a 3D
object) of a sphere and prove that an Euler characteristic of 2 implies that these polyhedra
can be unfolded without overlap.
Extended Thoughts: A possible method of proof; Take a triangle which satisfies
V-E+F=1. Systematically construct an arbitrary flat net of a general polyhedra P from
this triangle by adding more triangles; show that this net satisfies V-E+F=2. Show that
arbitrarily merging triangles into polygons does not change its value. QED

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