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1ab|e of Contents

Title Page
Publisher's Note
About the Authors
!ho "hould #ead This $ook
!hat s Covered in This $ook
The %ssentials "eries
Contacting the Authors
Chapter &' ntroducing #evit and the (ser nterface
(nderstanding the #evit nterface
(nderstanding the nterface !orkflow
(sing Common )odifying Tools
Chapter *' "chematic Design
!orking from a "ketch
)odeling n+Place )asses
Creating )ass ,loors
"cheduling )ass ,loors
(pdating the )assing "tudy
Chapter -' !alls and Curtain !alls
Creating .eneric !alls
Creating Numerous !all Configurations
)odifying !alls
Creating Curtain !alls
)odifying Curtain !alls
(nderstanding $asic !all Parts and Parameters
Chapter /' ,loors0 #oofs0 and Ceilings
Creating ,loors
1aying 2ut #oofs
Adding Ceilings
Chapter 3' "tairs0 #amps0 and #ailings
Creating Numerous "tair Configurations
Designing #amps
$uilding #ailings for 1evel and "loped Conditions
!orking with Parts0 Parameters0 and Properties
Chapter 4' Adding ,amilies
(nderstanding Different ,amily Types
1oading ,amilies
Placing ,amilies
Chapter 5' )odifying ,amilies
%diting 6iew Display and Detail 1evel
Changing the ,amily Category
)odifying ,amily .eometry
Chapter 7' .roups and Phasing
(sing .roups
(sing Phasing
Chapter 8' #ooms and Color ,ill Plans
Tagging "paces with #oom Tags
Creating #oom 9eys
.enerating Color ,ill #oom Plans
Chapter &:' !orksharing
%nabling !orksharing
Creating Central and 1ocal ,iles
Adding !orksets
Assigning %lements to !orksets
"aving to the Central ,ile
Creating New %lements
(sing !orkset Display ,ilters
(sing !orksharing to !ork with Consultants
(sing .uidelines for !orksharing
Chapter &&' Details and Annotations
Creating Details
Annotating ;our Details
Chapter &*' Creating Drawing "ets
Creating "chedules
Placing 6iews on "heets
Printing Documents
Chapter &-' !orkflow and 2ther #evit %ssentials
(nderstanding a $) !orkflow
)odeling "ite
Detailing in #evit
Performing <uality Control on ;our #evit )odel
Chapter &/' Tips0 Tricks0 and Troubleshooting
2ptimi=ing Performance
(sing $est Practices
,i>ing ,ile Corruption
1earning Tips and "hortcuts
,inding Additional #esources
Appendi>' #evit Certification
Senlor AcqulslLlons LdlLor: Wlllem knlbbe
uevelopmenL LdlLor: Laurene Sorensen
1echnlcal LdlLor: Adam 1homas
roducLlon LdlLor: uassl Zeldel
Copy LdlLor: Llz Welch
LdlLorlal Manager: eLe Caughan
roducLlon Manager: 1lm 1aLe
vlce resldenL and LxecuLlve Croup ubllsher: 8lchard Swadley
vlce resldenL and ubllsher: nell Ldde
8ook ueslgner: PappensLance 1ype-C-8ama
ComposlLor: Cralg W. !ohnson, PappensLance 1ype-C-8ama
roofreader: ubllcaLlon Servlces, lnc.
lndexer: 1ed Laux
ro[ecL CoordlnaLor, Cover: kaLle Crocker
Cover ueslgner: 8yan Sneed
Cover lmage: _spacegroup
CopyrlghL 2011 by Wlley ubllshlng, lnc., lndlanapolls, lndlanaubllshed slmulLaneously ln Canada
lS8n: 978-1-118-01683-1
no parL of Lhls publlcaLlon may be reproduced, sLored ln a reLrleval sysLem or LransmlLLed ln any form or by any
means, elecLronlc, mechanlcal, phoLocopylng, recordlng, scannlng or oLherwlse, excepL as permlLLed under
SecLlons 107 or 108 of Lhe 1976 unlLed SLaLes CopyrlghL AcL, wlLhouL elLher Lhe prlor wrlLLen permlsslon of Lhe
ubllsher, or auLhorlzaLlon Lhrough paymenL of Lhe approprlaLe per-copy fee Lo Lhe CopyrlghL Clearance CenLer,
222 8osewood urlve, uanvers, MA 01923, (978) 730-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. 8equesLs Lo Lhe ubllsher for
permlsslon should be addressed Lo Lhe ermlsslons ueparLmenL, !ohn Wlley & Sons, lnc., 111 8lver SLreeL,
Poboken, n! 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748-6008, or onllne aL http:]]www.w||]go]perm|ss|ons.
LlmlL of LlablllLy/ulsclalmer of WarranLy: 1he publlsher and Lhe auLhor make no represenLaLlons or warranLles wlLh
respecL Lo Lhe accuracy or compleLeness of Lhe conLenLs of Lhls work and speclflcally dlsclalm all warranLles,
lncludlng wlLhouL llmlLaLlon warranLles of flLness for a parLlcular purpose. no warranLy may be creaLed or
exLended by sales or promoLlonal maLerlals. 1he advlce and sLraLegles conLalned hereln may noL be sulLable for
every slLuaLlon. 1hls work ls sold wlLh Lhe undersLandlng LhaL Lhe publlsher ls noL engaged ln renderlng legal,
accounLlng, or oLher professlonal servlces. lf professlonal asslsLance ls requlred, Lhe servlces of a compeLenL
professlonal person should be soughL. nelLher Lhe publlsher nor Lhe auLhor shall be llable for damages arlslng
herefrom. 1he facL LhaL an organlzaLlon or Web slLe ls referred Lo ln Lhls work as a clLaLlon and/or a poLenLlal
source of furLher lnformaLlon does noL mean LhaL Lhe auLhor or Lhe publlsher endorses Lhe lnformaLlon Lhe
organlzaLlon or Web slLe may provlde or recommendaLlons lL may make. lurLher, readers should be aware LhaL
lnLerneL Web slLes llsLed ln Lhls work may have changed or dlsappeared beLween when Lhls work was wrlLLen and
when lL ls read.
lor general lnformaLlon on our oLher producLs and servlces or Lo obLaln Lechnlcal supporL, please conLacL our
CusLomer Care ueparLmenL wlLhln Lhe u.S. aL (877) 762-2974, ouLslde Lhe u.S. aL (317) 372-3993 or fax (317) 372-
Wlley also publlshes lLs books ln a varleLy of elecLronlc formaLs. Some conLenL LhaL appears ln prlnL may noL be
avallable ln elecLronlc books.
Llbrary of Congress CaLaloglng-ln-ubllcaLlon uaLa
8ead, hll, 1963- AuLodesk 8evlL archlLecLure essenLlals / hll 8ead, Lddy kryglel, !ames vandezande. - 1sL ed. p.
cm. lS8n 978-1-118-01683-1 (pbk.) lS8n: 978-1-118-09732-8 (ebk.) lS8n: 978-1-118-09734-2 (ebk.) lS8n: 978-1-
118-09733-3 (ebk.) 1. ArchlLecLural drawlng-CompuLer-alded deslgn. 2. ArchlLecLural deslgn-uaLa processlng. 3.
AuLodesk 8evlL. l. kryglel, Lddy, 1972- ll. vandezande, !ames, 1972- lll. 1lLle. nA2728.839 2011
720.28'40283336-dc22 2011008887
18AuLMA8kS: Wlley, Lhe Wlley logo, and Lhe Sybex logo are Lrademarks or reglsLered Lrademarks of !ohn Wlley &
Sons, lnc. and/or lLs afflllaLes, ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes and oLher counLrles, and may noL be used wlLhouL wrlLLen
permlsslon. AuLodesk and 8evlL are reglsLered Lrademarks of AuLodesk, lnc. All oLher Lrademarks are Lhe properLy
of Lhelr respecLlve owners. Wlley ubllshlng, lnc., ls noL assoclaLed wlLh any producL or vendor menLloned ln Lhls
10 9 8 7 6 3 4 3 2 1
uear 8eader,
1hank you for chooslng Autodesk #evit Architecture *:&* %ssentialsB 1hls book ls parL of a famlly of premlum-
quallLy Sybex books, all of whlch are wrlLLen by ouLsLandlng auLhors who comblne pracLlcal experlence wlLh a glfL
for Leachlng.
Sybex was founded ln 1976. More Lhan 30 years laLer, we're sLlll commlLLed Lo produclng conslsLenLly
excepLlonal books. WlLh each of our LlLles, we're worklng hard Lo seL a new sLandard for Lhe lndusLry. lrom Lhe
paper we prlnL on, Lo Lhe auLhors we work wlLh, our goal ls Lo brlng you Lhe besL books avallable.
l hope you see all LhaL reflecLed ln Lhese pages. l'd be very lnLeresLed Lo hear your commenLs and geL your
feedback on how we're dolng. leel free Lo leL me know whaL you Lhlnk abouL Lhls or any oLher Sybex book by
sendlng me an emall aL nedde[ lf you Lhlnk you've found a Lechnlcal error ln Lhls book, please vlslL
http:]]sybex.custhe| CusLomer feedback ls crlLlcal Lo our efforLs aL Sybex.
8esL regards,
nell Ldde
vlce resldenL and ubllsher
Sybex, an lmprlnL of Wlley
To Custine'Thanks again for letting me work with %ddy and CamesB promise not to blow all my earnings Glike did
last yearH at the )i> 1ounge in 6egasB had no idea that a round of drinks would re?uire a second mortgageB
To Aarrison';ouPve come a long way this year and youPre braver than you knowB f youPll go pick up the 1egos
strewn all over your bedroom floor0 Pll make you a hot chocolateB
To )illicent' The world is a tough place0 but especially for a girlB DonPt trust everyoneB $e honest0 fair0 strong0 and
niceB $ut not too niceB
To Casper';ouPre capable of the best )rB Aankey0 Conky0 and .umby impersonations knowB tPs seems silly0 but it
means youPre capable of careful observationB Please keep up the great work at school and keep writing those
To everyone else'Choose meaning over moneyB DonPt ever work for someone that you canPt deeply respectR
especially when hePs sharply+dressed0 sharply+elbowed0 sharply+tongued0 but not sharply+mindedB ;ouPre holding
back human progressB
"mall monkeysB tPs good to have you aroundB ;ouPve seen that life is a lot of work and can be full of challengesB Pm
proud of you for rising to meet themB tPs a hard thing to doB
,or my late father+in+law0 $illB ;ou are missed every day and know you would appreciateObut not necessarily
understandOthese books wePre writingB
Ah, acknowledgmenLs. Whlle all Lhe glory of wrlLlng a book ls consumed by Lhe auLhorlng Leam, lL Lakes so many
more people Lhan Lhe Lhree of us Lo make Lhls book happen. !usL llke bulldlng deslgn, Lhe process of wrlLlng and
publlshlng a book ls Lruly a Leam sporL and wlLhouL Lhe hard work, dedlcaLlon, and wllllngness Lo puL up wlLh Lhe
auLhorlng Leam, Lhls book would never have happened.
llrsL, we'd llke Lo Lhank all Lhe flne folks aL AuLodesk 8evlL because wlLhouL Lhelr excellenL sofLware we
wouldn'L have a Loplc Lo wrlLe abouL. Whlle lL's noL posslble Lo name Lhem all, Lhe work of Lhe producL deslgners,
quallLy assurance Leam, and all Lhe oLhers doesn'L go unrecognlzed or unappreclaLed. 1hank you, gals and guys, for
Laklng a Lough [ob and dolng lL wlLh a greaL aLLlLude. 1hank you Lo Lhe developmenL Leam for puLLlng up wlLh all of
our conLlnued requesLs Lo make Lhe producL beLLer.
Second, a blg Lhanks Lo our Lechnlcal Leam. 1hey doL our l's, cross our L's, and beraLe us every Llme we Lurn ln
someLhlng laLe. 1helr work and efforL makes sure LhaL we as auLhors can produce someLhlng LhaL you Lhe reader
can acLually comprehend. 1hank you Lo Laurene, Llz, uassl, and Lhe resL of our edlLlng Leam for LranslaLlng our
senLence fragmenLs lnLo Lhe Cueen's Lngllsh and noL allowlng us Lo use words llke Lhls" and Lhey" and lL" as
regular nouns, eLe, for keeplng Llme, Adam, Lhe guy who checks all of our 8evlL work, and our excellenL supporL
Leam aL Sybex, who helped us develop and focus Lhe conLenL. As always, a speclal Lhanks Lo Wlllem knlbbe, for hls
conLlnually poslLlve aLLlLude ln Lhe face of deadllnes, mlsspelllngs, and Lhe general chaos LhaL comes wlLh worklng
on any of our pro[ecLs.
-hll 8ead, Lddy kryglel, and !ames vandenzande
About the Authors
hll 8ead ls Lhe founder of Arch | 1ech as well as one of Lhe drlvlng forces behlnd Lhe orlglnal 8evlL sofLware. Pe's
also a blogger, a speaker, and a popular presenLer aL AuLodesk unlverslLy. AfLer worklng ln boLh clvll englneerlng
and archlLecLure, he downloaded 8evlL verslon 1.0 (aL Lhe suggesLlon of an ArchlCAu reseller) and was hooked.
Less Lhan a year laLer, he began worklng for 8evlL 1echnology and Lhen AuLodesk as a pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon
speclallsL, where he had Lhe honor and pleasure of worklng wlLh some of Lhe mosL remarkable people and deslgn
flrms around Lhe world. Pe's a regular speaker, blogger, and 1weeLer and rellshes Lhe role of change agenL as long
as lL makes sound buslness sense. hll holds degrees ln communlcaLlons and archlLecLure, as well as a masLer's
degree ln archlLecLure.
Lddy kryglel ls a senlor pro[ecL archlLecL, a LLLu AccredlLed rofesslonal, and an AuLodesk AuLhorlzed AuLhor aL
Pn18 ArchlLecLs headquarLered ln kansas ClLy, Mlssourl. Pe has been uslng 8evlL slnce verslon 3.1 Lo compleLe
pro[ecLs ranglng from slngle-famlly resldences and hlsLorlc remodels Lo 1.12-mllllon-square-fooL offlce bulldlngs.
Lddy ls responslble for lmplemenLlng 8lM aL hls flrm and also consulLs for oLher archlLecLure and conLracLlng flrms
around Lhe counLry looklng Lo lmplemenL 8lM. lor Lhe lasL four years, he has been Leachlng 8evlL Lo pracLlclng
archlLecLs and archlLecLural sLudenLs ln Lhe kansas ClLy area and has lecLured around Lhe naLlon on Lhe use of 8lM
ln Lhe consLrucLlon lndusLry. Lddy also coauLhored )astering Autodesk #evit Architecture*:&& wlLh hll 8ead and
!ames vandezande (Sybex, 2010).
!ames vandezande ls a reglsLered archlLecL and a senlor assoclaLe aL PCk ln new ?ork ClLy, where he ls a member
of Lhe flrm-wlde 8lM leadershlp and ls managlng Lhelr bulldlngSMA81 lnlLlaLlves. AfLer graduaLlng from Lhe new
?ork lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology ln 1993, he worked ln resldenLlal and small commerclal archlLecLure flrms performlng
servlces ranglng from esLlmaLlng Lo compuLer modellng Lo consLrucLlon admlnlsLraLlon. ln 1999, he landed aL SCM
and Lransformed hls Lechnology skllls lnLo a 10-year span as a dlglLal deslgn manager. ln Lhls capaclLy, he ploneered
Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of 8lM on such pro[ecLs as Cne World 1rade CenLer, a.k.a. lreedom 1ower. !ames has been
uslng 8evlL slnce verslon 3.1 and has lecLured aL many lndusLry evenLs, lncludlng AuLodesk unlverslLy, vlsMasLers
Conference, CMAA 8lM Conference, McCraw_Plll ConsLrucLlon, and Lhe AlAn?S ConvenLlon. Pe ls a cofounder and
presldenL of Lhe n?C 8evlL users Croup and ls an ad[uncL lecLurlng professor aL Lhe n?u School for ConLlnulng and
rofesslonal SLudles as well as Lhe olyLechnlc lnsLlLuLe of n?u.
Welcome Lo Autodeskkev|t Arch|tecture 2012 Lssent|a|s, based on Lhe 8evlL ArchlLecLure 2012 release.
WhaL you are holdlng ln your hands ls Lhe flrsL 8evlL book ln a new serles. When we auLhors flrsL saL down Lo
learn 8evlL (eons ago), each of us was puL lnLo a room wlLh a Lralner, and over Lhe course of four days, we cllcked
Lhrough all Lhe buLLons and funcLlonallLy Lo learn Lhe sofLware. Cnce lnlLlaLed, we walked away wlLh some
answers, some quesLlons, and a general undersLandlng of whaL 8evlL does and how we could use lL Lo leverage
bulldlng deslgn, documenLaLlon, and consLrucLlon.
Cur alm wlLh Lhls book ls Lo repllcaLe LhaL Lralnlng experlence. 1he book ls dlvlded lnLo Lralnlng days" wlLh Lhe
ldea LhaL each chapLer should Lake you a couple of hours Lo compleLe and four chapLers equal a full day of Lralnlng.
Cnce you've made lL Lhrough Lhe book, ln Lhe flnal Lwo chapLers we offer a half day's worLh of Llps and Lrlcks Lo
help you leverage Lhose skllls on real pro[ecLs.
When we saL down Lo plan Lhls book, we looked Lo serve Lhe needs of lndlvlduals who were fresh Lo 8evlL as
well as Lhose who had Laken Lralnlng so long ago Lhey needed a solld refresher. We hope you wlll flnd LhaL our
efforLs Lo meeL LhaL need were successful. We deslgned Lhe book ln a nonllnear fashlon wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon LhaL Lhe
chapLers would be freesLandlng, so Lhe reader could Lake almosL any chapLer and learn lLs Loplcs raLher Lhan
havlng Lo work Lhrough Lhe book from beglnnlng Lo end.
We wanLed Lo wrlLe a book LhaL ls as much abouL archlLecLural deslgn and pracLlce as lL ls abouL sofLware.
ArchlLecLure ls a way of looklng aL Lhe world and Lhe meLhods LhaL lnsplre creaLlvely solvlng Lhe problems of Lhe
bullL world. 1he book follows real-llfe workflows and scenarlos and ls full of pracLlcal examples LhaL explaln how Lo
leverage Lhe Lools wlLhln 8evlL. We hope you'll agree LhaL we've succeeded.
Who Shou|d kead 1h|s 8ook
1hls book ls wrlLLen for archlLecLs, deslgners, sLudenLs, and anyone else who needs Lhelr flrsL exposure Lo 8evlL or
has had an lnlLlal lnLroducLlon and wanLs a refresher on Lhe program's core feaLures and funcLlonallLy. lL's for
archlLecLs (and Lhose who'd llke Lo be) of any generaLlon-you don'L need Lo be a compuLer wlzard Lo undersLand
or appreclaLe Lhe conLenL. We've deslgned Lhe book Lo follow real pro[ecL workflows and processes Lo help make
Lhe Lools easy Lo follow, and Lhe chapLers are full of handy Llps Lo make 8evlL easy Lo leverage. 1hls book can also
be used Lo help prepare for AuLodesk's CerLlfled AssoclaLe and CerLlfled rofesslonal exams. lor more lnformaLlon
on cerLlflcaLlon, please vlslL]cert|f|cat|on.
What ou W||| Learn
1hls book ls deslgned Lo help you grasp Lhe baslcs of 8evlL uslng real-world examples and Lechnlques you'll use ln
everyday deslgn and documenLaLlon. We'll explaln Lhe 8evlL lnLerface and help you flnd Lhe Lools you need as well
as help you undersLand how Lhe appllcaLlon ls sLrucLured. lrom Lhere we'll show you how Lo creaLe and modlfy Lhe
prlmary componenLs ln a bulldlng deslgn. We'll show you how Lo Lake a prellmlnary model and add layers of
lnLelllgence Lo help analyze and augmenL your deslgns. We'll demonsLraLe how Lo creaLe robusL and accuraLe
documenLaLlon, and Lhen gulde you Lhrough Lhe consLrucLlon process.
As you are already aware, 8lM ls more Lhan [usL a change ln sofLware, lL's a change ln archlLecLural workflow
and culLure. 1o Lake full advanLage of boLh 8lM and 8evlL ln your offlce sLrucLure, you'll have Lo make some
changes Lo your pracLlce. We've deslgned Lhe book around an ldeal, lnLegraLed workflow Lo ald ln Lhls LranslLlon.
Cnce you've masLered Lhe conLenL ln each chapLer, we lnclude a secLlon called 1he LssenLlals and 8eyond"
where you can conLlnue Lo hone your skllls by Laklng on more challenglng exerclses.
What ou Need
1o leverage Lhe full capaclLy of Lhls book, we hlghly recommend LhaL you have a copy of 8evlL lnsLalled on a
compuLer sLrong enough Lo handle lL. 1o download Lhe Lrlal verslon of 8evlL ArchlLecLure, go Lo]rev|tarch|tecture, where you'll also flnd compleLe sysLem requlremenLs for runnlng 8evlL.
lrom a sofLware sLandpolnL, Lhe exerclses ln Lhls book are deslgned Lo be llghLwelghL and noL compuLaLlonally
lnLenslve. 1hls way, you avold long walL Llmes Lo open and save flles and perform cerLaln Lasks. 1haL sald, keep ln
mlnd LhaL Lhe AuLodesk-recommended compuLer specs for 8evlL are far more Lhan whaL you need Lo do Lhe
exerclses ln Lhls book buL are e>actly whaL you need Lo work on an archlLecLural pro[ecL uslng 8evlL.
lf you're worklng from a 32-blL CS, you'll need Lhe followlng:
MlcrosofL Wlndows 7 32-blL LnLerprlse, ulLlmaLe, rofesslonal, or Pome remlum, MlcrosofL Wlndows
vlsLa 32-blL (S2 or laLer) LnLerprlse, ulLlmaLe, 8uslness, or Pome remlum, or MlcrosofL Wlndows x
(S2 or laLer) rofesslonal or Pome
lnLel enLlum 4 or AMu ALhlon dual core, 3.0 CPz (or hlgher) wlLh SSL2 Lechnology for MlcrosofL
Wlndows 7 32-blL or MlcrosofL Wlndows vlsLa 32-blL (S2 or laLer). lnLel enLlum 4 or AMu ALhlon dual
core, 1.6 CPz (or hlgher) wlLh SSL2 Lechnology for MlcrosofL Wlndows x (S2 or laLer)
3 C8 of 8AM
3 C8 of free dlsk space
1280 1024 monlLor wlLh Lrue color
ulsplay adapLer capable of 24-blL color for baslc graphlcs, 236 M8 ulrecLx 9-capable graphlcs card wlLh
Shader Model 3 for advanced graphlcs
MlcrosofL lnLerneL Lxplorer 7.0 (or laLer)
MlcrosofL Mouse-compllanL polnLlng devlce
uownload or lnsLallaLlon from uvu
lnLerneL connecLlvlLy for llcense reglsLraLlon
lf you're worklng from a 64-blL verslon (whlch ls preferred for pro[ecL work due Lo how much 8AM you can
leverage), you'll need Lhe followlng:
MlcrosofL Wlndows 7 64-blL LnLerprlse, ulLlmaLe, rofesslonal, or Pome remlum, MlcrosofL Wlndows
vlsLa 64-blL (S2 or laLer) LnLerprlse, ulLlmaLe, 8uslness, or Pome remlum, or MlcrosofL Wlndows x
rofesslonal x64 edlLlon (S2 or laLer)
lnLel enLlum 4 or AMu ALhlon dual core, 3.0 CPz (or hlgher) wlLh SSL2 Lechnology for MlcrosofL
Wlndows 7 64-blL or MlcrosofL Wlndows vlsLa 64-blL (S2 or laLer). lnLel enLlum 4 or AMu ALhlon dual
core, 1.6 CPz (or hlgher) wlLh SSL2 Lechnology for MlcrosofL Wlndows x rofesslonal x64 edlLlon (S2 or
3 C8 of 8AM
3 C8 of free dlsk space
1280 1024 monlLor wlLh Lrue color
ulsplay adapLer capable of 24-blL color for baslc graphlcs, 236 M8 ulrecLx 9-capable graphlcs card wlLh
Shader Model 3 for advanced graphlcs
MlcrosofL lnLerneL Lxplorer 7.0 (or laLer)
MlcrosofL Mouse-compllanL polnLlng devlce
uownload or lnsLallaLlon from uvu
lnLerneL connecLlvlLy for llcense reglsLraLlon
What Is Covered |n 1h|s 8ook
8evlL ls a bulldlng lnformaLlon modellng (8lM) appllcaLlon LhaL has qulckly emerged as Lhe forerunner ln Lhe deslgn
lndusLry. 8evlL ls as much a change ln workflow (lf you come from a 2u or CAu envlronmenL) as lL ls a change ln
sofLware. ln Lhls book, we'll focus on uslng real-world workflows and examples Lo gulde you Lhrough learnlng Lhe
baslcs of 8evlL 2012-Lhe %ssentials.
Autodesk #evit Architecture *:&* %ssentials ls organlzed Lo provlde you wlLh Lhe knowledge needed Lo galn
experlence ln many dlfferenL faceLs of Lhe sofLware. 1he book ls broken down lnLo 14 chapLers, whlch represenL
Lhe conLenL you would cover lf you were Lo aLLend a 3-4 day Lralnlng class.
Day 1
1hls secLlon ls deslgned Lo be an lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe sofLware, Lhe user lnLerface, and Lhe baslc componenLs LhaL
you wlll use every day.
ChapLer 1, lnLroduclng 8evlL and Lhe user lnLerface," lnLroduces Lo you Lhe user lnLerface and geLs you
acqualnLed wlLh Lhe Lools and Lechnology-Lhe workflow-behlnd Lhe sofLware.
ChapLer 2, SchemaLlc ueslgn," lnLroduces you Lo slLuaLlons LhaL would happen on a real pro[ecL, say, a deslgner
has glven you a skeLch and now you need Lo Lake Lhls baslc bulldlng deslgn and model lL.
ChapLer 3, Walls and CurLaln Walls," helps you bulld on LhaL lnlLlal learnlng by esLabllshlng some of Lhe baslc
bulldlng blocks ln archlLecLure: walls.
ChapLer 4, lloors, 8oofs, and Celllngs," rounds ouL Lhe flrsL day of Lralnlng by lnLroduclng you Lo Lhe oLher
baslc bulldlng blocks: floors, roofs, and celllngs. 8y Lhe end of Lhe flrsL four chapLers, you wlll know how easy lL ls Lo
creaLe a bulldlng form, apply walls, floors, roofs, and celllngs Lo LhaL form, and easlly quanLlfy how much space and
area are ln your deslgns.
Day 2
WlLh Lhe baslc bulldlng forms esLabllshed, you spend uay 2 of Lralnlng augmenLlng LhaL form wlLh componenLs
LhaL help bulldlng form lnLeracL wlLh reallLy. 1hese componenLs are whaL we lnLeracL wlLh every day-Lhlngs llke
sLalrs, wlndows, doors-and help esLabllsh Lhe deslgn.
ChapLer 3, SLalrs, 8amps, and 8alllngs," beglns by explalnlng Lhe baslcs of sLalrs, ramps, and ralllngs. 1hese core
componenLs are versaLlle and uslng Lhem can be a blL Lrlcky, so we'll gulde you Lhrough Lhe process of creaLlng
several Lypes of sLalrs and ralllngs.
ChapLer 6, Addlng lamllles," shows you how Lo add a core elemenL Lo your pro[ecL: famllles. ?ou use famllles
Lo creaLe mosL of your conLenL, and 8evlL by defaulL comes wlLh a robusL supply.
ChapLer 7, Modlfylng lamllles," shows you how Lo Lake Lhese famllles, modlfy Lhem, or creaLe your own,
maklng Lhe llbrary of your conLenL llmlLless.
llnally, ln ChapLer 8, Croups and haslng," you'll learn Lechnlques for Laklng famllles and repeaLlng Lhem ln Lhe
model ln ways you can use Lo augmenL your deslgn.
Day 3
WlLh Lwo days of Lralnlng under your belL, you'll have mosL of Lhe Lools you need Lo creaLe bulldlng deslgns ln
8evlL. WhaL we wlll focus on for Lhe nexL four chapLers ls Laklng LhaL deslgn and documenLlng lL so you can share
Lhe bulldlng deslgn wlLh owners, conLracLors, or anyone on your pro[ecL Leam.
ChapLer 9, 8ooms and Color llll lans," shows you how Lo add room elemenLs Lo your spaces, asslgn
lnformaLlon Lo Lhem, and creaLe colorful dlagrams based on space, deparLmenL, or any oLher varlable you need.
ChapLer 10, Worksharlng," dlscusses how Lo Lake your 8evlL flle lnLo a mulLlperson worklng envlronmenL.
Worksharlng allows several people wlLhln your offlce or pro[ecL Leam Lo work on Lhe same 8evlL flle
ln ChapLer 11, ueLalls and AnnoLaLlons," we focus on addlng annoLaLlon Lo explaln your deslgns. ?ou'll learn
how Lo add deLall Lo your model ln Lhe form of dlmenslons, LexL, keynoLes, and Lags, and how Lo embelllsh your 3u
model wlLh addlLlonal deLalllng.
ChapLer 12, CreaLlng urawlng SeLs," shows you how Lo Lake all Lhls lnformaLlon and place Lhose drawlngs and
vlews onLo sheeLs so Lhey can be prlnLed and dlsLrlbuLed Lo your pro[ecL sLakeholders.
Day 4
1he flnal Lwo chapLers ln Lhls book are deslgned Lo bulld on Lhe skllls you have [usL learned and glve you some
addlLlonal resources Lo leverage your new LalenL.
ChapLer 13, Workflow and CLher 8evlL LssenLlals," provldes Lhe baslcs on how Lo Lake your offlce from a CAu
envlronmenL Lo one LhaL works wlLh 8lM. 1hls chapLer explores Lools for every level of Lhe pro[ecL Leam-from Lhe
new sLaff Lo pro[ecL managers. undersLandlng Lhe process and workflow wlll be key Lo Lhe success of your flrsL
8evlL pro[ecL.
1he flnal chapLer, ChapLer 14, 1lps, 1rlcks, and 1roubleshooLlng," ls chock-full of useful Llps and Lrlcks, and
you'll learn how Lo LroubleshooL your 8evlL pro[ecL.
1he %ssentials Ser|es
1he %ssentials serles from Sybex provldes ouLsLandlng lnsLrucLlon for readers who are [usL beglnnlng Lo develop
Lhelr professlonal skllls. Lvery %ssentials book lncludes Lhese feaLures:
Sklll-based lnsLrucLlon wlLh chapLers organlzed around pro[ecLs raLher Lhan absLracL concepLs or sub[ecLs
SuggesLlons for addlLlonal exerclses aL Lhe end of each chapLer, where you can pracLlce and exLend your
ulglLal flles (vla download) so you can work Lhrough Lhe pro[ecL LuLorlals yourself. lease check Lhe book's
web page aL]go]rev|t2012essent|a|s for Lhe companlon downloads.
Contact|ng the Authors
We welcome your feedback and commenLs. ?ou can flnd Lhe Lhree of us on our blog,
www.arch|, or emall us aL Master|ngkev|tQarch| We hope you en[oy Lhe
Chapter &
ntroducing #evit and the (ser nterface
AfLer one decade ln Lhe archlLecLure, englneerlng, and consLrucLlon (ALC) space, AuLodesk 8evlL ArchlLecLure
conLlnues Lo be unlque ln lLs hollsLlc bulldlng lnformaLlon modellng (8lM) approach Lo deslgn lnLegraLlon. Sure,
Lhere are oLher 8lM-lsh Lools LhaL allow you Lo deslgn ln 3u. And 10 years ago, 3u mlghL have been a
dlfferenLlaLor, buL Loday 3u ls a commodlLy!
8evlL provldes Lhe unlque ablllLy Lo deslgn, manage, and documenL your pro[ecL lnformaLlon from wlLhln a
slngle flle, someLhlng LhaL no oLher 8lM Lool wlll allow you Lo do. 8ecause all your daLa resldes ln a slngle pro[ecL
flle, you can work ln vlrLually any vlew Lo edlL your model-plan, secLlon, elevaLlon, 3u, sheeLs, deLalls, and even a
schedule. 1o begln Lhe [ourney ln learnlng 8evlL, we wlll help you become comforLable wlLh Lhe user lnLerface and
Lhe baslc prlnclples of a 8evlL pro[ecL.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
undersLandlng Lhe 8evlL lnLerface
undersLandlng Lhe lnLerface workflow
uslng common modlfylng Lools
Understand|ng the kev|t Interface
1he user lnLerface (ul) of 8evlL ls slmllar Lo oLher AuLodesk producLs such as AuLoCAu, lnvenLor, and 3ds Max. ?ou
mlghL also noLlce LhaL lL ls slmllar Lo oLher Wlndows-based appllcaLlons such as MlcrosofL Word or Mlnd[eL's
MlndManager. All of Lhese appllcaLlons are based on Lhe rlbbon" concepL-where a seL of Loolbars are placed on
Labs ln a Lab bar, or ribbon, and are conLexLually updaLed based on Lhe conLenL on whlch you're worklng. We wlll
cover Lhe mosL crlLlcal aspecLs of Lhe ul ln Lhls secLlon, buL we wlll noL provlde an exhausLlve revlew of all Loolbars
and commands. ?ou wlll galn experlence wlLh Lhe common Lools as you read Lhrough Lhe chapLers and exerclses ln
Lhls book.
llgure 1-1 shows Lhe 8evlL ArchlLecLure 2012 ul. 1o lllusLraLe some dlfferenL pro[ecL vlews, we've Llled four
dlfferenL vlew wlndows: lan, LlevaLlon, 3u, and Camera.
I|gure 1-1: 8evlL 2011 user lnLerface
LeL's begln by examlnlng [usL a few lmporLanL parLs of Lhe ul. As you progress Lhrough Lhe remalnlng chapLers
ln Lhls book, you'll gradually become more famlllar wlLh Lhe oLher baslc parLs of Lhe ul.
ropert|es a|ette
1he roperLles paleLLe ls a floaLlng paleLLe LhaL can remaln open whlle you work wlLhln Lhe model. 1he paleLLe can
be docked on elLher slde of your screen, or lL can be moved Lo a second monlLor. ?ou can open Lhe roperLles
paleLLe ln one of Lhree ways:
Cllcklng Lhe roperLles lcon ln Lhe roperLles panel of Lhe Modlfy Lab ln Lhe rlbbon
SelecLlng roperLles from Lhe rlghL-cllck conLexL menu
resslng CLrl+1 on your keyboard, as you would ln AuLoCAu
As shown ln llgure 1-2, Lhe roperLles paleLLe conLalns Lhe 1ype SelecLor aL Lhe Lop of Lhe paleLLe. When you
are placlng elemenLs or swapplng Lypes of elemenLs you've already placed ln Lhe model, Lhe paleLLe musL be open
Lo access Lhe 1ype SelecLor.
I|gure 1-2: 1he roperLles paleLLe allows you Lo seL lnsLance parameLers for bulldlng elemenLs and vlews.
When no elemenLs are selecLed, Lhe roperLles paleLLe dlsplays Lhe properLles of Lhe acLlve vlew. lf you need Lo
change seLLlngs for Lhe currenL vlew, slmply make Lhe changes ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe and Lhe vlew wlll be
updaLed. lor vlews, you may noL even need Lo use Lhe Apply buLLon Lo submlL Lhe changes.
llnally, you can also use Lhe roperLles paleLLe as a fllLerlng meLhod for selecLed elemenLs. When you selecL a
large number of dlsparaLe ob[ecLs, Lhe drop-down llsL below Lhe 1ype SelecLor wlll dlsplay Lhe LoLal number of
selecLed elemenLs. Cpen Lhe llsL and you wlll see Lhe elemenLs llsLed per caLegory, as shown ln llgure 1-3. SelecL
one of Lhe caLegorles Lo modlfy Lhe parameLers for Lhe respecLlve elemenLs. 1hls ls dlfferenL from Lhe lllLer Lool ln
LhaL Lhe enLlre selecLlon seL ls malnLalned, allowlng you Lo perform mulLlple modlfylng acLlons wlLhouL reselecLlng
I|gure 1-3: use Lhe roperLles paleLLe Lo fllLer selecLlon seLs.
ro[ect 8rowser
1he ro[ecL 8rowser (llgure 1-4) ls a vlrLual folder Lree of all of Lhe vlews, legends, schedules, sheeLs, famllles,
groups, and llnks ln your 8evlL pro[ecL. ?ou can collapse and expand Lhe Lree by selecLlng Lhe + or - lcon. Cpen any
vlew llsLed ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser slmply by double-cllcklng on lL.
I|gure 1-4: ro[ecL 8rowser
1he ro[ecL 8rowser can also be fllLered and grouped lnLo folders based on any comblnaLlon of user-deflned
parameLers. 1o access Lhe Lype properLles of Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser, rlghL-cllck on vlews aL Lhe Lop of Lhe Lree, and
selecL 1ype roperLles. SelecL any of Lhe lLems ln Lhe 1ype drop-down llsL or dupllcaLe one Lo creaLe your own.
Status 8ar
1he sLaLus bar provldes useful lnformaLlon abouL commands and selecLed elemenLs (llgure 1-3). ln addlLlon Lo Lhe
workseLs and deslgn opLlons Loolbars, Lhe sLaLus bar dlsplays lnformaLlon abouL keyboard shorLcuL commands or
slmply llsLs whaL ob[ecL you have selecLed. lL ls also parLlcularly useful for ldenLlfylng when you are abouL Lo selecL
a chaln of elemenLs.
I|gure 1-S: 1he sLaLus bar ls locaLed aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe 8evlL appllcaLlon wlndow.
V|ew Contro| 8ar
1he vlew ConLrol 8ar ls aL Lhe boLLom of every vlew and wlll have dlfferenL lcons dependlng on Lhe Lype of vlew ln
whlch you are worklng (llgure 1-6).
I|gure 1-6: 1he vlew ConLrol 8ar glves you qulck access Lo commonly used vlew properLles.
lrom lefL Lo rlghL you have Scale, ueLall Level, vlsual SLyle, Sun aLh (Cn/Cff), Shadows (Cn/Cff), 8enderlng
Show/Plde (only ln 3u vlews), Crop Cn/Cff, Show/Plde Crop, Lock 3u vlew (only ln 3u vlews), 1emporary
Plde/lsolaLe, and 8eveal Pldden LlemenLs. noLe LhaL some of Lhese buLLons wlll access vlew properLles you can
also seL ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe.
As one of several navlgaLlon alds ln 8evlL, you'll flnd Lhe vlewCube ln 3u vlews. ?ou can orblL your model by
cllcklng and dragglng anywhere on Lhe vlewCube. ?ou can also cllck on any face, corner, or edge of Lhe vlewCube
Lo orlenL your vlew.
Poverlng over Lhe vlewCube wlll reveal Lhe Pome opLlon (Lhe llLLle house" above Lhe vlewCube), whlch wlll
brlng you back Lo your home vlew. 8lghL-cllcklng Lhe vlewCube wlll open a menu LhaL wlll allow you Lo seL, recall,
and orlenL your vlew, as shown ln llgure 1-7.
I|gure 1-7: 8lghL-cllck on Lhe vlewCube Lo access more vlew orlenLaLlon opLlons.
Cpt|ons 8ar
1he CpLlons 8ar ls a conLexL-senslLlve area LhaL glves you feedback as you creaLe and modlfy conLenL. 1hls ls an
lmporLanL ul feaLure when you are creaLlng model conLenL. lor example, when you use Lhe Wall command, Lhe
CpLlons 8ar dlsplays seLLlngs for Lhe helghL, Lhe locaLlon llne, offseL, and chaln modellng opLlons, as shown ln
llgure 1-8. Lven when you place annoLaLlons, Lhe CpLlons 8ar provldes you wlLh cholces for leaders and oLher
addlLlonal conLexL.
I|gure 1-8: 1he CpLlons 8ar provldes lmmedlaLe lnpuL of opLlons relaLed Lo a selecLed ob[ecL or command.
Understand|ng the Interface Workf|ow
ln Lhls secLlon we wlll dlve lnLo Lhe workflow of Lhe 8evlL lnLerface wlLh some baslc modellng exerclses. 1hese
lessons can be applled Lo [usL abouL every Lool and funcLlon LhroughouL Lhe program.
AcLlvaLlng a command ln 8evlL ls a slmple and repeaLable process LhaL Lakes you from a Lool ln Lhe rlbbon Lo
opLlons and properLles and lnLo Lhe drawlng wlndow Lo begln placlng an elemenL. ln Lhe followlng exerclse, you
wlll creaLe a slmple layouL of walls uslng some crlLlcal componenLs of Lhe ul as well as a few common modlfylng
Creat|ng a S|mp|e Layout
8egln by downloadlng Lhe flle c01-Interface.rvt or c01-Interface-Metric.rvt from Lhls book's companlon web
page:]go]rev|t2012essent|a|s. ?ou can open a 8evlL pro[ecL flle by dragglng lL dlrecLly lnLo Lhe
appllcaLlon or by uslng Lhe Cpen command from Lhe AppllcaLlon menu. ?ou can even double-cllck on a 8evlL flle,
buL be aware LhaL lf you have more Lhan one verslon of 8evlL lnsLalled on your compuLer, Lhe flle wlll open ln Lhe
lasL verslon of 8evlL you used.
Cnce Lhe pro[ecL flle ls open, you wlll noLlce ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser LhaL Lhe acLlve vlew ls [3u}. 1hls ls Lhe
defaulL 3u vlew, whlch you can always access by cllcklng Lhe lcon ln Lhe Culck Access Loolbar (CA1) (whlch looks
llke a llLLle house). noLe LhaL Lhe vlew name of Lhe acLlve vlew ls always shown as bold ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser. LeL's
begln by placlng some walls on some predeLermlned polnLs ln a plan vlew:
1. ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser, locaLe Lhe lloor lans caLegory, expand lL, and double-cllck on Level 1. 1hls wlll open
Lhe Level 1 floor plan vlew.
2. lrom Lhe rlbbon, selecL Lhe Pome Lab and cllck Lhe Wall Lool.
3. ln Lhe CpLlons 8ar locaLed [usL below Lhe rlbbon, change Lhe PelghL Lo Level 2 and seL LocaLlon Llne Lo llnlsh
lace: LxLerlor. Also make sure Lhe Chaln opLlon ls checked.
4. AL Lhe Lop of Lhe roperLles paleLLe, you wlll see Lhe 1ype SelecLor. Cllck on lL Lo change Lhe wall Lype Lo 8aslc
Wall: LxLerlor - 8rlck on MLl. SLud. Also flnd Lhe parameLer named 1op CffseL and change Lhe value Lo 3-0
[1000 mm].
8efore you begln modellng, noLlce Lhe uraw panel ln Lhe rlbbon (
llgure 1-9
). ?ou can choose from a varleLy of geomeLry opLlons as you creaLe 3u and 2u elemenLs ln Lhe drawlng area.
I|gure 1-9:
SelecL geomeLry opLlons from Lhe uraw panel ln Lhe rlbbon.
S. ?ou are now ready Lo begln modellng wall segmenLs. ln Lhe drawlng area, cllck Lhrough each of Lhe layouL
markers from 1 Lhrough 6. noLe how you can use auLomaLlc snapplng Lo accuraLely locaLe Lhe sLarL and end of
each segmenL. AL polnL 3, place your mouse polnLer near Lhe mlddle of Lhe clrcle Lo use Lhe cenLer snap polnL.
6. AfLer you cllck Lhe lasL wall segmenL aL polnL 6, press Lhe Lsc key once Lo sLop addlng new walls. ?ou wlll
noLlce LhaL Lhe Wall command ls sLlll acLlve and you can conLlnue addlng new walls lf you choose. ?ou can even
change Lhe wall Lype, opLlons, and properLles before conLlnulng.
7. ress Lhe Lsc key agaln Lo reLurn Lo Lhe Modlfy sLaLe. ?ou can also cllck Lhe Modlfy buLLon aL Lhe lefL end of
Lhe rlbbon.
?our layouL of walls should look llke Lhe lmage shown ln llgure 1-10.
I|gure 1-10: ?our flrsL layouL of walls ln a plan vlew
Us|ng I||ter, M|rror, and 1r|m]Lxtend
As we conLlnue Lhe exerclse, you wlll use a few common modlfylng Lools Lo furLher develop Lhe layouL of walls.
?ou wlll also learn how Lo selecL and fllLer elemenLs ln Lhe model. LeL's begln by mlrrorlng parL of Lhe layouL and
connecLlng Lhe corners wlLh Lhe 1rlm Lool.
1. uslng Lhe mouse polnLer, cllck and drag a wlndow from Lhe lower lefL Lo Lhe upper rlghL Lo selecL only Lhe
wall segmenLs runnlng easL-wesL, as shown ln llgure 1-11.
I|gure 1-11:
urag Lhe cursor from lefL Lo rlghL Lo selecL some of Lhe walls.
2. ?ou'll probably have more Lhan [usL walls when you use Lhls meLhod of selecLlon. 1o reduce Lhe selecLlon Lo
only walls, cllck Lhe lllLer buLLon ln Lhe rlbbon and clear all Lhe check boxes excepL for Walls, as shown ln llgure
I|gure 1-12:
lllLer your selecLlon Lo only lnclude walls.
3. lrom Lhe Modlfy Lab ln Lhe rlbbon, cllck Lhe Mlrror - lck Axls Lool and Lhen cllck on Lhe dashed llne
represenLlng Lhe reference plane ln Lhe plan vlew. Mlrrored coples of Lhe selecLed walls wlll appear opposlLe Lhe
reference plane, as shown ln llgure 1-13.
I|gure 1-13:
Mlrrored coples of Lhe selecLed walls
I|gure 1-16: use Lhe SwlLch Wlndows command Lo see whaL vlews you have acLlvaLed.
Chang|ng L|ement 1ypes
nexL you wlll change Lhe properLles for some of Lhe elemenLs you've already creaLed uslng Lhe roperLles paleLLe.
?ou wlll also change some walls from one Lype Lo anoLher. ln Lhe prevlous exerclse, you creaLed addlLlonal levels,
Lhus lncreaslng Lhe overall deslred helghL of your bulldlng. ln Lhe followlng sLeps, you wlll ad[usL Lhe Lop consLralnL
of Lhe exLerlor walls and swap a few walls for a curLaln wall Lype:
1. AcLlvaLe Lhe defaulL 3u vlew. 8emember, you can cllck Lhe uefaulL 3u vlew ln Lhe CA1 or double-cllck Lhe
[3u} vlew ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser.
2. Cllck Lhe Close Pldden vlews buLLon ln Lhe CA1 and Lhen acLlvaLe Lhe SouLh vlew under LlevaLlons (8ulldlng
LlevaLlon) ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser.
3. lrom Lhe vlew Lab ln Lhe rlbbon, locaLe Lhe Wlndows panel and Lhen cllck Lhe 1lle buLLon. 1he Lwo acLlve
vlews (defaulL 3u vlew and SouLh elevaLlon) should now be seen slde by slde.
4. ln elLher vlew, flnd Lhe navlgaLlon bar, cllck Lhe drop-down arrow under Lhe Zoom lcon, and Lhen cllck Zoom
All 1o llL, as shown ln llgure 1-17.
I|gure 1-17:
use Zoom All 1o llL when you are uslng Llled wlndows.
I|gure 1-18:
1he number of selecLed lLems can be seen ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe.
6. ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe, flnd Lhe parameLer 1op ConsLralnL. Change Lhe value Lo up 1o Level: 8oof and Lhen
cllck Apply. noLlce how Lhe walls all change helghL ln boLh Lhe 3u vlew and Lhe elevaLlon vlew. Also noLe how
Lhe offseL ls malnLalned relaLlve Lo Lhe level of Lhe Lop consLralnL (llgure 1-19).
ln Lhe flnal sLeps of Lhls exerclse, you wlll change a few wall segmenLs from one wall Lype Lo anoLher. Maklng
Lhese klnds of changes ln 8evlL ls slmllar Lo changlng Lhe fonL of a senLence ln MlcrosofL Word where you would
selecL Lhe senLence and choose a dlfferenL fonL from Lhe fonL selecLor.
7. ln Lhe 3u vlew, selecL Lhe wall aL Lhe wesL (lefL) slde of Lhe layouL. ress and hold Lhe CLrl key and selecL Lhe
wall segmenL aL Lhe easL (rlghL) slde as well (llgure 1-20).
I|gure 1-19:
1lled wlndows show Lhe resulL of modlfylng Lhe Lop consLralnLs of Lhe walls.
I|gure 1-20:
use Lhe CLrl key Lo manually selecL mulLlple lLems ln your model.
8. AL Lhe Lop of Lhe roperLles paleLLe ls Lhe 1ype SelecLor. Cllck lL Lo open Lhe llsL of avallable wall Lypes wlLhln
Lhe pro[ecL. Scroll down Lo Lhe boLLom of Lhe llsL and selecL Lhe Lype CurLaln Wall: LxLerlor Clazlng. ?ou may geL
a warnlng when you make Lhls change, lf so, [usL selecL un[oln Walls or whaLever Lhe recommended acLlon ls.
?our resulL should look llke Lhe lmage ln llgure 1-21.
9. 8emember Lo save your pro[ecL flle before conLlnulng wlLh subsequenL lessons.
I|gure 1-21: Wall segmenLs have been changed Lo a dlfferenL Lype.
8. ln Lhe plan vlew, cllck on each of Lhe Lwo lnLerlor walls you [usL creaLed. ?ou wlll see one dlmenslon appear
beLween Lhe Lwo walls, buL Lhe command ls sLlll acLlve. keep golng Lo Lhe nexL sLep.
9. Pover Lhe mouse polnLer over one of Lhe Lwo exLerlor walls and you wlll noLlce LhaL Lhe cenLerllne of Lhe wall
ls Lhe defaulL reference. ress Lhe 1ab key unLll you see Lhe lnslde face of Lhe wall hlghllghL, as shown ln llgure
1-24, and Lhen cllck Lo add Lhe dlmenslon. 8epeaL Lhls process for Lhe exLerlor wall on Lhe oLher slde.
I|gure 1-24:
use Lhe 1ab key Lo Loggle beLween wall references before you place a dlmenslon.
now Lry movlng each of Lhe exLerlor walls agaln. Cbserve how Lhe consLralned dlmenslons are preservlng your
lnLenL Lo keep Lhe ouLer rooms aL Lhelr deflned dlmenslon.
A||gn|ng L|ements
ln Lhe followlng exerclse, you wlll use dlmenslons Lo preclsely place Lwo more walls. ?ou wlll Lhen learn how Lo use
Lhe Allgn Lool Lo preserve a dlmenslonal relaLlonshlp beLween Lwo model elemenLs. 1he Allgn Lool can be used ln
[usL abouL any slLuaLlon ln 8evlL and ls Lherefore a valuable addlLlon Lo your common Loolbox.
1o begln Lhls exerclse, you wlll use Lemporary dlmenslons Lo place a wall segmenL. LlemenLs ln 8evlL can be
lnlLlally placed ln speclflc places uslng Lemporary dlmenslons or you can place Lhem and Lhen modlfy Lhelr
poslLlons uslng Lemporary or permanenL dlmenslons as you learned ln Lhe prevlous exerclse.
8efore you begln Lhls exerclse, you wlll need Lo ad[usL Lhe seLLlngs for Lemporary dlmenslons. SwlLch Lo Lhe
Manage Lab ln Lhe rlbbon and cllck CLher SeLLlngs and Lhen 1emporary ulmenslons. Change Lhe seLLlng for Walls Lo
laces and Lhe seLLlng for uoors And Wlndows Lo Cpenlngs, as shown ln llgure 1-26.
I|gure 1-26: Modlfylng Lhe seLLlngs for Lemporary dlmenslons
1. Add a wall uslng lnLerlor - arLlLlon 1ype A2 Lo Lhe maln layouL area. ConLlnue Lo use Lhe llnlsh lace: lnLerlor
locaLlon llne opLlon, however, use a Lemporary dlmenslon Lo place each wall exacLly 8-0 [2.3 m] from Lhe
nearesL wall lnLersecLlon, as shown ln llgure 1-27. 8epeaL Lhls process for Lhe opposlLe slde.
2. ress Lhe Lsc key or cllck Lhe Modlfy buLLon ln Lhe rlbbon Lo exlL Lhe Wall command. SelecL one of Lhe walls
you creaLed ln sLep 1. ?ou wlll see a sLrlng of Lemporary dlmenslons appear. urag Lhe grlp on Lhe far lefL of Lhe
dlmenslon sLrlng so LhaL lL allgns wlLh Lhe ouLslde edge of Lhe oLher wall, as shown ln llgure 1-28.
3. Cllck Lhe dlmenslon lcon [usL below Lhe lengLh shown ln Lhe Lemporary dlmenslon Lo converL lL lnLo a regular
dlmenslon sLrlng. SelecL Lhe dlmenslon sLrlng and cllck Lhe lock symbol Lo esLabllsh a consLralnL, as shown ln
llgure 1-29.
4. Zoom ouL so you can see boLh new lnLerlor wall segmenLs. lrom Lhe Modlfy Lab ln Lhe rlbbon, selecL Lhe Allgn
I|gure 1-27:
lace an lnLerlor wall uslng Lemporary dlmenslons.
I|gure 1-28:
Ad[usL references of Lemporary dlmenslons by dragglng grlps.
I|gure 1-29:
A Lemporary dlmenslon has been converLed and locked.
S. As lllusLraLed ln llgure 1-30, cllck Lhe face of Lhe wall LhaL has been consLralned ln sLep 3 (a), cllck Lhe
correspondlng face of Lhe oLher new wall (b), and Lhen cllck Lhe lock Lo consLraln Lhe allgnmenL (c).
I|gure 1-30: use Lhe Allgn Lool Lo creaLe an allgnmenL and consLraln Lhe relaLlonshlp.
Cnce you have compleLed Lhls exerclse, Lry movlng Lhe cenLral lnLerlor wall Lo see how Lhe Lwo flanklng walls
malnLaln Lhelr dlmenslonal and allgned relaLlonshlps. noLe LhaL Lhe consLralned dlmenslon can be deleLed whlle
preservlng Lhe consLralnL, as shown ln llgure 1-31.
I|gure 1-31: 1ry movlng Lhe maln wall Lo observe how Lhe flanklng walls behave.
S. use Lhe ComponenL Lool agaln and choose Chalr-uesk from Lhe 1ype SelecLor. ress Lhe spacebar unLll Lhe
chalr orlenLs properly wlLh Lhe desk (llgure 1-33).
I|gure 1-33:
lace a chalr wlLh Lhe desk ln Lhe maln space.
6. 8epeaL Lhls process for Lhe desk ln Lhe easL wlng, buL add Lwo addlLlonal chalrs on Lhe opposlLe slde of Lhe
desk (llgure 1-34).
7. SelecL Lhe desk and chalr ln Lhe maln space and cllck Lhe CreaLe Croup command ln Lhe CreaLe panel of Lhe
conLexLual rlbbon. name Lhe group Desk-Cha|r-1.
I|gure 1-34:
lace Lhree chalrs wlLh Lhe desk ln Lhe easL wlng.
8. 8epeaL Lhe process for Lhe desk and chalrs ln Lhe easL wlng. name Lhe group Desk-Cha|r-3.
9. SelecL Lhe group uesk-Chalr-3 and cllck Lhe Copy command ln Lhe rlbbon. SeL Lhe ConsLraln and MulLlple
opLlons ln Lhe CpLlons 8ar and begln Lo copy Lhe group lnLo each of Lhe Lhree spaces ln Lhe easL wlng.
10. WlLh Lhe Copy command sLlll acLlve, uncheck Lhe ConsLraln opLlon and place a copy of Lhe group ln Lhe
space aL Lhe norLh slde of Lhe layouL. ?our copled furnlLure should look llke Lhe lmage ln llgure 1-33.
I|gure 1-3S:
CreaLe coples of Lhe group wlLh mulLlple chalrs.
ln Lhls exerclse, you creaLed a slmple group of furnlLure elemenLs. Croups can be a powerful Lool for managlng
repeaLable layouLs wlLhln a deslgn, buL Lhey can cause adverse performance lf Lhey are abused. 1here are far Loo
many oplnlons and besL pracLlces for uslng groups Lo be llsLed ln Lhls chapLer, however, Lhere are [usL a few
lmporLanL Llps Lo be aware of. Croups should be kepL as slmple as posslble and Lhey shouldn'L be mlrrored. ?ou
should also avold puLLlng hosLed elemenLs ln groups-buL you'll learn more abouL Lhese Lypes of elemenLs
LhroughouL Lhls book.
A||gned Copy|ng and Group Ld|t|ng
Cne powerful and essenLlal Lool ln 8evlL ls Lhe copy-Lo-cllpboard command known as asLe Allgned. As you've seen
LhroughouL Lhls chapLer so far, Lhls ls yeL anoLher Lool LhaL can be used on [usL abouL any klnd of model or drafLlng
elemenL. ln Lhe followlng exerclses, you wlll Lake Lhe lnLerlor conLenL you developed ln Lhe prevlous exerclses and
repllcaLe lL on oLher levels wlLhln Lhe bulldlng.
1. AcLlvaLe Lhe Level 1 lurnlLure floor plan from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser.
2. SelecL all Lhe lnLerlor walls, doors, and furnlLure seen ln Lhe floor plan.
3. ln Lhe Cllpboard panel of Lhe rlbbon, cllck Lhe Copy 1o Cllpboard Lool. ?ou could also press CLrl+C on your
4. Also ln Lhe Cllpboard panel of Lhe rlbbon, cllck Lhe asLe drop-down buLLon and selecL Allgned 1o SelecLed
vlews. ?ou wlll be prompLed wlLh a dlalog box Lo selecL levels Lo whlch Lhe selecLed conLenL wlll be copled ln
exacLly Lhe same poslLlon (llgure 1-38). SelecL Level 2 and Level 3 uslng Lhe CLrl key Lo make mulLlple selecLlons.
I|gure 1-38:
use asLe Allgned 1o SelecLed Levels Lo creaLe dupllcaLe floor layouLs.
S. AcLlvaLe Lhe vlew 3u CuLaway from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser Lo vlew Lhe resulLs of Lhe allgned copylng (llgure 1-
I|gure 1-39: 1he 3u CuLaway vlew uses a secLlon box Lo dlsplay Lhe lnslde of a bulldlng.
now LhaL you have creaLed many coples of Lhe furnlLure group on several levels, you can harness Lhe power of
Lhe group by maklng changes Lo Lhe group and observlng how Lhe overall deslgn ls updaLed.
1. AcLlvaLe Lhe Level 2 floor plan from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser.
2. SelecL one of Lhe uesk-Chalr-1 furnlLure groups ln Lhe maln space. Cllck on Lhe LdlL Croup buLLon from Lhe
conLexLual rlbbon. 1he vlew wlndow wlll Lurn a llghL shade of yellow and a Lemporary Loolbar wlll appear aL Lhe
upper lefL of Lhe vlew area.
3. SelecL Lhe chalr ln Lhe group and from Lhe 1ype SelecLor, change lL Lo Chalr-LxecuLlve.
4. 8oLaLe Lhe chalr 20 degrees uslng Lhe 8oLaLe Lool (llgure 1-40).
I|gure 1-40:
1he vlew wlndow wlll enLer a Lemporary group edlLlng mode.
Chapter *
"chematic Design
ueslgn lnsplraLlon comes from many sources. lor example, some deslgners sLlll llke Lo skeLch by hand, buL Lhe
skeLch needs Lo allgn wlLh Lhe bulldlng program. Many of our modern skeLches now happen dlglLally Lo make Lhls
LranslLlon easler.
When you begln mlgraLlng your concepLual deslgn from Lhe skeLch Lo Lhe compuLer, don'L sLarL wlLh bulldlng
elemenLs (walls, floors, and so forLh). SLarL wlLh more prlmal elemenLs, a process called massing ln 8evlL, Lo make
sure your program ls correcL. Cnce you've conflrmed LhaL Lhe mass conLalns Lhe requlred bulldlng program, you'll
be able Lo sLarL placlng bulldlng elemenLs wlLh far more confldence. Whlle masslng ls capable of much more
complex form-maklng Lhan you'll see ln Lhls chapLer, lL's a greaL sLarLlng polnL for learnlng 8evlL.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
Worklng from a skeLch
Modellng ln-place masses
CreaLlng mass floors
Schedullng mass floors
updaLlng Lhe masslng sLudy
Work|ng from a Sketch
SkeLches can be a greaL source for sLarLlng deslgn masslng ln 8evlL. ln cerLaln cases, hand drawlngs can be scanned
from physlcal pen and paper drawlngs. ln some deslgn workflows, skeLchlng dlrecLly wlLhln a compuLer appllcaLlon
ls becomlng lncreaslngly common. 1o supporL Lhls dlglLal workflow, ln 2010 AuLodesk released a Lool for Apple's
lad called SkeLch8ook ro (llgure 2-1) LhaL allows you Lo skeLch dlrecLly on Lhe lad or lhone uslng a sLylus or
even your flnger.
1he skeLch ln llgure 2-1 was creaLed on Lhe lad, buL Lhls example wlll work for any scanned skeLch
deslgn-even one on Lraclng paper. ln our sample scenarlo for Lhls chapLer, Lhe deslgner has creaLed skeLches of a
proposed bulldlng form and would llke you Lo lmporL each of Lhe orlenLaLlons lnLo 8evlL and use Lhem as conLexL
for a qulck masslng sLudy. 1he bulldlng program allows a maxlmum bulldlng helghL of abouL 800' [244 m] and
requlres a gross area of 3.3 mllllon square feeL [323,000 square meLers].
I|gure 2-1: A hand skeLch from AuLodesk's SkeLch8ook ro for Lhe lad.
Import|ng 8ackground Images
LeL's look aL how you can comblne Lhe deslgn's skeLches wlLh 8evlL's masslng Lools Lo help dellver prellmlnary
feedback abouL Lhe deslgn. When you open 8evlL for Lhe flrsL Llme, you'll flnd yourself aL Lhe 8evlL home screen.
1hls screen keeps a graphlc hlsLory of Lhe recenL pro[ecLs and famllles LhaL you've worked on.
1. lrom Lhe home screen, selecL new Lo open Lhe defaulL 8evlL LemplaLe. Cpen Lhe SouLh elevaLlon by double-
cllcklng on lL ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser.
2. Cn Lhe lnserL Lab, selecL Lhe lmporL panel and cllck Lhe lmage Lool (llgure 2-2).
I|gure 2-2:
SelecL Lhe lmage Lool on Lhe lmporL panel.
3. SelecL Lhe Ch 2 Massing Sketch.png flle from Lhe Chapter 2 folder on Lhls book's web page
(]go]rev|t2012essent|a|s). Cnce you selecL Lhe lmage, you wlll be puL back ln Lhe SouLh
elevaLlon vlew.
4. ?ou'll see a large, empLy-looklng box wlLh an x Lhrough lL. 1hls ls Lhe lmage lacemenL Lool. lace Lhe lmage
as shown ln llgure 2-3 so LhaL Lhe base of Lhe bulldlng skeLch roughly allgns wlLh Level 1.
I|gure 2-3: 1he placed lmage. noLe Lhe locaLlon of Lhe levels relaLlve Lo Lhe base of Lhe lmage.
As you can Lell from llgure 2-3, Lhe scale of Lhe skeLch doesn'L relaLe Lo Lhe real-world unlLs of 8evlL. 1o
remedy Lhls, leL's qulckly scale Lhe lmporLed lmage.
Accurate|y Sca||ng Images
SelecL Lhe Measure Lool from Lhe Culck Access Loolbar (CA1) locaLed aL Lhe Lop of Lhe screen. When Lhe Lool ls
acLlve, plck beLween Lhe Lwo polnLs, as shown ln llgure 2-4. As you can see, Lhe real-world dlsLance ln our lmage ls
abouL 70' [32 m]. uependlng on how you lnserLed your lmage, lL mlghL vary a blL. 1haL's flne, your nexL sLep ls Lo
learn how Lo scale Lhese lmages.
I|gure 2-4: Measurlng Lhe lmporLed lmage
?ou know Lhe deslred dlsLance ls 800' [243 m] beLween Lhe Lwo polnLs you [usL measured. Cne way Lo change
Lhe lmage slze ls Lo selecL Lhe lmage and manually enlarge lL by dragglng Lhe corner grlps unLll Lhe dlsLance ls
correcL-and ln many cases Lhls mlghL be close enough. Powever, we'll show you a more preclse meLhod:
1. SelecL Lhe lmage and look aL Lhe roperLles paleLLe on Lhe lefL. noLlce Lhe currenL dlmenslon for Lhe PelghL
fleld ls 83'-4 [26 m] ln our example. 1o modlfy Lhe lmage slze, you need Lo lncrease Lhe PelghL value wlLh regard
Lo Lhe deslred and acLual dlmenslons.
2. 1o deLermlne Lhls value, flrsL dlvlde 800' [243 m] (Lhe deslred helghL) by 70' [32 m] (Lhe measured dlsLance).
1hen mulLlply Lhe resulL by 83'-4 [26 m] (Lhe currenL helghL) and enLer Lhe quoLlenL. uslng 8evlL's bullL-ln
daLabase funcLlonallLy, you can do Lhe maLh rlghL ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe!
3. 1ype Lhe formula shown ln llgure 2-3. 8e sure Lo add Lhe = slgn aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe formula. 1he helghL
of Lhe lmage wlll lncrease slgnlflcanLly (over 973' [2,733 m]). 8uL now Lhe lmporLed lmage has proporLlonally
lncreased Lhe correcL amounL.
I|gure 2-S:
A formula for ad[usLlng Lhe lmage helghL
4. Move Lhe lower edge of Lhe skeLch Lo allgn wlLh Level 1 agaln. Also, lncrease Lhe scale of Lhe vlew Lo 1 = 30'-
0 [1:300] so LhaL Lhe level's symbols are more vlslble (llgure 2-6).
I|gure 2-6: 1he resulLlng lmage
keference |anes and Leve|s
8eference planes are one of Lhe mosL useful Lools ln 8evlL. 1he planes are represenLed ln 8evlL as green dashed
llnes, and Lhey wlll dlsplay ln any vlew perpendlcular Lo Lhe reference plane. 1hey don'L prlnL ln your drawlng
sheeLs, buL Lhey are handy as a Lool Lo allgn elemenLs LhaL are coplanar. 1hlnk of Lhem as levels and grlds excepL
LhaL you don'L need Lo show Lhem on your sheeLs.
ln our example, lL's lmporLanL Lo use reference planes as guldes Lo help you creaLe Lhe masses ln oLher vlews
slnce Lhe lmage you lmporLed wlll only be vlslble ln Lhe lmporLed vlew. 8eference planes are llke guldellnes LhaL
can be seen across many vlews. 1hey wlll be exLremely helpful when you llne up Lhe skeLch ln Lhe SouLh elevaLlon
and Lhen ln Lhe norLh elevaLlon or plan vlew.
1o begln, cllck Lhe Pome Lab, and on Lhe Work lane panel, selecL Lhe 8ef lane Lool. nexL, creaLe reference
llnes LhaL correspond wlLh Lhe edges of Lhe skeLch by Lraclng over Lhe edges. 1he dlmenslons ln llgure 2-7 have
been added as a reference for you. ?ou don'L need Lo add dlmenslons-[usL add Lhe reference planes as shown.
We also ad[usLed Lhe scale of Lhe vlew so LhaL Lhe level symbols are easy Lo read.
I|gure 2-7: ulmensloned reference planes
now leL's add some levels Lo Lhe skeLch LhaL wlll be useful for deLermlnlng Lhe llmlL of Lhe Lhree masses you'll
1. Move Level 2 Lo 20'-0 [6 m] by selecLlng Lhe 10'-0 [3 m] value and Lyplng ln Lhe new elevaLlon, as shown ln
llgure 2-8.
I|gure 2-8:
LnLer Lhe new elevaLlon.
1. llrsL, selecL Level 10. 1he Modlfy | Levels menu becomes acLlve. SelecL Lhe Array Lool from Lhe Modlfy panel.
2. Slnce Level 10 ls aL an elevaLlon of 130'-0 [43 m], you need Lo creaLe an array wlLh Lhe opLlons shown ln
llgure 2-10. 1hese opLlons can be ad[usLed ln Lhe CpLlons 8ar below Lhe conLexL menu. 1he CpLlons 8ar wlll
dynamlcally change based on Lhe Lools you have selecLed.
I|gure 2-10:
Array opLlons
3. SelecL Lhe second Move 1o opLlon ln Lhe CpLlons 8ar, and plck a locaLlon LhaL ls dlrecLly 12'-0 [3.6 m] above
Level 10. Change Lhe value of Lhe number fleld Lo 33. Cnce you cllck Lo place Lhe 3Lh level, Lhe addlLlonal 33
levels aL 12'-0 [3.6 m] wlll be creaLed, and your flnal level (Level 64) appears aL 798'-0 [243 m]. 1haL's preLLy
close Lo our goal of 800'-0 [243 m]!
1he flnal sLep before creaLlng Lhe mass ls Lo add Lhe skeLched lmage Lo Lhe LasL elevaLlon and Level 1, whlch
you'll do ln a momenL. 8efore you add Lhe flnal elevaLlon, leL's dlscuss a change managemenL Llp. no deslgn work
ls ever sLaLlc (lL's always changlng), so lL's lmporLanL Lo undersLand how Lo keep up wlLh Lhose lLeraLlons ln 8evlL.
ln Lhls case, you wanL Lo be able Lo manage Lhe ablllLy Lo updaLe Lhe lmages ln case Lhe deslgner glves you some
new skeLches. keep ln mlnd LhaL lf Lhe lmage changes ln slze or shape, you'd probably wanL all Lhe lmages Lo
change as well. Pere ls where groups come ln handy. A group ls slmllar Lo whaL ln AuLoCAu ls called a block or ln
MlcroSLaLlon, a cell. Croups are collecLlons of 8evlL elemenLs LhaL you wanL Lo move or repeaL as a slngle unlL, buL
you wanL Lo have Lhe ablllLy Lo subdlvlde or ungroup" lf needed. LeL's explore a few uses for groups, and Lhen add
our flnal elevaLlon.
Creat|ng and |ac|ng Groups
ln Lhls exerclse, we're golng Lo creaLe a group and explore poLenLlal uses for Lhe Croup command.
1. SelecL Lhe lmage you lnserLed earller ln Lhe SouLh elevaLlon and Lhen selecL Lhe Croup Lool from Lhe CreaLe
panel on Lhe Modlfy Lab.
2. When Lhe CreaLe ueLall Croup dlalog opens, name Lhe group Mass|ng Sketch 1, as shown ln llgure 2-11, and
cllck Ck.
I|gure 2-11:
CreaLe ueLall Croup dlalog
3. ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser, cllck Croups and Lhen ueLall Lo see Lhe group LhaL you [usL creaLed (llgure 2-12). 8y
cllcklng and dragglng Lhls group lnLo your pro[ecL wlndow, you can add Lhe deLall group Lo oLher vlews ln your
I|gure 2-12:
llndlng your new group ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser
4. Cpen your LasL elevaLlon and drag a copy of Lhe deLall group from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser lnLo Lhe vlew. 1hen
creaLe some more reference planes as shown ln llgure 2-13 Lo form guldes LhaL wlll be vlslble ln oLher vlews.
I|gure 2-13:
CreaLlng reference planes ln Lhe LasL elevaLlon
S. urag a flnal copy of Lhe deLall group lnLo your Level 1 vlew and cenLer lL wlLhln Lhe SouLh and LasL vlew
reference planes you creaLed, as shown ln llgure 2-14. now you have Lhe Lhree vlews necessary for masslng Lhe
I|gure 2-14: 8eference planes ln Lhe Level 1 vlew
Images and Groups
Lach lmage LhaL you lmporL ln 8evlL can only be seen ln Lhe vlew LhaL lL ls placed wlLhln. ln oLher words, an lmage placed ln Lhe SouLh
elevaLlon vlew wlll only be seen ln LhaL elevaLlon vlew. ln our example, we're Lrylng Lo assemble a 3u conLexL for modellng geomeLry and
we'll need Lo place Lhe lmage ln mulLlple vlews.
When you change Lhe scale or proporLlon of one of Lhe lmages, you'll llkely wanL Lo change all of Lhem. Croups are used ln 8evlL Lo
malnLaln relaLlonshlps beLween collecLlons of elemenLs. When one group changes, all Lhe groups change. 1hls ls very helpful for
collecLlons of componenLs LhaL are complled lnLo unlLs, such as llke furnlLure layouLs, hoLel rooms, and aparLmenL Lypes.
Mode||ng In-|ace Masses
now LhaL you've lmporLed Lhe deslgner's skeLch and drawn Lhe approprlaLe reference planes for added conLexL,
you can sLarL creaLlng Lhe masslng elemenLs LhaL wlll represenL Lhe bulldlng. ?ou wlll do so uslng a Lool called ln-
lace Masses. Conslder masses as famllles ln 8evlL LhaL are creaLed dlrecLly wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL. 1hls Lool allows you
Lo model wlLhln Lhe conLexL of Lhe pro[ecL you're acLlvely worklng ln.
Mode||ng the 8ase Mass
1o model Lhe base mass, follow Lhese sLeps:
1. Cpen your Level 1 floor plan vlew by double-cllcklng Level 1 ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser.
2. SelecL Lhe Masslng & SlLe Lab on Lhe rlbbon and selecL Lhe ln-lace Mass Lool.
3. 8evlL dlsplays a dlalog Lelllng you LhaL lL has now enabled Lhe Show Mass opLlon ln Lhe currenL vlew. Cllck
4. 1he name dlalog appears. lor Lhls exerclse, leL's use Lhe defaulL name, whlch ls Mass 1 (see llgure 2-13).
Cllck Ck.
I|gure 2-1S:
use Lhe defaulL mass name.
S. now you're ln a speclal, ln-place edlLor for creaLlng masses ln 8evlL. ?ou'll noLlce Lhe menu opLlons have
changed. SelecL Lhe 8ecLangle Lool.
6. uslng Lhe 8ecLangle Lool, skeLch llnes as shown ln llgure 2-16. 1hese llnes should cover Lhe form and be
placed along Lhe reference planes you creaLed earller.
I|gure 2-16:
SkeLchlng a recLangular form
7. SelecL Lhe llnes and Lhen selecL Lhe CreaLe lorm Lool from Lhe lorm panel.
1he resulLs aren'L lmmedlaLely obvlous slnce you're looklng aL a solld form ln plan. 1o vlew Lhe resulLs from
anoLher angle, reLurn Lo Lhe SouLh elevaLlon. SelecL Lhe Lop of Lhe form by cllcklng on lL and use Lhe grlp arrows, as
shown ln llgure 2-17, Lo lncrease Lhe form's helghL unLll lL allgns wlLh Level 8. 1he edge of Lhe forms wlll sLlck" Lo
Lhe level when you're close and snap lLself lnLo place.
I|gure 2-17: lncreaslng Lhe helghL of Lhe mass
Sketch|ng Masses
1he Lype of mass LhaL you're creaLlng ln Lhls exerclse ls called an e>trusion. 1here are many oLher conflguraLlons of masses, lncludlng
blends, sweeps, swepL blends, and revolves. AfLer you've creaLed Lhe lnlLlal mass, lL's posslble Lo edlL Lhe form dramaLlcally, you can even
use volds Lo carve" away aL your lnlLlal form.
We don'L have Lhe space Lo go lnLo LhaL level of complexlLy. 8uL modellng more complex masses ls someLhlng LhaL you'll llkely wanL Lo
learn. Check ouL http:]]]?nd=c|ass_||st|ng.
Mode||ng the M|dd|e Mass
1he nexL sLep ls Lo model Lhe mlddle mass form:
1. 8eLurn Lo Lhe Level 1 plan vlew. SeL Lhe vlew Lo Wlreframe, as shown ln llgure 2-18 (so you can see Lhrough
Lhe mass you've [usL creaLed). 1he Wlreframe buLLon ls locaLed ln Lhe vlew ConLrol 8ar aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe
I|gure 2-18:
SeLLlng vlew Lo Wlreframe
2. uslng Lhe same workflow, skeLch anoLher recLangle as shown ln llgure 2-19. 1hen selecL Lhe recLangle and
cllck CreaLe lorm.
I|gure 2-19:
SkeLchlng Lhe second recLangle
3. Cnce agaln, open Lhe SouLh elevaLlon and use Lhe grlp arrows Lo move Lhe second mass form so LhaL Lhe
upper face allgns wlLh Level 10 and Lhe lower face allgns wlLh Level 8, as shown ln llgure 2-20. uon'L forgeL LhaL
you can seL Lhe vlew dlsplay Lo Wlreframe lf you need Lo see Lhrough Lhe flrsL mass Lo Lhe second mass. Changes
Lo one vlew won'L be reflecLed ln every vlew.
I|gure 2-20: Second mass ln place
Mode||ng the Upper Mass
1he process of creaLlng Lhe Lhlrd (and uppermosL) mass sLarLs Lhe same as for Lhe flrsL Lwo masses:
1. 8eLurn Lo Level 1 and creaLe a recLangular skeLch LhaL connecLs Lhe ouLermosL reference planes, as shown ln
llgure 2-21. 1hen selecL Lhe llnes and cllck CreaLe Solld. LxLend Lhe upper and lower faces Lo allgn wlLh Levels 64
and 10, respecLlvely.
I|gure 2-21:
CreaLlng Lhe Lhlrd skeLch and mass form
2. 8eLurn Lo Lhe SouLh elevaLlon and use Lhe grlp arrows Lo exLend Lhe Lop and boLLom of Lhe form.
?ou could conLlnue Lo work ln 2u vlews, buL lL'll be more helpful lf you can see whaL you're dolng ln 3u.
Work|ng |n 3D
SelecL Lhe uefaulL 3u vlew lcon from Lhe CA1. uolng so allows you Lo see Lhe worklng mass more compleLely, as
shown ln llgure 2-22.
I|gure 2-22: uefaulL 3u vlew of Lhe compleLed mass
?ou llkely noLlced from Lhe lmporLed skeLches LhaL Lhe LasL faade of Lhe mass should Laper ln elevaLlon. 1he
base and Lhe Lop are dlfferenL wldLhs. 8y addlng an edge Lo each face (boLh norLh and SouLh), you'll be able Lo
ad[usL Lhe upper form approprlaLely:
1. llrsL, hover over Lhe SouLh face of Lhe upper form and selecL Lhe face by cllcklng on lL. uolng so acLlvaLes Lhe
Add Ldge Lool on Lhe lorm LlemenL panel.
2. 1he Add Ldge Lool dlvldes one plane on Lhe mass by addlng anoLher edge LhaL can be ad[usLed lndependenLly
of Lhe oLher edges. Add Lhe edge aL Lhe fronL, lower corner of Lhe upper mass, as shown ln llgure 2-23.
I|gure 2-23:
Addlng Lhe SouLh face edge
3. 8oLaLe Lhe model Lo expose Lhe norLh face. uo so by selecLlng Lhe lnLersecLlon of Lhe vlewCube beLween Lhe
rlghL, back, and Lop sldes. 1he model wlll spln around, zoom exLenLs, and cenLer.
4. SelecL Lhe norLh or 8lghL face Lo add an edge.
S. Cpen Lhe LasL elevaLlon from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser. use Lhe grlp arrows Lo ad[usL Lhls face of Lhe upper mass.
As you hover your mouse polnLer over Lhe lnLersecLlon, a verLex conLrol wlll appear as a purple doL aL Lhe upper-
rlghL corner where you added a face (llgure 2-24).
I|gure 2-24:
SelecLlng Lhe verLex
6. SelecL Lhls conLrol and Lhen use Lhe grlp arrows Lo move lL Lo Lhe lnLersecLlon of Lhe uppermosL level and
rlghL reference plane. nexL, do Lhe same Lhlng Lo Lhe wesL slde of Lhe mass. 1he resulL wlll resemble llgure 2-23.
I|gure 2-2S:
8esulLlng SouLh elevaLlon and 3u vlew
7. ?our mass ls nearly compleLe, buL flrsL you need Lo [oln all Lhe mass geomeLry LogeLher. lrom Lhe Modlfy Lab
selecL Lhe !oln Lool on Lhe Modlfy panel. 1hen selecL Lhe lower and mlddle forms Lo [oln Lhem. 8epeaL Lhls
process for Lhe mlddle and upper forms.
8. now LhaL Lhe forms have been [olned LogeLher, selecL Lhe llnlsh Mass Lool from Lhe ln-lace LdlLor panel. lL's
Lhe blg, green check mark , meanlng you're done!
CongraLulaLlons! ?ou've [usL creaLed your flrsL masslng sLudy!
Io|n|ng Masses
Lach mass ls an lndependenL ob[ecL. Masses can even be scheduled lndependenLly from each oLher. ?ou'll flnd Lhls funcLlonallLy helpful
for creaLlng separaLe masses for programmlng purposes (such as convenLlon space or meeLlng rooms). 8uL be careful lf you have
overlapplng masses.
lf overlapplng masses are noL properly [olned, 8evlL wlll creaLe overlapplng mass floors and your schedules wlll be lncorrecL. lurLhermore,
lf you creaLe real floors from Lhe mass floors, Lhe floors wlll overlap raLher Lhan creaLe a slngle elemenL.
Creat|ng Mass I|oors
lloor area faces are lncredlbly useful for geLLlng a sense of Lhe gross area of a bulldlng mass aL any lnLersecLlng
level. lurLhermore, Lhe resulLs can be qulckly and easlly scheduled. Any changes Lo Lhe masslng sLudy wlll updaLe
Lhe schedules and all vlews ln real Llme.
SelecL Lhe compleLed mass and Lhen cllck Lhe Mass lloors Lool ln Lhe Model panel. ?ou'll be glven Lhe opLlon Lo
selecL all Lhe levels ln your pro[ecL. ?ou wanL Lo selecL Lhem all, buL raLher Lhan selecL Lhem one aL a Llme, selecL
Level 1, and Lhen scroll down. Whlle presslng ShlfL, selecL Level 64. now all of Lhe levels are selecLed. Check any
box, and all of Lhe boxes wlll auLomaLlcally be checked. Cllck Ck.
?our mass has now been blsecLed wlLh mass floors (faces wlLh no geomeLry), as shown ln llgure 2-26.
I|gure 2-26: 1he mass has been blsecLed wlLh mass floors.
Schedu||ng Mass I|oors
CreaLlng schedules ln 8evlL ls easy, and schedules can be used across pro[ecLs (or puL ln your pro[ecL LemplaLe).
uolng so allows you Lo undersLand Lhe conLexL and lmpacL of your work whlle you work-raLher Lhan aL Lhe end of
a long deslgn process LhaL can prove Lo be a wasLe of Llme. Schedules can help you noL only Lrack elemenLs ln
8evlL, buL also assess how concepLual deslgn work meeLs your program requlremenLs.
Schedules are [usL llke any oLher Lype of vlew ln 8evlL-Lhey show you a currenL, speclflc look aL Lhe model.
1hese vlews show you Lhls lnformaLlon ln a spreadsheeL formaL Lhan geomeLrlcally, buL [usL llke Lhe oLher vlew
Lypes, schedules dynamlcally updaLe as changes are made Lo Lhe model.
1. 1o begln Lhe mass schedule, selecL Lhe vlew Lab from Lhe rlbbon. 1hen selecL Lhe Schedules drop-down ln Lhe
CreaLe panel. Cllck Schedules/CuanLlLles.
2. ln Lhe new Schedule dlalog, selecL Lhe Mass lloor opLlon from Lhe column on Lhe lefL and leave Lhe oLher
flelds (Schedule name and hase) aL Lhelr defaulL values. Cllck Ck.
3. 1he nexL dlalog conLalns a serles of Labs. We'll sLep Lhrough some of Lhese Lo seL up Lhe schedule. Cn Lhe
llelds Lab, selecL level and floor areas by double-cllcklng Lhem ln Lhe Avallable llelds llsL or by selecLlng a fleld
and Lhen cllcklng Lhe Add buLLon (llgure 2-27).
I|gure 2-27:
SelecLlng Lhe scheduled flelds
4. Cn Lhe SorLlng/Crouplng Lab, change SorL 8y Lo Level. Also, choose 1lLle, CounL, And 1oLals from Lhe drop-
down nexL Lo Crand 1oLals, as shown ln llgure 2-28.
I|gure 2-28:
SelecLlng Lhe SorLlng/Crouplng flelds
S. Cn Lhe lormaLLlng Lab, selecL Lhe lloor Area fleld and Lhen cllck Lhe CalculaLe 1oLals opLlon (llgure 2-29).
Cllck Ck.
I|gure 2-29: CalculaLlng LoLals
llgure 2-30 shows Lhe resulLlng schedule. WlLh a LoLal of 63 floor levels, 8evlL ls calculaLlng a gross floor area of
[usL over 4.3 mllllon square feeL [418,000 square meLers].
I|gure 2-30: Cross floor area
unforLunaLely, we know from Lhe program (aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhls secLlon) LhaL Lhe gross floor area needs Lo
be closer Lo 3.3 mllllon square feeL [323,000 square meLers]. So leL's geL back Lo LhaL masslng sLudy and Lweak Lhe
form Lo geL lL closer Lo Lhe program's resulLs.
Updat|ng the Mass|ng Study
8egln by selecLlng Lhe mass ln Lhe defaulL 3u vlew and Lhen cllcklng Lhe LdlL ln-lace buLLon on Lhe
Model panel. uolng so reLurns you Lo ln-lace edlLlng mode and allows you Lo have speclflc conLrol over mass
?ou're golng Lo modlfy Lhe easL and wesL faces, movlng each face 40'-0 [12 m] Lo Lhe cenLer. Poverlng over
and selecLlng Lhe easL face of Lhe upper mass dlsplays a Lemporary dlmenslon and Lhe shape handles.
SelecL Lhls dlmenslon and, by cllcklng on Lhe blue LexL, change Lhe value from 300'-0 [91 m] Lo 260'-0 [80 m].
uo Lhe same for Lhe mlddle and lower easL faces. now Lhe gross floor area ls closer Lo 3.23 mllllon square feeL
(llgure 2-31), or abouL 302,000 square meLers. We qulckly and easlly goL Lhe program where lL needs Lo be.
I|gure 2-31: 8esulLlng gross floor area
We also need Lhe program Lo be closer Lo 3.3 mllllon square feeL. A qulck dlscusslon wlLh Lhe deslgner reveals
LhaL Lhe base of Lhe bulldlng ls meanL Lo hold lmporLanL meeLlng and conference spaces. So you'll exLend Lhe
easLern base of Lhe bulldlng Lo 300' [91 m]. Cnce agaln, you do so by repeaLlng Lhe prevlous sLeps of selecLlng Lhe
mass and reLurnlng Lo ln-lace edlLlng mode. Make cerLaln LhaL Lhe base elemenL ls 300' deep and Lhen flnlsh Lhe
Cnce Lhls ls done, Lhe mass wlll look llke llgure 2-32 and Lhe gross floor area wlll be wlLhln Lhe requlred
I|gure 2-32: llnal mass
Chapter -
!alls and Curtain !alls
Walls ln 8evlL can range a greaL deal ln complexlLy. Larly ln Lhe deslgn process, walls and curLaln walls can be more
generlc, verLlcal conLalners for space and funcLlon. 8uL Lhey can also be assoclaLed Lo masses ln order Lo creaLe
lncredlbly complex shapes. As Lhe deslgn progresses, Lhese generlc walls and curLaln walls can be swapped ouL for
more speclflc verLlcally compound walls LhaL lndlcaLe a range of maLerlals as well as geomeLrlc sweeps and reveals.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
CreaLlng generlc walls
CreaLlng numerous wall conflguraLlons
Modlfylng walls
CreaLlng curLaln walls
Modlfylng curLaln walls
undersLandlng baslc wall parLs and parameLers
Creat|ng Gener|c Wa||s
1he flrsL Lhlng you wanL Lo do ls undersLand how walls generally work and how you should modlfy Lhem. 1he
challenge ls LhaL durlng Lhe deslgn process Lhere's a loL LhaL ls noL known (and probably can'L be known), whlch
can lead Lo a loL of unnecessary confuslon.
8evlL uses a sysLem of Cenerlc" walls LhaL ln mosL cases are noL made of anyLhlng speclflc. 1hey're slmply
abouL Lhe rlghL Lhlckness for Lhe evenLual condlLlon. We recommend uslng Lhese generlc walls durlng Lhe deslgn
process, and Lhen swapplng ouL Lhese walls for more speclflc geomeLry laLer.
8y defaulL, Lhe generlc walls LhaL have no speclflc sLrucLure are vlsually ldenLlcal Lo walls LhaL conLaln sLrucLure
and flnlsh layers. So lL's a greaL ldea Lo make your deslgn walls vlsually unlque. 1hls way, you'll know whaL has Lo
be swapped ouL for more speclflclLy laLer. And Lhere are also some more advanLages, such as glvlng your walls
Lransparency, LhaL wlll help you qulckly and easlly vlsuallze your deslgn.
LeL's sLarL by glvlng our generlc walls a maLerlal asslgnmenL LhaL can be used Lo dlsLlngulsh Lhem from more
speclflc wall Lypes:
1. Co Lo Lhe Pome Lab on Lhe rlbbon and selecL Lhe Wall Lool from Lhe 8ulld panel (llgure 3-1).
I|gure 3-1:
Choose Lhe Wall Lool from Lhe 8ulld panel.
2. now selecL 8aslc Wall Cenerlc - 6 from Lhe roperLles menu (llgure 3-2) and skeLch a wesL Lo easL 20-0
(6.1 meLers) porLlon of a wall. uon'L worry abouL any of Lhe oLher seLLlngs for Lhe Llme belng. When you're done,
go Lo Lhe uefaulL 3u vlew, from Lhe Culck Access Loolbar.
I|gure 3-2:
Cenerlc 6 wall from Lhe menu and Lhe wall ln 3u
3. SelecL Lhe wall and look aL Lhe properLles. As you can see, Lhere are a loL of values LhaL apply Lo Lhls parLlcular
plece of wall. ?ou can change lLs helghL, consLralnLs, and many oLher values (we'll geL Lo mosL of Lhem laLer). lor
now, leL's creaLe a unlque 1ype properLy for Lhe wall's maLerlal.
4. SelecL Lhe LdlL 1ype opLlon Lo open Lhe 1ype roperLles dlalog box for Lhe wall. 1o Lhe rlghL of Lhe SLrucLure
label, cllck Lhe LdlL buLLon. SelecL Lhe <8y CaLegory> fleld, as shown ln llgure 3-3.
I|gure 3-3:
SelecL Lhe MaLerlal lleld.
S. 8aLher Lhan creaLe a maLerlal from scraLch, leL's dupllcaLe someLhlng LhaL ls close and Lhen modlfy lL. Scroll
down Lo Lhe uefaulL Wall maLerlal and Lhen selecL Lhe uupllcaLe opLlon, as shown ln llgure 3-4. name Lhe
MaLerlal Gener|c Mater|a| and Lhen cllck Ck.
I|gure 3-4:
uupllcaLlng Lhe wall maLerlal
6. Cnce you cllck Ck, you wlll have a new maLerlal LhaL you'll be able Lo replace wlLh oLher rendered and shaded
values. Cllck Lhe 8eplace buLLon on Lhe 8ender Appearance Lab. Cn Lhe Craphlcs Lab, seL Lhe Shadlng value as
shown on Lhe lefL ln llgure 3-3 by selecLlng Lhe colored panel. 1hen selecL Lhe Appearance Lab ln llgure 3-3 Lo
asslgn a newly rendered maLerlal, as shown on Lhe rlghL ln llgure 3-3. 1hls maLerlal wlll be useful for any deslgn
elemenLs (floors, celllngs, roofs, eLc.) LhaL are used Lo resolve Lhe deslgn lnLenL when you're noL sure of Lhe
speclflc deslgn conLenL.
I|gure 3-S: Asslgnlng Lhe maLerlal
Des|gn|ng Gener|c L|ements
Cenerlc elemenLs play a large parL ln 8evlL. When you're creaLlng your deslgn, lL's noL pracLlcal Lo use llnes Lo represenL ldeas when you
can use conLenL. 8uL lf you selecL someLhlng LhaL's Loo speclflc, you mlghL become frusLraLed. A deslgn LhaL ls Loo speclflc Loo early has
Lhe Lendency Lo be exacLly wrong."
ueslgn" elemenLs and maLerlals help convey Lhe lnLenL of your deslgn wlLh Lhe added beneflL of schedullng, so LhaL Lhe daLa abouL a
pro[ecL ls headed ln Lhe rlghL dlrecLlon wlLhouL dlsLracLlng anyone. 1hey'll help you emphaslze where" someLhlng ls as well as some of
whaL" someLhlng ls wlLhouL geLLlng lnLo Lhe deLall of how lL's supposed Lo be assembled-unLll Lhe Llme ls rlghL. MosL of Lhe frusLraLlon
ln deslgn comes from worklng speclflcally Lo generally, raLher Lhan Lhe oLher way around. ueslgn elemenLs wlll help you avold Lhls Lrap.
1he Shadlng and 8endered values don'L need Lo be Lhe same. And ln Lhls case lL's really helpful lf Lhey're noL.
When you use a whlLe rendered maLerlal, you'll geL a neuLral, maLLe renderlng. 8uL changlng Lhe Shadlng value wlll
help you qulckly dlsLlngulsh beLween deslgn lnLenL and more speclflc resolved elemenLs.
Cllck Ck ln all open dlalog boxes unLll you're back ln Lhe pro[ecL envlronmenL. SeL Lhe vlew Lo Shaded WlLh
Ldges, as shown ln llgure 3-6. now you can qulckly and easlly Lell your deslgn elemenLs from more speclflc
I|gure 3-6: Shaded WlLh Ldges
Creat|ng Numerous Wa|| Conf|gurat|ons
now leL's reLurn Lo our Level 1 lloor lan vlew and sLarL creaLlng a number of wall conflguraLlons. lck Lhe Wall
command and you'll noLlce LhaL a number of conflguraLlons are avallable for creaLlng walls (llgure 3-7).
I|gure 3-7: Conflgurlng walls
Sketch|ng Wa||s
Walls are skeLched by drawlng Lhe varlous conflguraLlons. 1hese opLlons are avallable ln llgure 3-8. 1ake a
momenL Lo go Lhrough each of Lhe skeLchlng and edlLlng opLlons so LhaL you become famlllar wlLh Lhe
resulLs-parLlcularly when drawlng curved secLlons. 1he opLlon Lo keep concenLrlc ls very lmporLanL. CreaLlng
LangenL arcs Lakes parLlcular care as well.
I|gure 3-8: Wall conflguraLlons LhaL can be skeLched
Creat|ng L|||pt|ca| Wa||s
Slnce creaLlng elllpLlcal walls ofLen comes up, we'll geL lL ouL of Lhe way and glve you Lhe answer ln Lwo parLs. llrsL, elllpLlcal walls can'L be
skeLched as a slngular elemenL. And second (more lmporLanLly), Lhey can be creaLed vla oLher workarounds (llke creaLlng elllpLlcal masses
and Lhen plcklng Lhe face of Lhe mass Lo creaLe elllpLlcal walls).
1he reason ls LhaL documenLlng Lhe elllpLlcal walls ls dlfflculL. 1here's no cenLer Lo locaLe, and Lhe arcs are conLlnually changlng ln plan.
So whaL's a beLLer way? CreaLe Lhe elllpse from a serles of LangenL arcs. uolng so wlll glve you an approxlmaLlon LhaL ls lndlsLlngulshable
from an acLual elllpse, and you'll be able Lo gulde a more exacL consLrucLlon.
And lf you don'L know how Lo creaLe an elllpse, [usL look around Lhe offlce and ask for Lhe person who used Lo deslgn bulldlngs wlLh
penclls. And afLer Lhey Lell you how, expecL Lhem Lo walk away snlckerlng a blL aL your expense.
|ck|ng Wa||s
?ou can also creaLe walls by plcklng llnes. 1hls approach ls helpful lf you have a CAu flle LhaL needs Lo be converLed
Lo a 8lM model, or lf Lhe deslgner has creaLed a slngle llne deslgn ln anoLher Lool (llke SkeLchup) and expecLs you
Lo use Lhe exporLed resulLs Lo sLarL from ln 8evlL.
SLarL by creaLlng a few model llnes. Cllck Lhe Model Llne Lool, as shown ln llgure 3-9.
I|gure 3-9: lcklng model llnes
now draw a serles of llnes LhaL resembles llgure 3-10. now LhaL you have a few llnes ln your pro[ecL, you can
creaLe walls uslng Lhese llnes wlLh Lhe lck Llnes Lool (hlghllghLed ln llgure 3-10).
I|gure 3-10: SkeLchlng model llnes
?ou have Lwo opLlons. ?ou can creaLe walls by plcklng slngle llnes one aL a Llme. Cr, you can hover over one llne
and Lhen press and release Lhe 1ab key. uolng so wlll hlghllghL Lhe chaln of llnes, as shown ln llgure 3-11. now
you can plck Lhe enLlre chaln of llnes Lo creaLe a chaln of walls.
I|gure 3-11: SelecLlng a chaln of llnes
nost|ng L|ements |n Wa||s
Walls can hosL elemenLs LhaL are meanL Lo creaLe openlngs. As long as Lhe walls exlsL, Lhe elemenLs Lhey are
hosLlng wlll exlsL as well. uoors and wlndows are Lwo common hosLed elemenLs.
laclng a door ln a wall ls very easy and can be done ln plan, elevaLlon, or 3u vlews. ln Lhls exerclse, you'll place
doors from Lhe Level 1 vlew. ?ou'll use Lhe very flrsL wall LhaL you creaLed aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhls chapLer. lrom
Lhe Pome Lab, selecL Lhe uoor Lool from Lhe 8ulld panel.
As you hover over walls, you'll noLlce LhaL you're able Lo place doors ln Lhem. ?ou're also shown Lemporary
dlmenslons LhaL wlll help you place Lhe door closer Lo lLs correcL locaLlon. Co ahead and place Lwo doors as shown
ln llgure 3-12. noLlce LhaL by defaulL 8evlL wlll Lag Lhe door number for you.
I|gure 3-12: PosLlng uoors ln Walls
As menLloned earller, walls can also hosL wlndows. SLarL by selecLlng Lhe Wlndow Lool from Lhe Pome Lab on
Lhe 8ulld panel. Pover over Lhe same wall and place a wlndow as shown. As wlLh any hosLed elemenLs, you'll only
be able Lo place Lhem wlLhln a hosL (llgure 3-13).
I|gure 3-13: PosLed wlndow
Conta|n|ng Spaces
Walls (and a few oLher elemenLs) may also conLaln space. 1hls ls essenLlal for creaLlng space plans and Lracklng
oLher room lnformaLlon ln your pro[ecL. 8uL flrsL Lhe walls wlll have Lo be organlzed so LhaL Lhey can conLaln a
1. SkeLch addlLlonal walls Lo add Lo Lhe walls LhaL you creaLed ln Lhe prevlous secLlon so LhaL Lhe serles of walls
resembles llgure 3-14.
I|gure 3-14:
Lnclosed serles of walls
2. now LhaL you have a serles of walls, you can selecL Lhe 8oom funcLlon from Lhe 8oom & Area panel shown ln
llgure 3-13. uolng so allows you Lo add spaces Lo enclosed areas.
I|gure 3-1S:
SelecLlng Lhe 8oom funcLlon
3. SelecL 8oom 1ag WlLh Area from Lhe roperLles menu and Lhen hover over Lhe enclosed space. 1he exLenLs of
Lhe space wlll hlghllghL along wlLh a room Lag. SelecL Lhe room Lag and change Lo one LhaL lndlcaLes Lhe area.
1hen place Lhe room and Lag ln Lhe space (llgure 3-16).
I|gure 3-16: laclng Lhe room and room Lag
WhaL's really greaL ls LhaL when Lhe shape of Lhe room changes, Lhe area reporLed wlll lmmedlaLely updaLe Lo
reflecL Lhe new space. 8eLurn Lo Lhe Wall Lool and use Lhe lllleL Arc Lool Lo fllleL Lhe lower-rlghL lnLersecLlon of Lhe
walls. 1he room area wlll updaLe as shown ln llgure 3-17.
I|gure 3-17: 8oom Lag wlLh updaLed area
Mod|fy|ng Wa||s
now LhaL you've creaLed a few wall conflguraLlons, lL's lmporLanL Lo undersLand how you can modlfy Lhem.
SomeLlmes Lhls ls done slmply by selecLlng Lhe wall and dragglng a wall end or a shape handle Lo a new poslLlon. ln
oLher cases, you wanL Lo be more exacL and asslgn a speclflc value.
?our approach depends on where you are ln Lhe deslgn process. !usL remember LhaL you can updaLe deslgn
declslons and all your vlews, schedules, Lagglng, and so forLh wlll updaLe. So don'L geL Loo concerned wlLh belng
Loo exacL" early ln your deslgn.
SLarL by skeLchlng anoLher sLralghL segmenL of a wall, buL Lhls Llme as you draw Lhe wall, Lype 40 (or 12
meLers). uependlng on Lhe defaulL unlLs, Lyplng 40 wlll creaLe a 40 segmenL. noLlce LhaL you dldn'L have Lo
lndlcaLe Lhe unlLs feeL." lf you wanLed Lo lndlcaLe lnches," you'd only have Lo puL a space beLween Lhe flrsL and
second values. So 40-6 can easlly be enLered as 40(space)6".
1o modlfy Lhe lengLh, selecL Lhe wall. ?ou'll noLlce Lhere are Lhree opLlons (llgure 3-18). ?ou can Lype ln a new
value by selecLlng Lhe Lemporary dlmenslon, or you can slmply drag elLher wall end Lo a new locaLlon.
I|gure 3-18: Modlfylng Lhe wall lengLh
now leL's go Lo Lhe uefaulL 3u vlew and look aL some oLher opLlons. 1he hlghllghLed areas of llgure 3-19 are
called shape handles. ?ou can press and drag Lhem Lo ad[usL Lhe Lop and boLLom locaLlons of a wall. As you drag
Lhe shape handle, Lhe new locaLlon wlll be shown, whereas Lhe exlsLlng locaLlon wlll be ghosLed" unLll you release
Lhe Shape Pandle.
I|gure 3-19: Wall shape handles
Instance arameters
ln many cases you'll wanL Lo enLer more exacL values, or [usL have more speclflc conLrol over a parLlcular wall
lnsLance. ?ou can do Lhls Lhrough Lhe lnsLance arameLers menu (llgure 3-20). SelecL Lhe wall and look aL Lhe
LocaLlon Llne 1he locaLlon llne ls Lhe orlgln" of Lhe wall, and lf you swap one wall for anoLher, Lhe locaLlon llne
wlll be malnLalned.
8ase ConsLralnL 1he base consLralnL ls Lhe boLLom of Lhe wall. 8e careful! ueleLlng a consLralnL (ln Lhls case
Level 1) also deleLes whaL ls assoclaLed Lo Lhe consLralnL!
8ase CffseL 1he base offseL ls Lhe value above or below Lhe base consLralnL. So lf you wanLed a wall assoclaLed
Lo Level 1 buL 3-0 (1 meLer) below, Lhe value would be -3-0.
8ase ls ALLached 1he 8ase ls ALLached value wlll allow you Lo auLomaLlcally aLLach Lhe boLLom of a wall Lo Lhe
Lop of anoLher wall, floor or roof.
I|gure 3-20: lnsLance arameLers
unconnecLed PelghL 1he unconnecLed PelghL value ls Lhe helghL of Lhe wall. ?ou can Lype ln a speclflc value,
buL ln Lhls case Lhe value ls preLLy lrregular because we've manually dragged Lhe shape handle Lo Lhe new
1op ConsLralnL 1he Lop consLralnL ls presenLly shown as unconnecLed. lL can also be assoclaLed Lo Level 2, for
example. 1hls way, Lhe wall wlll move verLlcally up or down lf Lhe level moves. lor example, seLLlng Lhe 1op
ConsLralnL Lo Level 2, Lhe unconnecLed PelghL wlll lmmedlaLely reseL Lo LhaL value.
1op ls ALLached 1op ls ALLached allows you Lo auLomaLlcally aLLach Lhe Lop of Lhe wall Lo Lhe underslde of a
wall, floor, or roof.
8oom 8oundlng 1he lasL value you should be aware of ls Lhe 8oom 8oundlng opLlon. Walls ofLen are meanL Lo
conLaln space and remaln space aware. 1hls ls whaL happened when you placed Lhe 8oom Lag ln a prevlous
exerclse. 8uL lf you have a slLuaLlon where you don'L wanL walls Lo deflne a space, you can deselecL Lhls opLlon
and Lhe 8oom Lag wlll lgnore Lhe walls.
Ld|t|ng and kesett|ng rof||es
Cf course noL all walls are recLlllnear ln elevaLlon. lor Lhese slLuaLlons you can edlL Lhe proflle of a wall. noLe LhaL
you'll only be able Lo edlL Lhe proflle of a sLralghL wall, noL curved walls.
1. SLarL by selecLlng Lhe 40 wall and selecLlng LdlL roflle from Lhe Modlfy | Walls Lab (llgure 3-21).
I|gure 3-21:
LdlLlng Lhe proflle for walls
2. lrom a SouLh LlevaLlon vlew, creaLe Lhe lnLernal skeLch as shown ln llgure 3-22. uon'L worry abouL
dlmenslonlng Lhe skeLch. We're [usL showlng Lhe dlmenslons for reference. now deleLe Lhe Lop llne and fllleL Lhe
Lwo slde skeLch llnes (llgure 3-22). noLe LhaL Lhe reference llnes lndlcaLlng Lhe exLenLs of Lhe orlglnal wall wlll
I|gure 3-22:
Addlng new skeLch llnes
3. When you are done, cllck llnlsh SkeLch Mode.
Attach|ng and Detach|ng 1op and 8ase
We've prevlously aLLached Lhe Lop of a wall Lo a roof. 8uL walls can also be aLLached Lo Lhe Lop or boLLom of oLher
walls. LeL's do Lhls wlLh a copy of Lhe wall from Lhe edlL elevaLlon example.
1. Copy Lhe wall off Lo Lhe slde, selecL lL, and Lhen cllck LdlL roflle. Modlfy Lhe exLerlor skeLch as shown ln
llgure 3-23. uon'L forgeL Lo Lrlm and deleLe unnecessary skeLch llnes. 1hen flnlsh Lhe skeLch.
I|gure 3-23:
LdlLed wall proflle
2. now reLurn Lo your Level 1 lan vlew and skeLch anoLher wall rlghL on Lop of Lhe same locaLlon of Lhe wall
you [usL edlLed. 8uL ln Lhls case, use a Cenerlc 12 wall. 1he walls wlll overlap and LhaL's okay.
3. SelecL Lhe lower 12 wall and Lhen cllck ALLach 1op/8ase (llgure 3-24). now selecL Lhe wall wlLh Lhe proflle
LhaL we [usL edlLed. 1hls wlll aLLach Lhe Lop of Lhe 12 wall Lo Lhe underslde of Lhe oLher wall, as shown on Lhe
rlghL slde of Lhe flgure.
1he greaL Lhlng abouL Lhls Lechnlque ls LhaL relaLlonshlps beLween Lhe Lwo walls are malnLalned lf you edlL Lhe
elevaLlon proflle of Lhe upper wall. erformlng Lhese sLeps ls a loL fasLer Lhan havlng Lo edlL Lhe elevaLlon proflle of
boLh walls!
I|gure 3-24: ALLach 1op/8ase
kesett|ng rof||es
Cne lasL Lhlng abouL edlLlng wall proflles: lf you need Lo remove Lhe edlLed condlLlon, don'L reenLer LdlL roflle
mode and manually remove Lhe skeLches. SelecL Lhe wall and cllck 8eseL roflle ln Lhe Mode panel on Lhe Modlfy |
Walls Lab. uolng so wlll reseL Lhe exLenLs and remove any lnLerlor skeLches.
Cutt|ng Cpen|ngs
Cpenlngs can be cuL ln boLh sLralghL and curved walls. 8uL Lhe command Lends Lo geL used ln curved walls because
you already have Lhe opLlon Lo edlL Lhe elevaLlon proflle ln sLralghL walls. And when you cuL an openlng, you're noL
able Lo skeLch beyond Lhe exLenLs of Lhe wall boundary or creaLe shapes LhaL are noL recLlllnear. Pere are Lhe sLeps
Lo creaLe a recLlllnear openlng ln a curved wall:
1. SLarL by creaLlng a curved wall segmenL and Lhen go Lo your uefaulL 3u vlew and selecL Lhe wall.
2. 1he Wall Cpenlng opLlon wlll Lhen appear on Lhe Modlfy | Walls Lab, as shown ln llgure 3-23 on Lhe lefL.
SelecL Lhls command and Lhen hover over Lhe wall, you'll be prompLed Lo creaLe a recLlllnear openlng, as shown
on llgure 3-23 on Lhe rlghL. 1o deleLe an openlng, hover over Lhe openlng, selecL lL, and Lhen press Lhe ueleLe
I|gure 3-2S: CreaLlng wall openlngs
Sp||tt|ng Wa||s
SomeLlmes afLer you've creaLed walls you reallze LhaL you don'L need an lnner segmenL-or you need Lo change a
segmenL Lo anoLher wall Lype. Pavlng Lo deleLe and re-creaLe walls would be Ledlous. 8evlL allows you Lo spllL
walls, effecLlvely breaklng Lhem up lnLo smaller pleces. 1hls can be done along boLh horlzonLally and verLlcal edges
of elLher curved or sLralghL walls.
LeL's experlmenL wlLh Lhls Lechnlque by creaLlng a plan conflguraLlon of walls, as shown ln llgure 3-26. 1he
dlmenslons are shown for reference.
I|gure 3-26: ConflguraLlon of walls
ln Lhls case Lhe secLlon of wall beLween Lhe Lwo parallel walls ls noL needed. 8uL raLher Lhan deleLe Lhe wall and
creaLe Lhree new walls, leL's spllL Lhe wall Lwlce and deleLe Lhe lnner wall.
1. SelecL Lhe SpllL LlemenL command from Lhe Modlfy Lab.
2. Pover over Lhe locaLlon of Lhe wall LhaL you lnLend Lo spllL. ?ou'll be prompLed wlLh a reference llne LhaL
helps lndlcaLe Lo you whlch wall you're spllLLlng. SpllL Lhe wall Lwlce aL each lnLersecLlon.
3. ueleLe Lhe lnner segmenL. ?our wall wlll now resemble llgure 3-27.
I|gure 3-27: uslng Lhe SpllL LlemenL command
Swapp|ng Wa||s
Swapplng walls keeps you from havlng Lo deleLe Lhem and sLarL over. ?ou can do Lhe same Lhlng when changlng
walls from one Lype Lo anoLher. uolng so ls as easy as selecLlng a wall and Lhen selecLlng Lhe new Lype from Lhe
roperLles paleLLe.
1. We'll use Lhe wall from Lhe secLlon, ALLachlng and ueLachlng 1op and 8ase." SelecL Lhe lower wall and Lhen
assoclaLe lL Lo a new Lype.
2. Change Lhe lower wall Lo Cenerlc - 12 Masonry. Cnce you selecL Lhe new wall Lype, Lhe resulL wlll resemble
Lhe wall ln llgure 3-28. noLe LhaL Lhe paLLerns of Lhe lndlvldual CMu courses are shown on Lhe new wall's
I|gure 3-28: SelecLlng a new wall Lype
Creat|ng Curta|n Wa||s
CurLaln walls are creaLed ln much Lhe same way as regular walls: by selecLlng Lhe Lype of curLaln wall and Lhen
skeLchlng Lhe deslred shape. 8uL Lhe avallable parameLers are raLher dlfferenL. LeL's sLarL by creaLlng a 40-0 (12
meLer) secLlon, uslng CurLaln Wall 1 as Lhe wall Lype.
Gr|d L|nes
8efore addlng mulllons, we need Lo add grld llnes Lo Lhe curLaln panel Lo whlch Lhe mulllons can assoclaLe.
1. SelecL Lhe CurLaln Crld Lool from Lhe 8ulld panel (llgure 3-29).
I|gure 3-29:
CurLaln Crld Lool
2. As you hover over Lhe edge of Lhe curLaln panel, 8evlL wlll prompL you wlLh a dashed llne LhaL lndlcaLes Lhe
grld locaLlon. Also noLlce LhaL Lhe grld locaLlon geLs klnd of sLlcky" aL Lhe 1/2 and 1/3 lengLhs along Lhe edge
3. lace Lwo evenly spaced grld llnes ln Lhe horlzon and verLlcal edge. When you're flnlshed, Lhe curLaln panel
wlll look llke llgure 3-30.
I|gure 3-30: CompleLed grld llnes
Add|ng Mu|||ons
now LhaL you've added grld llnes, you can add mulllons Lo Lhe curLaln panel:
1. SelecL Lhe Mulllon Lool from Lhe 8ulld panel. ?ou'll be glven Lhree dlfferenL opLlons Lo place Lhose mulllons:
?ou can place a mulllon conLlnuously along a grld llne, a segmenL of a grld llne, or even on all empLy grlds on a
panel (lncludlng Lhe boundary). LeL's selecL Lhe Lhlrd opLlon (llgure 3-31).
I|gure 3-31:
SelecLlng Lhe Mulllon Lool
1he defaulL mulllon ls flne for Lhls exerclse, buL noLe LhaL Lhere are several mulllons ln Lhe defaulL LemplaLe. ?ou
can even creaLe mulllons wlLh user-deflned proflles.
2. Pover over Lhe curLaln panel and lefL-cllck, and Lhe mulllon wlll be asslgned Lo all empLy grlds.
3. 1o modlfy an elemenL ln Lhe curLaln panel, hover over Lhe locaLlon and press and release Lhe 1ab key (don'L
[usL hold Lhe 1ab key down). uolng so wlll sequenLlally selecL Lhe mulllon, Lhe grld llne, Lhe nearesL panel, or Lhe
enLlre curLaln sysLem.
4. SelecLlng Lhe grld llne and Lemporary dlmenslons allows you Lo enLer exacL values (or even press and drag Lo
move Lhe grld), as shown ln llgure 3-32.
I|gure 3-32: Movlng Lhe grld llne
Curved Curta|n ane|s
Curved curLaln wall panels LhaL you creaLe wlll appear flaL" unLll you add Lhe verLlcal grld llnes. 8uL speclfylng exacL grld locaLlons durlng
Lhe deslgn process ls ofLen Ledlous-and dlfflculL Lo correcL. ?ou can creaLe a deslgn" panel from a speclally creaLed wall LhaL ls very Lhln
and LransparenL. use Lhls wall Lo flgure ouL Lhe deslgn, and Lhen swap lL ouL for a curLaln wall laLer. 1he wall can even have a paLLern flle
assoclaLed Lo lL LhaL wlll vlsually help lL Lo read as a curLaln panel. uon'L worry-we'll puL a sample ln Lhe flle LhaL wlll be avallable aL Lhe
end of Lhe chapLer.
Lmbedd|ng Curta|n Wa||s
CurLaln walls can also be embedded ln walls. lollow Lhese sLeps:
1. CreaLe a 40-0 secLlon (12 meLers) of a Cenerlc 6 Wall.
2. SkeLch a 30-0 (9 meLers) secLlon of a SLorefronL Lype curLaln wall lnslde Lhe wall. 1hls curLaln wall Lype has
grld and mulllon deflnlLlons as parL of Lhe wall (see llgure 3-33).
As you can see, Lhe curLaln wall wlll auLomaLlcally lmbed lLself ln Lhe generlc wall.
I|gure 3-33: Lmbeddlng curLaln walls
Mod|fy|ng Curta|n Wa||s
lL's very seldom LhaL our deslgn ends up exacLly where we sLarLed. So leL's experlmenL wlLh modlfylng our
embedded curLaln wall. 1hls ls a very lmporLanL sLep noL only ln grasplng how cerLaln funcLlonallLy works ln 8evlL,
buL also ln undersLandlng Lhe flexlblllLy ln your workflow and how 8evlL wlll accommodaLe lL.
Ld|t|ng the L|evat|on rof||e
CompleLe Lhe followlng sLeps Lo modlfy Lhe elevaLlon proflle of a curLaln sysLem-even one embedded ln a wall:
1. SelecL Lhe enLlre sysLem by hoverlng over Lhe ouLer edge of Lhe curLaln panel and selecLlng lL. now you can
modlfy Lhe elevaLlon proflle.
2. Cllck LdlL roflle and modlfy Lhe skeLch of Lhe curLaln wall as shown ln llgure 3-34.
I|gure 3-34:
Modlfylng Lhe skeLch llnes
3. 1rlm Lhe slde skeLch llnes and deleLe Lhe Lop skeLch llne before flnlshlng Lhe skeLch. 1hen cllck Ck.
4. When you aLLempL Lo flnlsh Lhe skeLch, 8evlL wlll warn you LhaL some of Lhe mulllons ln Lhe orlglnal sysLem
can'L be malnLalned. 1hls ls flne, because some of Lhe mulllons are ouLslde Lhe skeLch area. Cllck ueleLe
LlemenLs Lo conLlnue.
8evlL has already healed" Lhe ouLer generlc wall Lo maLch Lhe new boundary condlLlon.
Add|ng and Mod|fy|ng Gr|ds and Mu|||ons
now leL's add some addlLlonal grlds LhaL are noL parL of Lhls deflned sysLem:
1. llrsL, selecL Lhe grld Lool and hover over Lhe curLaln sysLem, as shown ln llgure 3-33.
I|gure 3-3S:
Addlng a new grld and mulllon
2. When Lhe grld llne ls evenly spaced beLween Lhe upper and lower mulllons, place Lhe new grld llne, whlch wlll
resemble Lhe one ln llgure 3-33.
8ecause Lhls Lype of curLaln sysLem already has a deflned mulllon, 8evlL wlll auLomaLlcally add Lhe mulllon when
you place Lhe grld llne.
Unp|nn|ng and 1ogg||ng Mu|||ons
now we need Lo exchange a door for one of Lhe panels. LeL's sLarL by deleLlng one of Lhe added mulllons:
1. Zoom lnLo Lhe curLaln sysLem and hover over Lhe mulllon. When lL hlghllghLs, selecL Lhe mulllon.
2. noLlce Lhe pln" lcon [usL above Lhe mulllon ln llgure 3-36. 1he mulllon ls plnned" because lL's parL of a
deflned sysLem (ln Lhe Lype properLles of Lhe curLaln panel).
3. ?ou need Lo unpln" Lhe mulllon before you can deleLe lL. SelecL Lhe pln lcon and lL wlll unlock."
4. now unpln and deleLe Lhe mulllon below Lhe prevlous one. 1hls glves you room for our curLaln wall door.
I|gure 3-36: unplnnlng Lhe mulllon
Add|ng and Mod|fy|ng ane|s
8efore you swap ouL Lhe panel for a door, you need Lo weld" Lhese Lwo panels lnLo a slngle panel. lollow Lhese
1. Pover over Lhe lnLersecLlon of Lhe Lwo panels and selecL Lhe grld llne shown ln llgure 3-37.
I|gure 3-37:
Add/8emove SegmenLs
2. Cllck Add/8emove SegmenLs and Lhen selecL Lhe grld llne LhaL separaLes Lhe Lwo curLaln panels.
now you have a slngle panel raLher Lhan Lwo panels, because Lhe Lwo panels have been welded LogeLher.
?ou can swap ouL Lhe slngle panel wlLh anoLher panel, when you do so, Lhe enLlre elemenL ls replaced. lf you
had noL welded Lhese Lwo panels LogeLher, only Lhe upper or lower panel would have been replaced lndlvldually.
Add|ng and Mod|fy|ng the Curta|n ane| Door
8efore you swap ouL Lhe glazed panel for curLaln wall doors, leL's load Lhe approprlaLe famlly lnLo Lhe pro[ecL.
1here's llLLle polnL ln geLLlng ready Lo exchange Lhe panel lf you don'L have Lhe new panel ready Lo go!
1. lrom Lhe lnserL Lab, selecL Lhe Load lamlly opLlon on Lhe Load lrom Llbrary paleLLe. lrom Lhe Doors folder,
selecL Lhe CurLaln Wall ubl Class famlly. 1he famlly ls now loaded lnLo our pro[ecL and you can exchange lL for
Lhe defaulL curLaln panel.
2. ?ou'll exchange Lhe panel by flrsL selecLlng Lhe panel LhaL you wanL Lo replace. 8lghL away, you can see LhaL
Lhe panel ls also plnned" slnce lL's belng deflned by Lhe Lype properLles for Lhe curLaln wall sysLem-[usL llke
Lhe mulllons. As you'll recall, plnned elemenLs can'L be exchanged unLll Lhey're unplnned. 1he same holds Lrue
for Lhls panel.
3. SelecL Lhe panel and unpln Lhe panel. now you can selecL a new opLlon from Lhe roperLles palleL and replace
Lhe panel wlLh a door, as shown ln llgure 3-38.
I|gure 3-38: Lxchanglng Lhe panel for a door
1he curLaln panel doors auLomaLlcally expand Lo flll Lhe space of Lhe enLlre panel LhaL preceded lL. 1hese are
speclal doors LhaL are really a curLaln panel caLegory. lf you wanL a real" door, you can swap ouL Lhe curLaln panel
for a wall (even a wall made only of glass), and Lhen place Lhe door ln Lhe wall.
Understand|ng 8as|c Wa|| arts and arameters
WlLhouL golng lnLo Loo much deLall, leL's Lake a momenL and dlscuss some of Lhe varlous wall Lypes LhaL are
avallable ln 8evlL. We don'L Lhlnk lL would be a good ldea Lo have you make all of Lhese now. 8uL lL's good Lo know
whaL ls ln Lhe box so LhaL as your deslgn progresses you won'L geL Lhe sense LhaL you'll be backed lnLo a corner.
1he ldea ls LhaL once you geL Lhe baslcs down, you'll wanL Lo begln experlmenLlng wlLh more complex wall Lypes.
1here are baslcally Lhree Lypes of walls ln 8evlL: baslc, sLacked, and curLaln walls. LeL's dlscuss each of Lhese
Lypes ln a blL more deLall.
8as|c Wa||s
Many baslc walls have no deflned verLlcal lnformaLlon. 1hey'll be monollLhlc-llke Lhe generlc wall Lype LhaL we've
been uslng for mosL of Lhese exerclses. 8uL ln some cases Lhey'll be speclflc Lypes of monollLhlc walls. ln Lhese
cases, Lhe sLrucLural reglon ls deflned.
SelecL Lhe Cenerlc - 8 Masonry wall Lype and Lhen open Lhe wall's Lype properLles. Cllck revlew and selecL
Lhe SecLlon vlew Lype. ln llgure 3-39, Lhe sLrucLural reglon of Lhls wall ls deflned by a dlagonal crosshaLch paLLern.
1hls ls a baslc wall wlLh only one paLLern deflnlng Lhe wall's maLerlal.
I|gure 3-39: Masonry sLrucLural reglon
Powever, baslc walls may show far more verLlcal lnformaLlon and deLall. SelecL Lhe wall Lype LxLerlor - 8rlck on
MLl. SLud and you'll see Lhe dlfference (llgure 3-40). noLlce LhaL Lhere are numerous values LhaL conLrol Lhe
funcLlon, maLerlal, and Lhlckness for Lhls wall Lype. 1hese values help you coordlnaLe your pro[ecL lnformaLlon
across vlews and schedules. lf Lhe wall you selecL ls rlghL anywhere, lL's rlghL everywhere!
8aslc walls can even have proflles assoclaLed Lo Lhem. roflles can be used Lo add or remove geomeLry ln your
walls. 1ake a look aL Lhe wall Lype LxLerlor - 8rlck and CMu on M1L. SLud. noLe Lhe parapeL cap aL Lhe Lop of Lhe
wall (llgure 3-41). 1hls ls a proflle assoclaLed Lo Lhe baslc wall Lype. So whlle you can manually add proflles Lo walls
ln your pro[ecL on a case-by-case basls, we Lhlnk you'll flnd addlng Lhem Lo Lhe wall deflnlLlon makes creaLlng and
updaLlng wall Lypes easy and qulck.
I|gure 3-40: verLlcally compound walls
I|gure 3-41: Wall sweep as parL of a wall
Stacked Wa||s
So whaL are sLacked walls? 1hey're your baslc wall Lypes, buL ln a slngle deflned Lype. So any of your baslc walls
can be used Lo creaLe a sLacked wall.
Look aL Lhe wall Lype LxLerlor - 8rlck Cver CMu w MeLal SLud, shown ln llgure 3-42. lL's deflned by Lwo
dlfferenL baslc walls, buL you can add more. Powever, you can'L comblne sLacked walls (Lalk abouL confuslng!) or
curLaln walls lnLo your sLacked wall.
I|gure 3-42: SLacked wall secLlon
Curta|n Wa|| 1ypes
CurLaln walls can have compleLe Lype deflnlLlons (llgure 3-43). 1he deflnlLlon wlll lnclude Lhe mulllon Lype
(horlzonLal and verLlcal) for Lhe lnLerlor and border condlLlons. 8uL you can also conLrol Lhe horlzonLal and verLlcal
spaclng ln Lhe Lype deflnlLlon as a Lype, whlch ls very handy. 8uL whaL's really cool ls LhaL you can also asslgn panel
Lypes Lo Lhe curLaln sysLem Lype.
I|gure 3-43: CurLaln wall Lype deflnlLlons
Iust Cne More 1h|ng
Walls and curLaln walls can be far more complex Lhan Lhe examples you've creaLed ln Lhls chapLer. lf you wanL Lo
examlne all Lhe Lypes, go Lo Lhe ChapLer 3 folder aL Lhls book's web page aL]go]rev|t2012essent|a|s and download 03_Walls_and_Curtainwalls.rvt.
llrsL, Lhere's Lhe opLlon Lo creaLe walls by plcklng a face (llgure 3-44). LssenLlally you creaLe a mass and Lhen
asslgn walls Lo Lhe face of Lhe mass. lf Lhe mass ls modlfled, you can reasslgn walls Lo Lhe modlfled faces. As you
can see ln llgure 3-44, Lhe resulLs can be complex.
I|gure 3-44: Walls creaLed by plcklng a face
Chapter /
,loors0 #oofs0 and Ceilings
We've approached Lhls chapLer by grouplng LogeLher horlzonLal hosL elemenLs LhaL make up your bulldlng.
AlLhough Lhe lnlLlal creaLlon of a floor, roof, or celllng ls somewhaL dlfferenL, Lhe Lools used Lo edlL Lhe lnlLlal
deslgn elemenL have a loL of overlap and slmllarlLy.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
CreaLlng floors
Laylng ouL roofs
Addlng celllngs
Creat|ng I|oors
1here are qulLe a few ways Lo creaLe floors ln 8evlL. 8uL we honesLly don'L have Lhe space Lo dlg deep lnLo all Lhese
varlaLlons! CulLe frankly Lhey're noL lmporLanL for early deslgn lLeraLlon.
WhaL's lmporLanL ls LhaL you undersLand whaL Lhe varlous approaches Lo a slngle floor Lype wlll do and whaL
klnd of relaLlonshlps Lhey'll make. So leL's geL sLarLed!
llrsL, leL's creaLe floors by skeLchlng Lhe deslred shape ln Lhe Level 1 floor plan vlew. 1he floor Lype LhaL we'll be
uslng ls Cenerlc - 12r. SLarL by selecLlng Lhe lloor Lool on Lhe 8ulld panel of Lhe Pome Lab. ?ou'll enLer SkeLch
mode, whlch wlll allow you Lo creaLe a skeLch LhaL wlll evenLually be used Lo deflne Lhe boundary of your floor.
LeL's creaLe a slmple skeLch for Lhe floor, 13' 30' [4.3 m 9 m]. 1he dlmenslons are shown for reference
only. Lven Lhough Lhls ls a slmple shape, whaL's more lmporLanL ls how you'll be able Lo manlpulaLe Lhe shape.
llnlsh Lhe skeLch and selecL your defaulL 3u vlew. now selecL Lhe lloor Lool and your floor wlll resemble Lhe one
ln llgure 4-1.
I|gure 4-1: Cur flnlshed floor
Ld|t|ng the 8oundary
noLe LhaL you're able Lo see a couple of Lhlngs rlghL away ln Lhe lnsLanL properLles: meLadaLa abouL Lhe floor
(locaLlon, area, volume, eLc.) as well as Lhe ablllLy Lo revlse Lhe geomeLry vla skeLchlng or spoL elevaLlons. LeL's
selecL LdlL 8oundary and reLurn Lo Lhe Level 1 floor plan.
Add addlLlonal skeLch llnes Lo generaLe Lhe shape aL Lhe boLLom rlghL of llgure 4-2. uon'L forgeL Lo Lrlm back
any lnLersecLlng llnes.
Cnce Lhls ls done and Lhere are no overlapplng llnes, flnlsh Lhe skeLch by cllcklng Lhe green check buLLon. SelecL
Lhe floor and you'll noLlce LhaL Lhe opLlons and meLadaLa have already updaLed, as shown ln llgure 4-3.
now leL's creaLe anoLher floor of Lhe same Lype and same lnlLlal dlmenslons: 13' 30' [4.3 m 9 m], [usL
above Lhe flrsL floor. Leave some space beLween Lhe Lwo floors. CffseL Lhe floor 1'-0r [300 mm] above Level 1 by
enLerlng Lhls dlsLance lnLo Lhe roperLles paleLLe. llnlsh Lhe skeLch Lo compleLe Lhe floor (llgure 4-4).
I|gure 4-2: Modlfylng Lhe floor skeLch
I|gure 4-3: 1he modlfled floor
I|gure 4-4: new floor 1'-0r above Level 1
S|oped Arrows and I|oors
noL all floors are flaL, and many have large openlngs. LeL's lnvesLlgaLe boLh opLlons. We'll begln by brldglng
anoLher sloped floor beLween Lhe flrsL Lwo. SkeLch anoLher floor beLween Lhe Lwo prevlous floors, fllllng Lhe gap
beLween Lhe Lwo (llgure 4-3).
I|gure 4-S: new floor aL Level 1
lf you were Lo flnlsh Lhe skeLch llke Lhls, Lhe floor wouldn'L connecL Lhe upper and lower secLlons. ?ou need Lo
add a slope arrow. uo so by selecLlng Lhe Slope Arrow Lool on Lhe uraw panel. SkeLch Lhe arrow as shown ln
llgure 4-6. 1he flrsL locaLlon LhaL you plck wlll be Lhe Lall of Lhe arrow, Lhe second locaLlon ls Lhe head.
I|gure 4-6: Slope arrow consLralnLs
Cnce you creaLe Lhe slope arrow, selecL lL and modlfy Lhe parameLers as shown ln llgure 4-6 so LhaL Lhey
maLch Lhe locaLlon of Lhe upper and lower floors. 8e sure Lo speclfy Lhe helghLs of Lhe Lall and head. llnlsh Lhe
skeLch and reLurn Lo your defaulL 3u vlew (llgure 4-7), whlch shows Lhe flnlshed condlLlon. now Lhe sloped floor
connecLs Lhe lower and upper floors.
I|gure 4-7: CompleLed sloped floor
S|oped I|oors v|a Shape Ld|t|ng
SllghLly sloped floors and depresslons could be creaLed wlLh slope arrows and separaLe floors-buL Lhls approach ls
probably Loo complex slnce you'd have Lo creaLe a loL of separaLe pleces of geomeLry. lor Lhese klnds of
condlLlons, you have Lhe Shape LdlLlng Lools.
LeL's sLarL by reLurnlng Lo Level 1 and selecLlng Lhe upper floor. now you can see Lhe Shape LdlLlng Lools ln Lhe
Shape LdlLlng panel. LeL's suppose LhaL Lhls enLlre floor ls aL Lhe rlghL level, excepL for one small porLlon LhaL needs
Lo be sllghLly depressed ln order Lo accommodaLe a loadlng area.
llrsL, leL's deflne Lhe upper and lower boundarles of Lhls depressed area by selecLlng Lhe Add SpllL Llne opLlon
from Lhe Shape LdlLlng panel. Add Lhe spllne llnes as shown ln llgure 4-8. ulmenslons are shown for reference.
I|gure 4-8: Addlng spllL llnes
now LhaL you've added Lhe proper locaLlons Lo break Lhe slope, you'll modlfy Lhe polnLs aL Lhe ends of Lhe llnes
Lo change Lhe slope of Lhe floor. SLarL by reLurnlng Lo your uefaulL 3u vlew.
As you hover over Lhe endpolnL of Lhe llne, 8evlL hlghllghLs Lhe shape handles. ress Lhe 1ab key Lo hlghllghL a
speclflc handle and Lhen selecL lL (llgure 4-9). now you can ad[usL Lhe elevaLlon of Lhe shape handle. ln Lhls case
we're depresslng Lhe floor, so Lhe value wlll have Lo be negaLlve. 8uL you could also lncrease Lhe elevaLlon ln a
small area by uslng a poslLlve value.
Change Lhe value as shown ln llgure 4-9. 1hen do Lhe same for Lhe shape handle Lo Lhe rlghL. When you're
done, Lhe depressed area wlll resemble llgure 4-10.
I|gure 4-9: LdlLlng Lhe shape handle
I|gure 4-10: 1he flnlshed depresslon
Creat|ng Cpen|ngs by Sketch|ng
lor Lhe occaslonal or lrregular openlng ln a floor, lL's easy Lo add a secondary openlng uslng Lhe Cpenlng Lool.
lrom Lhe Pome Lab, selecL Lhe 8y lace Lool from Lhe Cpenlng panel. 1hen selecL an edge of Lhe sloped floor
slab you creaLed Lo enLer SkeLch mode. now skeLch an openlng 10' 3' [3 m 1 m] ln Lhe cenLer floor panel.
When you flnlsh Lhe skeLch, Lhe resulL wlll resemble llgure 4-11. 1here's no llmlL Lo Lhe number of lnLerlor
skeLches LhaL you can creaLe. ?ou can also edlL skeLches prevlously creaLed.
I|gure 4-11: 1he flnlshed openlng
An openlng of Lhls Lype wlll remaln perpendlcular Lo Lhe floor, roof, or celllng. Cn Lhe oLher hand, a verLlcal
openlng wlll remaln perpendlcular Lo Lhe level LhaL lL was creaLed on. SelecL Lhe same slab and skeLch a new
openlng of Lhe same slze and dlmenslons Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe flrsL one. 1he resulL wlll resemble llgure 4-12.
I|gure 4-12: SkeLch a new openlng of Lhe same slze and dlmenslons.
1he dlfferences are subLle buL very lmporLanL. 8y creaLlng a secLlon Lhrough boLh openlngs, you can see Lhe
dlfference ln an openlng LhaL remalns perpendlcular Lo Lhe floor compared Lo one LhaL remalns perpendlcular Lo
Lhe level (llgure 4-13).
I|gure 4-13: llnlshed parallel and perpendlcular openlngs
keep ln mlnd LhaL from a pro[ecL managemenL sLandpolnL, lf you have a number of openlngs LhaL are
predlcLably shaped (clrcular, recLlllnear, eLc.) and highly repeLlLlve, you'd be beLLer off creaLlng a hosL- or face-
based openlng (wlLh parameLers for opLlons) as a famlly componenL and Lhen loadlng lL for use ln your pro[ecL.
Creat|ng Cpen|ngs w|th Shafts
lor openlngs LhaL occur from level Lo level wlLh verLlcal regularlLy (llke a shafL or elevaLor core), you can use Lhe
ShafL Lool. 1hls Lool allows you Lo creaLe an openlng ln numerous floors, roofs, and celllngs qulckly and easlly. SLarL
by addlng a few more levels Lo your pro[ecL so LhaL you have 10 levels LhaL are evenly spaced.
SelecL all Lhree floors on Level 1 and copy Lhem by presslng CLrl+C. now Lhe geomeLry ls ready Lo be pasLed Lo
each of Lhe levels. 1he besL way Lo do Lhls ls by uslng Lhe asLe Lool, whlch allows you Lo selecL all Lhe levels Lo
whlch you lnLend Lo pasLe Lhe floors. SelecL asLe from Lhe Cllpboard paleLLe and Lhen selecL Allgned 1o SelecLed
Levels (llgure 4-14).
now you'll be glven Lhe opLlon Lo selecL all Lhe levels. SelecL levels 2-10 (llgure 4-13). 1he resulLlng floors are
shown ln Lhe same flgure. 8eLurn Lo Lhe Level 1 vlew and selecL Lhe ShafL Lool from Lhe Cpenlng panel. Cnce agaln,
you'll enLer SkeLch mode. CreaLe a new recLangle perpendlcular Lo Lhe lasL Lwo you [usL drew. 8e sure Lo modlfy
Lhe Lop consLralnL so LhaL Lhe shafL goes up Lo Level 10. Also be cerLaln Lo asslgn a 1op CffseL value slnce Lhe upper
floor ls sllghLly above Lhe level (llgure 4-13).
I|gure 4-14: asLed geomeLry
I|gure 4-1S: CreaLlng a mulLlsLory shafL
llgure 4-16 shows Lhe resulLlng shafL ln 3u. All Lhe floors were auLomaLlcally cuL. Any celllngs, roofs, and
addlLlonal floors LhaL may be added ln Lhe fuLure wlll auLomaLlcally be cuL as well.
I|gure 4-16: 1he flnlshed mulLlsLory shafL
|ck|ng Wa||s
SelecLlng walls deflnes a vlsual boundary LhaL has been creaLed durlng Lhe deslgn process, you can also use walls Lo
creaLe floors by uslng Lhls boundary made by Lhe borderlng walls. LeL's sLarL by creaLlng a serles of walls on Level 1
LhaL resembles llgure 4-17.
I|gure 4-17: CreaLlng a chaln of walls
now selecL Lhe lloor Lool Lo enLer SkeLch mode. 8uL Lhls Llme, you don'L wanL Lo skeLch Lhe boundary of Lhe
floor manually. 1here's an easler way. SelecL Lhe lck Wall Lool from Lhe uraw paleLLe. uolng so allows you Lo
selecL an lndlvldual wall or an enLlre chaln of walls.
Pover over one of Lhe wall edges and Lhen press and release Lhe 1ab key. ?our selecLlon wlll cycle" from one
wall Lo Lhe serles of walls. When all of Lhe walls hlghllghL, selecL Lhem wlLh one plck. noLe LhaL Lhe edge of Lhe new
floor wlll be consLrucLed where your mouse cllcks when you plck Lhe wall ln reference Lo Lhe lnLerlor or exLerlor of
Lhe wall. 1he floor goes Lo Lhe ouLslde of Lhe wall, ln order Lo do LhaL, you have Lo plck Lhe ouLslde edge of Lhe
wall-oLherwlse, Lhe floor allgns wlLh Lhe lnLerlor. 1he enLlre chaln of llnes wlll be creaLed LhaL correspond Lo all of
Lhe walls.
lf you move Lhe walls LhaL were used Lo deLermlne Lhe floor skeLch, Lhe boundary of Lhe floor wlll auLomaLlcally
updaLe. 1hls ls lncredlbly powerful for a mulLlsLory bulldlng, where updaLlng one floor aL a Llme would be nearly
lmposslble. As soon as one updaLe would compleLe, Lhe deslgn would have llkely changed, requlrlng you Lo sLarL
Lay|ng Cut koofs
?ou creaLe roofs much llke you do floors: from a skeLch resulLlng from elLher drawn llnes or plcked walls. And as
wlLh floors, lf you plck Lhe exLerlor walls as a reference, Lhen movlng Lhe walls wlll move Lhe correspondlng edges
of Lhe roof. 8oofs can also be creaLed ln elevaLlon (whlch we'll geL Lo ln a blL).
8oofs Lend Lo slope, for a loL of good reasons. LeL's creaLe some roofs and lnvesLlgaLe a few slope opLlons.
|ck|ng Wa||s
LeL's sLarL by addlng a roof Lo Lhe same walls you used ln Lhe prevlous floor exerclse. llrsL, reLurn Lo your Level 1
plan vlew. SelecL Lhe 8oof Lool and choose 8oof 8y looLprlnL. AL Lhls polnL, 8evlL wlll auLomaLlcally ask you Lo
selecL levels Lhls roof ls golng Lo be assoclaLed wlLh, selecL Level 3.
Cnce agaln, you don'L have Lo plck all Lhe walls lndlvldually or skeLch all Lhe roof boundary llnes. SelecL Lhe lck
Walls opLlon. 1hen hover over one of Lhe exLerlor walls and press Lhe 1ab key Lo selecL Lhe enLlre chaln. When you
selecL Lhe enLlre chaln of walls aL once, all of Lhe roof boundary llnes wlll be creaLed.
noLe Lhe lcon wlLh Lhe double arrows. Cllcklng Lhls lcon wlll fllp Lhe boundary llnes Lo Lhe lnslde or ouLslde of
Lhe wall face. Cllck Lhls lcon Lo move all Lhe boundary llnes Lo Lhe lnslde of Lhe wall's faces.
Slnce Lhls wlll be a sloped roof, you can make Lhe slope perpendlcular Lo Lhe lefL edge by deselecLlng Lhe
ueflnes Slope check box for all Lhe oLher llnes. now deflne Lhe slope of Lhe lefL edge wlLh a 1/12 rlse over run
(abouL 8 percenL).
llnlsh Lhe skeLch and look aL Lhe pro[ecL ln 3u. Whlle Lhe roof beglns aL Level 3 and has Lhe proper slope, lL's
lmmedlaLely obvlous LhaL Lhe walls don'L exLend beyond Lhe roof.
8evlL excels here aL helplng your Leam durlng Lhe deslgn process. 8aLher Lhan noL anLlclpaLe a poLenLlal confllcL,
you're able Lo ldenLlfy confllcLs earller raLher Lhan laLer so you can resolve Lhem before oLher deslgn lssues creaLe
clrcular confllcLs.
SelecL all Lhe walls (uslng Lhe 1ab key Lo selecL Lhe enLlre chaln) and seL 1op ConsLralnL Lo Level 4 ln Lhe
roperLles paleLLe. 1he resulLs wlll resemble llgure 4-18.
I|gure 4-18: Ad[usLlng Lhe wall helghL
SelecL Lhe roof and reenLer SkeLch mode. AnoLher opLlon Lo deLermlne Lhe slope of a roof ls uslng slope arrows.
Slope arrows allow you Lo speclfy a slope, and Lhey wlll also allow you Lo speclfy Lhe levels of Lhe arrow aL boLh Lhe
head and Lall.
1he Lall of Lhe slope arrow musL reslde on Lhe boundary of Lhe skeLch. 8uL Lhe head of Lhe slope arrow may
polnL ln pracLlcally any dlrecLlon! Add a slope arrow as shown ln llgure 4-19. noLe Lhe PelghL CffseL AL Pead value
ls seL Lo 6' [ 2m]. Make sure you uncheck Lhe ueflne Slope opLlon for Lhe edges of Lhe roof Lo see Lhe full
effecL of uslng Lhe Slope Arrow.
I|gure 4-19: Sloplng Lhe roof
When you flnlsh Lhe skeLch, you'll noLlce LhaL a slngle slope proceeds across Lhe roof. A slngle slope ln Lhls
dlrecLlon would be nearly lmposslble Lo speclfy wlLhouL slope arrows.
?ou can creaLe roof slopes uslng mulLlple slope arrows. 1hls Lechnlque ls lncredlbly helpful when you wanL Lo
creaLe sloped condlLlons where Lwo perpendlcular slopes musL meeL aL exacLly Lhe same locaLlon. Agaln, Lhls ls
someLhlng LhaL's dlfflculL Lo do wlLhouL slope arrows.
LeL's explore Lhls Loplc by reenLerlng SkeLch mode wlLh Lhe prevlously creaLed roof. ueleLe Lhe exlsLlng slope
arrow by edlLlng Lhe skeLch. now skeLch Lwo new slope arrows so LhaL Lhe heads of Lhe arrows meeL aL Lhe upper-
lefL corner of Lhe roof. 1he Slope Arrow should have Lhe followlng properLles:
Pead CffseL AL 1all: 0r
Pead CffseL AL Pead: 6' [2 m]
Make sure LhaL PelghL CffseL ls Lhe same for boLh 1alls and Peads. When you flnlsh Lhe skeLch, Lhe resulLs wlll
resemble llgure 4-20.
I|gure 4-20: SkeLchlng Lwo slope arrows
AnoLher common condlLlon ln resldenLlal-sLyled roofs ls one of mulLlple slopes LhaL are perpendlcular Lo Lhelr
many edges. 1o creaLe Lhls condlLlon, you'll reenLer SkeLch mode for Lhe prevlously creaLed roof and sLarL by
deleLlng boLh Lhe slope arrows.
now selecL all Lhe llnes LhaL represenL Lhe roof skeLch. ?ou can do Lhls by holdlng down CLrl and selecLlng Lhe
llnes lndlvldually or by cllcklng on one and presslng 1ab Lo hlghllghL Lhe resL of Lhe llnes. Cnce you have Lhem
selecLed, ln Lhe CpLlons 8ar, enLer 3' [1 m] for Lhe overhang. now selecL Lhe ueflnes Slope opLlon for all Lhe
boundary edges from Lhe roperLles paleLLe. Also modlfy Lhe Slope properLy for a slope of 9/12. 1he roof ln SkeLch
mode should look llke llgure 4-21. llnlsh Lhe skeLch.
I|gure 4-21: CffseLLlng Lhe roof skeLch and deflnlng slopes
lnlLlally Lhe edges of Lhe wall exLend beyond Lhe overhang of Lhe roof. SelecL all Lhe exLerlor walls (use Lhe 1ab
key) and Lhen selecL Lhe ALLach 1op/8ase opLlon on Lhe Modlfy | Wall Lab. 1he resulL wlll resemble llgure 4-22.
I|gure 4-22: ALLachlng Lhe walls Lo Lhe roof
1he greaL Lhlng abouL aLLachlng walls ls LhaL lf Lhe roof's angle or slopes change, Lhe walls wlll auLomaLlcally
reacL Lo Lhe new condlLlon. 1o LesL Lhls, reenLer SkeLch mode and remove Lhe ueflnes Slope opLlon for one of Lhe
When you flnlsh Lhe skeLch, Lhe resulLs wlll resemble llgure 4-23. Slnce Lhe walls have prevlously been Lold Lo
aLLach Lo Lhe roof, Lhe gable condlLlon ls already updaLed.
I|gure 4-23: 8emovlng a deflned slope
Lxtruded koofs
ln addlLlon Lo belng able Lo creaLe roofs ln a plan or fooLprlnL orlenLaLlon, you can exLrude roofs from verLlcally
planer surfaces. 1o do so, flrsL selecL Lhe 8oof 8y LxLruslon command from Lhe 8oof flyouL on Lhe Pome Lab. Cnce
you selecL Lhls command, you'll be lmmedlaLely prompLed by 8evlL Lo selecL Lhe plane from whlch Lhe exLruded
roof wlll sprlng. SelecL Lhe face of Lhe roof hlghllghLed ln llgure 4-24.
I|gure 4-24: ueflnlng Lhe slopes
now you'll be prompLed Lo assoclaLe Lhe roof Lo Lhe approprlaLe level. 1hls sLep ls lmporLanL for schedullng
purposes and you can modlfy Lhe value laLer. lor now selecL Level 3 slnce lL's closesL Lo Lhe base of Lhe exLruded
nexL, you'll creaLe Lhe skeLch for Lhe exLruded roof. 1he skeLch llne wlll noL be a closed loop. lL's [usL a llne (or
serles of connecLed llnes) LhaL deflnes Lhe Lop of Lhe exLruded roof. lor Lhls example, you'll creaLe an arc. SelecL
Lhe Arc Lool from Lhe uraw panel .
now creaLe Lhe arc approxlmaLely as shown ln llgure 4-23. 1he lmporLanL deLall ls LhaL we're golng Lo seL Lhe
LxLruslon Lnd Lo 20'-0r [6 m].
I|gure 4-2S: CreaLlng Lhe skeLch
When you compleLe Lhe skeLch, Lhe roof ls sprlnglng from Lhe arc LhaL you creaLed. 8uL lL's noL reachlng back
and connecLlng Lo Lhe roof face. 1hls lssue ls easy Lo resolve. llrsL, selecL Lhe roof and Lhen selecL Lhe !oln/un[oln
8oof opLlon on Lhe CeomeLry panel. 1hen, hover over Lhe rear edge of Lhe exLruded roof, as shown ln Lhe lefL
lmage of llgure 4-26. llnally, selecL Lhe face of Lhe prevlously creaLed roof LhaL you wanL Lo connecL Lhe exLruded
I|gure 4-26: ALLachlng Lhe 8oof
1he exLruded roof wlll now exLend back Lo meeL Lhe face of Lhe oLher roof (llgure 4-27). lf elLher roof ls
modlfled, 8evlL wlll do lLs besL Lo malnLaln Lhls connecLed relaLlonshlp.
I|gure 4-27: !olned roofs
Cverall, Lhere are so many oLher complex areas LhaL we can Lalk abouL wlLh regard Lo roofs, sLarLlng wlLh polnL
elevaLlons and Lhen dlgglng lnLo more lnsLance and Lype parameLers. 8uL once agaln, Lhls ls beyond Lhe space
llmlLaLlons for an lnLroducLlon Lo 8evlL. Learnlng how Lo use 8evlL organlcally ls a beLLer approach: SLarL wlLh Lhe
baslcs of deslgn lLeraLlon and Lhen bulld on Lhese concepLs as Lhe need arlses.
Add|ng Ce|||ngs
Celllngs ln 8evlL are easy Lo place as well as modlfy. As you move Lhe walls, Lhe celllng assoclaLed Lo Lhose walls
wlll sLreLch Lo flL Lhelr new condlLlons.
LeL's sLarL by reLurnlng Lo Lhe Level 1 floor plan of Lhe prevlous exerclse. Add 10'-0r [3 m] hlgh walls and doors
Lo creaLe lndlvldual, shared, and open spaces (llgure 4-28).
I|gure 4-28: Level 1 wlLh walls
Automat|c Ce|||ngs
1he Celllng Lool ls found on Lhe 8ulld paleLLe of Lhe Pome Lab. When you selecL Lhe Lool, Lhe defaulL condlLlon ls
AuLomaLlc Celllng. 1hls means LhaL as you hover over a space, 8evlL wlll aLLempL Lo flnd Lhe boundary of walls.
LeL's do Lhls for one space (llgure 4-29). As you hover over Lhe space, 8evlL lndlcaLes Lhe boundary wlLh a broad,
red llne. As you can see, 8evlL offers four defaulL celllng Lypes: one 8aslc Lype and Lhree Compound Lypes. LeL's
selecL Lhe 2' 2' [600 mm 600 mm] sysLem.
I|gure 4-29: laclng Lhe celllng
As you place Lhe flrsL celllng ln Lhe lloor plan vlew, you'll geL a warnlng. 1hls happens frequenLly and for good
reason. ?ou've placed Lhe celllng buL you can'L see lL. As a rule, you should noL lgnore warnlngs. We've seen
people cllck and cllck only Lo flnd LhaL Lhey've repeaLedly placed celllngs ln Lhe same space.
Co Lo Lhe proper vlew ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser Lo see Lhe celllng-ln Lhls case Lhe celllng plan for Level 1. now
you can plalnly see Lhe celllng LhaL you've creaLed. LeL's auLomaLlcally place Lhe remalnlng celllngs as shown ln
llgure 4-30. noLlce LhaL 8evlL wlll cenLer Lhe grld based on Lhe space LhaL you've selecLed.
I|gure 4-30: 8esulLlng celllng
Sketch|ng Ce|||ngs
nexL, you'll place celllngs ln Lhe upper-lefL corner of Lhe celllng plan for Level 1, buL Lhls Llme you'll share Lhe
celllng beLween Lhe Lwo spaces. 1hls pracLlce ls common ln lnLerlor pro[ecLs. 1he parLlLlons only exLend Lo Lhe
underslde of Lhe celllng (raLher Lhan connecL Lo Lhe sLrucLure above). 8egln by selecLlng SkeLch Celllng on Lhe
Celllng panel. Add skeLch llnes as shown ln Lhe flrsL lmage ln llgure 4-31. 1he resulL ls shown ln Lhe second lmage.
I|gure 4-31: SkeLchlng Lhe celllng
now leL's place a celllng ln Lhe upper rlghL of Lhe plan, buL Lhls Llme you'll skeLch a 2' 4' [1.2 m 600 m]
sysLem (llgure 4-32). Choose Lhls new sysLem from Lhe 1ype SelecLor before you flnlsh Lhe skeLch of Lhe celllng.
I|gure 4-32: 2' 4' celllng
And flnally, creaLe a CW8 on MLl. SLud Celllng for Lhe area shown ln llgure 4-33.
I|gure 4-33: CreaLlng a CW8 on MLl. SLud Celllng
8y defaulL, Lhe CW8 maLerlal doesn'L have a surface paLLern. Whlle Lhls maLerlal would be Loo graphlcally busy
for walls, lL wlll be flne for celllngs. So leL's creaLe a new maLerlal for CW8 assoclaLed Lo celllngs and glve lL a
SelecL an edge of Lhe celllng and cllck LdlL 1ype. 1hen cllck Lhe SLrucLure buLLon Lo open Lhe LdlL Assembly
wlndow. SelecL Lhe Cypsum Wall 8oard maLerlal opLlon and dupllcaLe Lhe exlsLlng maLerlal. name Lhe new
maLerlal Gypsum Ce|||ng 8oard. now assoclaLe a surface paLLern called Sand Lo Lhe maLerlal. Cllck Ck unLll you
close all Lhe dlalog boxes and reLurn Lo Lhe Celllng plan vlew. 1he resulL ls shown ln llgure 4-34. ?ou can now
dlsLlngulsh Lhe celllng from Lhe open areas LhaL have no celllng.
I|gure 4-34: Asslgnlng maLerlals Lo a celllng
8u|khead Cond|t|ons
CreaLlng a bulkhead Lo separaLe Lwo celllngs ls sLralghLforward. 1o begln, place Lhe walls LhaL wlll acL as Lhe
bulkhead, as shown ln llgure 4-33. 8e sure Lo seL Lhe 8ase CffseL value of Lhe walls Lo 7'-9r [2.3 m] and Lhe
unconnecLed PelghL value Lo 2'-3r [700 cm]. 1hls wlll creaLe Lwo walls above head helghL.
I|gure 4-3S: CreaLlng a bulkhead
lL requlres a blL of flnesse Lo deleLe or edlL a placed celllng. MosL beglnners slmply selecL Lhe grld. 8uL you
acLually need Lo selecL Lhe edge of Lhe celllng Lo edlL lL. Pover over Lhe edge of Lhe celllng and use Lhe 1ab key Lo
cycle Lhrough opLlons unLll Lhe edge of Lhe celllng ls hlghllghLed. 1hen selecL lL and choose LdlL 8oundary. Modlfy
Lhe celllng as shown ln llgure 4-36. SkeLch a new CW8 celllng LhaL ls 9'-0r [2.7 m] and flnlsh Lhe skeLch. 1he
second lmage ln llgure 4-36 shows Lhe flnlshed celllng.
I|gure 4-36: LdlLlng Lhe boundary
1o geL a beLLer ldea of Lhe flnlshed conflguraLlon ln 3u, go Lo a 3u vlew and orlenL a secLlon box of Lhe Level 1
plan vlew. 8lghL-cllck Lhe vlewCube and from Lhe lloor lans flyouL of Lhe conLexL menu, selecL Level 1. use Lhe
grlp arrows Lo pull Lhe boundarles of Lhe secLlon box Lo resemble llgure 4-37. ?ou'll flnd LhaL worklng Lhls way ls
helpful because havlng boLh 2u and 3u vlews alds ln communlcaLlng Lhe deslgn lssues.
I|gure 4-37: CrlenLlng Lhe secLlon box Lo Lhe 3u vlew
Add|ng L|ghts and kotat|ng the Gr|d
Addlng llghLs ls easy and slnce Lhey're hosLed by Lhe celllng, llghLs wlll ofLen creaLe openlngs for you. LeL's begln by
loadlng one of Lhe llghLlng famllles.
lrom Lhe lnserL Lab, selecL Load lamlly from Lhe Load lrom Llbrary panel. Cpen Lhe Lighting Fixtures folder
and double-cllck on Lhe famlly Ceiling Light Linear Box.rfa.
?ou'll be prompLed Lo place Lhe flrsL famlly Lype of Lhe famlly ln your celllng, buL be sure Lo selecL Lhe 2' 4'
Lype from Lhe 1ype SelecLor. ?ou'll place llghLlng flxLures lnLo Lhe 2' 4' celllng ln Lhe upper-rlghL celllng plan.
As you wlll noLlce, Lhe lnserLlon polnL for Lhe llghL ls Lhe cenLer of Lhe llghL. So place Lhe flrsL llghL and Lhen use
Lhe Allgn Lool Lo geL Lhe flrsL one lnLo Lhe rlghL spoL. 1hen copy Lhe flrsL llghL based on Lhe lnLersecLlon of Lhe
celllng grld. All of Lhe llghLs are shown ln llgure 4-38 on Lhe lefL. 1o roLaLe Lhe grld, selecL any grld llne and use
Lhe 8oLaLe Lool roLaLe Lhe grld llne. ln Lhls case, we speclfled a 10-degree angle. ?ou'll noLlce Lhe llghLs have
roLaLed as well.
now press and drag Lhe celllng grld llnes Lo beLLer cenLer Lhe llghLs ln Lhe overall space. Agaln, Lhe llghLs have
moved wlLh Lhe grld. 1hls Lechnlque ls lncredlbly helpful for malnLalnlng deslgn coordlnaLlon. 1he flnlshed
condlLlon ls ln llgure 4-38 on Lhe rlghL.
I|gure 4-38: laclng llghLs and roLaLlng Lhe grld
Chang|ng the Ce|||ng
Celllng Lypes ofLen change ln Lhe deslgn process. Agaln, where mosL beglnners sLruggle ls mlsLakenly selecLlng Lhe
celllng grld (whlch ls acLually selecLlng Lhe maLerlal). 8uL you need Lo selecL Lhe geomeLry of Lhe celllng, whlch you
do by selecLlng Lhe edge of Lhe celllng.
SelecL Lhe edge of Lhe celllng and Lhen you'll be able Lo pull down Lhe roperLles menu Lo selecL Lhe CW8
opLlon for Lhls celllng (llgure 4-39). 1he resulL ls shown ln Lhe second lmage ln llgure 4-39.
I|gure 4-39: SelecLlng celllng geomeLry
S|op|ng the Ce|||ng
We can even slope Lhe celllng by placlng a slope arrow whlle edlLlng Lhe boundary of Lhe celllng. 1hls ls baslcally
Chapter 3
"tairs0 #amps0 and #ailings
8evlL ls capable of creaLlng wonderfully complex and eleganL sLalrs, ramps, and ralllngs. 8uL Lo geL sLarLed, you
need Lo undersLand Lhe baslc funcLlonallLy so LhaL you can confldenLlally resolve deslgn lnLenL. 1hen once Lhe
deslgn lnLenL ls resolved, you'll have plenLy of Llme Lo go back and modlfy Lhe sLalr and revlse Lhe enLlre deslgn
qulckly and easlly!
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
CreaLlng numerous sLalr conflguraLlons
ueslgnlng ramps
8ulldlng ralllngs for level and sloped condlLlons
Worklng wlLh parLs, parameLers, and properLles
Creat|ng Numerous Sta|r Conf|gurat|ons
SLalrs conLaln many, many parameLers, buL noL all of Lhe parameLer conLrols are golng Lo be equally lmporLanL
durlng Lhe deslgn process. ueslgn ls ofLen abouL Lhe lnLenL of whaL someLhlng ls as well as where lL ls meanL Lo go.
Cnce Lhe lnLenL ls resolved, lL's necessary Lo go back and revlse Lhe speclflcs of how someLhlng wlll be carefully
LeL's flrsL slmpllfy Lhe defaulL ralllng LhaL ls assoclaLed Lo Lhe sLalrs. 1he defaulL ralllng ls very busy from a deslgn
sLandpolnL. lL conLalns loLs of balusLers, whlch are graphlcally dlsLracLlng. lL's lmporLanL LhaL you lndlcaLe Lhe
handrall and noLhlng more.
Creat|ng the "Gener|c" ka|||ng
Cpen Lhe defaulL LemplaLe and expand Lhe lamlly Lree ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser. As you can see, four ralllng
deflnlLlons exlsL ln Lhe pro[ecL: Cuardrall - lpe Lhrough Pandrall - 8ecLangular. 1here are also Lwo Lypes of sLalr
famllles ln Lhe defaulL LemplaLe: Lhe MonollLhlc sLalr famlly and Lhe 7 Max 8lser 11r 1read sLalr famlly.
LeL's sLarL by creaLlng a ralllng LhaL ls useful from a deslgn sLandpolnL. 1oo much speclflclLy Loo soon can cause a
loL of confuslon, so you'll slmpllfy Lhe geomeLry. ?ou'll do Lhls by dupllcaLlng a ralllng deflnlLlon LhaL's close Lo whaL
you need and Lhen modlfy lL Lo sulL your purposes.
Pere are Lhe sLeps Lo dupllcaLlng and creaLlng your own cusLom handrall LhaL you'll use for deslgnlng sLalrs. lor
Lhese exerclses, you're golng Lo work from Lhe c05_Stairs_Ramps_Railings.rvt flle found on Lhe book's
companlon web page,
1. 8lghL-cllck on Pandrall - lpe and selecL uupllcaLe.
2. 8lghL-cllck on Lhe dupllcaLed handrall and selecL 8ename. 8ename Lhe dupllcaLe handrall Lo nandra|| -
3. SelecL Lhe handrall LhaL you've [usL creaLed and drag lL lnLo your Level 1 vlew. uolng so lnlLlaLes Lhe 8alllng
command and allows you Lo draw a porLlon of Lhe ralllng LhaL you've selecLed.
4. CreaLe a 24' [7.3 m] long segmenL.
S. SelecL Lhe llnlsh command and go Lo your 3u vlew. As you can see ln llgure 3-1, Lhere are balusLers and ralls
below Lhe handrall porLlon of Lhe ralllng, you'll slmpllfy Lhls area Lo creaLe your deslgn ralllng.
I|gure S-1: uupllcaLe and rename Lhe handrall.
1o modlfy Lhe Lype properLles of Lhls ralllng, selecL Lhe handrall ln your drawlng and choose LdlL 1ype from Lhe
1ype SelecLor. 1he 1ype roperLles dlalog box opens, whlch ls where you'll modlfy Lhe properLles of Lhe ralllng.
SLarL by edlLlng Lhe rall sLrucLure. Cllck LdlL 8alls ln Lhe 1ype roperLles dlalog box. ln Lhe resulLlng dlalog box
shown ln llgure 3-2, deleLe 8all 2 Lhrough 8all 6. Leave 8all 1, lL wlll serve as Lhe deslgn lnLenL handrall for your
sLalrs. Close Lhe dlalog box by cllcklng Ck.
I|gure S-2: ueleLlng Lypes
nexL you'll edlL Lhe balusLers. WlLh Lhe 1ype roperLles dlalog box open:
1. SelecL Lhe 8alusLer lacemenL opLlon and cllck Lhe LdlL buLLon, dolng so opens Lhe LdlL 8alusLer lacemenL
dlalog box, shown ln llgure 3-3.
2. ln Lhe Maln aLLern panel, selecL 8egular 8alusLer and seL lLs 8alusLer lamlly value Lo none.
3. ln Lhe osLs panel, seL Lhe 8alusLer lamlly value for Lhe SLarL, Corner, and Lnd posLs Lo none. 1hen cllck Ck Lo
close Lhe LdlL 8alusLer lacemenL dlalog box and cllck Ck agaln Lo close Lhe 1ype roperLles dlalog box. 1he
lmage shows a ralllng wlLh a handrall only, buL for deslgn purposes, Lhls ls exacLly whaL you need ln order Lo
express deslgn lnLenL.
I|gure S-3: LdlL 8alusLer lacemenL seLLlngs
now leL's sLarL creaLlng our deslgn" sLalr.
Creat|ng our Des|gn Sta|r
8y defaulL, Lhere are Lwo Lypes of sLalrs ln your 8evlL pro[ecL. LeL's dupllcaLe Lhe 7" Max 8lser 11r 1read sLalr
famlly Lype ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and name Lhe dupllcaLe Sta|r-Des|gn. 1hls ls Lhe sLalr LhaL you'll use Lo creaLe
numerous conflguraLlons.
Stra|ght kun
LeL's sLarL by creaLlng a sLralghL run sLalr. SelecL Lhe SLalrs Lool from Lhe ClrculaLlon panel of Lhe Pome Lab on Lhe
rlbbon. Cr, drag Lhe componenL name lnLo Lhe pro[ecL vlew Lo acLlvaLe Lhe SLalrs Lool.
1. lrom Lhe Level 1 plan vlew, plck a polnL Lo Lhe lefL and Lhen move your cursor Lo Lhe rlghL. As you do, you'll
noLlce LhaL 8evlL ls Lelllng you how many Lreads remaln Lo compleLe a sLalr LhaL sLarLs on Level 1 Lhrough Level 2
(llgure 3-4).
I|gure S-4:
SkeLchlng Lhe sLralghL run sLalr
2. SelecL Lhe 8alllngs 1ype opLlon ln Lhe 1ools paleLLe. Speclfy Lhe Pandrall - ueslgn Lype LhaL you creaLed
earller, as shown ln llgure 3-3. 1hls wlll be Lhe defaulL handrall LhaL 8evlL wlll use whenever you creaLe Lhls sLalr
unLll you speclfy anoLher Lype.
I|gure S-S:
Speclfylng Lhe ralllngs Lype
3. llnlsh Lhe SkeLch mode. 1he resulLlng sLalr ls shown ln llgure 3-6.
I|gure S-6: 1he resulLlng sLalr
Stra|ght kun w|th Land|ng
WhaL you [usL creaLed ls Lhe mosL baslc Lype of sLalr: a sLralghL run wlLh a palr of ralllngs. Powever, lL's lmporLanL
Lo undersLand how Lo creaLe a varleLy of sLalr Lypes, lncludlng sLalrs wlLh landlngs. lollow Lhese sLeps Lo sLarL your
flrsL sLralghL run of sLalrs.
1. LeL's sLarL Lhe skeLch Lhls Llme from Lhe rlbbon. Choose Lhe Pome Lab, and Lhen cllck Lhe SLalrs buLLon ln Lhe
ClrculaLlon panel. uolng so sLarLs your sLalr ln SkeLch mode. 8egln by drawlng a sLralghL run, buL sLop abouL
halfway Lhrough Lhe run.
2. SLarL Lhe second run of sLalrs, as shown ln llgure 3-7. When you flnlsh Lhe second run of sLalrs, you'll noLlce
LhaL 8evlL creaLes Lhe landlng beLween Lhe Lwo runs auLomaLlcally.
I|gure S-7:
A second run of sLalrs and landlng
3. llnlsh Lhe skeLch and Lhe sLalr wlll resemble llgure 3-8.
I|gure S-8: CompleLe sLalrs wlLh a mlddle landlng
Mu|t|story kuns
lor mulLlsLory runs, 8evlL ls able Lo Lake a sLalr LhaL only goes beLween Lwo levels and repeaL lL conLlnuously. 8uL
Lhls wlll only work lf all of Lhe level-Lo-level helghLs are ldenLlcal. LeL's Lurn one of Lhe sLalrs LhaL we've creaLed lnLo
a mulLlsLory sLalr. lL's easy!
1. llrsL, you need Lo creaLe some addlLlonal levels. As shown ln llgure 3-9, open Lhe SouLh elevaLlon and cllck
Lhe Level Lool on Lhe uaLum panel of Lhe Pome Lab. Cllck on Lhe elevaLlon and drag Lhe mouse from lefL Lo rlghL
Lo place Lhe level, Laklng care LhaL Lhe helghLs are equally spaced.
As dlscussed earller, you can change Lhe level helghLs by cllcklng Lhe blue elevaLlon LexL. lor Lhls example, we
repeaLed Lhe levels aL 10'-0r [3 m] lncremenLs-up Lo 40'-0r [13m)].
llgure 3-9
shows several sLalr Lypes, lncludlng Lhe ones you've creaLed.
I|gure S-9:
Addlng addlLlonal levels Lo Lhe model
2. SelecL any of Lhe sLalrs you've creaLed. PlghllghL one of Lhe sLalr runs and look aL lLs properLles ln Lhe
roperLles paleLLe. ?ou'll see Lhere's an opLlon Lo deslgnaLe Lhe MulLlsLory 1op Level. SeL lL Lo Level 3, as shown
ln llgure 3-10.
I|gure S-10:
Changlng Lhe properLles for a mulLlsLory sLalr
3. Cnce you compleLe Lhe mulLlsLory sLalr, Lhe sLalr wlll qulckly propagaLe across all levels (llgure 3-11). lf you
edlL Lhe sLalr or ralllngs assoclaLed Lo Lhe mulLlsLory sLalr, Lhe enLlre mulLlsLory conflguraLlon changes as well.
I|gure S-11: 1he compleLed mulLlsLory sLalr
Sett|ng the nost Iunct|on for ka|||ngs
8y now you've noLlced ralllngs have speclal relaLlonshlps Lo sLalrs. 8y defaulL 8evlL creaLes ralllngs aL Lhe same
locaLlon as Lhe boundary skeLch of Lhe sLalr. ?ou can Lhen selecL Lhe ralllng and modlfy lLs skeLch Lo sulL a
parLlcular condlLlon. lL's lmporLanL Lo undersLand LhaL ralllngs are hosLed by sLalrs, and Lhls relaLlonshlp allows
ralllngs Lo follow Lhe paLh of Lhe sLalrs LhaL hosL Lhem. So leL's creaLe anoLher sLalr LhaL's a blL wlder Lhan Lhe sLalrs
you've creaLed Lhus far. Also, leL's remember Lo Lell Lhe ralllng LhaL lL ls hosLed by Lhe sLalrs.
1. CreaLe Lhe sLalr as shown ln llgure 3-12. noLlce Lhe landlng as well as Lhe exLra wldLh LhaL wlll easlly allow
Lrafflc ln boLh dlrecLlons. llnlsh Lhe skeLch by cllcklng Lhe green check on Lhe Modlfy Lab of Lhe rlbbon.
I|gure S-12:
SLalr skeLch for hosLlng Lhe cenLer ralllng
2. Add Lwo separaLe ralllng skeLches: one for Lhe lower run and anoLher for Lhe upper run. And whlle you're aL
lL, you'll also lnclude Lhe handrall exLenslons.
3. urag Lhe Pandrall - ueslgn ralllng Lype lnLo Lhe pro[ecL vlew. 8evlL wlll lnlLlaLe Lhe 8alllng Lool for you and
selecL Lhe ralllng. SkeLch Lhe lower ralllng as shown ln llgure 3-13. Add Lhe exLenslons shown as separaLe skeLch
I|gure S-13:
Lower ralllng skeLch
4. 8efore you compleLe Lhe skeLch, be sure Lo seL Lhe sLalr as Lhe hosL for Lhe ralllng. Cllck Lhe lck new PosL
lcon on Lhe 1ools paleLLe, Lhen selecL Lhe sLalr. lL wlll hlghllghL when you hover over Lhe sLalr.
S. llnlsh Lhe sLalr and Lhe vlew wlll resemble Lhe lefL slde of llgure 3-14. now creaLe Lhe second skeLch for Lhe
upper ralllng. uon'L forgeL Lo exLend Lhe ralllng beyond Lhe lower Lreads and add Lhe exLenslon. 1he resulLs wlll
resemble Lhe lmage on Lhe rlghL of llgure 3-14. uon'L forgeL Lo seL Lhe hosL each Llme you creaLe a new ralllng!
I|gure S-14: Pandrall exLenslons
Cne flnal noLe: noL only ls hosLlng lmporLanL for ralllngs and sLalrs, buL lL's also someLhlng LhaL you'll deal wlLh
when creaLlng ramps as well as sloped floors.
Des|gn|ng kamps
now LhaL you're famlllar wlLh deslgnlng a number of sLalr conflguraLlons, ramps wlll come easy. lL's Lhe same baslc
process of skeLchlng a deslred shape and Lhen compleLlng Lhe skeLch-wlLh one ma[or dlfference: far more
frequenL landlngs and a shallower slope.
?ou access Lhe 8amp Lool from Lhe ClrculaLlon panel on Lhe Pome Lab or by dragglng Lhe deslred ramp from Lhe
llsL of famllles ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser. lor Lhe followlng exerclses, leL's [usL use 8amp 1.
keep ln mlnd LhaL ramps have dlfferenL consLralnLs Lhan sLalrs. We'll cover some deLalls of Lhese consLralnLs aL
Lhe end of Lhls chapLer. lor now, [usL undersLand LhaL Lhe maxlmum lengLh of a ramp ln one secLlon ls 30'-0r
[9m)] and a 1:12 slope (8 percenL). 1hese parameLers can be changed, buL by defaulL Lhey correlaLe Lo common
code requlremenLs.
Stra|ght kuns
LeL's sLarL by creaLlng a sLralghL run. 8ecause we're Lraverslng Level 1 Lo Level 2 (and Lhey are 10' [3 m] aparL), Lhls
wlll requlre a ramp lengLh of 120' [36.3 m] aL a maxlmum 1:12 slope, noL lncludlng landlngs. ?ou'll be llmlLed Lo
runs of 30' [9 m] ln lengLh. So rlghL off Lhe baL, you know LhaL four runs wlll be requlred wlLh Lhree landlngs.
1. SkeLch Lhe sLralghL runs as shown ln llgure 3-13.
I|gure S-1S:
SLralghL runs of ramps
2. noLe LhaL Lhe run llnes LhaL lndlcaLe slope versus landlngs are dlfferenL. 8lue llnes lndlcaLe slope whereas
black llnes lndlcaLe level landlngs.
3. llnlsh Lhe skeLch. ?ou'll see someLhlng llke llgure 3-16, whlch dlsplays Lhe resulLs ln 3u.
I|gure S-16: SLralghL runs of ramps
1he process ls Lhe same as LhaL for all Lhe oLher sLalr conflguraLlons you've creaLed. MulLlsLory rules are
permlLLed, and you musL use Lhe SeL PosL funcLlon when creaLlng addlLlonal ralllngs.
Ld|t|ng 8oundary Cond|t|ons
LdlLlng boundary condlLlons of boLh sLalrs and ramps Lyplcally modlfy Lhe ralllngs assoclaLed wlLh Lhose elemenLs.
LeL's LesL Lhls now wlLh Lhe ramp you [usL creaLed.
1. 8eLurn Lo Level 1, selecL Lhe ramp, and enLer SkeLch mode.
2. ueleLe Lhe boundary llnes LhaL represenL Lhe landlngs, as shown ln llgure 3-17.
I|gure S-17:
SLralghL runs of ramps
3. SelecL Lhe 8oundary Lool and Lhen choose Lhe 1angenL Arc Lool.
4. CreaLe Lhe new boundarles shown ln llgure 3-18 by plcklng one boundary edge and Lhen Lhe oLher. 1hen
flnlsh Lhe skeLch. 1he flnlshed ramp ln 3u ls shown on Lhe rlghL ln llgure 3-18. noLlce LhaL 8evlL has already
modlfled Lhe ralllngs Lo accommodaLe Lhe new boundary.
I|gure S-18: Modlfled ramp wlLh curved boundary
8u||d|ng ka|||ngs for Leve| and S|oped Cond|t|ons
8alllngs are creaLed much llke sLalrs and ramps, you selecL Lhe Lool, enLer SkeLch mode, creaLe your llnework, and
Lhen flnlsh Lhe skeLch. 1he 8alllng Lool can be found on Lhe ClrculaLlon panel of Lhe Pome Lab ln Lhe rlbbon, or you
can drag Lhe deslred ralllng Lype from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser lnLo Lhe pro[ecL vlew wlndow.
SkeLches for ralllngs can conslsL of a serles of connecLed llnes, buL skeLches wlLh gaps or overlapplng llnes aren'L
permlLLed. SkeLches LhaL cross or fall Lo lnLersecL properly wlll also produce an error message. 8oLh skeLches ln
shown ln llgure 3-19 would noL be compleLed.
I|gure S-19: A doesn'L [oln, 8 crosses lLself.
lf you aLLempL Lo compleLe ralllngs llke elLher of Lhe ones ln llgure 3-19, you'll geL Lhe warnlng shown ln llgure
I|gure S-20: ?ou'll see Lhls error message.
lloors can also be sloped, so leL's creaLe Lhls condlLlon as well.
1. SLarL by creaLlng a floor as shown ln llgure 3-21 from Lhe 8ulld panel of Lhe Pome Lab. lf you need Lo revlew
how Lo creaLe floors, please refer Lo ChapLer 4, lloors, 8oofs, and Celllngs."
I|gure S-21:
CreaLlng a floor
2. now look aL Lhe conLexLual menu ln Lhe rlbbon. SelecL Lhe Slope Arrow Lool and Lhen plck Lhe Lwo polnLs, flrsL
Lo Lhe lefL and Lhen Lhe rlghL.
3. SeL Lhe PelghL CffseL AL 1all value Lo 0'-0r.
4. SeL Lhe PelghL CffseL AL Pead value Lo 3'-0r [1 m]. ?our floor should resemble Lhe one shown ln llgure 3-22
wlLh Lhe assoclaLed slope arrow.
I|gure S-22:
Addlng Lhe slope arrow
S. llnlsh Lhe skeLch by cllcklng Lhe green check.
Set nost Iunct|on
nexL leL's add a curved ralllng LhaL follows Lhe slope of Lhe floor.
1. SelecL Lhe 8alllng Lool from Lhe Pome Lab, whlch wlll place you ln SkeLch mode.
2. SelecL lck new PosL and Lhen selecL Lhe floor you [usL creaLed.
3. CreaLe a curved skeLch for Lhe ralllng, as shown ln llgure 3-23. 1hen flnlsh Lhe skeLch by cllcklng Lhe green
check. 1haL's all Lhere ls Lo lL! 1he ralllng wlll now follow Lhe paLh of Lhe floor, even lf you change Lhe
conflguraLlon of Lhe ralllng skeLch or Lhe slope dlrecLlon of Lhe floor.
I|gure S-23: Curved ralllng skeLch ln elevaLlon vlew
Work|ng w|th arts, arameters, and ropert|es
So far you've been geLLlng famlllar wlLh skeLchlng varlous conflguraLlons for generlc sLalrs, ramps, and ralllngs.
now leL's dlg a llLLle deeper Lo explore Lhe properLles of Lhese Lhree sysLem famllles so you'll know how Lhey affecL
Lhese famllles. We'll begln wlLh sLalrs.
Sta|r arameters
SLarL by creaLlng a secLlon Lhrough Lhe u-Shaped ln our 8evlL flle. 1he SecLlon Lool can be found ln Lhe CA1 Loolbar
or ln Lhe vlew Lab.
Cpen Lhe secLlon by double-cllcklng Lhe blue secLlon head. Ad[usL Lhe secLlon so LhaL you can see Lhe full fllghL
of sLalrs. SelecL Lhe sLalr and Lake a look aL Lhe lnsLance parameLers ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe. 1hese are essenLlally
self-explanaLory and deal wlLh Lhe sLalr maLerlallLy, noslng overhang, and some oLher baslc sLalr properLles. ?ou
can Lry ad[usLlng some of Lhem Lo vlsuallze Lhe changes here ln secLlon.
nexL, look aL Lhe Lype properLles. WlLh Lhe sLalr sLlll selecLed, cllck LdlL 1ype Lo open Lhe 1ype roperLles dlalog
box for Lhe sLalrs, shown ln llgure 3-24. LeL's sLep Lhrough some of Lhe key ones and explaln whaL you need Lo do
Lo change Lhem.
I|gure S-24: 1he sLalr Lype properLles
LxLend 8elow 8ase LxLend 8elow 8ase wlll conLlnue Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe SLrlnger below Lhe base level of Lhe
sLalr. SeL Lhe value Lo -1'-0r [30 cm] and Lhe resulLs should be easy Lo see ln secLlon.
MonollLhlc SLalrs Checklng Lhe MonollLhlc SLalrs opLlon wlll acLlvaLe Lhe nexL Lwo opLlons. 1hey don'L apply for
Lhls parLlcular sLalr slnce we're only golng up one level. lor more lnformaLlon on MonollLhlc sLalrs, revlew Lhe
secLlon CreaLlng Lhe 'Cenerlc' 8alllng," earller ln Lhls chapLer.
luncLlon 1he luncLlon opLlon allows you Lo deslgnaLe Lhe sLalr as an lnLerlor or exLerlor Lype. lL doesn'L change
Lhe geomeLry ln any way, lL's more of a schedullng funcLlon.
8reak Symbol 1he 8reak Symbol opLlon conLrols Lhe graphlc break llne. lf checked, Lhe condlLlon on Lhe rlghL of
llgure 3-23 ls shown. lf unchecked, Lhe break symbol dlsappears and lL ls represenLed as a slngle llne.
I|gure S-2S: 8reak Symbol opLlon
1exL Slze and 1exL lonL 1he 1exL Slze and 1exL lonL opLlons refer Lo Lhe u" or uCWn" LexL. (1hls reporLs Lhe
dlrecLlon of Lhe sLalr.)
MaLerlal and llnlshes 1he MaLerlal and llnlshes opLlons conLrol Lhe shaded and rendered maLerlal asslgnmenLs
for Lhe sLalrs.
1reads llgure 3-26 lndlcaLes Lhe correspondlng dlmenslons from Lhe 1reads secLlon. 1he noslng roflle (lf
applled) ls assoclaLed Lo Lhe fronL of Lhe Lread, buL can also be assoclaLed Lo elLher slde, or even all Lhree sldes.
I|gure S-26: Changlng sLalr noslngs
8lsers 1he 8lsers funcLlon allows you Lo conLrol Lhe absence or presence of a rlser, as well as whaL Lype (sLralghL
or slanLed). LxLendlng Lhe Lread under Lhe rlser wlll resulL ln Lhe lmage on Lhe lefL of llgure 3-27, whereas
exLendlng Lhe rlser behlnd Lhe Lread wlll resulL ln Lhe lmage on Lhe rlghL.
I|gure S-27: LxLendlng Lhe rlser locaLlon
SLrlngers SLrlnger properLles conLrol Lhe properLles of boLh lefL and rlghL sLrlngers. SLrlnger PelghL ls Lhe depLh
of Lhe sLrlnger as measured from edge Lo parallel edge (llgure 3-28).
I|gure S-28: SLrlnger PelghL
SLalr Carrlages SLalr Carrlages are slmply Lhe sLrucLural framlng LhaL supporLs Lhe Lreads and landlngs.
Carrlage PelghLs Carrlage PelghLs are dlmenslonal clearances beLween Lhe carrlage Lo Lhe Lreads and landlngs.
kamp arameters
As wlLh sLalrs, Lhe Lype parameLers of ramps conLaln mosL of Lhe lnformaLlon you'll need Lo seL Lhe rules of Lhe
ramp. 1o vlew Lhe properLles, follow Lhese sLeps:
1. CreaLe a secLlon of Lhe flrsL ramp ln Lhe same way you creaLed Lhe secLlon of Lhe sLalr.
2. Cpen Lhe secLlon and selecL Lhe ramp.
3. SelecL 1ype roperLles from Lhe roperLles paleLLe. 1he dlalog box shown ln llgure 3-29 appears.
I|gure S-29: 1ype roperLles for Lhe ramp
We're mosL concerned wlLh Lwo values. 1he flrsL ls Maxlmum lncllne LengLh. 1hls value deLermlnes Lhe
maxlmum conLlnuous lengLh LhaL wlll be allowed before you have Lo creaLe a landlng. 1he second value ls 8amp
Max Slope, and lL ls expressed as a rlse-Lo-run raLlo or percenLage based on your pro[ecL seLLlngs.
ka|||ng arameters
AfLer sLalrs, ralllng parameLers are probably Lhe mosL unfamlllar parL of 8evlL for new users, so leL's lnvesLlgaLe
whaL Lhe parameLers conLrol. Slnce many of Lhese values don'L do anyLhlng clearly noLlceable for sLand-along
ralllngs, we'll use Lhe same u-Shaped sLalr LhaL we used Lo undersLand lmporLanL sLalr parameLers.
llrsL, selecL Lhe lnner ralllng and cllck LdlL 1ype ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe. Look aL Lhe 8all SLrucLure and 8alusLer
lacemenL flelds.
8all SLrucLure 1he 8all SLrucLure opLlon conLrols all Lhe horlzonLal sweeps LhaL are assoclaLed wlLh a ralllng. A
ralllng can have many, many horlzonLal sweeps.
8alusLers 1he balusLers are any verLlcal elemenLs, and Lhey can be speclfled dependlng on locaLlon of use. 1he
four opLlons LhaL 8evlL glves you are SLarL osL and Lnd osL, Maln 8alusLer aLLern, and Corner osL.
8alusLer CffseL 1he 8alusLer CffseL value conLrols all balusLer poslLlons Lo Lhe lefL or rlghL of Lhe skeLched llne
LhaL creaLes Lhe balusLer. lL's convenlenL Lo be able Lo move all Lhe balusLers Lo Lhe lefL or rlghL from Lhls
parameLer. 8uL anoLher reason ls LhaL Lhere are frequenLly condlLlons where Lhe skeLched llne must reslde on
a hosL (llke on sLalrs or a ramp). ?eL Lhe acLual balusLer geomeLry may need Lo reslde on Lhe sLrlnger or beyond
Lhe edge of Lhe ramp.
Landlng PelghL Ad[usLmenL 1he Landlng PelghL Ad[usLmenL value ralses or lowers Lhe helghL of Lhe ralllng based
on Lhe value glven (and wheLher Lhe box ls checked). llgure 3-30 shows Lhe unchecked resulL.
I|gure S-30: no Landlng PelghL Ad[usLmenL
llgure 3-31 shows Lhe checked resulL wlLh a value of 1'-0r [30 cm]. noLlce LhaL wlLh Lhe landlng helghL
ad[usLmenL selecLed, Lhe ralllngs have moved up ln elevaLlon.
I|gure S-31: WlLh Landlng PelghL Ad[usLmenL
Angled !olns WlLh no ConnecLor selecLed ln Lhe Angled !olns opLlon, no verLlcal elemenLs are added Lo malnLaln
a conLlnuous ralllng (llgure 3-32). 1hls opLlon affecLs angled [olns (from a plan vlew) as seen wlLh Lhe lnner
ralllng, and elLher verLlcal or horlzonLal segmenLs can be added. 1here are only Lwo opLlons: elLher add a
verLlcal or horlzonLal segmenL or don'L.
1angenL !olns 1he ouLer ralllng lllusLraLes a LangenL [oln.
8all ConnecLlons verLlcal or horlzonLal segmenLs can be added Lo malnLaln a conLlnuous ralllng. 1here are Lhree
opLlons. 1he flrsL opLlon ls LxLend 8alls 1o MeeL (llgure 3-33).
1he second opLlon ls Add verLlcal/PorlzonLal SegmenLs Lo compleLe Lhe connecLlon (llgure 3-34).
1he Lhlrd opLlon ls Lo choose no ConnecLor beLween LangenL [olns (llgure 3-33).
I|gure S-32: no ConnecLor ls selecLed for Angled !olns.
I|gure S-33: LxLend 8alls Lo MeeL
I|gure S-34: Add verLlcal/PorlzonLal SegmenLs
I|gure S-3S: no ConnecLors
1rlmmed condlLlons wlll creaLe verLlcal cuLs when ralls can'L be mlLered, as shown ln llgure 3-36.
I|gure S-36: 1rlmmed ralllngs
8uL lf Weld ls selecLed, 8evlL wlll Lry Lo [oln Lhe ralllngs as close as posslble Lo a mlLered condlLlon (llgure 3-37).
I|gure S-37: Welded ralllngs
lf you would llke Lo download Lhe compleLed 8evlL flle LhaL was creaLed durlng Lhls chapLer, you can download
lL from Lhe book's companlon web page. 1he flle ls named c05_Stairs_Ramps_Railings.rvt.
Iust Cne More 1h|ng
keep ln mlnd LhaL whaL you sLarL wlLh can be qulckly and easlly swapped ouL wlLh more complex conflguraLlons
and deslgns laLer. 1he lmporLanL Lhlng durlng deslgn ls LhaL you resolve what someLhlng ls and where lL ls. 1hen
afLer Lhe lnlLlal deslgn ls approved you can reLurn Lo your lnLenL and begln Lo speclflcally resolve Lhe deLalls and
how lL wlll be assembled.
8evlL can be used Lo creaLe lncredlbly complex and compelllng sLalrs and ralllngs! CreaLlng Lhese Lypes of
sysLem famllles are dlscussed ln depLh ln )astering Autodesk #evit Architecture by kryglel, 8ead, and
vandezande (Sybex 2011).
Agaln, don'L geL ahead of yourself. ConcenLraLe on Lhe baslcs. Cnce you have Lhose down you'll be able Lo
creaLe far more deLalled sLalrs, ramps, and ralllngs.
SLalrs and ralllngs can noL only be archlLecLural works of arL, buL equally creaLlve ln 8evlL lf you really leverage
Lhe Lools avallable. 8elow ls an example of whaL you can creaLe lf you sLreLch Lhe llmlLs of Lhe SLalrs Lool. ?our
sLalrs can be eleganL and versaLlle. 1he lmage on Lhe boLLom lefL ls a very creaLlve use of Lhe sLalr Lool-as an
elevaLed ralllng sysLem! 1he bollards hold up Lhe Lrack (whlch ls Lhe ralllng).
Chapter 4
Adding ,amilies
8evlL lncludes qulLe a few famlly caLegorles. 8ecomlng famlllar wlLh Lhe varlous caLegorles wlll help you develop
Lhe rlghL lexlcon of Lerms and undersLandlng. 1here are famllles ln Lhe pro[ecL envlronmenL (sysLem famllles) llke
Walls, lloors, and 8oofs-baslcally anyLhlng LhaL ls deflned and creaLed dlrecLly ln Lhe pro[ecL. 8uL Lhere are oLher
famllles creaLed ouLslde Lhe pro[ecL ln Lhe lamlly LdlLor. 1hese are referred Lo as component families. ln Lhls
chapLer, we'll be deallng only wlLh componenL famllles.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
undersLandlng dlfferenL famlly Lypes
Loadlng famllles
laclng famllles
Understand|ng D|fferent Iam||y 1ypes
1here are varlous famlly Lypes and many behave somewhaL slmllarly. ln some cases you can change Lhe famlly
deflnlLlon from one caLegory Lo anoLher. 8uL ln oLher cases, Lhe behavlor ls unlque Lo a famlly, and famllles can'L
be changed Lo anoLher caLegory.
1here are only Lwo lmporLanL Lhlngs Lo remember. llrsL, schedules are based on famlly caLegorles. So when you
creaLe a schedule, you'll be schedullng lnslde a slngle caLegory as shown ln llgure 6-1.
I|gure 6-1: Schedule caLegorles
Second, you load famllles lnLo your pro[ecL based on Lhelr caLegory. 1he 8evlL llbrary ls organlzed lnLo
real-world caLegorles, so even lf you've never used 8evlL before Loday, flndlng Lhe rlghL conLenL (or aL leasL a good
placeholder durlng deslgn lLeraLlon) should be sLralghLforward (llgure 6-2).
I|gure 6-2: Loadlng famllles by caLegory
now leL's dlscuss some of Lhe famlly caLegorles ln 8evlL. We're noL golng Lo do Lhls alphabeLlcally (as shown ln
Lhe llsL ln llgure 6-2). We'll progress wlLh regard Lo how Lhlngs behave and wheLher Lhey're one-, Lwo-, or Lhree-
Load|ng Iam|||es
?ou load componenL famllles lnLo your pro[ecL by selecLlng Lhe lnserL Lab, and on Lhe Load lrom Llbrary panel,
cllcklng Load lamlly. lf Lhe famlly LhaL you're looklng for lsn'L ln Lhe defaulL 8evlL llbrary, don'L panlc. ?ou can also
Lry AuLodesk Seek, an onllne reposlLory of conLenL ln many dlfferenL formaLs. 1ype your search Lerm ln Lhe
AuLodesk Seek panel (llgure 6-3) or go Lo http:]]].
I|gure 6-3: AuLodesk Seek
AnoLher greaL webslLe for user-creaLed conLenL (llgure 6-4) ls 8evlLClLy (www.rev|tc| SomeLlmes
downloadlng a good placeholder durlng deslgn ls much fasLer Lhan modellng lL from scraLch!
I|gure 6-4: 8evlLClLy offers user-creaLed conLenL.
8emember LhaL whenever you place any conLenL ln your pro[ecL (parLlcularly from nonofflclal AuLodesk
sources), you should Lake a momenL Lo revlew Lhe famlly componenLs. lL could be overly deLalled or conLaln non-
naLlve 8evlL elemenLs, and by uslng lL you run Lhe rlsk of slowlng down your pro[ecL's performance.
|ac|ng Iam|||es
laclng famllles ln your pro[ecL ls easy Lo do. 8e aware LhaL a famlly's caLegory wlll deLermlne from where lL ls
loaded and how lL can be placed. Cnce Lhe famlly has been placed, lLs relaLlonshlp Lo oLher elemenLs ln Lhe model
wlll deLermlne how lL conLlnues Lo behave as your pro[ecL evolves.
ln Lhls secLlon, we'll lnvesLlgaLe how you place famllles of dlfferenL caLegorles ln your pro[ecL.
AnnoLaLlons are graphlcs LhaL are used ln your pro[ecL. Some are lnLended for use across all pro[ecL dlsclpllnes,
such as Area 1ag, CallouL Pead, and CenLerllne. CLher annoLaLlons are dlsclpllne speclflc Lo archlLecLure, sLrucLure,
mechanlcal, and so forLh. ArchlLecLure, for example, lncludes Casework 1ag, Celllng 1ag (wlLh or wlLhouL PelghL),
and SLalr 1ag.
1he defaulL pro[ecL LemplaLe has many annoLaLlons preloaded (llgure 6-3). lf you don'L have Lhe rlghL
annoLaLlon loaded and you Lry Lo use one, 8evlL prompLs you Lo load Lhe correcL caLegory.
I|gure 6-S: reloaded annoLaLlons
LeL's look aL an example. lace Lhe desk (one ls already preloaded ln Lhe LemplaLe) ln your pro[ecL. 1hen selecL
Lhe 1ag panel on Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab and cllck 1ag 8y CaLegory.
now selecL Lhe desk. 8ecause no furnlLure Lag annoLaLlon has been loaded, 8evlL prompLs you Lo load one from
Lhe approprlaLe caLegory.
1o do so, flrsL selecL Lhe Annotations folder. 1hen selecL Lhe Architectural folder and cllck lurnlLure SysLem
1ag (llgure 6-6). Cllck Lhe Cpen buLLon Lo load Lhe Lag lnLo your pro[ecL.
I|gure 6-6: SelecLlng Lhe lurnlLure sysLem Lag
now you can Lag Lhe desk wlLh Lhe correcL annoLaLlon. ?ou can even selecL a cusLom Lag end (llke an arrowhead
or heavy Llck). When you flll ouL Lhe value of Lhe Lag, every elemenL of Lhe same Lype wlll be lmmedlaLely updaLed
(llgure 6-7).
I|gure 6-7: 1agglng Lhe desk
uon'L worry when you selecL oLher vlews ln your pro[ecL and don'L see Lhe Lag ln Lhose vlews. WlLh few
excepLlons, all 2u elemenLs, lncludlng annoLaLlons, are speclflc Lo each vlew.
Many proflles are preloaded ln Lhe 8evlL LemplaLe (llgure 6-8). 1hese proflle famllles are a slngle loop of llnes LhaL
are creaLed ln 2u. Cnce Lhey are loaded ln a pro[ecL, Lhey can be assoclaLed wlLh oLher sysLem famllles.
I|gure 6-8: reloaded proflles
roflles aren'L used ln a sLand-alone fashlon, Lhey're used ln comblnaLlon wlLh oLher componenLs. lor example,
a proflle famlly deflnes Lhe cross secLlon of a handrall. 1he parapeL cap shown ln llgure 6-9 ls deflned by a proflle.
I|gure 6-9: arapeL cap proflle
Deta|| Components
ueLall componenLs are 2u ob[ecLs LhaL are used Lo compleLe your deLalls. SomeLlmes Lhey're 2u represenLaLlons of
3u ob[ecLs, llke Lhe bond beam shown ln llgure 6-10. Co ahead and load Lhls famlly lnLo your pro[ecL.
I|gure 6-10: 8ond 8eam deLall componenL
ueLall componenLs are a loL llke blocks ln AuLoCAu. Whlle you could drafL all of your deLalls manually, deLall
componenLs help coordlnaLe all Lhe repeLlLlve 2u elemenLs LhaL compleLe an assemblage. 1o place a deLall
componenL, cllck Lhe ComponenL buLLon on Lhe ueLall panel of Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab.
ueLall componenLs can also be parameLrlc, whlch means LhaL a slngle componenL can have parameLers LhaL
allow many Lypes Lo be creaLed from a slngle famlly (llgure 6-11). lor example, once you load Lhe 8ond 8eam
componenL, you'll see LhaL lL helps you coordlnaLe your pro[ecL.
I|gure 6-11: arameLrlc Lypes
ln oLher cases, Lhe deLall componenL ls [usL a graphlc elemenL, llke Lhe break llne shown ln llgure 6-12. 1he
break llne ls used Lo mask Lhe geomeLry beyond Lhe vlew and serves as a graphlc convenLlon LhaL leLs you know
Lhe elemenL conLlnues beyond Lhe vlew boundarles.
I|gure 6-12: 8reak llne deLall componenL
kepeat|ng Deta||s
8epeaLlng deLalls are based on componenL famllles LhaL are glven rules Lo repeaL based on some deflned lnLerval
(llgure 6-13). 8rlck and morLar wlll repeaL Lhree Llmes ln 8r [200mm]. A rule can be applled Lo Lhls so Lhe brlck
deLall can be drawn llke a llne-lengLhened and shorLened whlle keeplng a conslsLenL paLLern. 1he old meLhod of
dolng Lhls was Lo draw one brlck and array lL ln a sLralghL llne. Changes Lo LhaL llne meanL redolng Lhe array, so Lhls
ls much easler. ?ou'll flnd repeaLlng deLalls on Lhe ComponenL flyouL of Lhe ueLall panel on Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab.
I|gure 6-13: SelecLlng a repeaLlng deLall componenL
8aLher Lhan place a slngle deLall componenL, you can skeLch a llnear paLh Lo deflne repeLlLlve elemenLs (llgure
I|gure 6-14: SkeLchlng a llnear paLh Lo deflne repeLlLlve elemenLs
1|t|e 8|ocks
1lLle blocks are also 2u annoLaLlons. 1o place a LlLle block, cllck Lhe SheeL lcon on Lhe SheeL ComposlLlon panel on
Lhe vlew Lab (llgure 6-13). Many more can be loaded from Lhe Title Blocks folder ln Lhe 8evlL llbrary.
I|gure 6-1S: 1lLle blocks
Leve| 8ased
When you place a famlly ln your pro[ecL, lL usually has a relaLlonshlp Lo someLhlng else ln your pro[ecL. 8uL Lhls ls
noL necessarlly a relaLlonshlp Lo anoLher plece of geomeLry. ln many cases, Lhe famlly wlll be consLralned Lo Lhe
level on whlch lL was placed. 1he level consLralnL ls reflecLed ln Lhe lnsLance parameLers of Lhe desk you placed
earller, as shown ln llgure 6-16.
Many ob[ecLs ln 8evlL are consLralned by Lhelr level. ?ou wanL Lo be especlally careful when deallng wlLh level
consLralnLs. lf you deleLe a consLralnL-ln Lhls case, Lhe level-Lhe ob[ecLs consLralned by LhaL level wlll also be
deleLed. 8evlL dlsplays Lhe warnlng shown ln llgure 6-17.
I|gure 6-16: Level consLralnL for Lhe desk
I|gure 6-17: Warnlng LhaL appears when deleLlng a level
So be careful when deleLlng elemenLs ln 8evlL. A sLray llne" could be much more, such as Lhe edge of a wall or
Lhe level ln a pro[ecL.
Iace 8ased
lace-based famllles assoclaLe Lo any face on elLher a hosL or componenL famlly. 1o place a face-based famlly, you'll
have Lo lnlLlally assoclaLe lL Lo a face. ?ou can Lry Lhls by loadlng a slmple face-based famlly we have creaLed for
you called c06_Face-Based_Box.rfa, whlch you can download from Lhe Chapter 6 folder aL Lhls book's web
page,]go]rev|t2012essent|a|s. 1he componenL ls a slmple 1' 1' 1' box, buL ln pracLlce lL could
be mosL anyLhlng, such as a llghL or a shelf.
AfLer you load Lhls componenL, place lL by selecLlng Lhe lacemenL panel on Lhe Modlfy | lace ComponenL Lab
and cllcklng Lhe lace Cn lace opLlon. ?ou'll qulckly see LhaL a face-based componenL wlll noL allow lLself Lo be
placed wlLhouL a face or work plane selecLed as a consLralnL (llgure 6-18). 8uL as you hover near a face, Lhe
componenL wlll show up ln a wlreframe mode, lndlcaLlng Lhe locaLlon where lL's golng Lo be placed.
I|gure 6-18: laclng a face-based componenL
An lnLeresLlng Lhlng abouL face-based famllles ls LhaL lf Lhelr consLralnL ls deleLed, Lhe elemenL remalns ln Lhe
pro[ecL (even lf Lhe consLralnL ls a level). When you selecL Lhe componenL, 8evlL prompLs you Lo plck a new face Lo
assoclaLe wlLh Lhe elemenL (cllck Lhe lck new buLLon on Lhe Work lane panel of Lhe Modlfy | Cenerlc Models
A hosLed famlly has a speclflc relaLlonshlp Lo a speclflc hosL caLegory, such as lloors, Walls, 8oofs, or Celllngs.
WlLhouL Lhe hosL, Lhe hosLed famlly can'L be placed. lor example, a wall-hosLed famlly wlll only allow lLself Lo be
placed ln a wall.
lurLhermore, lf Lhe hosL ls removed, Lhe hosLed famllles are also deleLed. keep ln mlnd LhaL you wlll noL be
warned when Lhe hosLed elemenLs are belng deleLed. Pere are examples of commonly hosLed relaLlonshlps
beLween sysLem and componenL famllles:
Walls: Wlndows and uoors
CurLaln Walls: CurLaln anels and Mulllons
Celllngs: LlghLlng llxLures
8alllngs: 8alusLers
?ou can see how Lhls feaLure works by creaLlng a 10'-0r [3 m] lengLh of a Cenerlc - 6r wall. 1hen go Lo your
defaulL 3u vlew.
SelecL Lhe uoor Lool from Lhe 8ulld panel of Lhe Pome Lab, and you'll noLlce LhaL you can'L place a door unLll
you hover over Lhe hosL wall. lace a door as shown ln llgure 6-19. 1hen place some wlndows ln Lhe same wall
secLlon, as shown ln llgure 6-20.
I|gure 6-19: laclng a door
I|gure 6-20: laclng Lwo wlndows
Chapter 5
)odifying ,amilies
now LhaL you have added a number of famllles Lo your 8evlL pro[ecL and Lhe deslgn has progressed, you'll ofLen
flnd lL necessary Lo modlfy Lhe famllles. SomeLlmes swapplng ouL a less-deLalled famlly componenL for one LhaL ls
more exacL and correcL ls Lhe besL soluLlon (and ln some cases openlng lL and modlfylng lL sllghLly). ln oLher cases,
lL's slmply a maLLer of openlng Lhe componenL famlly LhaL you sLarLed wlLh and Lweaklng Lhe geomeLry Lo beLLer flL
your deslgn. LlLher soluLlon ls vlable-whlch you choose depends on Lhe resulL LhaL ls beLLer for your deslgn
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
LdlLlng vlew dlsplay and deLall level
Changlng Lhe famlly caLegory
Modlfylng famlly geomeLry
Ld|t|ng V|ew D|sp|ay and Deta|| Leve|
Addlng conLenL ls preLLy sLralghLforward, buL learnlng Lo modlfy lL wlll Lake a blL more Llme. We'll use Lhe lasL
exerclse from ChapLer 6, Addlng lamllles" as a sLarLlng polnL for Lhe exerclses ln Lhls chapLer. Cpen your flnlshed
pro[ecL flle now, or download Lhe flle c06_Adding_Families.rvt from Lhe book's web page.
1o download Lhe pro[ecL and conLenL you creaLe durlng Lhls chapLer, go Lo]go]rev|t2012essent|a|s. lrom Lhere you can download Lhe pro[ecL flle
c07_Modifying_Families.rvt. ?ou can also download Lhe famlly flles c07_Three_Light_Fixed.rfa and
Cne of Lhe flrsL Lhlngs LhaL you wanL Lo conslder when loadlng a famlly lnLo your pro[ecL ls Lhe level of deLall
LhaL Lhe famlly dlsplays aL dlfferenL orlenLaLlons and scales. lL's noL llkely LhaL every parL of a componenL famlly
needs Lo dlsplay aL all scales. lL's more llkely LhaL Loo much deLall wlll be confuslng (parLlcularly aL smaller scales).
!usL a decade or so ago when we used penclls, knowlng when Lo sLop drawlng deLall was preLLy easy. 8uL hlgh-
resoluLlon compuLer dlsplays LhaL glve you Lhe ablllLy Lo zoom ln and ouL as well as modern prlnLlng Lechnologles
have allowed us Lo creaLe far more deLall Lhan ls necessary (or meanlngful). So how do you dlsplay [usL Lhe rlghL
level of deLall ln 8evlL?
llrsL, go Lo Lhe SouLh elevaLlon of our pro[ecL. CreaLe a copy of Lhe desk Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe flrsL one. ?ou can
zoom Lo flL by rlghL-cllcklng ln Lhe vlew and selecLlng Zoom 1o llL. 8uL Lhls only shows you everyLhlng ln your
vlew-lL doesn'L glve you a sense of whaL ls golng Lo leglbly prlnL (llgure 7-1).
I|gure 7-1: Zoom 1o llL
A greaL way Lo Lell whaL ls golng Lo be graphlcally leglble when you prlnL ls Lo selecL Lhe Zoom SheeL Slze opLlon
from Lhe navlgaLlon bar on Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe vlew. uolng so wlll Lake Lhe scale of Lhe vlew lnLo accounL when
zoomlng ln (or ouL). 1he dlfference ls shown ln llgure 7-2. lf you flnd yourself needlng Lo see whaL's lmporLanL ln a
vlew (and you don'L wanL Lo geL Loo carrled away wlLh deLalls LhaL don'L yeL maLLer), Lhls ls a greaL Lool.
I|gure 7-2: Zoom SheeL Slze
SomeLhlng LhaL you'll noLlce from boLh of Lhe prevlous flgures ls LhaL Lhe hardware on Lhe desk ls compleLely
vlslble ln boLh vlews-whlch ls reasonable Lo expecL. 8uL leL's see whaL happens when Lhe vlew scale changes.
llgure 7-3 lllusLraLes Lhe same desk ln elevaLlon aL dramaLlcally dlfferenL scales (1'= 30' [1:30], 1'=20' [1:20], and
1'=10' [1:10], respecLlvely).
I|gure 7-3: LlevaLlon aL dlfferenL scales
V|ew D|sp|ay
As you can see, all of Lhe geomeLry of Lhe desk-drawers and hardware-ls vlslble aL all vlew scales. 8uL lL doesn'L
have Lo be Lhls way. Cur rule of Lhumb ls LhaL lf Lwo llnes are overlapplng Lo Lhe polnL LhaL Lhey'll prlnL llke a slngle
llne, Lhey probably don'L need Lo be seen. nor do you wanL 8evlL Lo spend processlng power dlsplaylng, prlnLlng,
and exporLlng lnformaLlon LhaL lsn'L lmporLanL. 8evlL has bullL-ln seLLlngs for dlsplaylng lnformaLlon aL dlfferenL
scales. ?ou can flnd Lhem ln Lhe AddlLlonal SeLLlngs opLlon of Lhe SeLLlngs panel on Lhe Manage Lab, as shown ln
llgure 7-4.
I|gure 7-4: vlew Scale-Lo-ueLall Level Correspondence seLLlngs
8ased on Lhe scale of Lhe vlew, 8evlL wlll auLomaLlcally dlsplay or hlde elemenLs, whlch ls a powerful way of
managlng vlslblllLy. 8uL Lo Lake advanLage of Lhls power, you musL make sure Lhe conLenL ln your pro[ecL has Lhe
approprlaLe vlew scale-Lo-deLall level correspondence.
LeL's look aL anoLher common example. CreaLe a defaulL sLalr run, as shown ln llgure 7-3. 1hen look aL Lhe sLalr
ln Lhe SouLh elevaLlon aL a couple of dlfferenL scales (llgure 7-6).
I|gure 7-S: uefaulL sLalr run (plan)
I|gure 7-6: uefaulL sLalr run (elevaLlon)
llgure 7-6 lllusLraLes Lhree scales (1'=100' [1:100], 1'=30'[1:30], and 1'=10'[1:10]). As you can see, Lhe balusLers
are showlng up aL every level of deLall-even Lo Lhe polnL LhaL Lhey're dlsplaylng as a solld black llne! 1hls lsn'L Lhe
rlghL klnd of graphlc communlcaLlon LhaL you wanL from your 8evlL pro[ecL.
Leve| of Deta||
LeL's modlfy Lhe vlew dlsplay and level of deLall for boLh Lhe sLalr and Lhe desk:
1. SelecL Lhe desk and choose LdlL lamlly from Lhe Modlfy menu, or rlghL-cllck and choose LdlL lamlly from Lhe
conLexL menu.
2. SelecL Lhe hardware (Lhe drawer pulls) and Lhen cllck Lhe vlslblllLy SeLLlngs buLLon on Lhe Modlfy rlbbon Lo
open Lhe lamlly LlemenL vlslblllLy SeLLlngs dlalog box.
1hls dlalog box allows you Lo deLermlne Lhe vlslblllLy for boLh Lhe orlenLaLlon and level of deLall for Lhe
hardware. As you can see, Lhe hardware ls already seL Lo noL show up ln plan.
3. 1he hardware ls showlng up aL all levels of deLall (Coarse, Medlum, and llne). Change Lhe seLLlngs so LhaL lL
only shows up aL a llne level of deLall. uo Lhe same for Lhe hardware on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe desk (llgure 7-7).
I|gure 7-7:
LdlLlng levels of deLall for hardware
4. LeL's modlfy Lhe deLall level for Lhe faces of Lhe drawers. Change Lhe vlslblllLy seLLlngs so Lhey show up aL Lhe
Medlum and llne levels of deLall (buL noL Coarse).
S. 8eload Lhe desk famlly lnLo Lhe pro[ecL. 1he resulLs are shown aL Lhe same deLall levels as before (llgure 7-8),
buL leglblllLy has been lncreased.
I|gure 7-8:
1he level of deLall corresponds Lo scale.
6. nexL we'll do Lhe same for Lhe sLalrs. 1he Lrlck ls LhaL Lhe balusLers are noL avallable by selecLlng Lhe sLalrs.
1he sLalrs are a sysLem famlly, so you'll have Lo selecL Lhe nesLed famlly from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser. ln Lhe ro[ecL
8rowser, expand Lhe lamllles Lree, Lhen 8alllngs. 8lghL-cllck on 8alusLer-Square and choose LdlL Lo open Lhe
elemenL ln Lhe lamlly LdlLor.
7. Cnce you have opened Lhe balusLer famlly, selecL Lhe elemenL on Lhe screen and, uslng Lhe roperLles
paleLLe, open Lhe vlslblllLy/Craphlc Cverrldes dlalog box. uncheck Lhe Coarse deLall level. noLe LhaL Lhe
lan/8C vlews are already unchecked, meanlng Lhe balusLer wlll noL dlsplay by defaulL ln Lhose vlews.
8. 8eload Lhe famlly lnLo Lhe pro[ecL and Lhe balusLers wlll dlsplay only aL Lhe Medlum and llne levels of deLall.
?ou wlll now see resulLs ln a much cleaner graphlc dlsplay.
Chang|ng the Iam||y Category
lamlly componenLs schedule accordlng Lo Lhelr caLegory, whlch ls deLermlned when you sLarL Lo model a new
famlly componenL. When you're creaLlng a new famlly componenL, 8evlL flrsL prompLs you Lo selecL Lhe
approprlaLe LemplaLe.
8uL ln many cases, you'll reallze afLerward LhaL you need Lo change Lhls caLegory Lo anoLher. ?ou may have Lo
do Lhls for a famlly componenL LhaL you creaLed as well as ones you've downloaded. Changlng caLegorles ls easy Lo
Ld|t|ng the Iam||y
lor Lhls exerclse, selecL Lhe face-based box LhaL we provlded from Lhe prevlous chapLer. lL's been placed on Lhe
Lop of Lhe desk.
1. 8lghL-cllck Lhe face-based box and choose LdlL lamlly from Lhe conLexL menu.
2. When Lhe famlly opens, you'll noLlce Lhe box ls resLlng on a large plaLform. uon'L worry abouL Lhls-lL's Lhe
conLexL for Lhe face" of Lhe face-based famlly (llgure 7-9). lace-based and hosLed famllles already have
geomeLrlc conLexL (along wlLh crlLlcal parameLers and reference planes) ln Lhelr LemplaLes so you can model ln
conLexL and LesL parameLrlc behavlor.
I|gure 7-9: LdlLlng Lhe face-based famlly
Iam||y Category and arameters
When you modeled Lhls componenL, you dldn'L know whaL Lhe caLegory would be, so you [usL lefL lL as a Cenerlc
Model. 8uL now Lhe deslgn has progressed and Lhe componenL needs Lo schedule as SpeclalLy LqulpmenL. noL a
1. SelecL lamlly CaLegory And arameLers from Lhe roperLles paleLLe on Lhe Pome Lab.
2. 1he dlalog box shown ln llgure 7-10 opens. 1he currenL caLegory ls selecLed. SelecL SpeclalLy LqulpmenL and
cllck Ck.
I|gure 7-10:
Changlng Lhe famlly caLegory
3. 8eload Lhe famlly lnLo Lhe pro[ecL envlronmenL, selecL Lhe opLlon Lo overrlde Lhe exlsLlng verslon. lf you were
ln CAu, Lhls sLep would be [usL llke reloadlng a block-you're slmply updaLlng Lhe elemenL wlLh Lhe new
lnformaLlon. 1he famlly wlll noL appear Lo have changed, buL lL wlll now schedule accordlng Lo lLs new caLegory.
Ld|t|ng the Insert|on o|nt
1he oLher Lhlng LhaL ofLen occurs ls Lhe lnserLlon polnL of a famlly wlll need Lo change. 1hls lssue arlses for one of
Lwo reasons. llrsL, a famlly wlll flex abouL lLs lnserLlon polnL. So when Lhe famlly expands or conLracLs, Lhe
lnserLlon polnL ls malnLalned. 1he second reason ls LhaL when you replace one famlly for anoLher of Lhe same
caLegory, Lhey wlll swap aL Lhe same lnserLlon polnL. So lf you have a famlly wlLh an lnserLlon polnL LhaL ls aL a
corner buL upon reflecLlon needs Lo flex or swap ouL aL anoLher locaLlon, you'll have Lo edlL Lhe lnserLlon polnL.
1. lor Lhls example, go Lo Lhe Level 1 plan vlew. Load a chalr lnLo your pro[ecL by chooslng lace A ComponenL
from Lhe Pome Lab.
2. lrom Lhe lace ComponenL conLexL menu, cllck Lhe Load lamlly buLLon and under Lhe Furniture folder,
choose Lhe Chair-Executive.rfa famlly. lace lL as shown ln Lhe lefL lmage ln llgure 7-11. 1hen place Lhe chalr
underneaLh Lhe desk, as shown ln Lhe mlddle and rlghL lmages. noLe LhaL Lhe chalr ls cenLered under Lhe desk's
I|gure 7-11:
Loadlng and placlng Lhe chalr ln Lhe pro[ecL
3. now selecL Lhe desk and change Lhe slze from 60r30r [130cm73cm] Lo 72r36r [180cm90cm]. 1he desk
has grown from Lhe upper-rlghL corner, Lhe chalr ls no longer cenLered and wlll have Lo be moved. lf Lhere were
many chalrs and desks ln Lhls slLuaLlon (llke an offlce layouL), Lhls Lask would be very Ledlous! LeL's change Lhe
lnserLlon polnL of Lhe desk Lo avold Lhls slLuaLlon ln fuLure deslgn lLeraLlons.
4. SelecL Lhe desk and open lL ln Lhe lamlly LdlLor. Cpen Lhe Cround lloor, lloor lan vlew. ueslgnaLe Lhe Lwo
reference planes lndlcaLed wlLh arrows as Lhe lnserLlon polnL for Lhe famlly. SelecL boLh reference planes and
Lhen check Lhe ueflnes Crlgln box ln Lhe roperLles menu (llgure 7-12).
I|gure 7-12:
LdlLlng Lhe orlgln of a famlly
S. 8eload Lhe famlly lnLo Lhe pro[ecL, and selecL CverwrlLe 1he LxlsLlng verslon. 1he famlly wlll lnlLlally move Lo
allgn Lhe old lnserLlon polnL wlLh Lhe new lnserLlon polnL effecLlvely relocaLlng Lhe desk. SelecL Lhe desk and
move lL back relaLlve Lo Lhe chalr. now you can LesL dlfferenL desk slzes, and you'll noLlce LhaL Lhe famlly wlll flex
wlLh respecL Lo Lhe locaLlon of Lhe chalr (llgure 7-13).
I|gure 7-13: ulfferenL-slzed desks
Mod|fy|ng Iam||y Geometry
now comes Lhe Lrlcky parL. Lven Lhough you're [usL sLarLlng ouL wlLh 8evlL and you won'L be expecLed Lo creaLe
new conLenL from scraLch, lL's llkely LhaL you'll be expecLed Lo modlfy exlsLlng conLenL LhaL's become parL of your
pro[ecL (Lhlnk of Lhls as compleLlng red llnes ln 8evlL).
As Lhe deslgn progresses, generlc elemenLs LhaL have been used as meanlngful placeholders wlll ln many cases
need Lo be modlfled Lo lnclude more deLall. ln oLher cases, exlsLlng conLexL wlll be exchanged for componenLs LhaL
are already deLalled. So leL's sLarL edlLlng componenLs of dlfferenL caLegorles.
Ld|t|ng the Iam||y
LeL's sLarL by modlfylng a 2u elemenL from Lhe prevlous chapLer. Suppose LhaL accordlng Lo your flrm's graphlc
sLandards, Lhe lurnlLure Lag should have rounded sldes. Co Lo Lhe SouLh elevaLlon Lo see Lhe lurnlLure Lag. 1he
chalr has been Lemporarlly hldden for clarlLy (llgure 7-14).
I|gure 7-14: LdlLlng Lhe lurnlLure Lag
8aLher Lhan creaLe anoLher lurnlLure Lag for Lhe pro[ecL, leL's modlfy Lhls one. ?ou'll sLarL by changlng Lhe name
Lo reflecL lLs evenLual shape.
1. PlghllghL Lhe name ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and rename 8oxed Lo kounded. now open Lhe Lag from Lhe
ro[ecL 8rowser or by selecLlng Lhe Lag and selecLlng LdlL lamlly.
2. Add arc llnes Lo elLher slde of Lhe Lag and deleLe Lhe verLlcal llnes, as shown ln Lhe mlddle lmage ln llgure 7-
14. 1hen reload Lhe Lag lnLo Lhe pro[ecL and overwrlLe Lhe exlsLlng Lag. lL's really LhaL easy. Lvery Lag LhroughouL
Lhe enLlre 8evlL pro[ecL wlll have updaLed (see Lhe rlghL lmage ln llgure 7-14).
?ou've [usL seen one reason you don'L need Lo have flgured ouL all your sLandards and seLLlngs ln order Lo begln
your flrsL 8evlL pro[ecL. lL's LhaL easy Lo updaLe your enLlre pro[ecL as lL develops!
Ld|t|ng rof||es
now leL's revlslL Lhe defaulL handrall proflle LhaL was creaLed wlLh our sLalr. 1he proflles are locaLed ln Lhe ro[ecL
1. llnd Lhe 8ecLangular Pandrall famlly and rlghL-cllck lL. Choose LdlL from Lhe conLexL menu and 8ecLangular
Pandrall wlll open ln Lhe lamlly LdlLor. Slnce you wanL Lo keep your exlsLlng handrall proflle lnLacL, choose Save
As and name Lhe new proflle L Shaped nandra||.
2. 1here are some parameLers LhaL you'll wanL Lo malnLaln ln Lhls famlly. 1o make Lhem vlslble, go Lo Lhe
vlslblllLy/Craphlc Cverrldes dlalog box (Lype VG on your keyboard) and selecL Lhe AnnoLaLlon CaLegorles Lab.
1hen check all Lhe opLlons, as shown ln llgure 7-13.
1he proflle vlew wlll Lhen resemble Lhe lmage ln
llgure 7-16
3. Add new proflle llnes Lo resemble llgure 7-17. noLe LhaL Lhe parameLers for WldLh and LC have been
reLalned. now load Lhe proflle lnLo your 8evlL pro[ecL. 1he L Shaped Pandrall proflle famlly wlll now be llsLed ln
your ro[ecL 8rowser along wlLh Lhe varlous Lypes.
I|gure 7-1S:
Ad[usLlng vlslblllLy/Craphlc Cverrldes of Lhe proflle
I|gure 7-16:
1he modlfled balusLer
I|gure 7-17:
new handrall proflle
4. now leL's creaLe a new ralllng and Lhen assoclaLe Lhe ralllng Lo Lhe exlsLlng sLalr. SLarL by dupllcaLlng Lhe
ralllng LhaL ls already ln use by Lhe sLalr ln Lhe pro[ecL and Lhen rename Lhe dupllcaLe as L Shaped nandra||.
S. ?ou need Lo modlfy Lhe properLles of Lhe ralllng Lo lnclude Lhe new handrall proflle. 1o do so, rlghL-cllck on
Lhe 8alllng Lype ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and selecL 1ype roperLles.
6. ln Lhe 1ype roperLles dlalog box, selecL LdlL from Lhe 8all SLrucLure opLlon. uolng so opens Lhe LdlL 8alls
dlalog box (llgure 7-18). ull down Lhe proflle menu and selecL Lhe handrall, as shown ln llgure 7-18.
I|gure 7-18:
LdlLlng Lhe Lype properLles of Lhe ralllng
7. 1he new proflle has been assoclaLed Lo Lhe dupllcaLe ralllng. All you need Lo do ls swap ouL Lhe presenL sLalr
ralllng for Lhe new one! SelecL Lhe handralls and Lhen selecL Lhe new ralllng from Lhe roperLles alleL (llgure 7-
I|gure 7-19: SelecLlng Lhe new ralllng
now leL's edlL some deLall componenLs!
Deta|| Components
Pere's Lhe scenarlo: ?ou're worklng Lo lnLegraLe your offlce sLandards lnLo your 8evlL LemplaLe and Lhe break llne
ln Lhls pro[ecL doesn'L maLch Lhe graphlc sLandards of your offlce. ?ou need Lo geL Lhls conslsLenL, so begln by
openlng Lhe break llne famlly ln Lhe famlly edlLor and we'll sLep Lhrough how Lo make Lhe changes.
1. 8rowse Lo Lhe callouL of SecLlon 1 or selecL lL ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser under ueLall lLems. 1hen, selecL LdlL
8oundary from Lhe Mode paleLLe.
1hls elemenL ls noL a llne (see
llgure 7-20
). lL's acLually a masklng reglon (klnd of llke a whlLe solld haLch) LhaL ls used Lo obscure geomeLry ln your pro[ecL.
Some of Lhe boundary llne sLyles are Medlum and some are lnvlslble.
I|gure 7-20:
LdlLlng Lhe deLall componenL break llne
2. SelecL Lhe edge of Lhe masklng reglon and cllck LdlL 8oundary agaln. LdlL or deleLe Lhe lnner llnes and add
new ones, as shown ln llgure 7-21. 8e sure Lo use Lhe Medlum llne sLyle.
I|gure 7-21:
LdlLlng and reloadlng Lhe break llne
3. llnlsh Lhe skeLch and reload Lhe break llne lnLo your pro[ecL. lL wlll updaLe ln all vlews, as shown here:
kepeat|ng Deta||s
As menLloned ln Lhe prevlous chapLer, repeaLlng deLalls are based on componenL famllles LhaL are glven rules Lo
repeaL wlLh, based on a deflned lnLerval. As an example, elemenLs llke brlck or CMu ln a wall secLlon or fence posLs
are elemenLs LhaL repeaL Lyplcally on a regular lnLerval. 8aLher Lhan have you creaLe an array Lo draw Lhese
elemenLs ln 2u and have Lo redeflne Lhe array lf you make changes, 8evlL allows you Lo creaLe rules for Lhese
componenLs. 1hey wlll auLomaLlcally repeaL based on Lhe rule sLrucLure. lL's qulLe a handy feaLure. lf we place Lhe
brlck repeaLlng deLall on Lhe verLlcally compound wall, lL looks nearly correcL (llgure 7-22). WhaL's mlsslng ls a
morLar [olnL beLween courses. 1hls [olnL wlll also help obscure Lhe haLch paLLern of Lhe wall.
I|gure 7-22: ?ou'll edlL Lhe brlck repeaLlng deLall.
8ecause Lhe brlck repeaLlng deLall ls based on a slngle componenL LhaL ls belng nesLed, you need Lo go Lo Lhe
orlglnal famlly. ?ou can also flnd Lhe orlglnal componenL famlly ln Lhe ueLall lLems drop-down ln Lhe ro[ecL
8rowser. Cpen Lhe famlly by rlghL-cllcklng on Lhe componenL name, 8rlck SLandard, ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and
selecLlng LdlL from Lhe conLexL menu.
llgure 7-23 shows Lhe defaulL componenL. LeL's add a fllled reglon beLween Lhe brlck and Lhe upper llne:
I|gure 7-23: 1he defaulL componenL
1. Choose 1ransfer ro[ecL SLandards ln Lhe SeLLlngs panel on Lhe Manage Lab.
2. ?ou wlll Lransfer ln Lhe flll paLLerns from our open 8evlL pro[ecL lnLo Lhe brlck famlly (whlch has only a few
paLLerns avallable). ueselecL all Lhe opLlons ln Lhe SelecL lLems 1o Copy dlalog box excepL for llll aLLerns and
cllck Ck.
3. A dlalog box asks lf you wanL Lo overwrlLe all Lhe exlsLlng paLLerns ln Lhe famlly. SelecL new Cnly.
4. 1he flll paLLern LhaL you need Lo lndlcaLe a morLar [olnL ls now loaded ln Lhls famlly. SelecL Lhe lllled 8eglon
command from Lhe ueLall panel on Lhe Pome Lab Lo begln skeLchlng Lhe new boundary LhaL wlll represenL Lhe
morLar [olnL.
S. uraw Lhe boundary as shown uslng deLall llnes (llgure 7-24). 8efore you flnlsh Lhe famlly, you should asslgn a
new fllled paLLern Lo Lhls skeLch. SelecL LdlL 1ype from Lhe roperLles paleLLe.
I|gure 7-24:
SkeLchlng Lhe fllled reglon
6. Choose uupllcaLe and name Lhe new fllled reglon Mortar Io|nt. nexL, selecL Lhe area labeled ulagonal
CrosshaLch [urafLlng] and ln Lhe llll aLLerns dlalog box selecL Sand - uense as Lhe new flll paLLern assoclaLed
wlLh your skeLched area (llgure 7-23). Cllck Ck unLll you close all Lhe dlalogs and Lhen flnlsh Lhe skeLch.
7. Load Lhe modlfled famlly lnLo your pro[ecL by cllcklng Lhe Load lamlly buLLon on Lhe rlbbon. CverwrlLe Lhe
exlsLlng verslon ln your pro[ecL when prompLed.
I|gure 7-2S: CreaLlng a new fllled reglon
now LhaL Lhe famlly has been modlfled, Lhe repeaLlng deLall LhaL ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe same famlly has been
modlfled as well (llgure 7-26). ?ou can compleLe Lhe secLlon by addlng lndlvldual deLall componenLs or add
addlLlonal repeaLlng deLalls.
I|gure 7-26: 1he repeaLlng deLall assoclaLed wlLh Lhe same famlly has been modlfled.
now leL's lnvesLlgaLe edlLlng oLher 2u annoLaLlons by modlfylng Lhe defaulL LlLle block famlly.
1|t|e 8|ocks
1lLle blocks are also 2u elemenLs. lor plloL pro[ecLs, lL's flne Lo sLarL wlLh Lhe defaulL LlLle block ([usL selecL Lhe
correcL overall slze) and Lhen modlfy lL laLer. Crlds are helpful when you're organlzlng vlews on LlLle blocks, buL as
you've noLlced by now, Lhe defaulL LlLle block doesn'L have a grld. So leL's add one.
?ou'll flnd LlLle blocks under SheeLs ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser (above Lhe lamllles node). uouble-cllck Lhe sheeL
A101 ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser Lo open Lhe vlew. 1hen follow Lhese sLeps:
1. SelecL Lhe sheeL, and Lhen choose LdlL lamlly from Lhe conLexL rlbbon.
2. 8efore golng any furLher, leL's creaLe a new llne Lype Lo assoclaLe Lo Lhe grld. lL wlll have a sllghL color or LlnL
ln order Lo easlly dlsLlngulsh lL from Lhe resL of Lhe graphlcs on Lhe LlLle block as well as any pro[ecL vlews. lrom
Lhe Manage Lab, selecL Cb[ecL SLyles on Lhe SeLLlngs panel.
3. When Lhe Cb[ecL SLyles dlalog box opens, cllck new under Modlfy SubcaLegorles. use Lhe new SubcaLegory
dlalog box Lo creaLe a new llne called Gr|d L|nes, as shown ln llgure 7-27. lrom Lhe SubcaLegory Cf drop-down,
selecL 1lLle 8locks. 1hen cllck Ck.
I|gure 7-27:
Addlng a new subcaLegory
4. SelecL Lhe Llne Color opLlon (llgure 7-27) and Lhen modlfy Lhe color Lo a llghL blue.
S. now you're ready Lo draw Lhe grld llnes. SelecL Lhe Llne Lool from Lhe ueLall panel of Lhe Pome Lab Lo open
Lhe Modlfy | lace Llnes Lab. SelecL Lhe subcaLegory Crld Llnes.
6. now draw flve verLlcal llnes and four horlzonLal llnes (llgure 7-28). ulmenslon Lhem as well wlLh a conLlnuous
dlmenslon (Lhe dlmenslons wlll noL show up ln Lhe pro[ecL envlronmenL). SelecL Lhe LC opLlon, and all Lhe llnes
wlll become equally spaced.
I|gure 7-28:
Addlng and dlmenslonlng grld llnes
lf you were Lo reload Lhls sheeL ln Lhe pro[ecL, you'd be able Lo conLrol Lhe vlslblllLy of Lhe grld llke any oLher
ob[ecL: vla vlslblllLy/Craphlc Cverrldes. 8uL lL's useful Lo be able Lo Lurn Lhe vlslblllLy of Lhe grld on and off
LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL. ?ou can do Lhls by assoclaLlng a Lype parameLer Lo Lhe grld llnes LhaL you've [usL
creaLed. 1hen when you're done uslng Lhe grld llne Lo seL up your pro[ecL vlews, you can Lurn lL off wlLh one
7. SelecL all Lhe grld llnes LhaL you [usL creaLed. ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe, selecL Lhe small buLLon Lo Lhe rlghL of
Lhe vlslble check box.
8. now you can add a new parameLer Lo assoclaLe wlLh Lhese llnes. Cllck Add arameLer Lo open Lhe arameLer
roperLles dlalog box. ln Lhe name fleld, Lype Gr|d V|s|b|||ty. Cllck Lhe 1ype radlo buLLon and seL Croup
arameLer under Lo Craphlcs, as shown ln llgure 7-29.
I|gure 7-29:
CreaLlng a vlslblllLy parameLer
9. When you're flnlshed, cllck Ck. 8eload Lhe LlLle block lnLo your pro[ecL, overwrlLlng Lhe parameLers of Lhe
exlsLlng LlLle block.
10. SelecL Lhe LlLle block ln Lhe pro[ecL and cllck LdlL 1ype ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe Lo open Lhe 1ype roperLles
dlalog box (llgure 7-30). lf you uncheck Lhe Crld vlslblllLy parameLer, lL wlll Lurn off Lhe grld LhroughouL your
pro[ecL (raLher Lhan [usL one vlew aL a Llme).
I|gure 7-30:
1he Crld vlslblllLy parameLer ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe
11. ueselecL Lhe parameLer. When you cllck Ck, Lhe grld wlll no longer be vlslble ln Lhe LlLle block.
now LhaL you've modlfled 2u famlly componenLs, leL's experlmenL wlLh edlLlng 3u elemenLs. ?ou've already
modlfled Lhe geomeLry of a nonhosLed elemenL (Lhe desk ln an earller exerclse). So leL's modlfy a hosLed
componenL nexL.
nosted Components
As menLloned ln Lhe prevlous chapLer, a hosLed famlly has a speclflc relaLlonshlp Lo a speclflc hosL caLegory, such
as a lloor, Wall, 8oof, or Celllng. WlLhouL Lhe hosL, Lhe hosLed famlly can'L be placed. A wall-hosLed famlly wlll only
allow lLself Lo be placed ln a wall, and so on.
lor Lhls exerclse, we're golng Lo modlfy Lhe generlc flxed wlndow LhaL ls parL of Lhe defaulL 8evlL LemplaLe.
SelecL Lhe wlndow from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and cllck LdlL lamlly Lo open Lhe famlly ln Lhe lamlly LdlLor (llgure 7-
31). ?ou wanL Lo keep Lhe exlsLlng Lype, so begln by renamlng Lhe famlly vla Save As.
I|gure 7-31: Wlndow opened ln Lhe lamlly LdlLor
AL Lhe momenL, Lhe hosL parL of Lhe famlly ls noL vlslble. LeL's Lurn Lhls on vla vlslblllLy/Craphlc Cverrldes (Lhe
lefL lmage ln llgure 7-32). Make sure LhaL all Lhe boxes are checked as shown. 1he 3u vlew wlll now resemble Lhe
lmage on Lhe rlghL of llgure 7-32.
I|gure 7-32: vlslblllLy/Craphlc Cverrldes for Lhe hosL wall
?ou need Lo be able Lo see Lhe exlsLlng reference planes ln Lhe famlly. SelecL Lhe LxLerlor LlevaLlon vlew (Lhe
lefL lmage ln llgure 7-33). 8eference planes serve as guldes LhaL allow Lhe geomeLry Lo flex. As you can see, Lhe
wlndow geomeLry has noL been glven parameLers. 1he parameLers are assoclaLed Lo Lhe reference planes. 1he
geomeLry ls also assoclaLed Lo Lhe planes.
I|gure 7-33: 8eference planes and parameLers
lor Lhls example, you'll sLarL by addlng anoLher horlzonLal reference plane. 1o keep Lhls reference plane equally
spaced wlLh regard Lo Lhe overall wlndow helghL, you'll also dlmenslon Lhe reference plane and Lhen seL Lhe value
Lo LC (Lhe rlghL lmage ln llgure 7-33). no maLLer whaL Lhe wlndow helghL, Lhe new reference plane wlll remaln
1hls process ls an lmporLanL parL of modlfylng exlsLlng conLenL! 1hls wlndow famlly ls full of dlmenslon
parameLers LhaL conLrol dlfferenL Lypes. 1hese parameLers are exLremely useful-you don'L wanL Lo deleLe Lhem!
?ou don'L need Lo creaLe new geomeLry from scraLch, you can modlfy whaL ls already ln Lhe famlly. 1hls
approach may seem llke cheaLlng," buL ln facL Lhls ls usually how conLenL ls modlfled ln 8evlL: by edlLlng whaL ls
already Lhere. ln addlLlon Lo Lhls process belng efflclenL, Lhe geomeLry LhaL you modlfy ls llkely golng Lo conLlnue Lo
remember" exlsLlng relaLlonshlps Lo reference planes and parameLers.
1. SLarL by selecLlng Lhe lrame/Mulllon LxLruslon. Cnce Lhe frame ls selecLed (llgure 7-34), you can choose Lhe
LdlL LxLruslon Lool from Lhe Mode paleLLe. now skeLch new lnLernal llnes as shown Lo spllL Lhe wlndow lnLo
Lhree panels. ueleLe any segmenLs beLween Lhe new llnes before you flnlsh Lhe skeLch.
I|gure 7-34:
LdlLlng Lhe exlsLlng wlndow frame
2. AfLer Lhe skeLch ls flnlshed, lL's lmporLanL Lo flex" Lhe famlly Lo make sure LhaL Lhe dlfferenL slzes wlll behave
before you load Lhe famlly lnLo Lhe pro[ecL. SelecL Lhe lamlly 1ypes command Lo open a dlalog box of all Lhe
varlous famlly Lypes. SelecL a few dlfferenL Lypes, and cllck Apply afLer each Lype ls speclfled (llgure 7-33).
I|gure 7-3S:
llexlng Lhe modlfled wlndow famlly
3. Close Lhe dlalog box and look aL Lhe wlndow ln 3u. LveryLhlng ls worklng. 8uL Lhe wlndow pane ls sLlll one
plece of glazlng. LeL's modlfy LhaL now. SelecL Lhe glazlng, and Lhen choose Lhe LdlL LxLruslon opLlon. 8eLurn Lo
Lhe exLerlor elevaLlon and add skeLch llnes wlLh regard Lo your prevlously modlfled wlndow Lrlm (see llgure 7-
I|gure 7-36: Modlfylng Lhe wlndow glazlng
llnlsh Lhe skeLch and Lhen repeaL Lhe prevlous process of LesLlng a few dlfferenL famlly Lype parameLers ln
Chapter 7
.roups and Phasing
Cverall pro[ecL managemenL ls a large parL of Lhe deslgn developmenL process. Much of Lhe Llme, managlng deslgn
ls a process of managlng change. ro[ecLs ofLen develop as movlng LargeLs, communlcaLlng Lhe program resulLs ln
needlng Lo answer quesLlons LhaL no one anLlclpaLed.
So Lhe more Lhe program develops, Lhe more change managemenL ls requlred-someLlmes ln an exponenLlal
fashlon. And alLhough managlng Lhls klnd of change becomes pracLlcally unLenable ln CAu, 8evlL allows you Lo
manage mulLlple, slmulLaneous relaLlonshlps fasLer Lhan ln any oLher appllcaLlon.
Croups and phaslng ls all abouL qulckly and easlly managlng change ln your pro[ecL. Modlfylng one famlly
componenL wlll updaLe LhroughouL a pro[ecL. 8uL groups can conLaln mulLlple hosL and famlly componenLs.
haslng applles Lo vlews (fllLered Lo show only a sllce of a pro[ecL's Llmellne) as well as geomeLry.
Wlll deslgn geL any easler ln Lhe process? lL depends on your perspecLlve. ?ou'll be able Lo make deslgn
declslons fasLer and from nearly anywhere ln Lhe pro[ecL. ?ou'll also be able Lo flnd confllcLs and poor deslgn
declslons far earller ln Lhe process. And ln many cases 8evlL wlll compel you Lo resolve Lhem well before you're
accusLomed Lo dolng ln a 2u, CAu-cenLrlc world.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
uslng groups
uslng phaslng
Us|ng Groups
1here are many dlfferenL klnds of elemenLs ln a 8evlL pro[ecL. WlLh regard Lo geomeLry, Lhere are host families
(whlch are creaLed dlrecLly wlLhln Lhe pro[ecL envlronmenL) and component families (whlch are creaLed ln Lhe
lamlly LdlLor).
We llke Lo descrlbe a bulldlng as fundamenLally assembled from repeLlLlve relaLlonshlps." 1hlngs are
connecLed. leces become parLs, and parLs become assemblages, and assemblages become archlLecLural
consLrucLs. 1he ablllLy Lo edlL Lhe properLles of elLher Lype of componenL (hosL or famlly) ls lncredlbly eleganL, as
dolng so wlll ln Lurn have an lmmedlaLe effecL on your enLlre pro[ecL.
1hls ls where groups come lnLo play. Croups are creaLed ln Lhe pro[ecL envlronmenL and conLaln collecLlons of
componenL famllles, hosL famllles, or perhaps a comblnaLlon of boLh. As a maLLer of facL, collecLlons of groups can
become oLher groups.
We can'L cover every posslble blL of obscure funcLlonallLy ln groups. 8uL we do wanL Lo make sure LhaL you galn
Lhe confldence Lo use groups ln Lhe way LhaL Lhey're mosL ofLen used.
Creat|ng Groups
We'll sLarL by openlng Lhe flle c08_Groups_and_Phasing_Start.rvt. lL's avallable for download aL Lhls book's
web page,]go]rev|t2012essent|a|s. lL's been preloaded wlLh conLenL and conLexL for Lhls Lyplcal
scenarlo. As you can see, we've gone ahead and loaded all Lhe furnlLure you'll use for Lhese exerclses ln Lhe pro[ecL
(llgure 8-1).
I|gure 8-1: Croups and phaslng flle
LeL's sLarL by addlng a collecLlon of furnlLure Lo one of Lhe offlces. llrsL, go Lo Lhe Level 1 lloor lan vlew. 1hen
add Lhe componenLs shown ln llgure 8-2. We've added Lhe followlng componenLs:
LxecuLlve Chalr (1)
8reuer Chalr (2)
Shelf (1)
uesk (1)
I|gure 8-2: Addlng furnlLure Lo Lhe offlce
now lmaglne LhaL you need Lo copy Lhls conflguraLlon Lhrough a few offlces. ?ou can accompllsh Lhls copylng
easlly, buL whaL lf one of Lhe elemenLs had Lo change? 1haL could noL be so easlly managed, you'd have Lo
manually locaLe all Lhe componenLs LhaL had Lo be modlfled and Lhen change Lhem one by one.
So leL's creaLe a group of all Lhese elemenLs. 1o do Lhls, selecL all Lhe furnlLure LhaL you've [usL added and Lhen
selecL Lhe CreaLe Croup Lool, as shown ln llgure 8-3.
I|gure 8-3: CreaLlng Lhe group
8evlL wlll prompL you Lo name Lhe group. 1o avold a pro[ecL full of confuslng defaulL names, name Lhe group
Cff|ce Iurn|ture 1 (see llgure 8-4). Leave Lhe check box Cpen ln Croup LdlLor deselecLed and cllck Ck.
I|gure 8-4: namlng Lhe group
When Lhe group ls flnlshed, you'll see all lLs elemenLs surrounded by a dashed llne as well as an lnserLlon polnL
for Lhe group (llgure 8-3). 1he lnserLlon polnL ls Lhe locaLlon LhaL Lhe group wlll malnLaln when you exchange one
group for anoLher.
I|gure 8-S: Croup wlLh Lhe defaulL lnserLlon polnL
Move Lhe lnserLlon polnL by dragglng Lhe cenLer of Lhe lnserLlon Lo a new locaLlon (llgure 8-6). 1hen roLaLe Lhe
lnserLlon polnL by dragglng elLher end node, as shown ln llgure 8-6.
I|gure 8-6: 8elocaLlng and roLaLlng Lhe lnserLlon polnL
Copy|ng Groups
now leL's copy Lhls group Lo a few new locaLlons. ?ou have a couple of good opLlons. lf Lhere's already an lnsLance
of Lhe group ln Lhe vlew LhaL you're worklng ln, selecL Lhe group and Lhen cllck Copy (hlghllghLed on Lhe lefL ln
llgure 8-7) or CreaLe Slmllar (hlghllghLed on Lhe rlghL).
I|gure 8-7: 1he Copy and CreaLe Slmllar Lools
1he oLher opLlon you have ls Lo drag an lnsLance from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser [usL llke any oLher elemenL. 1he
group LhaL we've [usL creaLed ls shown ln llgure 8-8.
I|gure 8-8: Cur new group appears ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser.
Choose whlchever opLlon you llke and copy Lhe group around Lhe floor plan as shown ln llgure 8-9. ?ou'll also
need Lo roLaLe Lhe coples ln order Lo orlenL Lhem properly.
I|gure 8-9: CreaLlng coples of groups
Dup||cat|ng Groups
ln many cases you'll sLarL wlLh one group and Lhen creaLe permuLaLlons of LhaL group as Lhe deslgn progresses.
?ou can accompllsh Lhls easlly by dupllcaLlng one of Lhe groups ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser. AnoLher useful opLlon ls Lo
selecL one of Lhe groups LhaL you wanL Lo edlL and Lhen dupllcaLe lL vla Lhe LdlL 1ypes dlalog (llgure 8-10).
I|gure 8-10: uupllcaLlng Lhe group
llrsL, selecL Lhe Cfflce lurnlLure 1 group, Lhen cllck LdlL 1ype. now you'll be able Lo dupllcaLe Lhe group. name
Lhe new group Cff|ce Iurn|ture 2. 1he new group wlll show up ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser (llgure 8-11).
I|gure 8-11: 1he new group ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser, ready Lo be edlLed
now leL's edlL Lhls new group.
Ld|t|ng Groups
SelecL Lhe group shown ln llgure 8-12. Cn Lhe Croup panel of Lhe conLexLual Modlfy | Model Croups Lab ls Lhe
LdlL Croup opLlon. SelecL Lhls Lool and you'll enLer LdlL Croup mode.
I|gure 8-12: SelecLlng LdlL Croup mode
LveryLhlng ln Lhe group LhaL you're edlLlng ls now shown as usual, whlle everyLhlng noL ln Lhe group ls glven a
Lemporary sepla Lone (see llgure 8-13).
I|gure 8-13: ln LdlL Croup mode, everyLhlng noL ln Lhe group ls glven a Lemporary sepla Lone.
8econflgure Lhe seaLlng and add a coffee Lable as shown ln llgure 8-14. 1hen flnlsh Lhe group by selecLlng
I|gure 8-14: Modlfylng Lhe group
now copy anoLher lnsLance of Lhe group ln your pro[ecL, as shown ln llgure 8-13. keep ln mlnd LhaL wlLh every
copy of a group, all your oLher pro[ecL vlews and schedules wlll be updaLlng ln real Llme!
I|gure 8-1S: Copylng Lhe group
Lxchang|ng Groups
Any group can be exchanged for any oLher group. 8efore you exchange one group for anoLher, you may wanL Lo
check LhaL Lhe lnserLlon polnLs of Lhe Lwo groups are properly locaLed ln order Lo keep Lhe replaced group from
shlfLlng lLs locaLlon.
1o replace a group, selecL lL and Lhen cllck Lhe pull-down menu ln Lhe roperLles wlndow. ?ou'll see all Lhe oLher
groups ln Lhe same caLegory. Model groups may conLaln geomeLry and daLums, whereas ueLall groups wlll only
conLaln 2u elemenLs llke deLall lLems. Lxchange Lhe group as shown ln llgure 8-16.
I|gure 8-16: Lxchanglng groups
Sav|ng Groups
WlLh very large or complex groups, lL may be helpful Lo work on Lhem ouLslde Lhe pro[ecL envlronmenL and Lhen
reload Lhem lnLo your pro[ecL. 1o save a group, selecL Lhe group name from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser, rlghL-cllck, and
selecL Save Croup, as shown ln llgure 8-17.
I|gure 8-17: Savlng Lhe group
8y defaulL, you'll Lhen be prompLed Lo save Lhe group wlLh Lhe same name (llgure 8-18). 1he flle ls saved as a
8evlL pro[ecL (*.rvt) and you can open Lhe flle and modlfy lL as requlred.
I|gure 8-18: Croup saved wlLh .rvL exLenslon
Load|ng Groups
When you're flnlshed edlLlng Lhe group, you can easlly reload lL by selecLlng Lhe group name, rlghL-cllcklng, and
chooslng 8eload from Lhe conLexL menu (llgure 8-19).
I|gure 8-19: 8eloadlng Lhe group
ln oLher cases you'll wanL Lo load groups wlLhouL replaclng anyLhlng. Such groups are resolved assemblages LhaL
can speed Lhe deslgn process. 8aLhroom and uLlllLy cores, offlce furnlLure, and meeLlng rooms (even unlL Lypes,
llke ln hoLels) can be saved from oLher successful pro[ecLs and reused.
1o load a group, selecL Load As Croup from Lhe Load lrom Llbrary panel on Lhe lnserL Lab (llgure 8-20).
I|gure 8-20: Loadlng Lhe group
1here's anoLher opLlon sLlll. ?ou can llnk a 8evlL flle Lo your pro[ecL and Lhen blnd lL. When Lhe flle ls bound, lL
wlll behave as a group (a very helpful funcLlon) unLll you declde Lo ungroup lL. ungrouplng a group breaks lL up lnLo
all lLs separaLe parLs. 8uL dolng so doesn'L deleLe Lhe group from Lhe pro[ecL.
Some 8est ract|ces
1here are a few good besL pracLlces when worklng wlLh groups LhaL you should know abouL. lL's easy Lo geL carrled
away wlLh groups because Lhey're effecLlve for malnLalnlng loLs of relaLlonshlps ln your pro[ecLs. Cn Lhe oLher
hand, you can qulckly confuse new Leam members wlLh an overabundance of groups LhaL brlng only dlmlnlshlng
uon'L puL daLums (levels and grlds) lnLo groups. ?ou don'L wanL Lo copy daLums around your pro[ecL every Llme
you place a new lnsLance of Lhe group. 1o avold Lhls, elLher creaLe your groups from vlews LhaL don'L have
daLums shown (llke a plan or 3u vlew) or use Lhe lllLer funcLlon Lo make sure Lhere are no levels or grlds ln your
Avold nesLlng groups wlLhln groups. nesLlng may seem llke a good ldea, buL you'll probably wanL Lo avold lL. lL'll
lead Lo an overabundance of groups, whlch ln Lurn wlll lead Lo a loL of confuslon as your pro[ecL develops.
keep Lhe hosL and hosLed LogeLher. When you're creaLlng groups LhaL conLaln hosLed famllles, lL's a good ldea
Lo keep Lhe hosL and hosLed LogeLher. CLherwlse, you have Lo remember Lo creaLe Lhe hosL on whlch one of Lhe
grouped elemenLs depends. ueleLlng Lhe hosL (ouLslde Lhe group) LhaL has a relaLlonshlp Lo elemenLs wlLhln Lhe
group can lead Lo pro[ecL errors
Avold aLLached relaLlonshlps wlLh walls. lor example, lf a wall ls aLLached Lo a Lop level and Lhen added Lo a
group, everyLhlng wlll be flne as long as all Lhe levels are equally spaced. 8uL lf one of Lhe levels moves, all Lhe
oLher walls ln Lhe group wlll Lry Lo updaLe accordlngly. 8ecause Lhe levels Lhey're assoclaLed Lo have noL moved,
you'll geL errors and sLrange wall overlaps.
CreaLe lefL and rlghL opLlons when necessary. Whlle mlrrorlng CAu flles (or even 3u componenLs) seems flne ln
prlnclple, a loL of conLenL doesn'L geL manufacLured ln lefL and rlghL opLlons. unforLunaLely, conLenL ln 8evlL
doesn'L have an opLlon Lo dlsallow mlrrorlng," so lf someone mlrrors a componenL, lL may look flne ln Lhe plan.
8uL ln reallLy, Lhey're lndlcaLlng Lo anoLher Leam member (llke an englneer) LhaL a plece of equlpmenL ls golng
Lo be servlced on a slde LhaL doesn'L exlsL. lor example, mlrrorlng can puL Lhe hoL waLer on Lhe rlghL and Lhe
cold on Lhe lefL. So, we suggesL you creaLe lefL and rlghL opLlons. ?es, updaLlng Lwo opLlons wlll Lake a blL more
Llme-buL dolng so wlll help you avold expenslve fleld changes LhaL resulL from someone unknowlngly mlrrorlng
flxLures, furnlLure, and equlpmenL.
Us|ng has|ng
haslng allows your pro[ecL Lo express Lhe componenL of Llme. All pro[ecL geomeLry has a phase componenL (when
creaLed and demollshed). And all vlews have a componenL ln order Lo allow you Lo fllLer wlLhln a speclflc range of
Llme. LeL's Lake Lhe prevlous exerclse and conLlnue Lo creaLe a phaslng exerclse. 8uL lf you haven'L flnlshed Lhe
prevlous exerclse, you can sLarL wlLh Lhe flle 08_Groups_and_Phasing_Middle.rvt from Lhe book's web page.
Geometry hases
llrsL of all, leL's look aL Lhe phaslng properLles for some of Lhe walls ln Lhe pro[ecL. SelecL Lhe wall, as shown llgure
8-21. noLe LhaL Lhere are properLles for hase CreaLed and hase uemollshed. As a maLLer of facL, all Lhe elemenLs
ln Lhls flle presenL when we flrsL sLarLed Lhls chapLer (all Lhe walls, doors, curLaln walls, and so forLh) were creaLed
on Lhe %>isting phase. All Lhe furnlLure and groups were placed on Lhe Proposed phase. lmaglne a scenarlo where
you have an exlsLlng LenanL space LhaL ls empLy and needs Lo be conflgured for a new use, and you'll geL Lhe ldea
of where Lhls exerclse ls headed.
I|gure 8-21: CeomeLry phases
AL Lhe momenL, Lhere are only Lwo phases ln Lhe pro[ecL (LxlsLlng and roposed), and Lhese properLles can be
asslgned Lo any geomeLry. uon'L worry abouL havlng a dlsLlncL uemollLlon phase, as demollLlon occurs durlng
elLher LxlsLlng or roposed.
V|ew hases
vlews have phases as well. 1hese phases allow you Lo fllLer vlews so LhaL you can lsolaLe geomeLry based on when
lL's creaLed, demollshed, or proposed. llgure 8-22 shows Lhe presenL vlew phase of Lhe hase fllLer.
llrsL of all, lL's lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL Lhe phase of Lhe vlew ls Lhe same phase LhaL wlll be asslgned Lo Lhe
geomeLry LhaL you creaLe ln LhaL vlew. So lf vlew hase ls seL Lo LxlsLlng, Lhe geomeLry wlll be consldered exlsLlng,
lf vlew hase ls seL Lo roposed, Lhe geomeLry wlll be glven Lhe roposed phase. 8uL don'L worry lf you geL Lhls
wrong or need Lo change a phase properLy laLer-Lhls properLy ls easlly modlfled.
I|gure 8-22: vlew phases
Second, Lhere are a number of hase fllLers deflned ln a 8evlL LemplaLe (llgure 8-23), and we won'L need Lo
cover Lhem all now. 8uL we do wanL Lo polnL ouL whaL Lhe varlous phases do.
I|gure 8-23: hase fllLers
AL Lhe momenL, hase ls seL Lo roposed and hase lllLer ls seL Lo Show All, so boLh exlsLlng and proposed
elemenLs are belng shown. LeL's see how you can easlly lsolaLe Lhe geomeLry from elLher phase.
llgure 8-24 shows whaL ls vlslble lf you seL hase lllLer Lo Show revlous hase. Slnce Lhe phase of Lhe currenL
vlew ls roposed, Lhe prevlous phase shows exlsLlng elemenLs.
I|gure 8-24: ?ou'll see Lhls lf hase lllLer ls seL Lo Show revlous hase.
now selecL Show new. now only Lhe new, or proposed, elemenLs are shown, as you can see ln llgure 8-23.
lf you choose revlous + new, Lhe exlsLlng and proposed elemenLs wlll be shown (llgure 8-26).
I|gure 8-2S: hase lllLer seL Lo Show new
I|gure 8-26: CeomeLry phases
now seL Lhe vlew back Lo Show All for Lhe remalnlng exerclses.
Demo||t|on and roposed L|ements
As parL of Lhls scenarlo, we're golng Lo Lurn Lhese Lwo separaLe LenanL spaces lnLo a slngle space. We'll do so by
demollshlng a few elemenLs and addlng proposed elemenLs.
SLarL by selecLlng Lhe Manage Lab and cllcklng Lhe uemollsh Lool ln Lhe haslng panel (llgure 8-27). now you
can demollsh a few elemenLs.
I|gure 8-27: uemollLlon Lool
nexL, selecL Lhe Lwo doors and walls shown ln llgure 8-28. noLlce as you selecL Lhe elemenLs for demollLlon
Lhey're glven a dashed represenLaLlon ln plan (a common graphlc convenLlon Lo lndlcaLe demollLlon).
I|gure 8-28: uemollshed elemenLs
lf you look aL Lhe vlew ln 3u, Lhe demollshed walls are lndlcaLed by a red color. And lf you look closely, you'll
noLlce LhaL 8evlL has replaced Lhe demollshed door wlLh a new wall (llgure 8-29).
I|gure 8-29: uemollshed vlew ln 3u
now you need Lo reconflgure Lhls offlce Lo accommodaLe passage Lo Lhe oLher space. SLarL by movlng Lhe
furnlLure group Lo Lhe rlghL and add a new wall and door Lo compleLe Lhe revlsed offlce space (llgure 8-30). 8e
sure LhaL Lhe new walls have a helghL of 10' Lo maLch Lhe exlsLlng walls.
I|gure 8-30: roposed elemenLs ln 2u
?ou'll noLlce LhaL 8evlL has auLomaLlcally demollshed Lhe porLlon of Lhe exlsLlng wall LhaL needs Lo
accommodaLe Lhe proposed door (llgure 8-31).
I|gure 8-31: roposed elemenLs ln 3u
llnally, you need Lo use Lhe SpllL LlemenL Lool Lo spllL Lhe upper wall aL Lhe lnLersecLlon of Lhe new wall so you
can demollsh only a porLlon of Lhe exlsLlng wall (llgure 8-32).
I|gure 8-32: SpllL LlemenL Lool
SpllL Lhe wall aL Lhe locaLlon shown ln llgure 8-33.
I|gure 8-33: SpllLLlng Lhe wall
now demollsh Lhe Lwo lefL walls as shown ln llgure 8-34. noLe LhaL Lhe door (a hosLed elemenL) has been
auLomaLlcally demollshed as well. 1hls makes sense as Lhe door would noL be able Lo exlsL wlLhouL Lhe wall.
I|gure 8-34: uemollshlng Lhe walls
now spllL Lhe lower wall as shown ln llgure 8-33.
I|gure 8-3S: SpllLLlng Lhe lower wall
When uslng Lhe phaslng Lools, you'll ofLen have Lo clean up wall condlLlons beLween Lhe lnLersecLlon of exlsLlng
walls LhaL remaln and Lhelr demollshed walls. llrsL, selecL Lhe demollshed wall. ?ou'll noLlce LhaL blue nodes
lndlcaLe each endpolnL of Lhe wall. 8y defaulL, Lhe wall aLLempLs Lo auLomaLlcally [oln Lhe oLher walls.
1o modlfy Lhls condlLlon, rlghL-cllck on Lhe blue node and selecL ulsallow !oln from Lhe conLexL menu (llgure 8-
36). now you can drag Lhe wall away from Lhe undeslrable [olned condlLlon. Cnce you do Lhls Lhe remalnlng walls
wlll [oln properly.
8epeaL Lhe process for all Lhe lnLersecLlons marked ln llgure 8-37.
I|gure 8-36: SpllLLlng Lhe wall
I|gure 8-37: Cleanlng wall [olns
We Lhlnk lL's a good ldea Lo resolve wall [olns perlodlcally as you work, raLher Lhan puL Lhem off Lo do aL Lhe lasL
Comp|eted V|ews
now go back Lo your 3u vlew and leL's see whaL Lhe dlfferenL sLages of exlsLlng we need Lo compleLe look llke.
llrsL, seL hase Lo LxlsLlng and hase lllLer Lo Show new. 1haL way, you wlll see only Lhe exlsLlng elemenLs (before
any demollLlon or proposed furnlLure), as shown ln llgure 8-38.
I|gure 8-38: LxlsLlng phase
now seL hase Lo roposed and hase lllLer Lo Show revlous + uemo. none of Lhe proposed elemenLs are
shown, buL Lhe exlsLlng elemenLs are dlsplayed along wlLh Lhe elemenLs LhaL wlll be demollshed (llgure 8-39).
now seL hase lllLer Lo Show CompleLe. 1he exlsLlng walls remaln along wlLh Lhe newly proposed elemenLs
(llgure 8-40).
I|gure 8-39: LxlsLlng and demollLlon shown
I|gure 8-40: Show CompleLe fllLer
Chapter 8
#ooms and Color ,ill Plans
1he ablllLy Lo add spaces Lo rooms has Lerrlflc lmpllcaLlons. keeplng room names and areas coordlnaLed frees
hours of manual efforL for more producLlve and meanlngful deslgn-relaLed Lasks. Cnce rooms are Lagged, you'll be
able Lo creaLe coordlnaLed color flll plans LhaL auLomaLlcally reflecL Lhe daLa ln Lhe room's space. Any changes Lo
Lhe space are lmmedlaLely reflecLed LhroughouL Lhe enLlre 8evlL pro[ecL.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
1agglng spaces wlLh room Lags
CreaLlng room keys
CeneraLlng color flll room plans
1agg|ng Spaces w|th koom 1ags
SLarL by openlng Lhe 8evlL flle LhaL you compleLed aL Lhe end of ChapLer 8, Croups and haslng." lf you haven'L
yeL compleLed Lhe chapLer, you can go Lo Lhe book's web page and download Lhe 8evlL flle
c09_Rooms_and_Color_Fills_Start.rvt. llgure 9-1 shows a vlew of Lhe Level 1 floor plan when you open Lhe
flle. SeL Lhe scale Lo 1/4r = 1'-0r [1:30].
I|gure 9-1: Level 1 floor plan
When you've flnlshed Lhe exerclses ln Lhls chapLer, you can lnspecL Lhe flle ln lLs flnlshed sLaLe on Lhe book's
web page aL]go]rev|t2012essent|a|s. uownload Lhe flle LlLled
koom 1ags
8ooms and room Lags are Lwo dlfferenL Lhlngs and Lhe dlsLlncLlon ls lmporLanL. 1he room ls Lhe spaLlal ob[ecL LhaL
conLalns all Lhe meLadaLa abouL Lhe space. 1he Lag merely reporLs Lhose values. ln many cases you can edlL Lhe Lag
and Lhe room values wlll updaLe (and vlce versa). 8uL whereas deleLlng Lhe room wlll deleLe Lhe Lag, Lhe opposlLe
ls noL Lrue. ?ou can deleLe a Lag, and Lhe room wlll remaln. 1hls makes sense, as Lhe room wlll noL be Lagged ln all
1o add a room Lo your pro[ecL, selecL 8oom Lool on Lhe 8oom & Area paleLLe of Lhe Pome Lab. 1wo opLlons are
avallable: 8oom and 8oom SeparaLlon Llne. SelecL Lhe 8oom opLlon.
now Lhe conLexL menu LhaL leLs you modlfy and place rooms becomes avallable. As you hover over enclosed
spaces, Lhe room boundary wlll hlghllghL, lndlcaLlng Lhe space you're abouL Lo Lag (llgure 9-2). ?ou don'L have Lo
Lag rooms as you place Lhem, buL by defaulL Lhls opLlon ls selecLed.
I|gure 9-2: Addlng a room and room Lag
1he Lag LhaL has been selecLed only lndlcaLes Lhe room name and number (llgure 9-3), buL more opLlons are
avallable. lf you selecL Lhe room Lag and pull down Lhe roperLles menu for Lhe Lag, you'll see LhaL Lhe same Lag
conLalns several parameLers.
I|gure 9-3: 8oom Lag
SelecL Lhe 8oom 1ag WlLh Area opLlon. Cnce Lhe opLlon ls selecLed, Lhe room Lag wlll show Lhe area based on
your pro[ecL unlLs (llgure 9-4). ln Lhls case, Lhe room ls 274 square feeL. 1hls feaLure ls lncredlbly helpful lf you
wanL Lo creaLe rooms as your deslgn develops LhaL allow you Lo consLanLly conflrm LhaL your deslgn program
parameLers are belng malnLalned.
I|gure 9-4: 8oom 1ag WlLh Area
SelecL Lhe room and Lhe properLles for Lhe space wlll dlsplay ln Lhe roperLles alleL. ?ou can qulckly and easlly
modlfy boLh Lhe room number and name here (llgure 9-3).
I|gure 9-S: Changlng Lhe room number and name
koom 8oundar|es
now leL's see whaL happens lf you move a wall LhaL deflnes Lhls space. SelecL Lhe wall aL Lhe rlghL as shown ln
llgure 9-6 and move lL 2' [600 mm]. 1he momenL LhaL you release Lhe wall, Lhe space updaLes wlLh Lhe new
lnformaLlon, whlch ls lmmedlaLely reporLed by Lhe room Lag (llgure 9-7).
I|gure 9-6: Movlng Lhe wall
I|gure 9-7: updaLed room space and Lag
LeL's conLlnue Lo add spaces and Lags as shown ln llgure 9-8.
I|gure 9-8: Addlng rooms and Lags
koom Separat|on L|nes
As you sLarL Lo add a Lag Lo Lhe large, cenLral open space, lL's obvlous LhaL lL wlll be Lagged as a slngle room (llgure
9-9). 8uL ln many cases, open spaces need Lo be Lagged ln smaller areas. ?ou don'L wanL Lo add walls Lo help you
carve Lhe large space lnLo smaller areas, and forLunaLely Lhere's a beLLer opLlon.
1o break Lhe large space lnLo smaller areas, reLurn Lo Lhe 8oom Lool and selecL 8oom SeparaLlon Llne. 1hese are
model llnes, and Lhey'll show up ln 3u vlews. 1he greaL Lhlng abouL Lhem ls Lhey'll allow you Lo creaLe spaces
wlLhouL uslng geomeLry.
8y defaulL, Lhese llnes are Lhln and black, whlch ls flne. 8uL we wanL Lo glve you a hlnL on how Lo dlsLlngulsh
Lhese llnes from oLher elemenLs. As greaL as 8evlL ls as a W?SlW?C envlronmenL, someLlmes lL can be confuslng Lo
see all black llnes and geomeLry. We'll help clarlfy Lhls now.
SelecL Llne SLyles from Lhe AddlLlonal SeLLlngs panel of Lhe Manage Lab. 1he dlalog ln llgure 9-10 wlll open.
?ou wanL Lo edlL Lhe defaulL values for Lhe <8oom SeparaLlon> llnes. ln Lhls case, you're maklng Lhem wlder, blue,
and wlLh a very flne doLLed paLLern.
AfLer you compleLe Lhe changes, skeLch Lhe llnes as shown ln llgure 9-11. 1hen add rooms and room Lags Lo
Lhe spaces as shown ln Lhe flgure.
I|gure 9-9: 1agglng a large space
I|gure 9-10: LdlLlng room separaLlon llne properLles
I|gure 9-11: Addlng room separaLlon llnes
Creat|ng koom keys
?ou could cerLalnly conLlnue edlLlng all Lhe room names manually (and Lhls ls regularly done durlng early deslgn).
8uL ln many cases-and parLlcularly on larger pro[ecLs-Lhe program ls very speclflc abouL room names and oLher
values glven Lo spaces. AnoLher facLor ls LhaL rooms are ofLen ldenLlcally and repeaLedly named. lf mulLlple room
names need Lo be edlLed, Lhls can be a Llme-consumlng and Ledlous process.
A beLLer opLlon ls Lo qulckly creaLe a room key. 1hls key wlll conLaln all Lhe values for Lhe rooms ln your room
program. 1he key value ls Lhen assoclaLed Lo one or many rooms. And ln Lhe evenL of a change, you only need Lo
edlL Lhe value ln Lhe key, and all Lhe rooms updaLe lnsLanLly.
1o creaLe a room key, sLarL by creaLlng a schedule. 1he Schedules menu ls accessed from Lhe CreaLe panel of
Lhe vlew Lab.
1he nexL sLep ls parLlcularly lmporLanL. lrom Lhe new Schedule menu, selecL Schedule keys as Lhe opLlon (noL
Schedule 8ulldlng ComponenLs). 1hen name Lhe schedule as shown ln llgure 9-12.
I|gure 9-12: CreaLlng a schedule key
1he key name fleld ls already selecLed by defaulL. 1he only oLher fleld you wanL Lo add ls name, whlch wlll
conLaln Lhe name of Lhe room ln Lhe key (llgure 9-13). When you flnlsh Lhe dlalog by cllcklng Ck, noLhlng wlll
schedule and you'll have no llne lLems. 1hls ls because you dldn'L creaLe a schedule, you creaLed a schedule key.
?ou'll add Lhe key flelds ln Lhe nexL sLep.
I|gure 9-13: Addlng flelds Lo Lhe room key
Creat|ng key I|e|ds
lrom Lhe 8ows panel on Lhe conLexL menu, selecL Lhe new opLlon. now you can add rows Lo your schedule key.
Add a LoLal of slx rows.
AL Lhls polnL, you can edlL Lhe flelds ln Lhe schedule key as shown ln llgure 9-14. 1he key descrlpLlon wlll noL
show up ln your room Lag. (PlnL: use a real-world descrlpLlon LhaL helps Lhe deslgn Leam undersLand Lhe conLexL
of Lhe Lag beyond a one-word name.) llnally, add numbers Lo Lhe preflx of Lhe key descrlpLlons as an orderlng
I|gure 9-14: 8oom name key
now go back Lo Lhe lloor plan vlew of Level 1, selecL Lhe room, and asslgn a key value from Lhe 8oom SLyle
drop-down. ?ou'll see someLhlng llke llgure 9-13.
I|gure 9-1S: Asslgnlng a key value Lo Lhe room
Mod|fy|ng key I|e|ds
When you pull down a menu on Lhe Schedule Lab, all of Lhe key values become avallable (llgure 9-16). 1hls helps
remove doubLs LhaL come wlLh namlng all rooms manually (where spelllng and synLax errors can lead Lo
unexpecLed problems).
I|gure 9-16: key values from Lhe 8oom SLyle drop-down menu
1he greaL Lhlng abouL Lhls ls LhaL lf Lhe room names need Lo change, you only need change Lhem ln one
locaLlon-Lhe room key. ln llgure 9-17, we've changed Lhe name flelds for Cfflce 1 and Cfflce 2. 1hls change ls
lmmedlaLely reflecLed LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL.
I|gure 9-17: updaLlng Lhe room key
Generat|ng Co|or I||| koom |ans
CreaLlng color flll plans ln 8evlL ls easy Lo do and once agaln, color flll plans consLanLly updaLe as exlsLlng
lnformaLlon ls modlfled or new lnformaLlon ls added. 1hls allows you Lo focus on communlcaLlng raLher Lhan
coordlnaLlng your deslgn lnformaLlon-as lf resolvlng your deslgn lsn'L already hard enough!
Add|ng a Co|or Legend
1o creaLe a color flll plan, selecL Lhe 8oom And Area panel of Lhe Pome Lab, and Lhen selecL Lhe Legend Lool. lace
Lhe sLarL locaLlon for Lhe legend as shown ln llgure 9-18. ?ou'll Lhen be shown a dlalog LhaL allows you Lo selecL
Lhe space Lype and color scheme. ln Lhls case you're creaLlng a 8oom Lype wlLh a color scheme based on Lhe name
of Lhe space.
I|gure 9-18: ueflnlng Lhe space Lype and color
keep ln mlnd LhaL Lhese values don'L have Lo exacLly correspond. lor example, you could show room names ln
Lhe Lag, whlle Lhe color flll lllusLraLed Lhe deparLmenL or oLher value of Lhe space ln Lhe flll plan.
Cnce Lhese values are deflned, Lhe color flll ls auLomaLlcally generaLed. And by defaulL, only Lhe values ln Lhe
vlew are lndlcaLed. lor example, lf you had many more room sLyles ln Lhe pro[ecL buL noL ln Lhe vlew, Lhls could
geL confuslng. 1he defaulL parameLer ls Lo only creaLe colors for values LhaL are shown (llgure 9-19).
I|gure 9-19: updaLlng Lhe room Legend
1o edlL Lhe defaulL color asslgnmenLs, selecL Lhe color flll legend ln Lhe plan vlew. ?ou'll Lhen be able Lo selecL
Lhe LdlL Scheme Lool from Lhe Scheme panel ln Lhe conLexL menu.
SelecLlng Lhe LdlL Scheme Lool opens Lhe LdlL Color Scheme dlalog. All Lhe values are avallable for edlLlng
(llgure 9-20). ?ou can edlL Lhe color as well as Lhe flll paLLern. uolng so ls helpful lf you wanL Lo creaLe an analyLlc
flll paLLern for a black and whlLe or grayscale prlnL.
I|gure 9-20: LdlL Color Scheme dlalog
Mod|fy|ng Co|or Legends
LeL's edlL Lhe color of Lhe ClrculaLlon flll. SelecL Lhe Color fleld and anoLher dlalog wlll open. Modlfy Lhe values Lo 8
233, C 128, and 8 128. When you compleLe Lhe changes, 8evlL auLomaLlcally updaLes Lhe flll color Lo reflecL your
changes (llgure 9-21).
I|gure 9-21: 8esulLlng color flll
As you can Lell, 8evlL creaLed a color flll ln Lhe pro[ecL vlew based on all Lhe room names LhaL were asslgned Lo
LhaL vlew. So whaL would happen lf you creaLed a new room? Well, leL's flnd ouL.
SLarL by modlfylng Lhe room key as shown ln llgure 9-22. ln Lhls scenarlo, you're addlng a new sLyle Lo
accommodaLe a dlrecLor's offlce. !usL add anoLher fleld Lo Lhe key and Lhen edlL as shown.
I|gure 9-22: Addlng a new key value
now LhaL Lhe room key has been added Lo Lhe pro[ecL, leL's assoclaLe lL Lo one of Lhe rooms. uo so by selecLlng
Lhe room for MeeLlng 2 and reasslgnlng Lhls space Lo Lhe newly creaLed Cfflce 3 key. lmmedlaLely Lhe color flll
modlfled on Lhe floor plan and Lhe new value are added Lo Lhe exlsLlng color flll legend (llgure 9-23).
I|gure 9-23: updaLed color flll and legend
now leL's experlmenL by movlng a wall on Lhe floor plan. AL Lhe momenL Lhls hallway ls 6'-6r [2m] wlde (wall
cenLer Lo wall cenLer), as shown ln llgure 9-24. LeL's change Lhls value Lo 3'-0r[1.3m]. ?ou can do so easlly by
selecLlng Lhe hlghllghLed, Lemporary dlmenslon and changlng Lhe value Lo 3, whlch equals 3'-0r [1.3m].
I|gure 9-24: Changlng Lhe value
1he room Lags lmmedlaLely updaLe Lo reflecL Lhelr new area and Lhe color fllls updaLe Lo reflecL Lhelr new
boundary condlLlon (llgure 9-23).
LeL's Lake Lhls exerclse one sLep furLher. 8oom lnformaLlon ln secLlon ls lncredlbly helpful for communlcaLlng
your deslgn lnLenL.
I|gure 9-2S: updaLed color flll
Add|ng 1ags and I||| Co|ors |n Sect|on
We'll sLarL by creaLlng a secLlon across Lhe pro[ecL plan vlew (llgure 9-26). 1hen double-cllck Lhe secLlon head Lo
open Lhe new vlew.
I|gure 9-26: CreaLlng Lhe bulldlng secLlon
llgure 9-27 lllusLraLes Lhe new bulldlng secLlon. Whlle all Lhe geomeLry ls shown correcLly, lL would cerLalnly
help Lo Lag Lhe spaces wlLh Lhelr room names.
I|gure 9-27: 8esulLlng bulldlng secLlon
?ou have Lwo opLlons Lo Lag Lhe room spaces. lf you selecL 8oom 1ag, you'll be able Lo place each Lag manually.
1hls approach ls flne for a small pro[ecL, buL on a larger pro[ecL lL would Lake a conslderable amounL of Llme.
lor Lhls exerclse, leL's selecL 1ag All noL 1agged. SelecLlng Lhls opLlon wlll open allow you Lo Lag numerous
elemenL caLegorles ln a vlew all aL once. 8uL you only need Lo Lag rooms. SelecL Lhe 8oom 1ags caLegory as shown
ln llgure 9-28. 1hen cllck Ck.
lmmedlaLely Lhe vlew ls populaLed wlLh room Lags (llgure 9-29). keep ln mlnd LhaL 8evlL wlll cenLer Lhe Lags ln
Lhe room, so you wlll need Lo move Lhelr locaLlon sllghLly lf Lhe Lag ls overlapplng geomeLry and unclear.
So whaL abouL color fllls? Well, leL's flnd ouL. SelecL Lhe Legend Lool and place Lhe legend ln Lhe secLlon vlew.
1he rooms are lmmedlaLely fllled wlLh Lhe same paLLern and color ln secLlon as Lhe color flll ln plan (alLhough Lhls
doesn'L have Lo be Lhe case), as shown ln llgure 9-30. Agaln, Lhere's no reason Lhe flll ln secLlon couldn'L descrlbe
ueparLmenL or oLher values, whlle Lhe room Lags dlsplayed Lhe room name.
I|gure 9-28: Addlng room Lags Lo Lhe secLlon vlew
Chapter &:
undersLandlng mulLluser workflow ls essenLlal Lo compleLlng your plloL pro[ecL ln 8evlL. 1here's plenLy of work Lo
go around beLween Lhe deslgn, developmenL, and evenLual documenLaLlon of a bulldlng pro[ecL.
lf you've never used 8evlL before, whaL you're probably used Lo ls CAu. MulLluser workflow ln CAu ls a very
dlfferenL anlmal, so you may need Lo suspend your expecLaLlons of whaL lL'll be llke ln 8evlL.
Whereas CAu pro[ecLs are Lyplcally dlvlded along Lhe llnes abouL whaL needs Lo be drawn (plan, secLlon,
elevaLlon aL varlous levels of deLall), 8evlL envelops you ln Lhe enLlre process. 2u, 3u, schedules, and so on are ln a
slngle daLabase walLlng for Lhe lnpuL and dlrecLlon of your Leam.
1he greaL Lhlng ls LhaL Lhls ls a far more eleganL and efflclenL process Lhan manually managlng 2u flles (whlch
only one person can work on aL a Llme). lf anyLhlng, expecL a large CAu-based pro[ecL LhaL would requlre 3-6 sLaff
worklng ln CAu Lo requlre abouL half LhaL number worklng ln 8evlL.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
Lnabllng worksharlng
CreaLlng cenLral and local flles
Addlng workseLs
Asslgnlng elemenLs Lo workseLs
Savlng Lo Lhe cenLral flle
CreaLlng new elemenLs
uslng workseL dlsplay fllLers
uslng worksharlng Lo work wlLh consulLanLs
uslng guldellnes for worksharlng
Lnab||ng Workshar|ng
1he flrsL Lhlng LhaL you'll need Lo do ls open Lhe flle from Lhe end of ChapLer 9, 8ooms and Color llll lans." lf you
don'L have Lhe flle, go Lo Lhe book's web page aL]go]rev|t2012essent|a|s and download
Sav|ng the I||e
We'd sLrongly suggesL LhaL before you enable worksharlng, you creaLe a new copy of Lhe flle ln order Lo back up
your old work. lor example, you may have been dolng some schemaLlc deslgn plannlng ln 8evlL and now lL's Llme
Lo add more people Lo Lhe pro[ecL ln order Lo meeL a deadllne. CreaLlng a copy of your old flle (before enabllng
worksharlng) ls [usL good pracLlce ln case you need Lo reLurn Lo your prevlous work.
ln Lhls case, we're preparlng for Lhls flle Lo be Lhe cenLral flle by namlng lL c10_Worksharing_Central.rvt
(llgure 10-1).
I|gure 10-1: Savlng a copy of Lhe flle
Cnce Lhe flle ls open, go Lo Lhe CollaboraLe Lab. 1he Lool Lo enable and access workseLs ls on Lhe WorkseLs
paleLLe of Lhe CollaboraLe Lab.
When you selecL Lhe WorkseLs Lool, Lhe followlng dlalog box appears Lelllng you Lhree lmporLanL Lhlngs:
Worksharlng can'L be undone (aren'L you glad you saved a copy?).
uaLum ls movlng Lo a workseL called Shared Levels and Crlds.
ro[ecL conLenL LhaL ls noL vlew speclflc (geomeLry and rooms) ls all belng asslgned Lo WorkseL1.
All of Lhls ls flne and wlll allow you Lo enable worksharlng. Cllck Ck Lo conLlnue (llgure 10-2).
I|gure 10-2: 1he lnlLlal worksharlng dlalog box
nexL Lhe dlalog box shown ln llgure 10-3 wlll dlsplay. ?our workseL username wlll appear ln Lhe Cwner fleld. AL
presenL, you own everyLhlng ln Lhe pro[ecL. no one else can work on Lhe pro[ecL wlLhouL your permlsslon.
I|gure 10-3: WorkseLs dlalog box
Creat|ng Centra| and Loca| I||es
lf Lhls were a real pro[ecL, you would llkely wanL Lo save Lhe cenLral flle on a local server so LhaL your oLher Leam
members can have access Lo Lhe flle. 1hey're noL golng Lo work dlrecLly ln Lhe cenLral flle, buL Lhey'll need Lo have
access Lo lL ln order Lo make Lhelr own local coples, and so LhaL Lhose local coples can communlcaLe Lo Lhe cenLral
flle from a cenLral locaLlon.
Creat|ng the Centra| I||e
lL's a good ldea Lo save Lhe pro[ecL, whlch wlll esLabllsh lL as Lhe cenLral flle (llgure 10-4). SelecL Lhe deslred
locaLlon for Lhe cenLral flle. 8e aware LhaL you can'L [usL move lL afLer Lhe facL. lL's a blL more compllcaLed, because
movlng a cenLral flle wlll creaLe a local copy. We don'L wanL Lo geL lnLo all Lhe deLalls now-[usL know LhaL you
wanL Lo save Lhe flle ln Lhe deslred locaLlon.
now close Lhe cenLral flle and leL's creaLe our local copy.
I|gure 10-4: Savlng Lhe cenLral flle
Creat|ng the Loca| I||e
When you work ln 8evlL wlLh worksharlng enabled, lL's unllkely LhaL you'll be worklng ln Lhe cenLral flle. 8aLher,
you wlll work on your own local copy of Lhe cenLral flle, as wlll everyone else. 1hese local coples are consLanLly
communlcaLlng and synclng Lo Lhe cenLral flle ln order Lo avold confllcLs.
Cllck Cpen ln 8evlL and browse Lo your cenLral flle. SelecL lL once buL don'L double-cllck. As you can see ln
llgure 10-3, ensure LhaL Lhe CreaLe new Local opLlon ls selecLed. SelecLlng Lhls opLlon wlll noL open Lhe cenLral flle
buL raLher creaLe a copy of Lhe cenLral flle.
I|gure 10-S: CreaLlng Lhe local copy
8y defaulL, your local copy ls placed ln your Documents folder wlLh a sufflx based on your username ln 8evlL.
ln Lhls auLhor's case, Lhe username ls hll. So Lhe local flle has been saved ln Lhe Documents folder as
c10_Worksharing_Central_Phil.rvt (llgure 10-6).
I|gure 10-6: Savlng Lhe local copy
now LhaL Lhe local flle has been creaLed, we're ready Lo creaLe some user-deflned workseLs and Lhen asslgn
geomeLry Lo Lhose workseLs. 1heoreLlcally, oLher users could also sLarL Lo access Lhe cenLral flle and make Lhelr
own local coples. 8uL ln pracLlce, Lhey'll probably walL unLll Lhe user-deflned workseLs are creaLed and Lhe
geomeLry has been properly asslgned.
Add|ng Worksets
Cpen Lhe WorkseLs dlalog box by uslng Lhe same WorkseL Lool we used Lo acLlvaLe worksharlng prevlously. Cllck
new and Lhen creaLe Lhree addlLlonal workseLs, as shown ln llgure 10-7. keep ln mlnd LhaL workseLs are noL
layers" and a loL of granularlLy lsn'L requlred. 8aslcally workseLs are for broad collecLlons of ob[ecLs based on Lhelr
relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe pro[ecL.
1he pro[ecL LhaL we're uslng for Lhls exerclse ls falrly modesL. lnLerlor, exLerlor, and core workseLs are sufflclenL.
lf Lhls were a mulLlsLory pro[ecL, you would llkely creaLe lnLerlor workseLs for each bulldlng level, as well as anoLher
workseL for Lhe roof and roof-relaLed elemenLs (such as equlpmenL and skyllghLs). Cnce you've creaLed Lhe
workseLs, cllck Ck.
I|gure 10-7: CreaLlng addlLlonal workseLs
now leL's open Lhe vlslblllLy/Craphlc Cverrldes dlalog box for Lhe vlew (press VG on Lhe keyboard). As you can
see ln llgure 10-8, Lhere's an addlLlonal Lab for workseLs. 1hls Lab dldn'L exlsL before worksharlng was enabled.
1hls Lab allows you Lo Lurn off elemenLs based on Lhelr workseL asslgnmenL.
I|gure 10-8: 1he WorkseLs Lab
Workset V|s|b|||ty
?ou're abouL Lo begln asslgnlng porLlons of Lhe pro[ecL Lo your user-deflned workseLs. As you do Lhls, you wanL Lo
be able Lo clear Lhe vlew of elemenLs LhaL have already been asslgned Lo one of your newly creaLed workseLs.
8aslcally, you wanL Lo work subLracLlvely" by removlng elemenLs.
1o do Lhls, seL Lhe vlslblllLy SeLLlng column for Lhe acLlve vlew Lo Plde, as shown ln llgure 10-8. As geomeLry ls
asslgned Lo each of Lhose workseLs, lL wlll dlsappear from vlew and keep you from accldenLally selecLlng lL agaln.
8y Lhe way, don'L deleLe WorkseL1 from your pro[ecL. lL's a greaL place Lo puL conLenL when you're noL sure
whlch workseL someLhlng ls supposed Lo belong Lo. Also, we've encounLered many pro[ecLs LhaL mldsLream were
lnLroduced Lo sLaff who had mlnlmal 8evlL experlence. 8aLher Lhan have Lhem obsess over whlch workseL should
be acLlve as Lhey work, we Lold Lhem Lo puL all Lhelr work ln WorkseL1 and LhaL we'd move Lhlngs around laLer.
1hls also helped us lsolaLe and revlew Lhelr work.
now you can begln asslgnlng elemenLs Lo your user-deflned workseLs.
Ass|gn|ng L|ements to Worksets
Asslgnlng elemenLs Lo workseLs ls easlly done. !usL be sure of whaL you're selecLlng. ?ou wlll ofLen use Lhe lllLer
Lool and may work ln more Lhan one vlew. LxcepL for rooms, lL's ofLen easler Lo selecL elemenLs ln 3u vlews. 8uL
for Lhls exerclse, we'll keep lL slmple by worklng from Lhe 2u Level 1 floor plan vlew.
SLarL by selecLlng Lhe elemenLs shown ln llgure 10-9:-Lhe walls ln Lhe lower-lefL corner of Lhe plan.
I|gure 10-9: Asslgnlng user-deflned workseLs
Cn Lhe roperLles paleLLe you'll now see a fleld LhaL lndlcaLes Lhe workseL asslgnmenL. Change Lhls value from
WorkseL1 Lo Core. Cnce you do so, Lhe elemenLs asslgned Lo Lhe core workseL wlll no longer be vlslble ln Lhls vlew.
uon'L be alarmed! lf you'll recall from Lhe prevlous sLep, we Lurned off Lhe vlslblllLy for Lhls (and oLher) workseLs,
so Lhls should be expecLed.
now leL's selecL all Lhe lnLerlor elemenLs and move Lhem all Lo a new workseL raLher Lhan selecLlng one elemenL
aL a Llme. 1o selecL all Lhe elemenLs descrlbed, draw a selecLlon wlndow sLarLlng aL Lhe lower rlghL Lo Lhe upper
lefL lnslde Lhe exLerlor walls. Wlndowlng from Lhls dlrecLlon wlll lnclude every elemenL you've crossed or lncluded
wlLhln Lhe wlndow you drew. Should you have wlndowed lefL Lo rlghL, lL would have selecLed only Lhe elemenLs
LhaL were fully conLalned wlLhln Lhe selecLlon box.
All of Lhe selecLed elemenLs can'L be asslgned Lo user-deflned workseLs, so you'll need Lo use Lhe lllLer Lool Lo
deselecL some of Lhe elemenLs you've selecLed. Cllck Lhe lllLer Lool from Lhe Modlfy menu. ln Lhe lllLer dlalog box,
deselecL 8oom 1ags and vlews, as shown ln llgure 10-10.
I|gure 10-10: ueselecLlng elemenLs wlLh Lhe lllLer Lool
now asslgn Lhese elemenLs Lo Lhe lnLerlor workseL. Cnce agaln, don'L be alarmed when Lhose elemenLs seem Lo
lor Lhe flnal selecLlon, selecL all Lhe remalnlng walls LhaL are vlslble ln Lhe vlew and Lhen selecL Lhe lllLer Lool
agaln. 1hls Llme, only selecL Walls ln Lhe CaLegory llsL (llgure 10-11). LlemenLs llke curLaln panels, grlds, and
mulllons auLomaLlcally belong Lo Lhelr parenL workseL of walls.
now all Lhe geomeLry and rooms wlll noL be vlslble ln your pro[ecL. So open Lhe vlslblllLy/Craphlc Cverrldes
dlalog box for Lhe vlew and reseL Lhe vlslblllLy seLLlngs as shown ln llgure 10-12. All Lhe elemenLs wlll once agaln
be vlslble ln your vlew. AL Lhls polnL, you can save your pro[ecL and synchronlze lL wlLh Lhe cenLral flle.
I|gure 10-11: lsolaLlng walls wlLh Lhe lllLer Lool
I|gure 10-12: 8eseLLlng Lhe vlslblllLy seLLlngs
Sav|ng to the Centra| I||e
When you wanL Lo save your work Lo Lhe cenLral flle, Lhere are a number of opLlons Lo flL your workflow. Cn Lhe
Synchronlze panel of Lhe CollaboraLe Lab, you can cllck Synchronlze WlLh CenLral Lo see Lhe flrsL Lwo ways Lo save:
Synchronlze And Modlfy SeLLlngs and Synchronlze now.
Synchronlze And Modlfy SeLLlngs ls a more expllclL process by way of Lhe dlalog box shown ln llgure 10-13,
whlch glves you opLlons Lo rellnqulsh workseLs, compacL Lhe cenLral flle, and save your local flle afLer Lhe sync wlLh
Lhe cenLral flle ls compleLe.
I|gure 10-13: Synchronlze And Modlfy SeLLlngs
1he Synchronlze now opLlon ls probably Lhe more frequenLly used opLlon. Conslder creaLlng a keyboard
shorLcuL so you don'L have Lo reLurn Lo Lhls Lab as you work and wanL Lo save Lo CenLral. 1hls opLlon wlll save your
local copy and sync wlLh Lhe cenLral flle as well as updaLe your flle wlLh any changes from Lhe cenLral flle. Any
borrowed elemenLs are also rellnqulshed. 8uL lf you have any workseL checked ouL or edlLable, lL's noL checked
back ln. lL wlll sLlll be edlLable by you.
1he 8eload LaLesL opLlon allows you Lo reload Lhe laLesL verslon of Lhe cenLral flle ln your local pro[ecL.
Powever, lL doesn'L publlsh any of your work ln Lhe cenLral flle.
llnally, Lhe 8ellnqulsh All Mlne opLlon allows you Lo check back ln elemenLs LhaL you may have borrowed buL
noL changed. lf you've made changes, you elLher have Lo sync Lhem wlLh Lhe cenLral flle or dlscard Lhe changes
wlLhouL savlng. ?ou cannoL rellnqulsh elemenLs ln a flle LhaL has been modlfled.
So whaL do you do lf you've made changes LhaL you wanL Lo geL rld of? 1he only way Lo do Lhls ls Lo close Lhe
flle and selecL Lhe uo noL Save 1he ro[ecL opLlon (llgure 10-14). 1hls wlll close Lhe pro[ecL wlLhouL savlng your
work or synclng wlLh Lhe cenLral flle.
I|gure 10-14: Closlng Lhe flle wlLhouL savlng changes
lf you selecL Lhls opLlon, 8evlL wlll ask you whaL Lo do wlLh Lhe elemenLs LhaL you've borrowed or workseLs LhaL
you have enabled (llgure 10-13). lf you rellnqulsh Lhe elemenLs and workseLs, oLher people wlll be able Lo modlfy
Lhem ln Lhelr local flles. lf you keep ownershlp, Lhe changes you've made wlll be losL, buL you'll sLlll have Lhe
elemenLs and workseLs enabled.
I|gure 10-1S: 8ellnqulshlng elemenLs and workseLs
When you have no elemenLs or workseLs enabled ln a pro[ecL, you can conflrm Lhls by openlng Lhe WorkseLs
dlalog box ln llgure 10-16.
LeL's conLlnue by addlng new elemenLs Lo our local flle.
I|gure 10-16: 8ellnqulshed elemenLs and workseLs
Creat|ng New L|ements
When worksharlng ls enabled, you'll wanL Lo make sure LhaL any new geomeLry or rooms you're addlng are belng
asslgned Lo Lhe rlghL workseL. ?ou're golng Lo add some new furnlLure Lo Lhe pro[ecL, so you'll wanL Lo make Lhe
lnLerlor workseL acLlve.
llrsL leL's copy a group of furnlLure from room 103 Lo room 103, as shown ln llgure 10-17. Slnce Lhe acLlve
workseL ls lnLerlor, Lhe elemenLs ln Lhe group are asslgned Lo Lhls workseL.
I|gure 10-17: Copylng a group
lL's noL posslble Lo have elemenLs ln a workseL asslgned Lo a dlfferenL workseL as Lhe group. 8evlL auLomaLlcally
asslgns Lhe elemenLs wlLhln a workseL Lo Lhe same workseL as Lhe group.
now leL's dupllcaLe an exlsLlng componenL and creaLe a new Lype, and Lhen use Lhls new Lype ln our pro[ecL.
SLarL by dupllcaLlng Lhe Lable. ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser, rlghL-cllck 72r30r [180cm73cm] and choose uupllcaLe
from Lhe conLexL menu (llgure 10-18).
I|gure 10-18: uupllcaLlng an exlsLlng Lype
nexL, modlfy Lhe dupllcaLed Lable. SelecL Lhe Lable agaln ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser, rlghL-cllck, and choose 1ype
8ename Lhe Lype Lo 144rx 48r[3S0cm x 120cm] uslng Lhe 8ename buLLon. nexL, modlfy Lhe dlmenslonal
parameLers as shown ln llgure 10-19, changlng Lhe PelghL, LengLh, and WldLh values. 1hls wlll creaLe a
slgnlflcanLly larger Lable for use ln our conference rooms. Cllck Ck Lo flnlsh edlLlng Lhe famlly.
I|gure 10-19: Modlfylng Lhe Lype parameLers
now you can place a new lnsLance of Lhe Lable ln our pro[ecL (llgure 10-20). Agaln, slnce lnLerlor ls Lhe acLlve
workseL, Lhe Lable has been asslgned accordlngly. lace chalrs around Lhe Lable, as shown ln llgure 10-21.
I|gure 10-20: Addlng Lhe Lable Lo Lhe pro[ecL
I|gure 10-21: Addlng chalrs Lo Lhe Lable
1hls grouplng of furnlLure wlll be a useful addlLlon Lo oLher meeLlng spaces ln our pro[ecL. 8uL raLher Lhan copy
Lhem around as separaLe elemenLs, lL'll be more helpful Lo creaLe a group and Lhen copy Lhls group ln Lhe pro[ecL.
SelecL all Lhe elemenLs and Lhen selecL Lhe Croup Lool. name Lhe model group Large 1ab|e and Cha|rs. Cllck Ck.
noLe LhaL Lhe group has also been asslgned Lo Lhe acLlve workseL (llgure 10-22).
I|gure 10-22: WorkseL asslgnmenL for Lhe new group
Cpen|ng and C|os|ng Worksets
As you work on larger and larger pro[ecLs (of even very dense small pro[ecLs), workseLs are a greaL way Lo help you
lsolaLe and focus on whaL you're Lrylng Lo accompllsh. And whlle each vlew has lLs own vlslblllLy seLLlngs, when you
wanL Lo lsolaLe (or hlde) elemenLs LhroughouL your pro[ecL, workseLs offer helpful opLlons.
Cpen your WorkseLs dlalog box and you'll noLlce LhaL aL Lhe momenL all Lhe user-creaLed workseLs are seL Lo
Cpened. 1hls ls flne lf you need Lo see everyLhlng aL once. 8uL for larger pro[ecLs or ln cases where you wanL Lo
llmlL whaL you're seelng across all pro[ecL vlews, you can selecLlvely open and close workseLs. uo so now and cllck
Ck Lo close Lhe dlalog box.
1he resulLs are lmmedlaLe (llgure 10-23). Cnly Lhe lnLerlor workseL ls shown ln all your pro[ecL vlews (3u,
perspecLlve, plan, elevaLlon, secLlon, eLc.).
now LhaL you have a good undersLandlng of how Lo place elemenLs on an acLlve workseL as well as open and
close workseLs selecLlvely, leL's explore workseL dlsplay fllLers.
I|gure 10-23: lnLerlor workseL lsolaLed
Us|ng Workset D|sp|ay I||ters
WorkseL fllLers are new Lo 8evlL 2012 and are a greaL way for vlsually undersLandlng many Lhlngs abouL your
pro[ecL. 1o creaLe Lhls scenarlo, all Lhree auLhors are accesslng Lhls flle aL Lhe same Llme. 1here's a cenLral flle on
Lhe server and we're all worklng from our local coples.
lurLhermore, all of us have borrowed elemenLs ln Lhe cenLral flle. ln Lhe pasL, who had ownershlp of cerLaln
elemenLs was dlfflculL Lo see, and Lhls lssue ofLen creaLed workflow problems when borrowed elemenLs were
ln llgure 10-24, you can see ln Lhe WorkseLs dlalog box LhaL no workseLs are edlLable buL LhaL oLher users have
borrowed elemenLs.
I|gure 10-24: 8orrowed elemenLs ln Lhe WorkseLs dlalog box
now leL's look aL Lhe worksharlng dlsplay opLlons seLLlngs, whlch are avallable from Lhe lower porLlon of Lhe
8evlL pro[ecL wlndow . SelecL Lhe SeLLlngs opLlon.
llgure 10-23 lllusLraLes Lhe four seLs of seLLlngs avallable for worksharlng dlsplay ln our pro[ecL: Cwnershlp
SLaLus, lndlvldual Cwners, updaLes, and WorkseLs. noLlce LhaL Lhe seLLlngs are based on Lhe parLlcular parameLers
ln our pro[ecL (number of workseLs, acLlve users, and so forLh). LeL's make some of Lhese opLlons acLlve one aL a
Llme and vlew Lhe resulLs. SLarL wlLh Lhe Cwnershlp SLaLus Lab. Cwnershlp sLaLus helps you dlsLlngulsh beLween
elemenLs LhaL are owned by you, oLhers, or no one.
I|gure 10-2S: Cwnershlp SLaLus vlslblllLy
1o acLlvaLe any of Lhese seLLlngs, cllck Lhe lcon and choose one of Lhe menu lLems from Lhe llsL. uolng so wlll
Loggle your vlslblllLy seLLlngs and apply an orange border Lo Lhe vlew you're ln, alerLlng you LhaL you've engaged
Lhe seLLlngs. 1o Lurn Lhem back off, choose Lhe Worksharlng ulsplay Cff opLlon. lndlvldual owners wlll help you
vlsuallze exacLly whlch elemenLs belong Lo whlch users (llgure 10-26).
llnally, Lhe WorkseL AsslgnmenLs Lab helps you vlsuallze elemenLs based on Lhe workseL Lo whlch Lhey're
assoclaLed (llgure 10-27).
We're really glad Lhese worksharlng lmprovemenLs have made lL lnLo 8evlL!
I|gure 10-26: lndlvldual Cwners
I|gure 10-27: WorkseL vlslblllLy
Us|ng Workshar|ng to Work w|th Consu|tants
Cne of Lhe greaL beneflLs of worksharlng ls sharlng your work wlLh oLhers. So far, we've dlscussed how Lo do Lhls
wlLhln your Leam, buL whaL happens when you wanL Lo share wlLh a larger Leam-llke sLrucLural or ML
8evlL allows you Lo llnk ln oLher 8evlL flles whlch we covered earller ln Lhls book. 8uL once Lhose flles are loaded
lnLo your model, Lhere are some key Lools LhaL allow you some addlLlonal leverage over Lhe lnformaLlon you [usL
llnked so you can work more seamlessly wlLh your expanded Leam. 1hls ls called Lhe Copy/MonlLor Lool.
1he Copy/MonlLor command allows you Lo creaLe local coples of llnked elemenLs for beLLer graphlc conLrol of
Lhe elemenLs, whlle malnLalnlng an lnLelllgenL bond Lo Lhe llnked elemenLs.
WlLh Lhe pro[ecL flle saved from Lhe prevlous exerclse, swlLch Lo Lhe CollaboraLe Lab and selecL Copy/MonlLor r
SelecL Llnk. lck Lhe llnked archlLecLural model and Lhe rlbbon wlll change Lo Copy/MonlLor mode. Cllck Lhe
CpLlons lcon Lo open Lhe dlalog box shown ln llgure 10-28, noLe LhaL Lhe opLlons seen ln Lhe Copy/MonlLor Lool ln
8evlL ArchlLecLure are sllghLly dlfferenL from Lhose ln Lhe SLrucLure and ML producLs. lor Lhe purpose of Lhls
book, we wlll focus only on Lhe opLlons avallable ln 8evlL ArchlLecLure.
I|gure 10-28: LlemenL Labs avallable for Copy/MonlLor ln 8evlL ArchlLecLure
As shown ln llgure 10-28, Lhe Copy/MonlLor CpLlons dlalog box ln 8evlL ArchlLecLure ls dlvlded lnLo flve Labs
represenLlng Lhe elemenLs avallable Lo be copled and/or monlLored. lor each elemenL Lab, Lhere ls a llsL called
CaLegorles And 1ypes 1o Copy. As shown ln llgure 10-29, Lhe lloors Lab llsLs Lhe avallable floor Lypes ln Lhe llnked
model ln Lhe lefL column and hosL model floor Lypes ln Lhe rlghL column. noLlce LhaL any of Lhe llnked Lypes can be
speclfled wlLh Lhe opLlon uon'L Copy 1hls 1ype. 1hls feaLure can be used for quallLy conLrol lf your pro[ecL's 8lM
execuLlon plan sLaLes LhaL cerLaln elemenLs are noL Lo be copled. lor example, lf walls are noL Lo be copled, swlLch
Lo Lhe Walls Lab and seL all llnked wall Lypes Lo uon'L Copy 1hls 1ype.
I|gure 10-29: Some of Lhe elemenLs you can choose Lo monlLor ln Lhe Copy/MonlLor dlalog box
AL Lhe boLLom of Lhe Copy/MonlLor CpLlons dlalog box, you wlll flnd a secLlon called AddlLlonal Copy
arameLers for each elemenL Lab (llgure 10-30). noLe LhaL Lhe addlLlonal parameLers are dlfferenL for each
elemenL caLegory. lor example, when levels are copled and monlLored, an offseL and namlng preflx can be applled
Lo accommodaLe Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe flnlsh floor level ln a llnked archlLecLural model and Lhe Lop of sLeel
level ln Lhe hosL sLrucLural model.
I|gure 10-30: AddlLlonal copy parameLers can be applled Lo each elemenL caLegory.
LeL's Lake a closer look aL each of Lhe elemenL caLegory opLlons avallable for Lhe Copy/MonlLor Lool:
Levels ln mosL cases, Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe locaLlon of a sLrucLural level and an archlLecLural level may
lead Lo Lhe presumpLlon LhaL you would noL wanL Lo copy levels beLween flles, however, Lhls ls a good case
where you can apply addlLlonal copy parameLers Lo bulld ln an offseL dlsLance. keep ln mlnd Lhe offseL wlll
apply Lo all Copy/MonlLor selecLlons. 1hus, lf a sLrucLural level needs Lo be offseL by a dlfferenL value, creaLe Lhe
level ln Lhe hosL model and use Lhe MonlLor command Lo creaLe Lhe lnLelllgenL bond Lo Lhe llnked model's level.
1he dlfference wlll be malnLalned Lhrough any modlflcaLlons ln Lhe llnked model.
Crlds Copylng ln Lhe grlds ls usually a sLrong workflow. ?ou can use Lhe opLlons on Lhese Labs Lo converL Lhe grld
bubbles used by Lhe archlLecL lnLo Lhose used by Lhe sLrucLural englneer. lL ls also posslble Lo add a preflx Lo Lhe
grld names. lor lnsLance, you could add Lhe value S-" ln Lhe preflx fleld and Lhen grld A" from Lhe
archlLecLural model wlll come lnLo Lhe sLrucLural model as S-A."
Columns 1he sLrucLural englneer can choose Lo replace any column-archlLecLural or sLrucLural-ln Lhe
archlLecLural model wlLh an approprlaLe sLrucLural column, however, Lhls lmplles LhaL Lhe archlLecL wlll
malnLaln an undersLandlng of where dlfferenLlaLlng column Lypes would exlsL. 8eallsLlcally, Lhe sLrucLural
elemenLs should only exlsL ln Lhe sLrucLural englneer's model and Lhen llnk lnLo Lhe archlLecLural model. 1he
Chapter &&
Details and Annotations
As you've seen so far, you can use 8evlL Lo creaLe walls, doors, roofs, and floors, Lo deflne space, and Lo brlng your
archlLecLural ldeas lnLo Lhree-dlmenslonal form. ln each of Lhese cases, Lhe geomeLry ls Lyplcally modeled based
on a deslgn lnLenL, meanlng LhaL your goal lsn'L Lo model everyLhlng buL enough Lo demonsLraLe whaL Lhe bulldlng
ls golng Lo look llke. 1o Lhls end, lL becomes necessary Lo embelllsh parLs of Lhe model or speclflc vlews wlLh
deLalled lnformaLlon Lo help clarlfy whaL you've drawn. 1hls embelllshmenL Lakes Lhe shape of 2u deLall elemenLs
ln 8evlL LhaL you wlll use Lo augmenL vlews and add exLra lnformaLlon.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
CreaLlng deLalls
AnnoLaLlng your deLalls
Creat|ng Deta||s
Lven when you're creaLlng deLalls, 8evlL provldes a varleLy of parameLrlc Lools LhaL allow you Lo leverage worklng
ln a 8lM model. ?ou can use Lhese Lools Lo creaLe sLrlcLly 2u geomeLry or Lo augmenL deLalls you're Lrylng Lo
creaLe from 3u plans, secLlons, or callouLs. 1o become Lruly efflclenL aL uslng 8evlL Lo creaLe Lhe drawlngs
necessary Lo boLh deslgn and documenL your pro[ecL, you musL become acqualnLed wlLh Lhese Lools-you'll flnd
yourself uslng Lhem over and over agaln LhroughouL your pro[ecL.
All of Lhese vlew-based Lools are locaLed on Lhe ueLall panel of Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab (llgure 11-1). 1hls small buL
very poLenL Loolbox ls whaL you wlll need Lo famlllarlze yourself wlLh ln order Lo creaLe a ma[orlLy of Lhe 2u
llnework and componenLs LhaL wlll become Lhe deLalls ln your pro[ecL. 1o beLLer undersLand how Lhese Lools are
used, leL's qulckly sLep Lhrough each of Lhem.
I|gure 11-1: 1he ueLall panel of Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab
Deta|| L|ne
1he ueLall Llne Lool ls Lhe flrsL Lool locaLed on Lhe ueLall panel of Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab. 1hls Lool ls Lhe closesL Lhlng
you'll flnd Lo CAu drafLlng. lL allows you Lo creaLe vlew-speclflc llnework uslng dlfferenL llnewelghLs, Lools for
drawlng dlfferenL llne shapes, and many of Lhe same manlpulaLlon commands you would flnd ln a CAu program.
ueLall llnes are vlew speclflc-Lhey wlll only appear ln Lhe vlew ln whlch Lhey're drawn. 1hey also have an
arrangemenL Lo Lhelr placemenL, meanlng LhaL you can layer Lhem underneaLh or on Lop of oLher ob[ecLs. 1hls
feaLure ls especlally lmporLanL when you begln uslng reglons, deLall llnes, and model conLenL Lo creaLe your
uslng Lhe ueLall Llne Lool ls falrly easy. SelecLlng Lhe Lool wlll change your rlbbon Lab Lo look llke llgure 11-2.
1hls new Lab wlll have several panels LhaL allow you Lo add and manlpulaLe llnework.
I|gure 11-2: 1he ueLall Llne LoolseL
1hls new Lab conLalns Lhree panels: Modlfy, uraw, and Llne SLyle. 1he Modlfy panel has Lhe hosL of Lools you've
used so far for your walls, doors, and oLher elemenLs. Pere you can copy, offseL, move, and perform oLher Lasks.
1he uraw panel allows you Lo creaLe new conLenL and deflne shapes, and Lhe Llne SLyle drop-down allows you Lo
choose Lhe llne sLyle you'd llke Lo draw wlLh.
1he nexL Lool on Lhe ueLall panel of Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab ls Lhe 8eglon Lool. #egions are areas of any shape or slze
LhaL you can flll wlLh a paLLern. 1hls paLLern (much llke a haLch ln AuLoCAu) wlll dynamlcally reslze wlLh Lhe reglon
boundary. 8eglons layer [usL llke deLall llnes do and can be placed on Lop of, or behlnd, llnework and model
ob[ecLs. 8eglons also have an opaclLy and can be compleLely opaque (coverlng whaL Lhey are placed on) or
LransparenL (leLLlng Lhe elemenLs show Lhrough).
1here are Lwo Lypes of reglons: fllled reglons and masklng reglons. ,illed regions allow you Lo choose from a
varleLy of haLch paLLerns Lo flll Lhe reglon. 1hey are commonly used ln deLalls Lo show Lhlngs llke rlgld lnsulaLlon,
concreLe, plywood, and oLher maLerlal Lypes. )asking regions, on Lhe oLher hand, come ln only one flavor. 1hey
are whlLe boxes LhaL can have (or noL have) dlscernable borders Lo Lhem. Masklng reglons are Lyplcally used Lo
hlde" or mask cerLaln conLenL from a vlew LhaL you don'L wanL shown or prlnLed.
1he ComponenL drop-down menu allows you Lo lnserL a wlde array of componenL Lypes lnLo your model. 1hese
are 2u deLall componenLs, or collecLlons of deLall componenLs ln Lhe case of a repeaLlng deLall. ueLall componenLs
are schedulable, Laggable, keynoLable 2u famllles LhaL allow an addlLlonal level of sLandardlzaLlon wlLhln your
model. Some examples of when you'd use deLall componenLs are blocklng ln secLlon, sLeel shapes, and meLal sLuds
ln plan or secLlon-[usL abouL any repllcaLed 2u elemenL LhaL comes ln a sLandardlzed shape.
Detail Components
ueLall componenLs are 2u famllles LhaL can be made lnLo parameLrlc conLenL. ln oLher words, a full range of
shapes can be avallable ln a slngle deLall componenL. 8ecause Lhey are famllles, Lhey can also be sLored ln your
offlce llbrary and shared easlly across pro[ecLs.
1o add a deLall componenL Lo your drawlng, selecL ueLall ComponenL from Lhe ComponenL drop-down llsL
locaLed on Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab and use Lhe 1ype SelecLor Lo choose from ones LhaL are already lnserLed lnLo Lhe
model. lf you don'L see a deLall componenL you wanL Lo lnserL ln Lhe 1ype SelecLor, cllck Lhe Load lamllles buLLon
on Lhe Modlfy | lace ueLall ComponenL Lab and lnserL one from Lhe defaulL llbrary or your offlce llbrary.
Creat|ng a Deta||
Maklng a deLall componenL ls much llke creaLlng a 2u famlly. LeL's sLep Lhrough maklng a slmple 2u deLall
lrom Lhe book's web page (]go]rev|t2012essent|a|s), download Lhe Detail-Start.rvt flle and
open Lhe vlew Exterior Detl, Typ . ?ou'll creaLe some deLall componenLs and reglons Lo geL sLarLed wlLh a Lyplcal
wlndow deLall. 1he flrsL Lhlng you'll wanL Lo do ls use Lhe CallouL Lool Lo creaLe a new deLall of Lhe wlndow slll.
CreaLe a new callouL and name lL Lxter|or W|ndow S|||, 1yp. 1he sLarLlng vlew wlll look llke llgure 11-3.
I|gure 11-3: 1he wlndow slll deLall before embelllshmenL
now, leL's make Lhe deLall:
1. ?ou'll noLlce LhaL you have some deLall elemenLs LhaL can'L exlsL ln real-llfe consLrucLlon. lor example, you'd
never run Lhe sheeLrock back behlnd Lhe floor slab, and Lhere's no room for flashlng or blocklng below Lhe
wlndow. ?ou'll need Lo modlfy Lhls vlew Lo recLlfy Lhese condlLlons. LeL's sLarL wlLh Lhe floor slab and flx Lhe
sheeLrock. 1o do Lhls, you'll cover a porLlon of Lhls area wlLh a fllled reglon. So Lo begln, selecL Lhe lllled 8eglon
buLLon from Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab.
2. SeL Lhe llne sLyle Lo lnvlslble and creaLe a box boundlng Lhe floor slab (llgure 11-4). ?ou'll noLlce Lhree of Lhe
bound llnes are on cuL planes: Lhe Lop and boLLom edges of Lhe box. SelecL Lhese edges and use Lhe Llne SLyle
drop-down Lo change Lhe llnewelghL Lo Medlum.
I|gure 11-4:
Modlfylng Lhe boundary of Lhe fllled reglon
3. Cllck Lhe LdlL 1ype buLLon ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe Lo open Lhe 1ype roperLles dlalog box. Slnce Lhere ls no
deflned reglon Lype LhaL ls ldenLlcal Lo exlsLlng maLerlals, you'll need Lo make one. Cllck uupllcaLe, name Lhe
new reglon Lype 00 Lx|st|ng, and cllck Ck.
4. now you need Lo modlfy Lhe seLLlngs:
llll aLLern: SeL Lhls fleld Lo urafLlng and choose AnSl31.
8ackground: Cpaque
Llne WelghL: 1
Color: 8lack
Cllck Ck when you're done.
S. now LhaL Lhe reglon ls deflned, cllck Lhe green check mark Lo compleLe Lhe skeLch. ?our flnlshed
fllled reglon wlll look llke llgure 11-3.
I|gure 11-S:
Addlng Lhe fllled reglon
6. As parL of Lhe wlndow slll condlLlon, say you know you have a 1r [23 mm] gap beLween Lhe boLLom of Lhe
wlndow slll and Lhe exlsLlng masonry openlng. 1hls gap lsn'L reflecLed ln Lhe wlndow deLall currenLly because Lhe
wlndow famlly was creaLed Lo cuL a square openlng [usL blg enough for Lhe wlndow. lor Lhls deLall, you need Lo
creaLe a masklng reglon under Lhe wlndow slll so you can add some oLher componenLs llke blocklng. Choose Lhe
Masklng 8eglon Lool from Lhe 8eglon flyouL on Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab.
7. WlLh Llne SLyle seL Lo 1hln Llnes, creaLe a box 1r [23 mm] deep under Lhe wlndow slll (llgure 11-6).
I|gure 11-6:
Addlng a masklng reglon
8. WlLh Lhe box creaLed, cllck Lhe green check Lo compleLe Lhe skeLch. 1he flnlshed slll wlll look llke llgure 11-7.
I|gure 11-7: 1he compleLed skeLch
1he nexL sLep ls Lo add some deLall componenLs for blocklng and Lrlm. Cllck Lhe AppllcaLlon menu, choose llle r
new r lamlly, and choose Detail Component.rft. When creaLlng deLall componenLs, as wlLh any oLher famlly,
you'll sLarL wlLh Lwo reference planes crosslng ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe famlly. 1hls crosslng polnL ls Lhe defaulL
lnserLlon polnL of Lhe famlly. 1he flrsL famlly, blocklng, ls sLralghLforward:
1. SLarL by selecLlng Lhe Masklng 8eglon Lool on Lhe Pome Lab and drawlng a box wlLh Lhe lower-lefL corner aL
Lhe orlgln. 1he box should be 1r [23 mm] hlgh and 3r [73 mm] wlde. ?ou're uslng Lhe Masklng 8eglon lnsLead
of Lhe Llnes Lool so you can have a clean, whlLe box LhaL you wlll be able Lo use Lo layer over oLher elemenLs you
mlghL noL wanL Lo see.
2. Cn Lhe Pome Lab, cllck Lhe Llnes Lool and draw a llne across Lhe box denoLlng blocklng. 1he famlly should look
llke llgure 11-8.
I|gure 11-8:
CreaLlng a blocklng deLall componenL
3. WlLh Lhe drawlng flnlshed, cllck Lhe AppllcaLlon menu, selecL Save As r lamlly, and name Lhe famlly 06
8|ock|ng. lace lL ln a folder wlLh Lhe !enklns model.
4. WlLh Lhe famlly named, cllck Lhe Load lnLo ro[ecL buLLon Lo add Lhe famlly Lo Lhe !enklns model.
S. Cn Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab, cllck Lhe ueLall ComponenL buLLon. 1he componenL you lnserL wlll be Lhe one LhaL wlll
become Lhe defaulL componenL, and you wlll be able Lo see Lhe name 06 8locklng ln Lhe 1ype SelecLor. lnserL a
plece of blocklng aL Lhe lefL, rlghL, and cenLer of Lhe slll (llgure 11-9).
I|gure 11-9:
lnserLlng and placlng Lhe blocklng
6. WlLh Lhe blocklng lnserLed, you wanL Lo make one more deLall componenL for Lhe baseboard. CreaLe a deLall
componenL uslng Lhe same sLeps as earller measurlng 1r [23 mm] wlde by 6r [130 mm] hlgh and called 06
8aseboard. 1he reason you wanL Lo creaLe Lhese elemenLs as famllles and noL [usL as fllled reglons ls so LhaL
laLer ln Lhe deLalllng process you can annoLaLe Lhem uslng Lhe 8evlL keynoLe Lool. lamllles wlll have a loL more
funcLlonallLy and versaLlllLy laLer down Lhe llne for fasLer documenLaLlon. WlLh Lhe baseboard added, Lhe deLall
looks llke llgure 11-10.
I|gure 11-10:
1he slll deLall wlLh base
7. noL all of Lhe deLalllng wlll be able Lo be compleLed uslng componenLs. SomeLlmes, lL ls easler and more
effecLlve Lo slmply use llnework Lo creaLe Lhe necessary feaLures ln a deLall. lor Lhese purposes, you wanL Lo
creaLe some flashlng aL Lhe wlndow slll. 1o do so, you'll use Lhe ueLall Llne Lool. Choose Lhe Lool and selecL
Medlum Llnes from Lhe Llne SLyle drop-down menu.
8. uslng Lhe ueLall Llne Lool, draw ln some flashlng for Lhe wlndow slll (llgure 11-11).
I|gure 11-11: Addlng flashlng uslng deLall llnes
Arranging %lements in the 6iew
So far you have creaLed all of Lhe conLenL ln order and have noL had Lo change Lhe arrangemenL of any of Lhe
elemenLs. Powever, knowlng how Lo change arrangemenL ls an lmporLanL parL of deLalllng so you don'L have Lo
draw lL all ln exacL sequence. ArrangemenL allows you Lo change Lhe poslLlon of an elemenL, such as a llne or a
deLall componenL relaLlve Lo anoLher elemenL. Much llke layers ln hoLoshop or arrangemenL ln owerolnL, 8evlL
allows you Lo place some elemenLs vlsually ln fronL of or behlnd oLhers. Cnce an elemenL or group of elemenLs ls
selecLed and Lhe Modlfy menu appears, on Lhe far rlghL you'll see Lhe Arrange panel.
lrom here, you can choose among four opLlons of arrangemenL: 8rlng 1o lronL, 8rlng lorward, Send 1o 8ack,
and Send 8ackward. uslng Lhese Lools wlll help you geL your layers ln Lhe proper order.
#epeating Detail Component
8epeaLlng elemenLs are common ln archlLecLural pro[ecLs. Masonry, meLal decklng, and wall sLuds are some
common elemenLs LhaL repeaL on a regular lnLerval ln archlLecLural pro[ecLs. 8evlL's Lool Lo help creaLe and
manage Lhese Lypes of elemenLs ls called Lhe 8epeaLlng ueLall ComponenL and ls locaLed ln Lhe ComponenL flyouL
on Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab.
1hls Lool allows you Lo place a deLall componenL ln a llnear conflguraLlon where Lhe deLall componenL repeaLs
on a seL lnLerval. 1hls allows you Lo draw a llne" LhaL Lhen becomes your repeaLlng componenL. 1he defaulL 8evlL
repeaLlng deLall ls common brlck repeaLlng ln secLlon. CreaLlng elemenLs llke Lhls noL only leLs you laLer Lag and
keynoLe Lhe maLerlals, buL also allows you some easy flexlblllLy over arraylng Lhese elemenLs manually. Choose Lhe
8epeaLlng ueLall ComponenL Lool and draw a secLlon of brlck (Lhe defaulL Lool).
8efore you creaLe a repeaLlng deLall componenL, we'll cover Lhe properLles behlnd one so you can geL a beLLer
ldea of how Lhey work. SelecLlng Lhe 8rlck componenL and chooslng roperLles glves you Lhe 1ype roperLles
dlalog box shown ln llgure 11-12.
I|gure 11-12: 1ype roperLles dlalog box for a repeaLlng deLall
Pere's a brlef descrlpLlon of whaL each of Lhese seLLlngs does:
ueLall 1hls seLLlng allows you Lo selecL Lhe deLall componenL Lo be repeaLed.
LayouL 1hls opLlon offers four modes:
llxed ulsLance 1hls represenLs Lhe paLh drawn beLween Lhe sLarL and end polnL when Lhe repeaLlng deLall ls
Lhe lengLh aL whlch your componenL repeaLs aL a dlsLance of Lhe value seL for spaclng.
llxed number 1hls mode seLs Lhe number of Llmes a componenL repeaLs lLself ln Lhe space beLween Lhe
sLarL and end polnL (Lhe lengLh of Lhe paLh).
llll Avallable Space 8egardless of Lhe value you choose for Spaclng, Lhe deLall componenL ls repeaLed on Lhe
paLh uslng lLs acLual wldLh as Lhe Spaclng value.
Maxlmum Spaclng 1he deLall componenL ls repeaLed uslng Lhe seL spaclng, and Lhe number of repeaLed
componenLs ls seL so LhaL only compleLe componenLs are drawn. 8evlL creaLes as many coples of Lhe
componenL as wlll flL on Lhe paLh.
lnslde 1hls opLlon ad[usLs Lhe sLarL polnL and end polnL of Lhe deLall componenLs LhaL make up Lhe repeaLlng
Spaclng 1hls opLlon ls acLlve only when llxed ulsLance or Maxlmum Spaclng ls selecLed as Lhe meLhod of
repeLlLlon. lL represenLs Lhe dlsLance aL whlch you wanL Lhe repeaLlng deLall componenL Lo repeaL. lL doesn'L
have Lo be Lhe acLual wldLh of Lhe deLall componenL.
ueLall 8oLaLlon 1hls opLlon allows you Lo roLaLe Lhe deLall componenL ln Lhe repeaLlng deLall.
WlLh Lhese seLLlngs ln mlnd, you need Lo creaLe a cusLom repeaLlng deLall for Lhe slll deLall you've been worklng
on. 1he exLerlor of Lhe bulldlng ls LerracoLLa brlck and wlll have vlslble [olnL work every 8r [200 mm].
1. 8egln by selecLlng a new ueLall ComponenL famlly. Cllck Lhe AppllcaLlon menu, selecL new r lamlly, and
choose Detail Component.rft from Lhe llsL.
2. CreaLe a masonry [olnL 6r long and 3/8r [10 mm] hlgh wlLh a sLrlke on one of Lhe shorL ends (llgure 11-13)
uslng a fllled reglon. Save Lhe famlly as 04 Grout and load lL lnLo Lhe pro[ecL.
I|gure 11-13:
1he grouL deLall componenL
3. now, back ln Lhe pro[ecL, choose Lhe 8epeaLlng ueLall ComponenL Lool. Choose LdlL 1ype from Lhe roperLles
paleLLe and uupllcaLe from Lhe 1ype roperLles menu. name Lhe new Lype 04 1erracotta Grout and cllck Ck.
4. ?ou need Lo change Lhe properLles of Lhls new Lype Lo reflecL Lhe deLall componenL you [usL creaLed and lLs
spaclng. Change Lhe followlng flelds:
ueLall: SeL Lhls fleld Lo 04 Grout, Lhe famlly you [usL creaLed.
Spaclng: SeL Lhls value Lo 8r [200 mm].
?ou can leave Lhe resL of Lhe flelds alone. Cllck Ck when you're flnlshed. 1he 1ype roperLles dlalog box wlll look
llgure 11-14
I|gure 11-14:
1he repeaLlng deLall's Lype properLles
S. Slnce you're sLlll ln Lhe 8epeaLlng ueLall command, you can slmply begln drawlng a llne" wlLh Lhe repeaLlng
deLall. SLarLlng aL Lhe base of Lhe vlew, draw a llne all Lhe way up Lhe lefL edge, placlng Lhe new [olnL over Lhe
LerracoLLa exLerlor.
6. ?ou can furLher flnesse Lhe appearance by placlng one of Lhe [olnLs dlrecLly below Lhe wlndow slll. 1hls wlll
appear placed on Lop of Lhe flashlng you drew earller, so selecL Lhe flashlng deLall llne and choose 8rlng 1o
lronL. 1he compleLed deLall wlll look llke llgure 11-13.
I|gure 11-1S: 1he flnlshed wlndow slll deLall
AlLhough Lhls deLall sLlll needs annoLaLlons before you could Lhlnk abouL placlng lL onLo a sheeL, you can begln
Lo see how you have used Lhe 3u geomeLry of Lhe model and were able Lo qulckly add some embelllshmenL Lo lL ln
order Lo creaLe a worklng pro[ecL deLall. lor now, save Lhls deLall. ?ou'll reLurn Lo lL laLer ln Lhe chapLer.
1he besL way Lo Lhlnk of Lhe lnsulaLlon Lool ls llke a premade repeaLlng deLall. ?ou'll flnd Lhls Lool on Lhe ueLall
panel of Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab.
SelecLlng Lhls Lool allows you Lo draw a llne of baLL lnsulaLlon, much llke a repeaLlng deLall. When selecLlng Lhe
lnsulaLlon Lool, you can modlfy Lhe wldLh of Lhe lnserLed lnsulaLlon from Lhe CpLlons 8ar (llgure 11-16). 1he
lnsulaLlon ls lnserLed uslng Lhe cenLerllne of Lhe llne of baLL, and you can shorLen, lengLhen, or modlfy Lhe wldLh
elLher before or afLer lnserLlng lL lnLo your vlew.
I|gure 11-16: Modlfylng Lhe lnsulaLlon wldLh ln Lhe CpLlons 8ar
Deta|| Groups
ueLall groups are slmllar Lo blocks ln AuLoCAu and are a qulck alLernaLlve Lo creaLlng deLall componenL famllles.
1hese are collecLlons of 2u graphlcs and can conLaln deLall llnes, deLall componenLs, or any collecLlon of 2u
elemenLs. Whlle you wlll probably wanL Lo use a deLall componenL Lo creaLe someLhlng llke blocklng, lf you plan Lo
have Lhe same blocklng and flashlng condlLlons ln mulLlple locaLlons, you can Lhen group Lhose condlLlons and be
able Lo qulckly repllcaLe Lhem ln oLher deLalls. Llke blocks ln AuLoCAu, manlpulaLlng one of Lhe deLall groups wlll
change all of Lhem conslsLenLly.
1here are Lwo ways Lo make a deLall group. robably Lhe mosL common ls Lo creaLe Lhe deLall elemenLs you'd
llke Lo group and Lhen selecL all of Lhem. ln Lhe Modlfy conLexL Lab LhaL shows up, cllck Lhe CreaLe Croup buLLon.
When you're prompLed for a group name, name Lhe group someLhlng clear raLher Lhan accepLlng Lhe defaulL name
8evlL wanLs Lo glve lL (Croup 1, Croup 2, and so on).
1he oLher way Lo creaLe a deLall group ls by cllcklng Lhe CreaLe Croup buLLon ln Lhe ueLall Croup flyouL on Lhe
AnnoLaLe Lab. ?ou wlll Lhen be prompLed for Lhe Lype of group (Model or ueLall) and a group name before you can
selecL any elemenLs for Lhe group.
When selecLlng Lhe elemenLs, you'll be Laken lnLo LdlL Croup mode. ?our vlew wlll have a yellow Lransparency
overlald on Lop of lL, and elemenLs wlLhln Lhe vlew wlll appear gray. 1o add elemenLs Lo Lhe group, selecL LdlL
Croup and Lhen cllck Lhe Add buLLon (llgure 11-17). Pere you can also remove unwanLed elemenLs from your
group. When you're flnlshed, slmply cllck Lhe llnlsh check.
I|gure 11-17: 1he LdlL Croup panel
?ou can place any group you've already made uslng Lhe lace ueLall Croup buLLon from Lhe ueLall panel of Lhe
AnnoLaLe Lab. Croups lnserL llke famllles, and you can choose Lhe group you'd llke Lo lnserL from Lhe 1ype SelecLor
on Lhe roperLles paleLLe.
AlLhough noL parL of Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab, Lhe Llnework Lool ls an lmporLanL feaLure ln creaLlng good llnewelghLs for
your deLalls. 8evlL does a loL Lo help manage your vlews and llnewelghLs auLomaLlcally, buL lL doesn'L cover all Lhe
requlremenLs all Lhe Llme. SomeLlmes Lhe defaulL 8evlL llnes are heavler or Lhlnner Lhan you'd deslre for your
deLalls. 1hls ls where Lhe Llnework Lool comes ln handy, lL allows you Lo modlfy exlsLlng llnes ln a vlew-speclflc
1o use Lhe Llnework Lool, choose Lhe Llnework buLLon from Lhe vlew panel on Lhe Modlfy Lab. uolng so wlll add
Lhe famlllar Llne SLyles 1ype SelecLor panel on Lhe rlghL of Lhe Lab and allow you Lo selecL a llne sLyle from Lhe llsL.
Slmply choose Lhe sLyle you wanL a parLlcular llne Lo look llke and selecL LhaL llne ln Lhe vlew. 1he llnes you plck can
be almosL anyLhlng, cuL llnes of model elemenLs, famllles, componenLs, whaLever. SelecLlng Lhe llne or boundary of
an elemenL wlll change Lhe llne sLyle from whaLever lL was Lo whaLever you have chosen from Lhe 1ype SelecLor.
llgure 11-18 shows a before and afLer of your slll deLall wlLh Lhe llnework Louched up.
I|gure 11-18: 8efore and afLer Lhe Llnework Lool
?ou can also choose Lo remove llnes uslng Lhls Lool. 8y selecLlng Lhe <lnvlslble> llne Lype, you can make some
llnework dlsappear. 1hls ls a good alLernaLlve Lo havlng Lo cover unwanLed llnework wlLh a masklng reglon.
Annotat|ng our Deta||s
noLes are a crlLlcal parL of communlcaLlng deslgn and consLrucLlon lnLenL Lo owners and bullders. no drawlng seL ls
compleLe wlLhouL descrlpLlons of maLerlals and Lhe work. now LhaL you've creaLed a deLall, you need Lo add Lhe
flnal Louches of annoLaLlons Lo communlcaLe slze, locaLlon, and maLerlallLy. 1he Lools you wlll use for annoLaLlon
are found on Lhe same AnnoLaLe Lab LhaL you used Lo creaLe your deLalls. 1hese are Lhe ulmenslon, 1exL, and 1ag
panels shown ln llgure 11-19.
I|gure 11-19: 8evlL's annoLaLlon Lools
ln our deLall, we have made some modlflcaLlons LhaL you mlghL noLlce. We've added some deLall Lo Lhe wlndow
famlly Lo reflecL some of Lhe deLalls needed for consLrucLlon. uslng Lhls revlsed deLall, leL's begln by addlng
dlmenslons Lo Lhe deLall you [usL creaLed. 1he dlmenslon Lool you wlll use Lhe mosL ofLen ls Lhe Allgned dlmenslon
Lool locaLed on Lhe lefL slde of Lhe ulmenslon panel and hlghllghLed ln llgure 11-19. lL can also be found on Lhe
CA1 bar .
1. 1o begln, selecL elLher of Lhe Allgned dlmenslon Lools and place a dlmenslon sLrlng from Lhe grld llne Lo Lhe
cenLerllne of Lhe wall, as shown ln llgure 11-20.
I|gure 11-20:
Addlng a dlmenslon sLrlng
2. now LhaL you've placed Lhe dlmenslon, you reallze lL's ln Lhe wrong locaLlon and you wanL Lhe lefL slde aL Lhe
exLerlor wall. ulmenslons are dynamlc ln 8evlL and easy Lo relocaLe. 8y hlghllghLlng Lhe dlmenslon sLrlng, you
wlll see Lwo seLs of blue doLs on elLher slde. Cne seL conLrols Lhe lengLh of Lhe wlLness llne, and Lhe oLher one
(Lhe one LhaL overlaps Lhe Llck mark) conLrols LhaL wlLness llne's locaLlon. SelecL Lhls blue doL and drag lL Lo Lhe
exLerlor of Lhe wall. ?ou'll noLlce Lhe dlmenslon auLomaLlcally updaLes.
3. Add anoLher dlmenslon sLrlng from Lhe grld llne Lo Lhe back of Lhe wlndow [amb.
4. Cnce you've added Lhls dlmenslon, you'll noLlce lL doesn'L read very well slnce lL's locaLed over Lhe wlndow
slll. ?ou need Lhe dlmenslon locaLed Lhere, buL you can relocaLe Lhe LexL. Crab Lhe blue doL under Lhe LexL and
drag Lhe LexL sLrlng Lo Lhe rlghL. ?ou'll noLlce once Lhe dlmenslon LexL ls ouLslde of Lhe dlmenslon sLrlng, 8evlL
wlll add an arc assoclaLlng Lhe LexL Lo Lhe dlmenslon (llgure 11-21).
I|gure 11-21:
Modlfylng Lhe LexL locaLlon
S. now, add anoLher dlmenslon locaLlng Lhe gypsum board relaLlve Lo Lhe grld llne (llgure 11-22).
I|gure 11-22:
ulmenslonlng Lhe wall locaLlon
6. ln Lhls dlmenslon, noLlce LhaL Lhe dlmenslon LexL has a whlLe box slmllar Lo a masklng reglon LhaL lles behlnd
Lhe LexL and covers some of Lhe deLall of Lhe slll condlLlon. As a preference, you wanL Lo ellmlnaLe Lhls box and
have Lhe dlmenslon sLrlng read clear. 1o do Lhls, hlghllghL Lhe dlmenslon by lefL-cllcklng lL and selecL LdlL 1ype
from Lhe roperLles paleLLe. ?ou'll geL Lhe 1ype roperLles dlalog box shown ln llgure 11-23 for dlmenslons.
7. 1hls dlalog box allows you Lo change all of Lhe seLLlngs ln Lhe dlmenslon: LexL, color, lengLh of each dlmenslon
elemenL, and so forLh. Scrolllng Lo Lhe boLLom you'll noLlce Lhe Cpaque/1ransparenL seLLlng. 1hls conLrols LhaL
whlLe box behlnd Lhe dlmenslon. SelecL Lhls and seL lL Lo 1ransparenL. Cllck Ck. noLlce Lhe dlmenslon now reads
wlLh a LransparenL background.
I|gure 11-23:
ulmenslon Lype properLles
8. LeL's add one flnal dlmenslon sLrlng. Add a dlmenslon locaLlng Lhe wlndow slll relaLlve Lo Lhe floor, as shown
ln llgure 11-24.
I|gure 11-24:
ulmenslonlng Lhe wlndow slll
9. noLlce LhaL Lhls dlmenslon ls an awkward number and probably noL someLhlng we wanL Lo lnclude ln Lhe Cu
seL. 8emember LhaL ln 8evlL, dlmenslons slmply reporL Lhe relaLlve locaLlon of ob[ecLs-Lhey cannoL be forced
wlLh values. So Lo change Lhe dlmenslon sLrlng, you'll need Lo change Lhe locaLlon of one of Lhe Lwo ob[ecLs
you've dlmensloned. Slnce Lhe floor ls probably noL golng Lo move, you can reposlLlon Lhe wlndow sllghLly. 8y
selecLlng Lhe wlndow, noLlce LhaL Lhe dlmenslon sLrlng Lurns blue and Lhe numbers geL very small (llgure 11-23).
I|gure 11-2S:
1o change Lhe dlmenslon sLrlng value, change Lhe locaLlon of Lhe ob[ecLs dlmensloned by selecLlng Lhe wlndow.
10. Pere you can key ln a more reasonable value. SelecL Lhe blue LexL and Lype 1 4 [400 mm] ln Lhe LexL box
(llgure 11-26). ress LnLer and Lhe wlndow wlll push up [usL a blL and reseL Lhe dlmenslon sLrlng.
11. WlLh all Lhe dlmenslons on Lhe deLall, lL should look llke llgure 11-27.
I|gure 11-26: keylng a value lnLo a dlmenslon sLrlng
I|gure 11-27: 1he dlmensloned deLall
now LhaL you have dlmenslons on Lhe deLall, lL's Llme Lo add some Lags. ln Lhls deLall, you're golng Lo Lag Lhe
wlndow as well as some of Lhe maLerlals ln Lhe deLall Lo help ldenLlfy Lhem Lo Lhe conLracLor. MaLerlal Lags can be
added ln Lwo ways: Lhrough Lhe MaLerlal 1ag buLLon locaLed ln Lhe 1ag panel of Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab or Lhrough LexL.
1. 1o begln, sLarL by Lagglng Lhe wlndow. Choose Lhe 1ag 8y CaLegory buLLon from Lhe 1ag panel and selecL Lhe
2. When Lhe wlndow ls selecLed, 8evlL wlll glve you Lhe warnlng shown ln llgure 11-28. 1hls warnlng Lells you
LhaL 8evlL has added a Lag buL lL has fallen ouLslde of your vlew. 8y defaulL, 8evlL places Lags ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe
elemenL belng Lagged. ln our case, Lhe Lag resldes ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe wlndow cuL ln secLlon, whlch ls above our
crop box.
I|gure 11-28:
1he Lag fell ouLslde of Lhe crop wlndow.
3. 1o remedy Lhls, selecL Lhe box LhaL deflnes Lhe crop reglon for Lhe deLall. uolng so wlll hlghllghL Lhe crop box,
buL also an lnvlslble, dashed box called Lhe annoLaLlon crop box. 1hls crop wlndow can be Lurned on and off
Lhrough Lhe roperLles paleLLe.
4. 8y dragglng Lhe upper llmlL of Lhls box hlgher, you wlll evenLually see Lhe Wlndow Lag you placed on Lhe
wlndow (llgure 11-29).
I|gure 11-29:
LxLendlng Lhe annoLaLlon crop wlndow
S. noLlce LhaL Lhe Lag has a leader llne assoclaLed wlLh lL. ?ou'll wanL Lo move Lhe Lag, buL also remove Lhe
leader llne. 1o do so, hlghllghL Lhe Lag, and ln Lhe CpLlons 8ar, deselecL Lhe Leader check box (llgure 11-30).
uolng so wlll allow you Lo drag Lhe Lag down-leader free-and place lL wlLhln Lhe crop reglon.
I|gure 11-30:
8emovlng Lhe leader from Lhe Wlndow Lag
6. WlLh Lhe Wlndow Lag ln place, now leL's add a MaLerlal Lag. Choose Lhe MaLerlal 1ag buLLon from Lhe 1ag
panel. ?ou'll be prompLed Lo load Lhe famlly, so navlgaLe Lo AnnoLaLlons r ArchlLecLural agaln and choose
Material Tag.rfa. MaLerlal Lags allow you Lo Lag maLerlals conslsLenLly Lhrough ouL Lhe model. 1hls means lf you
Lag someLhlng llke ConcreLe once ln Lhe model, Lhe maLerlal wlll remember Lhe Lag you used and wlll show LhaL
same Lag every Llme you Lag lL ln any oLher vlew. Cnce Lhe Lag ls selecLed, mouse over Lhe verLlcal panel shown
ln llgure 11-31. 1he maLerlal Lhere has been prepopulaLed wlLh 3/8r C?SuM 8u as a Lag. SelecL Lhe maLerlal
and place Lhe Lag.
I|gure 11-31:
uslng Lhe MaLerlal Lag
7. WlLh Lhe Lag placed, you'll noLlce LhaL by defaulL Lhere ls no arrowhead. SelecL Lhe Lag and choose LdlL 1ype
from Lhe roperLles paleLLe. Pere you can glve Lhe Lag an arrowhead. Choose 30 uegree Arrow and cllck Ck
(llgure 11-32).
I|gure 11-32: Addlng an arrowhead Lo Lhe Lag
ln Lhe same way, you can populaLe Lhe remalnder of Lhe maLerlals ln Lhe deLall. lor maLerlals LhaL aren'L already
speclfled, 8evlL wlll provlde you wlLh a quesLlon mark. Slmply cllck on Lhe quesLlon mark and you can enLer Lhe LexL
descrlblng LhaL maLerlal. Cnce enLered, all oLher maLerlals of LhaL Lype wlLhln Lhe model wlll auLomaLlcally show
whaL you [usL Lyped. Changes made Lo Lhls maLerlal wlll also be broadcasL Lhrough Lhe model.
noL all elemenLs ln 8evlL have maLerlallLy Lo Lhem and Lhere are Llmes when Lags are noL Lhe besL way Lo convey
lnformaLlon. lor Lhe resL of Lhe lnformaLlon you wanL Lo communlcaLe, use 1exL. 1he 1exL Lool ls locaLed on Lhe
1exL paleLLe of Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab. When you're uslng LexL ln your model, lL's lmporLanL Lo remember LhaL LexL ls noL
llnked Lo any elemenL or maLerlal. Labellng someLhlng wlLh LexL or uslng LexL Lo call ouL noLes doesn'L dynamlcally
updaLe as elemenLs change wlLhln Lhe model.
1. ln our example deLall, Lhe shlms you placed as parL of Lhe wlndow famlly do noL have a way Lo Lag a maLerlal
and need Lo be called ouL uslng LexL. Choose Lhe 1exL command from Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab. uolng so opens Lhe
Modlfy | 1exL Lab and you'll see Lhe Lools on Lhe lormaL panel. 1hese Lools conLrol Lhe leaders, leader locaLlon,
[usLlflcaLlon, and fonL formaLs, respecLlvely.
lor now, leave Lhe selecLlons aL Lhe defaulLs, choose a locaLlon on Lhe screen, and cllck Lhe lefL mouse buLLon.
1hls beglns a LexL box. 1ype 1]2rSnIMS (
llgure 11-33
I|gure 11-33:
Addlng LexL Lo Lhe deLall
2. Cnce you've added LexL Lo Lhe box, you'll noLlce LhaL Lhe Modlfy menu has changed. ?ou now have Lhe opLlon
Lo add and remove leaders. 1o add a leader, cllck Lhe Add Leader buLLon aL Lhe upper lefL of Lhe lormaL panel
WlLh Lhe leader added, you can move Lhe LexL and leader lnLo poslLlon wlLh Lhe oLher noLes. ln Lhls way, you
can compleLe Lhe annoLaLlons on Lhe deLall (llgure 11-34) and begln Lhe nexL one.
I|gure 11-34: llnlshlng Lhe deLall
Legends are unlque vlews ln 8evlL as Lhey are Lhe only vlew Lype you can place on more Lhan one sheeL. 1hese can
become greaL Lools for Lhlngs llke general noLes, key plans, or any oLher vlew Lype LhaL you wlll wanL Lo have
conslsLenL across several sheeLs. lL's also lmporLanL Lo noLe LhaL anyLhlng you place lnslde a legend vlew-doors,
walls, wlndows, and so on-wlll noL appear or be counLed ln any schedules. Legend elemenLs llve ouLslde of any
quanLlLles presenL ln Lhe model.
1he Legend Lool ls locaLed on Lhe vlew Lab. 1here are Lwo Lypes of legends you can creaLe from Lhls menu: a
legend, whlch ls a graphlc dlsplay, or a keynoLe legend, whlch ls a LexL-based schedule. 8oLh legend Lypes can be
placed on mulLlple sheeLs, buL for Lhls exerclse, you'll focus on Lhe legend.
As parL of Lhe sample workflow, you may wanL Lo presenL some of Lhe wall Lypes as parL of your presenLaLlon
package Lo demonsLraLe Lhe Sound 1ransmlsslon Class (S1C) of Lhe walls and Lhe overall wall assembly. Slnce Lhese
wall Lypes wlll be appearlng on all Lhe sheeLs where we are uslng Lhem ln Lhe plan, you'll make Lhem uslng a
1o make a legend, sLarL wlLh Lhe c11-Sample-Building.rvt flle found on Lhe book's webslLe. Cpen Lhe flle and
choose Lhe Legend buLLon from Lhe vlew Lab under Lhe Legends flyouL. CreaLlng a new legend ls much llke creaLlng
a new drafLlng vlew. ?ou'll be presenLed wlLh a new Legend vlew dlalog box (llgure 11-33) where you can name
Lhe legend and seL Lhe scale. lor Lhls legend, name lL WALL LLCLnu and choose 1r = 1'-0r [1:10] for Lhe scale.
I|gure 11-3S: CreaLlng a legend
1he legend you've creaLed wlll look llke a blank vlew. AL Lhls polnL, lL's up Lo you Lo add conLenL. 1he slmplesL
Lype of legend would be addlng noLes such as plan or demollLlon noLes LhaL would appear ln each of your floor
plans. ?ou could do Lhls slmply by uslng Lhe 1exL Lool and addlng LexL wlLhln Lhls legend vlew, however, ln Lhls
example you wanL Lo add more Lhan [usL LexL.
1o add wall Lypes or any oLher famlly Lo Lhe legend vlew, expand Lhe lamllles Lree ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and
navlgaLe Lo Lhe Wall famlly. Lxpand Lhls node and Lhen expand Lhe 8aslc Wall node. SelecL Lhe Partition (1-
Interior 4 7/8 rHr) wall Lype and drag lL lnLo Lhe vlew.
WlLh Lhe famlly lnserLed lnLo Lhe vlew, lL wlll appear as a 3' [1000 mm] long plan wall. Change your vlew's deLall
level from Coarse Lo Medlum or llne so you can see Lhe deLall wlLhln Lhe wall. WlLh LhaL done, hlghllghL Lhe
lnserLed wall and look aL Lhe Modlfy | Legend ComponenLs seLLlngs ln Lhe CpLlons 8ar (llgure 11-36).
I|gure 11-36: SelecL a legend componenL Lo access lLs properLles ln Lhe CpLlons 8ar.
1hls menu wlll be conslsLenL for any of Lhe famlly Lypes you lnserL. 1he menu conslsLs of Lhree secLlons:
lamlly 1hls drop-down menu allows you Lo selecL dlfferenL famlly Lypes and operaLes [usL llke Lhe 1ype SelecLor
does for oLher elemenLs wlLhln Lhe model.
vlew 1he vlew opLlon leLs you change Lhe Lype of vlew from lan Lo SecLlon.
PosL LengLh 1hls opLlon changes Lhe overall lengLh (or ln Lhe case of secLlons, helghL) of Lhe elemenL selecLed.
LeL's make some mlnor ad[usLmenLs Lo Lhe wall. LeL's change vlew Lo SecLlon and change PosL LengLh Lo 1'-6r
[300 mm].
1he wall now looks llke a secLlonal elemenL. 8y addlng some slmple LexL we can embelllsh Lhe wall Lype Lo
beLLer explaln Lhe elemenLs you're vlewlng (llgure 11-37).
I|gure 11-37: Add oLher annoLaLlon Lo embelllsh Lhe wall Lype secLlon.
Chapter &*
Creating Drawing "ets
Whlle Lhe lndusLry conLlnues Lo move Loward a 3u 8lM model as a consLrucLlon dellverable, Loday we sLlll need Lo
produce 2u documenLs for a consLrucLlon seL. lorLunaLely because of 8evlL, we can creaLe Lhese seLs wlLh more
accuracy and dependablllLy Lhan ln Lhe pasL. ln Lhls chapLer, you wlll work on Laklng Lhe elemenLs and creaLlng
ln Lhls chapLer, we're golng Lo lnLroduce a scenarlo LhaL wlll mlmlc whaL mlghL happen on a real pro[ecL ln
prellmlnary deslgn. ?ou'll be uslng Lhe Residence.rvt model from Lhe book's web page
(]go]rev|t2012essent|a|s) ln Lhe Chapter 12 folder.
Pere's Lhe sLory: ?ou have recenLly compleLed some deslgn work ln advance of your upcomlng prlclng package
for a resldenLlal deslgn pro[ecL. ?ou wlll need Lo lay Lhe plans, elevaLlons, and perspecLlves ouL on some sheeLs for
Lhe package. 8uL you wanL Lo help Lhe conLracLor wlLh some quanLlLles, so you also wanL Lo lnclude some
schedules. WlLh Lhls scenarlo ln mlnd, you need Lo lay ouL Lhe vlews already creaLed onLo sheeLs, creaLe some
schedules, and Lhen geL Lhe drawlng seL prlnLed.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
CreaLlng schedules
laclng vlews on sheeLs
rlnLlng documenLs
Creat|ng Schedu|es
"chedules are llsLs and quanLlLles of elemenLs and elemenL properLles wlLhln Lhe model. 1hey lLemlze ob[ecLs,
lncludlng bulldlng famllles such as walls, doors, and wlndows, calculaLe quanLlLles, areas, and volumes, and
quanLlfy elemenLs such as Lhe number of sheeLs, keynoLes, and so on. 1hey are anoLher way Lo vlew a 8evlL model.
Cnce creaLed, Lhey are dynamlcally kepL up-Lo-daLe wlLh any changes LhaL occur Lo Lhe model lLself.
Understand|ng Schedu|es
ln a pro[ecL workflow, creaLlng schedules of ob[ecLs, areas, or quanLlLles ls usually one of Lhe mosL laborlous Lasks
for archlLecLs. When Lhls process ls performed manually, lL can Lake a very long Llme and Lyplcally resulLs ln errors
requlrlng much checklng and rechecklng of Lhe lnformaLlon. ln 8evlL, all Lhe elemenLs have lnformaLlon abouL Lhelr
properLles deflned wlLhln Lhe model. ?ou also have Lhe opLlon Lo add lnformaLlon or caLegorles Lo any exlsLlng
elemenL. lor example, ln 8evlL, doors have properLles such as slze, maLerlal, flre raLlng, and cosL. All of Lhls
lnformaLlon can be scheduled and quanLlfled. As Lhose doors are changed wlLhln 8evlL, Lhe properLles updaLe ln
Lhe schedule.
8evlL leLs you schedule elemenLs based on Lhe elemenL's properLles. 1hls means LhaL almosL anyLhlng placed ln
a 8evlL model can be scheduled and quanLlfled. 8ecause Lhe schedule ls slmply vlewlng Lhe elemenLs wlLhln Lhe
model ln a nongraphlcal way, maklng change Lo Lhe elemenLs ln a schedule vlew makes changes Lo Lhe elemenL ln
Lhe model, and vlce versa.
8evlL has several Lypes of schedules. 1hey can all be accessed from Lhe CreaLe panel of Lhe vlew Lab. 1he
Schedule flyouL ls shown ln Lhe margln. 1here are flve prlmary Lypes of schedules you can creaLe uslng 8evlL. LeL's
look aL each:
Schedule/CuanLlLy 1hls ls Lhe mosL commonly used schedule Lype ln 8evlL. 1hls schedule allows you Lo llsL and
quanLlfy all Lhe elemenL caLegory Lypes ln 8evlL. ?ou would use Lhls Lype Lo make door schedules, wall
schedules, wlndow schedules, and so on. 1hese schedule Lypes are llmlLed Lo schedullng properLles wlLhln Lhe
same caLegory.
MaLerlal 1akeoff 1hls Lype of schedule llsLs all Lhe maLerlals and subcomponenLs of any 8evlL famlly caLegory.
?ou can use a maLerlal Lakeoff Lo schedule any maLerlal LhaL ls placed ln a componenL or assembly. lor
example, you mlghL wanL Lo know Lhe cublc yardage of concreLe wlLhln Lhe model. 8egardless of wheLher Lhe
concreLe ls ln a wall or floor or column, you can Lell Lhe schedule Lo reporL Lhe LoLal amounL of LhaL maLerlal ln
Lhe pro[ecL. MaLerlal Lakeoffs wlll reporL maLerlal properLles across mulLlple caLegorles.
SheeL LlsL 1hls schedule allows you Lo creaLe a llsL of all Lhe sheeLs ln Lhe pro[ecL.
noLe 8lock 1hls schedule llsLs Lhe noLes LhaL are applled Lo elemenLs and assemblles ln your pro[ecL. ?ou can
also use a noLe block Lo llsL Lhe annoLaLlon symbols (cenLerllnes, norLh arrows) used ln a pro[ecL.
vlew LlsL 1hls schedule shows a llsL of all Lhe vlews ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and Lhelr properLles.
Lach of Lhese schedule Lypes has a hosL of caLegorles LhaL you can mlx and maLch Lo make schedules and Lrack
elemenLs wlLhln Lhe model. All of Lhese schedules are broken down lnLo some common elemenLs LhaL allow you Lo
bulld and cusLomlze your schedules. LeL's sLep Lhrough Lhese elemenLs and see how Lhey can be used.
1o begln a schedule, selecL Schedule/CuanLlLy slnce lL ls Lhe mosL wldely used of schedule Lypes. SelecLlng any
of Lhese schedule Lypes wlll glve you Lhe new Schedule dlalog box (llgure 12-1).
I|gure 12-1: CreaLlng a new schedule
1hls dlalog box allows you Lo choose Lhe caLegory you would llke Lo schedule. As you move Lhrough Lhe llsL on
Lhe lefL, you can see a hosL of dlfferenL schedule caLegorles, as llsLed here:
Areas (Cross and 8enLable) Casework Celllngs
CurLaln anels CurLaln SysLems CurLaln Wall Mulllons
uoors LlecLrlcal LqulpmenL LlecLrlcal llxLures
lasclas lloors lurnlLure
lurnlLure SysLems CuLLers LlghLlng llxLures
Mass Mass lloors Mechanlcal Lqulp.
arklng lanLlng lumblng llxLures
roperLy Llne Seg. roperLy Llnes 8alllngs
8amps 8oofs 8ooms
SlLe Slab Ldges SpeclalLy LqulpmenL
SLalrs SLrucLural Columns SLrucLural loundaLlons
SLrucLural lramlng 1opography Wall Sweeps
lf Lhere aren'L enough caLegorles for you Lo choose from Lo creaLe cusLomlzed schedules, 8evlL provldes a
venue Lo add addlLlonal opLlons. AL Lhe boLLom-lefL corner of Lhe new Schedule dlalog box ls Lhe Show CaLegorles
lrom All ulsclpllnes check box. SelecLlng Lhls check box glves you Lhe ablllLy Lo schedule elemenLs from ML and
SLrucLural caLegorles. 1hls opLlon can be useful when you have Lhose dlsclpllnes supplylng 8evlL flles Lo you and
you are llnklng Lhem lnLo your archlLecLural model.
8evlL also glves you Lhe opporLunlLy Lo creaLe schedules LhaL span caLegorles. 1he flrsL opLlon ln Lhe dlalog box
ln llgure 12-1 ls Lhe MulLl-CaLegory schedule. ?ou mlghL wanL Lo schedule all Lhe casework and furnlshlngs ln a
pro[ecL slmulLaneously. Cr perhaps you wanL Lo schedule all Lhe wlndows and doors lf Lhey are belng ordered from
Lhe same manufacLurer. A MulLl-CaLegory schedule allows you Lo comblne a number of caLegorles lnLo one
schedule. Cne of Lhe llmlLs of Lhls schedule Lype ls LhaL you cannoL schedule hosL elemenLs (walls, floors, celllngs,
and so on) buL only Lhelr maLerlals and famlly componenLs.
WlLh Lhls descrlpLlon ln mlnd, leL's look aL Lhe oLher opLlons when creaLlng a schedule. Choose Walls and cllck
Ck. uolng so opens a new dlalog box called Schedule roperLles. Pere, you can seL Lhe varlous properLles of a
schedule LhaL deflne noL only how lL looks, buL whaL lnformaLlon lL reporLs.
1here are flve Labs across Lhe Lop: llelds, lllLer, SorLlng/Crouplng, lormaLLlng, and Appearance. Lach of Lhese
conLrols dlfferenL aspecLs of Lhe schedule. LeL's sLep Lhrough each of Lhese Labs and see how Lhey affecL Lhe look
and reporLlng of Lhe schedule:
llelds 1he llelds Lab (llgure 12-2) leLs you selecL Lhe daLa LhaL wlll appear ln your schedule. lor Lhe wall
schedule, lL shows all Lhe properLles avallable ln Lhe wall famlly (we chose lamlly And 1ype, 1ype Mark, and
volume). 1he llsL of avallable flelds on Lhe lefL wlll vary based on Lhe famlly you chose Lo schedule. lf you've
added any pro[ecL-based parameLers Lo Lhose famlly caLegorles, Lhey wlll be avallable here as well. Also noLlce
aL Lhe lower-lefL corner ls Lhe opLlon lnclude LlemenLs ln Llnked llles. Lnabllng Lhls opLlon allows you Lo
schedule across mulLlple flles and can be a greaL Lool on larger pro[ecLs.
I|gure 12-2: 1he llelds Lab
lllLer Cn Lhe lllLer Lab (llgure 12-3), you can fllLer ouL Lhe daLa you don'L wlsh Lo show ln your schedule. lllLers
work llke common daLabase funcLlons. lor example, you can fllLer ouL all Lhe sheeLs ln a seL LhaL don'L begln
wlLh Lhe leLLer A. Cr you can fllLer a maLerlal llsL so LhaL lL shows only lLems conLalnlng ConcreLe.
I|gure 12-3: 1he lllLer Lab
SorLlng/Crouplng 1he SorLlng/Crouplng Lab (llgure 12-4) leLs you conLrol Lhe order ln whlch lnformaLlon ls
dlsplayed and whlch elemenLs conLrol LhaL order. lor lnsLance, lf you are creaLlng a sheeL lndex you can choose
Lo sorL by SheeL number or SheeL name, dependlng on how you'd llke Lhe lnformaLlon dlsplayed. ?ou can also
declde wheLher you wanL Lo show every lnsLance of an lLem or only Lhe caLegorles for a famlly by uslng Lhe
lLemlze Lvery lnsLance check box aL Lhe boLLom.
I|gure 12-4: 1he SorLlng/Crouplng Lab
lormaLLlng 1he lormaLLlng Lab (llgure 12-3) conLrols Lhe dlsplay headlng for each fleld and wheLher Lhe fleld ls
vlslble on Lhe schedule. lL also conLrols oLher elemenLs of Lhe fleld, such as [usLlflcaLlon, dlsplay name, and
orlenLaLlon of Lhe header. 1hls Lab also allows you Lo use Lhe CalculaLe 1oLals check box. noL all 8evlL flelds wlll
calculaLe Lhelr LoLal values aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe schedule. 8y hlghllghLlng Lhe fleld on Lhe lefL, you can check Lhe
CalculaLe 1oLals box and show a sum aL Lhe boLLom for any numerlcal column.
I|gure 12-S: 1he lormaLLlng Lab
Appearance 1he Appearance Lab (llgure 12-6) conLrols Lhe graphlcal aspecLs of Lhe schedule, such as fonL slze
and sLyle of LexL for each of Lhe columns and headers ln Lhe schedule. lL also allows you Lo Lurn Lhe schedule
grld llnes on and off, as well as modlfy Lhe llne Lhlckness for Lhe grld and boundary llnes.
I|gure 12-6: 1he Appearance Lab
Cnce you've esLabllshed Lhe flelds and look of your schedule, cllcklng Ck glves you a prellmlnary layouL. 1hls
layouL can be modlfled aL any Llme durlng Lhe pro[ecL, buL lL glves you a basls from whlch Lo begln. 1o modlfy Lhe
schedule aL any Llme, slmply cllck Lhe LlemenL roperLles buLLon or rlghL-cllck and choose LlemenL roperLles from
Lhe conLexL menu.
Schedules have Lhelr own speclal Lab on Lhe rlbbon LhaL ls acLlve when you are vlewlng Lhe schedule ouLslde of
a sheeL. 1he Lab (llgure 12-7) allows you Lo selecL Lhe properLles, add and deleLe rows, and show or hlde columns
wlLhln Lhe schedule.
I|gure 12-7: 1he Schedule Lab buLLons
AnoLher key feaLure of Lhls menu bar ls PlghllghL ln Model. 1hls buLLon allows you Lo selecL any elemenL ln Lhe
schedule from any cell and locaLe LhaL elemenL ln Lhe model. LeL's say you wanL Lo locaLe a parLlcular door from
your door schedule. PlghllghL Lhe door ln Lhe schedule and cllck Lhe PlghllghL ln Model buLLon, and 8evlL wlll Lake
you Lo a dlfferenL vlew wlLh LhaL door hlghllghLed. 1hls feaLure can be a useful way Lo locaLe elemenLs ln Lhe
model, especlally for larger models.
now LhaL you have an ldea of Lhe elemenLs LhaL compose a schedule, leL's reLurn Lo our demonsLraLlon
workflow and creaLe a 8enLable Area schedule based on Lhe areas we've deflned earller ln Lhls chapLer.
Mak|ng Schedu|es
now LhaL we've dlscussed some of Lhe feaLures of Lhe Schedule Lool, leL's open Lhe Residence.rvt model and
make a couple of schedules. When you flrsL open Lhe model, you'll noLlce LhaL Lhere are several vlews and sheeLs
already creaLed. 1hls model ls a work ln progress-lL's a prlvaLe resldence of 1,230 square feeL. 1he pro[ecL ls a
renovaLlon of a 1890s Lwo-sLory brlck. ln Lhe deslgn, all Lhe lnLerlor walls have been ellmlnaLed and puL on a
demo" phase, whlch keeps Lhe 19' clear span as open as posslble. All new lnLerlor walls have been added and Lhe
enLlre lnLerlor refreshed wlLhln Lhe hlsLorlc shell. Slnce Lhe renovaLlon ls so subsLanLlal, Lhe deslgner chose Lo
replace all Lhe exlsLlng orlglnal wlndows wlLh new lnsulaLed, wood wlndows. 1o asslsL Lhe wlndow manufacLurer
wlLh Lhe cusLom slzes, you need Lo creaLe a wlndow schedule. 1o begln, choose Lhe Schedule/CuanLlLy buLLon
from Lhe Schedule drop-down menu on Lhe vlew Lab.
1he new Schedule dlalog box (shown earller ln llgure 12-1) opens. Pere you'll make a serles of selecLlons Lo
creaLe Lhe schedule. lollow Lhese sLeps:
1. lrom Lhe CaLegorles llsL, selecL Wlndow aL Lhe boLLom. Slnce Lhls pro[ecL has mulLlple phases, you wanL Lo
make sure Lhe phase ls seL Lo new ConsLrucLlon-you don'L need Lo schedule Lhe wlndows you're removlng.
Cllck Ck when you've flnlshed.
2. We're now golng Lo sLep Lhrough Lhe flve Labs ln Lhe Schedule roperLles dlalog box. 1hls wlll help you formaL
Lhe schedule and choose whaL you'd llke Lo see. SLarLlng wlLh Lhe llelds Lab, choose Lhe followlng flelds:
1ype 1hls represenLs Lhe famlly Lype or, ln our case, Lhe wlndow name.
1ype Mark 1hls ls Lhe leLLer LhaL you'll use on Lhe elevaLlons Lo deflne Lhe wlndow Lype ln your documenL.
WldLh Speclfy Lhe wlndow wldLh.
PelghL Speclfy Lhe wlndow helghL.
CounL Speclfy Lhe number of Llmes a wlndow Lype appears ln Lhe model.
Choose Lhese flelds from Lhe llelds llsL on Lhe lefL and, uslng Lhe Add buLLon, move Lhem Lo Lhe rlghL (
llgure 12-8
). ?ou can use Lhe Move up or Move uown buLLon Lo change Lhe order of Lhe flelds.
I|gure 12-8:
Addlng flelds Lo our Wlndow schedule
3. Choose Lhe SorLlng/Crouplng Lab. lrom Lhe SorL 8y drop-down, choose 1ype.
4. ln our schedule, you wanL Lo make Lhe wlndow counL read as lL would ln a spreadsheeL: rlghL-[usLlfled.
Choose Lhe lormaLLlng Lab and selecL CounL from Lhe llsL on Lhe lefL. Change Lhe AllgnmenL seLLlng Lo 8lghL
(llgure 12-9). ln Lhe same way, you can choose Lhe 1ype Mark fleld and choose Lo cenLer-[usLlfy lL so all Lhe
leLLers wlll allgn nlcely.
I|gure 12-9:
lormaLLlng Lhe schedule
S. We're golng Lo leave Lhe resL of Lhe schedule aL Lhe defaulLs, so cllck Ck. 8evlL wlll follow Lhe dlrecLlons you
have glven lL Lo dlsplay Lhe schedule LhaL appears ln llgure 12-10. noLe LhaL you can also change any of Lhe
headlng names by slmply Lyplng lnslde Lhe box. Slnce 1ype Mark lsn'L a value LhaL mosL people relaLe Lo, we've
slmpllfled lL Lo 1ype and made Lhe resL of Lhe fleld names all uppercase.
I|gure 12-10: 1he Wlndow schedule
lollowlng Lhese slmple guldellnes, you can creaLe all klnds of schedules ln your pro[ecL.
Creating a #oom "chedule
CreaLlng oLher schedule Lypes ls falrly slmple lf you follow Lhe guldellnes we [usL wenL over and sLep Lhrough Lhe
Labs ln Lhe Schedule roperLles dlalog box. Slnce you have one schedule under your belL, leL's Lry anoLher
one-Lhls Llme, you'll creaLe a room schedule. 1o do Lhls, begln by chooslng Lhe Schedule/CuanLlLy buLLon from
Lhe Schedule drop-down on Lhe vlew Lab, and Lhen follow Lhese sLeps:
1. Choose 8ooms from Lhe new Schedule dlalog box and cllck Ck.
2. Choose Lhe followlng flelds from Lhe Schedule roperLles dlalog box:
lloor llnlsh
norLh Wall
LasL Wall
SouLh Wall
WesL Wall
When you're done, cllck Ck.
3. Cn Lhe SorLlng Lab, choose number.
4. Cn Lhe lormaLLlng Lab, choose Area and [usLlfy Lo Lhe rlghL. Cllck Ck Lo geL Lhe schedule you see ln llgure 12-
I|gure 12-11: Cur 8oom schedule
now, leL's do someLhlng sllghLly dlfferenL wlLh Lhls schedule. Slnce four of our columns are deallng wlLh wall
flnlshes, leL's add a header Lo Lhose columns so you can group Lhem under one header, Wall llnlshes. 1o do so,
sLarL by selecLlng Lhe four headers as shown ln llgure 12-12. Crab one wlLh your mouse and holdlng down Lhe lefL
mouse buLLon, drag across Lo selecL all four.
I|gure 12-12: SelecLlng Lhe wall flnlshes
WlLh Lhe four columns selecLed, choose Lhe Croup buLLon from Lhe Peaders panel. 1hls wlll glve you a new row
above your exlsLlng headers. now you can Lype Wa|| I|n|shes Lo compleLe your schedule (llgure 12-13).
I|gure 12-13: 1he 8oom schedule
Cnce Lhls schedule ls compleLe, you'll noLlce LhaL some of Lhe flelds already have daLa ln Lhem. 1hls ls due Lo
Lhe facL LhaL some of Lhls lnformaLlon ls generaLed auLomaLlcally by 8evlL (llke room areas) and some of lL was
added earller ln Lhls process by addlng room numbers Lo Lhe plans or room names. 8emember, schedules are [usL
a nongraphlcal way of vlewlng Lhe model-changes Lo Lhe schedule wlll alLer whaL you see ln Lhe model.
Creating a "heet 1ist
SheeL LlsL ls a dlfferenL schedule Lype LhaL you can creaLe ln 8evlL. 1he SheeL LlsL schedule allows you Lo creaLe a
llsL of sheeLs ln your pro[ecL LhaL are found wlLhln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser. 1hls can be handy, especlally on larger
pro[ecLs where Lhe sheeL llsL can Lend Lo geL long. 1hls Lool ls also locaLed ln Lhe Schedules flyouL on Lhe vlew Lab.
1hls schedule has a feaLure LhaL allows you Lo creaLe placeholders for sheeLs LhaL are noL yeL creaLed or wlll noL
be a parL of your dlsclpllne's drawlngs. ?ou can use Lhls feaLure Lo creaLe full sheeL schedules lncludlng all
consulLanL drawlngs. lL also allows you Lo creaLe placeholder enLrles ln Lhe sheeL schedule before you've creaLed
Lhe sheeLs.
ln our sample workflow, you have creaLed several drawlngs and sheeLs, and you wanL Lo schedule Lhem so you
can add a sheeL llsL Lo your drawlngs. 1o do so, begln by selecLlng Lhe SheeL LlsL Lool from Lhe Schedules flyouL.
1. ?ou'll see Lhe now famlllar 8evlL schedule dlalog box sLarLlng wlLh Lhe llelds Lab. lrom Lhls Lab, you need Lo
selecL Lwo flelds from Lhe caLegorles on Lhe lefL and move Lhem Lo Lhe column on Lhe rlghL. SelecL Lhe SheeL
number and SheeL name caLegorles (llgure 12-14).
I|gure 12-14:
CreaLlng Lhe sheeL llsL
2. Cn Lhe SorLlng/Crouplng Lab, choose Lo sorL by SheeL number and make sure Lhe lLemlze Lvery lnsLance
check box ls checked (llgure 12-13).
I|gure 12-1S:
SorLlng by SheeL number
3. now, choose Lhe lllLer Lab. ?ou'll be creaLlng a sheeL lndex for your presenLaLlon sheeLs, so you don'L wanL Lo
lnclude all Lhe sheeLs ln Lhe seL. ?ou already have some of Lhe consLrucLlon documenLaLlon sheeLs ln Lhe flle (Lhe
A serles sheeLs), and you don'L wanL Lhose reporLed ln your schedule. ?ou wanL Lo fllLer ouL all Lhe sheeLs LhaL
don'L begln wlLh Lhe leLLer k (for Lhe klLchen sheeLs ln Lhls seL).
4. Cn Lhe lllLer Lab, choose Lo fllLer by SheeL number.
S. lrom Lhe nexL drop-down, choose 8eglns WlLh.
6. ln Lhe Lhlrd fleld, enLer Lhe leLLer A. 1he fllLer should look llke llgure 12-16.
7. 8e sure Lo use an uppercase A, as Lhe 8oolean querles ln 8evlL are case senslLlve. When you're done, cllck Ck.
WhaL you should have ls a schedule wlLh noLhlng ln lL buL sheeL numbers LhaL begln wlLh Lhe leLLer A. now you
need Lo populaLe Lhe resL of Lhe sheeL llsL.
8. 1o begln addlng sheeLs Lo Lhe sheeL llsL, selecL Lhe new SheeL buLLon from Lhe CreaLe panel. 1hls wlll glve you
a row wlLh a blank for boLh of your headlngs, SheeL number and SheeL name.
9. 1o your sheeL llsL, you'll add one of Lhe Lwo sheeLs you need for Lhls seL. ?ou need a lan sheeL - A100.
Cllcklng Lhe new SheeL buLLon wlll glve you Lhe new SheeL dlalog box so you can add a sheeL Lo Lhe seL (llgure
I|gure 12-16:
lllLerlng ouL sheeLs
I|gure 12-17:
Addlng sheeLs Lo Lhe llsL
10. Choose Lhe 2234 SheeL Cu - C1 sheeL and cllck Ck. 1hls wlll add a sheeL Lo your pro[ecL browser. 8y
defaulL, Lhe sheeLs are added ln sequenLlal order, so whlchever sheeL was added Lhe mosL recenLly wlll be Lhe
nexL sheeL ln Lhe llsL. ln Lhls example, lL wlll appear as A031, rlghL afLer Lhe A030 sheeL. 8lghL-cllck Lhe sheeL and
choose 8ename from Lhe conLexL menu. 8ename Lhe sheeL Lo A100 - I|oor |ans. ?ou'll see a blank sheeL ln
your vlew wlndow. Closlng Lhls vlew wlll Lake you back Lo Lhe schedule vlew wlLh your new sheeL ln Lhe llsL
(llgure 12-18).
I|gure 12-18: Addlng sheeLs Lo Lhe seL
|ac|ng V|ews on Sheets
1hroughouL Lhls book, you have creaLed several dlfferenL klnds of vlews, from plans Lo elevaLlons Lo perspecLlves.
LvenLually, you wlll need Lo lay ouL Lhose vlews onLo sheeLs so Lhey can be prlnLed or converLed Lo ul formaL and
senL Lo cllenLs or Leam members for revlew.
CreaLlng sheeLs ln 8evlL ls very easy. As you've already seen, Lhey can be creaLed Lhrough a SheeL LlsL schedule.
?ou can also creaLe sheeLs by rlghL-cllcklng Lhe SheeL node ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and selecLlng new SheeL from
Lhe conLexL menu. 8egardless of whlch meLhod you use Lo creaLe Lhem, leL's walk Lhrough laylng Lhese vlews ouL
on sheeLs and see how each vlew can be furLher manlpulaLed once lL's placed on a sheeL.
Add|ng I|oor |ans to the Sheet
Slnce you have already creaLed a serles of vlews, leL's use Lhe sheeL you've [usL made for Lhls purpose. Cpen Lhe
A100 - lloor lans sheeL ln Lhe vlew wlndow by double-cllcklng lL ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser. now, leL's add our flrsL
vlew: Lhe 8asemenL floor plan. 1o begln, drag and drop Lhe plan from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and onLo Lhe sheeL. 1he
vlew wlll show aL Lhe proper scale and wlLh a vlew 1lLle already esLabllshed. ?ou can Lhen drag Lhe vlew across Lhe
sheeL Lo place lL where you'd llke Lo have lL (place lL on Lhe lefL slde-you'll add more). llgure 12-19 shows Lhe
vlew placed on Lhe sheeL.
now, slnce we have a blL more space lefL on Lhe sheeL, leL's add a couple of oLher vlews. Add Level 1 and Level 2
by dragglng and dropplng Lhem from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and on Lo Lhe sheeL. ?ou should noLlce when you're
placlng your second and Lhlrd vlews on Lhe sheeL LhaL you wlll be presenLed wlLh an ouLllne of Lhe plan vlew wlLh a
dashed llne ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe vlew. 1hls ls an allgnmenL Lool, 8evlL ls assumlng LhaL you wanL Lhe plans Lo allgn
on Lhe sheeL and lL ls lnLelllgenL enough Lo ald you ln Lhls process. ?ou can casually drag Lhe vlews around on Lhe
sheeLs enough Lo flnd Lhe allgnmenL llnes and Lo ensure LhaL all your plans wlll llne up (llgure 12-20). ?our sheeL
full of vlews should look llke llgure 12-21.
I|gure 12-19: laclng Lhe vlew on a sheeL
I|gure 12-20: Allgnlng vlews on sheeLs
I|gure 12-21: All Lhe vlews placed on Lhe sheeL
Cnce Lhe vlews are placed on a sheeL, Lhere wlll lnevlLably be a blL of cleanup you'll wanL Lo do Lo Lhe drawlngs
Lo geL everyLhlng placed properly and looklng good. llrsL of all, by defaulL, 8evlL wlll place Lhe vlew Lag ln roughly
Lhe same place for each vlew, and LhaL mlghL noL be Lhe locaLlon you ulLlmaLely wanL lL Lo be ln. 8evlL wlll also
number Lhe vlews sequenLlally (1, 2, 3,.) ln order of placemenL.
LeL's ad[usL Lhe vlew Lags a blL on Lhe sheeLs. 1o ad[usL Lhe LexL ln Lhe Lags, sLarL by selecLlng Lhe vlew
lLself-not the tag. 1o ad[usL Lhe Lag locaLlon, you'll wanL Lo selecL Lhe Lag lLself.
1. SLarL by selecLlng Lhe vlew for Lhe 8asemenL. 1he Lag wlll hlghllghL ln blue. ?ou wanL Lo change Lwo Lhlngs on
Lhe Lag: Lhe number and Lhe lengLh of Lhe llne.
2. SelecL Lhe number 1 and change lL Lo A1 Lo reference Lhe Conuoc drawlng sysLem-leLLers verLlcally along Lhe
slde of Lhe sheeL and numbers across Lhe boLLom of Lhe sheeL. Move Lhe deLall Lo Lhe locaLlon on Lhe lower-lefL
corner of Lhe deLall on Lhe drawlng sheeL.
3. nexL, uslng Lhe blue grlps on Lhe vlew Lag llne, drag Lhe rlghL grlp closer Lo Lhe end of Lhe 8asemenL LexL. ?our
Lag wlll look llke llgure 12-22.
I|gure 12-22:
1he edlLed vlew Lag
4. now, clearly you can'L leave Lhe vlew Lag Lhere as lL's falllng off Lhe lefL edge of Lhe sheeL-you need Lo move
lL Lo a beLLer poslLlon. Cllck off Lhe Lag, anywhere ln Lhe vlew, Lo deselecL Lhe Lag. ?ou can also press Lhe Lsc key
Lwlce or selecL Lhe Modlfy arrow aL Lhe upper lefL. 1hen, selecL Lhe Lag lLself. lL wlll hlghllghL blue agaln, buL
wlLhouL Lhe grlps on Lhe llne. now, you can cllck and drag Lhe Lag Lo any locaLlon on Lhe sheeL (llgure 12-23).
I|gure 12-23:
Movlng Lhe vlew Lag
S. uo Lhe same Lo Lhe oLher Lwo vlews. 8ename Level 1 Lo A6 and Level 2 Lo A11 Lo maLch Lhelr locaLlon on
Lhe sheeL as shown, shorLenlng Lhe vlew Lag llnes Lo a more approprlaLe lengLh (llgure 12-24).
I|gure 12-24: Laylng ouL Lhe resL of Lhe sheeL vlews
1o flnlsh organlzlng your sheeL, you wanL Lo add a few llnes Lo dlvlde Lhe dlfferenL vlews. ?ou can do so easlly by
uslng Lhe ueLall Llne Lool , whlch can be found on Lhe AnnoLaLe Lab.
1. Choose ueLall Llne from Lhe ueLall anel.
2. uolng so acLlvaLes Lhe Modlfy | lace ueLall Llnes conLexL menu. lrom Lhe Llne SLyle panel on Lhe far rlghL,
choose Wlde Llnes from Lhe drop-down.
3. Cnce Lhe deslred llne sLyle ls selecLed, you're ready Lo sLarL drawlng llnes. 8y defaulL, Lhe sLralghL llne Lool ls
acLlve, and you can selecL one of Lhe nodes on Lhe sheeL beLween vlews and draw a verLlcal llne beLween Lhe
8asemenL and Level 1 and beLween Level 1 and Level 2 (llgure 12-23).
I|gure 12-2S: Addlng llnes Lo Lhe sheeL
WlLh Lhese dlvldlng llnes ln place, you noLlce LhaL one of your annoLaLlons ln Lhe 8asemenL vlew ls a llLLle Loo
close Lo Lhe drafLlng llne (llgure 12-26). ?ou wanL Lo ad[usL lL.
1o do Lhls, you could slmply open Lhe vlew and ad[usL Lhe LexL box, buL you wouldn'L have Lhe sheeL as a
reference. lnsLead, you're golng Lo use a command called AcLlvaLe vlew.
I|gure 12-26: Ad[usLlng LexL ln Lhe sheeL vlew
AcLlvaLlng a vlew ls llke worklng ln model space Lhrough paperspace ln CAu. ?ou're worklng on Lhe acLual vlew
buL you're dolng so whlle lL ls placed on Lhe sheeL. 1hls approach allows you Lhe beneflL of seelng how changes Lo
Lhe vlew wlll affecL Lhe layouL of Lhe vlew on Lhe sheeL.
1. 1o begln, rlghL-cllck Lhe vlew and choose AcLlvaLe vlew from Lhe conLexL menu (llgure 12-27).
I|gure 12-27:
AcLlvaLlng Lhe vlew
2. WlLh Lhe vlew acLlvaLed, you'll noLlce LhaL Lhe oLher vlews have become grayed ouL. 8evlL ls showlng you only
Lhe elemenLs you can currenLly edlL-Lhose wlLhln Lhe vlew. SelecL Lhe LexL box LhaL you've ldenLlfled and, uslng
Lhe grlps, drag Lhe rlghL grlp lnward so Lhe LexL wraps (llgure 12-28).
I|gure 12-28:
Modlfylng Lhe LexL box
3. 1o compleLe your edlLs, you now need Lo deacLlvaLe Lhe vlew. 8lghL-cllck anywhere ouLslde Lhe vlew and
choose ueacLlvaLe vlew from Lhe conLexL menu (llgure 12-29).
I|gure 12-29: ueacLlvaLlng Lhe vlew
Add|ng the Schedu|es
WlLh your A100 sheeL lald ouL and ready Lo prlnL, you can qulckly flnlsh your sheeL seL by addlng Lhe Wlndow
schedule you creaLed earller. Addlng a schedule ls [usL llke addlng any oLher vlew-you slmply drag and drop lL
from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser onLo Lhe sheeL.
1. Cpen sheeL C000 Cover SheeL by double-cllcklng lL ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser (llgure 12-30).
2. Crab Lhe Wlndow schedule from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and drag and drop lL lnLo Lhe open area on Lhe sheeL.
I|gure 12-30: C000 Cover SheeL
WlLh Lhe schedule on Lhe sheeL, lL looks llke lL needs a blL of ad[usLmenL. ?ou can redeflne Lhe column spaclng
so you can make any vlsual ad[usLmenLs Lo Lhe schedule whlle lL ls on Lhe sheeL Lo help lL read beLLer. Such
ad[usLmenLs do noL change Lhe acLual schedule buL [usL lLs appearance on Lhe sheeL lLself.
1o do so, hlghllghL Lhe schedule by selecLlng lL. 1he schedule wlll Lurn blue and you'll have a few new grlps Lo
help you make changes (llgure 12-31). 1he blue lnverLed Lrlangles aL Lhe Lop of each column allow you Lo modlfy
Lhe column wldLhs. Crab one and drag lL lefL or rlghL Lo change Lhe column slzlng.
I|gure 12-31: Modlfylng Lhe schedule on Lhe sheeL
?ou'll also noLlce a blue cuL symbol . 1hls cuL symbol allows you Lo break Lhe schedule lnLo parLs
whlle on Lhe same sheeL. 1hls can be especlally handy lf you have a long schedule llke a room or door schedule and
lL has Loo many rows Lo flL on your sheeL verLlcally. SelecLlng Lhls Lool breaks Lhe schedule ln half (and you can
break lL lnLo half agaln and agaln) so LhaL you can Lake advanLage of Lhe horlzonLal real esLaLe on your sheeL. lf you
choose Lo separaLe your schedule ln Lhls fashlon, lL sLlll reLalns all Lhe necessary lnformaLlon and all Lhe porLlons
conLlnue Lo auLomaLlcally flll Lhemselves ouL dynamlcally as a slngle schedule would. ?ou also have Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo change Lhe overall helghL of Lhe schedule once lL ls broken up by grabblng Lhe grlps aL Lhe boLLom
of Lhe schedule and dragglng up and down.
WlLh your schedule on Lhe sheeL and Lhe columns properly formaLLed, you can drag Lhe schedule around on Lhe
sheeL unLll lL's locaLed where you'd llke Lo have lL. 1o move lL around, cllck and hold Lhe lefL mouse buLLon down
on Lhe schedule. As you move lL around on Lhe sheeL, you'll noLlce LhaL llke oLher vlews ln 8evlL, Lhe schedule wlll
[usLlfy wlLh Lhe oLher schedules on Lhe sheeL and glve you a llghL green dashed llne Lo help allgn Lhe Lwo. ?our
flnlshed sheeL wlll look llke llgure 12-32.
I|gure 12-32: 1he flnlshed sheeL C000
r|nt|ng Documents
WlLh all of your documenLs and sheeLs lald ouL, you wlll evenLually need Lo geL Lhe sheeLs ouL of 8evlL and lnLo a
prlnLed formaL. lf you've been worklng ln Lhe Wlndows envlronmenL, you'll flnd LhaL prlnLlng from 8evlL ls
sLralghLforward, because lL's slmllar Lo oLher Wlndows-based appllcaLlons.
1he r|nt D|a|og 8ox
1o prlnL, you do noL need Lo be ln any parLlcular vlew or sheeL. SelecL Lhe AppllcaLlon menu and choose rlnL r
rlnL Lo open Lhe dlalog box shown ln llgure 12-33. All Lhe feaLures for prlnLlng are found here. LeL's sLep Lhrough
Lhls dlalog box and explore each elemenL.
I|gure 12-33: rlnL dlalog box
1he drop-down menu aL Lhe Lop of Lhls dlalog box allows you Lo selecL Lhe prlnLer or ploLLer you wlsh Lo prlnL
Lo. 1hls can be a physlcal prlnLer or a vlrLual one (llke Adobe AcrobaL ulsLlller). ?ou add prlnLers Lo Lhls llsL uslng
your Wlndows rlnLer conLrol panel. MosL of Lhe conLrols you need Lo use can be found aL Lhe boLLom of Lhls
dlalog box ln Lhe SeLLlngs secLlon on Lhe rlghL and Lhe rlnL 8ange on Lhe lefL.
r|nt Sett|ngs
1he prlnLlng envlronmenL ls seL up uslng Lhe rlnL SeLup dlalog box (llgure 12-34). Pere you seL up a prlnLer and
seLLlngs for prlnLlng. ?ou can save Lhese seLLlngs wlLh a name so LhaL you can reuse Lhem ln laLer 8evlL sesslons.
1hese seLLlngs can also be Lransferred Lo oLher 8evlL pro[ecLs lf need be, uslng Lhe 1ransfer ro[ecL SLandards Lool
locaLed on Lhe Manage Lab. LeL's Lake a look aL some of Lhe prlnLlng opLlons avallable Lo you.
Aidden 1ines 6iews
vlews ln 8evlL can be dlsplayed ln four graphlc modes: Wlreframe, Pldden Llne, Shaded, and Shaded WlLh Ldges.
1he mosL commonly used Lype ls Pldden Llne. ?ou'll choose Lhls Lype for floor plans, secLlons, and elevaLlons, and
someLlmes even for 3u.
8evlL leLs you selecL wheLher you wlsh Lo prlnL Lhls Lype of vlew wlLh vecLor processlng or rasLer processlng of
Lhe hldden llnes. vecLor ls fasLer, however, you need Lo be aware of some nuances when worklng wlLh hldden llne
vlews. lor example, LransparenL maLerlals (llke glass) prlnL LransparenL wlLh rasLer processlng buL opaque wlLh
vecLor processlng.
I|gure 12-34: 1he rlnL SeLup dlalog box
1he CpLlons pane ls aL Lhe lower lefL ln Lhe rlnL SeLup dlalog box. 1he pane lncludes Lhese opLlons:
vlew Llnks ln 8lue vlew llnks are hyperllnked Lags LhaL lead you from one vlew Lo anoLher or from a sheeL Lo a
vlew. 1hey appear blue ln 8evlL and prlnL black by defaulL, buL you can speclfy Lo prlnL Lhem ln blue, whlch ls
how Lhey appear on Lhe screen.
Plde 8ef/Work lanes, Plde Scope 8oxes, Plde Crop 8oundarles 1hese Lhree check boxes leL you declde
wheLher Lo prlnL varlous 8evlL-speclflc graphlcs, lncludlng reference planes, scope boxes, and crop boundarles.
Plde unreferenced vlew 1ags uurlng Lhe course of a pro[ecL, you may creaLe a loL of elevaLlon Lags, secLlon
flags, or deLall callouLs for worklng purposes LhaL you don'L wlsh Lo be prlnLed ln Lhe flnal documenLs or placed
on any sheeL. 1hese vlew Lags are referred Lo as unreferenced, and 8evlL glves you Lhe opLlon Lo noL prlnL Lhem.
Cnce all of your opLlons are seL, you have Lhe ablllLy Lo save Lhe seLLlngs so you can qulckly reuse Lhem on
fuLure prlnLs. Choose Lhe Save As buLLon on Lhe rlghL, name Lhe seLLlng 1117, and cllck Ck. now, cllck Ck Lo close
Lhls dlalog box. 1hls wlll Lake you back Lo Lhe rlnL dlalog box.
Print #ange
1he oLher lmporLanL parL of Lhe rlnL dlalog box ls Lhe rlnL 8ange. ln Lhls secLlon, you can deflne exacLly whaL
areas, sheeLs, or vlews you wanL Lo prlnL. lL lncludes Lhese opLlons:
CurrenL Wlndow 1hls opLlon prlnLs Lhe full exLenL of Lhe open vlew, regardless of whaL exLenLs of LhaL vlew are
vlslble currenLly on your screen.
vlslble orLlon Cf CurrenL Wlndow 1hls opLlon prlnLs only whaL you see ln Lhe frame of Lhe open wlndow
framed for Lhe sheeL slze you've selecLed.
SelecLed vlews/SheeLs 1hls opLlon allows you Lo deflne a reusable llsL of vlews, sheeLs, or any comblnaLlons of
vlews and sheeLs. 1hls way, you can essenLlally baLch-prlnL a [ob by sendlng large quanLlLles of sheeLs Lo Lhe
prlnLer ln one shoL and save Lhese selecLlons for laLer prlnL [obs.
1hls dlalog box leLs you plck any vlew or sheeL Lo lnclude ln Lhe vlew/SheeL SeL. lf you only wanL Lo lnclude
sheeLs ln a seL, use Lhe Show opLlons aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe dlalog box Lo shorLen Lhe vlslble llsL. uolng so allows
you Lo selecL only sheeLs or only vlews lf you so choose.
1hls ls a greaL Lool Lo help deflne prlnL llsLs. Some examples of whaL you mlghL wanL Lo use Lhese selecLlons for
would be a 100 percenL consLrucLlon documenL package or a speclflc seL of presenLaLlon sheeLs.
1. ln our example, you wanL Lo prlnL a seL of sheeLs. ueselecL Lhe vlew check box aL Lhe boLLom of Lhls dlalog
box and 8evlL wlll dlsplay a llsL of Lhe sheeLs you've creaLed Lo daLe.
2. nexL, check Lhe A serles sheeLs, Lhe u100 sheeL, and Lhe C000 sheeL you [usL added Lhe schedule Lo (llgure
3. Slnce you wlll more Lhan llkely wanL Lo prlnL Lhls seL agaln, choose Save As from Lhe menu on Lhe rlghL and
name Lhe seL Set 1. 1hls wlll keep your currenL collecLlon of sheeLs LogeLher, and lf you wanL Lo reprlnL Lhls seL,
grab Lhe seL name from Lhe drop-down menu. 8emember, lf you add more drawlngs Lo Lhe seL, by defaulL Lhey
won'L be added Lo Lhls prlnL seL. ?ou'll need Lo revlslL Lhls dlalog box, add Lhe sheeLs, and cllck Lhe Save buLLon.
lor now, cllck Ck Lo close Lhls dlalog box.
I|gure 12-3S:
Checklng Lhe deslred sheeLs
4. Cur flnal dlalog box looks llke llgure 12-36. Cllcklng Ck here wlll prlnL Lhe slx selecLed drawlngs Lo Lhe prlnLer
llsLed aL Lhe Lop. Cllcklng Close saves your prlnL seLup and closes Lhe dlalog box.
I|gure 12-36: llnlshlng Lhe prlnLs
Chapter &-
!orkflow and 2ther #evit %ssentials
undersLandlng 8evlL and how Lo use Lhe sofLware ls noL a dlfflculL challenge. 1he real challenge ls deLermlnlng how
uslng 8evlL and 8lM changes your organlzaLlon's culLure and your pro[ecL's workflow-especlally lf you're comlng
from a CAu-based envlronmenL. 8evlL can be more Lhan [usL a dlfferenL way Lo draw a llne. ln Lhls chapLer, we'll
focus on whaL Lhose changes are and provlde some Lools on how Lo manage Lhe LranslLlon.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
undersLandlng a 8lM workflow
Modellng slLe
ueLalllng ln 8evlL
erformlng quallLy conLrol on your 8evlL model
Understand|ng a 8IM Workf|ow
8egardless of Lhe workflow you have esLabllshed, movlng Lo 8evlL ls golng Lo be a change. ?ou'll sLlll need some
Lools Lo help LranslLlon from your currenL workflow Lo one uslng 8evlL. 1o begln, we'll cover some of Lhe core
dlfferences beLween a CAu-based sysLem and a 8lM-based one.
Movlng Lo 8lM ls a shlfL ln how deslgners and conLracLors look aL Lhe deslgn and documenLaLlon process
LhroughouL Lhe enLlre llfe cycle of Lhe pro[ecL, from concepL Lo occupancy. ln a LradlLlonal CAu-based workflow,
represenLed ln llgure 13-1, each vlew ls drawn separaLely wlLh no lnherenL relaLlonshlp beLween drawlngs. ln Lhls
Lype of producLlon envlronmenL, Lhe Leam creaLes plans, secLlons, elevaLlons, schedules, and perspecLlves and
musL coordlnaLe any changes beLween flles manually.
I|gure 13-1: A CAu-based workflow
ln a 8lM-based workflow, Lhe Leam creaLes a 3u, parameLrlc model and uses Lhls model Lo auLomaLlcally
generaLe Lhe drawlngs necessary for documenLaLlon. lans, secLlons, elevaLlons, schedules, and perspecLlves are
all by-producLs of creaLlng an embelllshed a 8lM model, as shown ln llgure 13-2. 1hls enhanced documenLaLlon
meLhodology noL only allows for a hlghly coordlnaLed drawlng seL buL also provldes Lhe baslc model geomeLry
necessary for analysls such as dayllghLlng sLudles, energy, maLerlal Lakeoffs, and so on.
uslng 8evlL becomes more Lhan a change ln sofLware, lL becomes a change ln workflow and meLhodology. As
varlous deslgn speclallzaLlons lnLeracL and creaLe Lhe bulldlng model (llgure 13-3), you can see how sLrucLure,
mechanlcal, energy, dayllghL, and oLher facLors lnform deslgn dlrecLlon. ?ou can also draw relaLlonshlps beLween
some of Lhese elemenLs LhaL mlghL noL have been as obvlous ln a more LradlLlonally based approach. AlLhough
some of Lhese speclalLles (such as sLrucLure and mechanlcal) are hlsLorlcally separaLe sysLems, by lnLegraLlng Lhem
lnLo a slngle deslgn model, you can see how Lhey lnLeracL ln relaLlon Lo oLher sysLems wlLh a bulldlng. Analysls such
as dayllghLlng can lnform your bulldlng orlenLaLlon and sLrucLure. uependlng on your glazlng, lL can also affecL your
mechanlcal requlremenLs (as solar galn). ?ou can see some of Lhese effecLs Lhrough a compuLaLlonal fluld
dynamlcs (Clu) model (used Lo calculaLe alrflow). Ceographlc lnformaLlon sysLem (ClS) daLa wlll glve you your
relaLlve locaLlon globally and allow you Lo see how much sunllghL you wlll be recelvlng or whaL Lhe local
LemperaLure swlngs wlll be durlng Lhe course of a day. As you can see, all of Lhese varlables can easlly affecL
bulldlng deslgn.
I|gure 13-2: A 8lM workflow
As wlLh any meLhodologlcal change, you'll have success lf you address all Lhe facLors. ro[ecL success happens
on more Lhan a flnanclal or chronologlcal level. lL ls also deLermlned by a Leam's ablllLy Lo repllcaLe successful
resulLs. A dlfflculL aspecL of LranslLlonlng Lo 8lM ls predlcLablllLy. Any sysLem or meLhod, even lf lL ls lnherenLly
lnefflclenL, ls aL some level successful lf Lhe sysLem ls predlcLable. lf you can say LhaL > efforL + y Llme wlll yleld =
resulL, Lhere ls an esLabllshed comforL level wlLh LhaL sysLem even lf lL ls an lnefflclenL sysLem. When you move Lo
8lM, Lhe sysLem auLomaLlcally becomes unpredlcLable because Leam members need Lo experlence Lhe new
sysLem Lo esLabllsh a comforL level wlLh Lhe glven resulLs. no longer does > efforL + y Llme yleld =, lnsLead, Lhe
resulL ls unknown.
I|gure 13-3: 1he lnLegraLed deslgn model
LvenLually, you reach a polnL of Lemporary dlmlnlshlng reLurns. 1he amounL of efforL you need Lo puL lnLo
undersLandlng Lhe new process feels llke lL has begun Lo exceed Lhe value you derlve from Lhe change, and
happlness plaLeaus. AL a polnL durlng Lhls plaLeau, you're puL ln a poslLlon where you need Lo perform a Lask ln a
glven amounL of Llme uslng Lhe new Lechnology. lL mlghL be represenLed by needlng Lo geL a schemaLlc-level
deslgn senL ouL Lo a conLracLor or creaLe someLhlng as slmple as a sLalr. 8egardless, Lhe process ls a forelgn one
and by lLs naLure ls unpredlcLable ln Llme. ?ou'll be faced wlLh a declslon Lo forge ahead uslng an unpredlcLable
meLhod or reverL Lo a more famlllar yeL lnefflclenL process.
Pere your paLh can spllL. 8y regresslng Lo your prevlous process, you'll en[oy an lmmedlaLe lncrease ln
happlness wlLh Lhe famlllarlLy and predlcLablllLy of Lhe former meLhod, buL Lhls wlll only level ouL and never reach
any greaLer helghLs Lhan lL dld before you conLemplaLed Lhe lnlLlal change. lf you sLay Lhe course wlLh Lhe new
process, happlness wlll decrease (and frusLraLlon consequenLly lncreases) as you sLruggle wlLh Lhe change.
Powever, evenLually as Lhe new meLhod becomes more predlcLable and comforLable, your happlness can achleve
greaLer value.
AlLhough Lhls mlghL be an overslmpllflcaLlon of a process change, Lhe core meanlng ls crlLlcal. Change can be
challenglng. Powever, Lo reallze greaLer goals and adapL Lo an ever-changlng envlronmenL boLh professlonally and
globally, you wlll need Lo reLhlnk your process ln order Lo achleve success. Movlng Lo 8lM ls acknowledglng a
change ln workflow and process-from absLracLlon Lo vlrLuallzaLlon (llgure 13-4). As you LranslLlon from a
LradlLlonal workflow Lo a 8lM-based one, keep ln mlnd Lhe change ln culLure. lL wlll help you Lo manage
expecLaLlons, Llme, and Leam members' sLress levels.
I|gure 13-4: lrom absLracLlon Lo vlrLuallzaLlon
Staff|ng a 8IM pro[ect
As you reLhlnk Lhe process of deslgn and documenLaLlon, one of Lhe semanLlc changes you wlll need Lo address ls
sLafflng. A common mlsconcepLlon of pro[ecL managemenL when Leams are flrsL movlng from CAu Lo 8lM ls LhaL
sLafflng Lhe pro[ecL wlll be Lhe same ln boLh workflows. 1hls couldn'L be furLher from Lhe LruLh. When Lhe
workflow changes, sLafflng allocaLlons, Llme Lo compleLe Lasks, and percenLage of work by phase are all affecLed as
a by-producL of Lhe change of meLhod.
ln a CAu-based pro[ecL, Lhe level of efforL durlng each of Lhe phases ls falrly well known. 1he lndusLry has been
uslng some meLrlcs over Lhe pasL several years LhaL should be falrly famlllar. 1here ls modesL efforL and sLafflng ln
concepLual deslgn and schemaLlc deslgn phases, and Lhls efforL bullds unLll lL crescendos durlng consLrucLlon
documenLaLlon. AL Lhls phase, a CAu pro[ecL can greaLly lncrease Lhe number of sLaff ln an efforL Lo expedlLe Lhe
compleLlon of Lhe drawlng seL. 1hls sLaff lncrease can be effecLlve because Lhe CAu drawlngs are Lyplcally separaLe
flles and movlng llnes ln one drawlng won'L dynamlcally change anoLher.
ln a 8lM-based framework, Lhere ls sLlll a gradual lncrease of sLafflng and efforL Lhrough concepLual deslgn and
lnLo Lhe schemaLlc phase, buL Lhe efforL durlng schemaLlc deslgn ls greaLer uslng 8lM Lhan ln CAu. uurlng
schemaLlc deslgn and deslgn developmenL, Lhe pro[ecL Leam ls sLlll performlng all Lhe same Lasks LhaL occur ln any
deslgn process: LesLlng deslgn concepLs, vlsuallzaLlons, or deslgn lLeraLlon. 1he lncrease ln efforL durlng Lhe early
deslgn phases allows Lhe Leam Lo use Lhe parameLrlc naLure of Lhe model Lo slgnlflcanLly reduce Lhe efforL laLer
durlng consLrucLlon documenLs, allowlng for a decrease ln Lhe overall efforL over Lhe pro[ecL cycle.
ro[ect ko|es Us|ng kev|t
WlLh such a slgnlflcanL change ln Lhe efforL behlnd a 8lM-based pro[ecL flow, lL's also lmporLanL Lo undersLand how
Lhls can change Lhe varlous roles and responslblllLles for Lhe pro[ecL Leam. 1he changes ln LradlLlonal roles can
become a barrler Lo many pro[ecLs successfully adopLlng 8lM. ro[ecL managers need Lo be able Lo predlcL sLafflng
and Llme Lo compleLe Lasks LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL phases and have relled on pasL precedenL of sLaff and pro[ecL
Lypes Lo do Lhls. Slnce a 8lM-based pro[ecL can slgnlflcanLly alLer Lhe pro[ecL workflow, many of Lhe hlsLorlc
LlmeLables for Lask compleLlon are no longer valld. Powever, a 8lM-based pro[ecL can be broken down lnLo a few
prlmary roles LhaL wlll allow you some level of predlcLablllLy Lhrough Lhe varlous pro[ecL phases. AlLhough Lhe
speclflc efforL and sLafflng wlll vary beLween offlces (and even pro[ecLs), Lhere are some general roles LhaL wlll
need Lo be accounLed for on every pro[ecL.
1here are Lhree prlmary roles on every 8lM pro[ecL:
ArchlLecL ueals wlLh deslgn lssues, code compllances, clear wldLhs, wall Lypes, and so on
Modeler CreaLes conLenL ln 2u or ln 3u
urafLer ueals wlLh annoLaLlons, sheeL layouL, vlew creaLlon, and deLall creaLlon
1hese roles represenL efforLs and general Lasks LhaL you need Lo Lake lnLo accounL on any 8evlL pro[ecL. Cn a
large pro[ecL, Lhese roles could also represenL lndlvldual people, whereas on a smaller pro[ecL Lhey mlghL be all Lhe
same person or one person mlghL carry mulLlple roles. We'll now cover each of Lhese ln a blL more deLall and
dlscuss how Lhese roles lnLeracL wlLh Lhe pro[ecL cycle.
1he role of Lhe archlLecL ls Lo deal wlLh Lhe archlLecLural lssues revolvlng around Lhe pro[ecL. As Lhe model ls belng
creaLed, you wlll naLurally have Lo solve lssues llke consLrucLablllLy and wall Lypes, seL corrldor wldLhs, deal wlLh
deparLmenL areas, and deal wlLh oLher lssues lnvolvlng elLher codes or Lhe overall archlLecLural deslgn. 1hls role
wlll be Lhe one applylng sLandards Lo Lhe pro[ecL (as ln wall Lypes, keynoLes, and so on) and organlzlng Lhe
documenL seL. 1hls role wlll need Lo be presenL on Lhe pro[ecL from Lhe beglnnlng Lo ensure conslsLency of Lhe
vlrLual bulldlng creaLlon and lsn'L necessarlly llmlLed Lo only one person. 1hls role also mlghL or mlghL noL be a
deslgner." AlLhough lL ls posslble Lo do early deslgn ln 8evlL, many pro[ecL Leams prefer Lo uLlllze oLher Lools such
as Coogle SkeLchup or even pencll and Lrace paper. 1he [ob of Lhe archlLecL ls sLeerlng Lhe creaLlon of Lhe bulldlng
wlLhln 8evlL. 1asks for Lhls role lnclude Lhe followlng:
Leadlng Lhe creaLlon of archlLecLural elemenLs and bulldlng from wlLhln Lhe model
ueslgnlng around code requlremenLs and oLher bulldlng loglsLlcs
ConsLrucLablllLy and deLalllng aspecLs of Lhe deslgn
1he role of Lhe modeler ls Lo creaLe all Lhe 2u and especlally Lhe 3u conLenL needed ln Lhe pro[ecL. 1hls conLenL
lncludes all Lhe parameLrlc famllles for elemenLs such as wlndows, doors, casework, wall Lypes, sLalrs, ralllngs, and
furnlshlngs. 1yplcally, Lhls role ls Lhe responslblllLy of less experlenced sLaff, who mlghL noL be able Lo fulflll Lhe
role of archlLecL. 1hese less experlenced poslLlons Lend Lo have longer perlods of undlsLurbed Llme, maklng Lhem
beLLer sulLed Lo deal wlLh some of Lhe longer, more lnvolved Lasks ln modellng conLenL. llnally, Lhey also Lend Lo
have some 3u experlence comlng ouL of school. 1hey mlghL noL have worked wlLh 8evlL dlrecLly buL posslbly wlLh
AuLodesk 3ds Max or Coogle SkeLchup, and are Lhereby famlllar wlLh worklng ln a 3u envlronmenL. 1asks for Lhls
role lnclude:
1he role of Lhe drafLer ls Lo creaLe sheeLs and vlews and embelllsh Lhose vlews wlLh annoLaLlons or oLher 2u
conLenL. 1hls role wlll be dolng Lhe bulk of Lhe work needed Lo documenL Lhe pro[ecL. ln earller sLages of Lhe
pro[ecL, Lhls role ls Lyplcally assumed by elLher Lhe archlLecL or Lhe modeler, buL as documenLaLlon geLs movlng
lnLo hlgh gear, lL can qulckly become Lhe role of mulLlple people on a larger pro[ecL. 1asks for Lhls role lnclude Lhe
SeLLlng up sheeLs and vlews
CreaLlng schedules
lrom a sLafflng plannlng purpose, we are dlscusslng Lhe ldeal Llmes Lo brlng ln some of Lhese varlous roles lnLo
Lhe pro[ecL. AL Lhe lncepLlon of a pro[ecL deslgn, a modellng role wlll be of Lhe besL use. 1hls person can help
creaLe bulldlng form, add concepLual conLenL, and geL Lhe masslng for Lhe bulldlng esLabllshed. lf you're uslng Lhe
concepLual modellng Lools, Lhe modeler can even do some early susLalnable deslgn calculaLlons.
Cnce Lhe pro[ecL beglns Lo Lake a more esLabllshed form and you compleLe concepLual deslgn, you'll need an
archlLecL role Lo sLep lnLo Lhe pro[ecL. As ln a Lyplcal pro[ecL, you'll have Lo mold Lhe form lnLo a bulldlng by
applylng maLerlals, applylng wall Lypes, and valldaLlng spaLlal requlremenLs and Lhe owner's program.
uurlng schemaLlc deslgn, you'll need Lo lnclude Lhe role of Lhe drafLer Lo begln laylng ouL sheeLs and creaLlng
vlews. 1hese sheeLs and vlews don'L have Lo be for a consLrucLlon documenL seL yeL, buL you'll have Lo esLabllsh
vlews for any schemaLlc deslgn submlLLals. lf Lhese vlews are seL up properly, Lhey can be reused laLer for deslgn
developmenL and consLrucLlon documenL submlLLals as Lhe model conLlnues Lo galn a greaLer level of deLall.
WhaL you'd llke Lo avold for your pro[ecL sLafflng, lf posslble, ls addlng sLaff durlng Lhe consLrucLlon documenL
phase. ln a 8lM/8evlL workflow, Lhls can someLlmes cause more problems Lhan lL solves and slow down Lhe Leam
raLher Lhan geL work done fasLer.
Add|ng 1eam Members to I|ght I|res
ln many pro[ecLs, Lhere comes a Llme when Lhe schedule geLs LlghL and pro[ecL managemenL wanLs Lo add more
sLaff Lo a pro[ecL Lo meeL a speclflc deadllne. When ln a 2u CAu envlronmenL, new Leam members would be added
Lo help meeL a deadllne and would have Lhe burden of Lrylng Lo learn Lhe archlLecLure of Lhe bulldlng, Lhe LhoughLs
behlnd lLs deslgn, and how lLs varlous sysLems lnLeracL. ln a 8evlL pro[ecL, Lhey have LhaL same obllgaLlon, buL Lhey
have Lhe addlLlonal Lask of learnlng how Lhe model goes LogeLher. 1he model wlll have consLralnLs seL agalnsL
varlous elemenLs (such as locklng a corrldor wldLh) as well as varlous dlglLal consLrucLlon lssues (such as how floors
and walls mlghL be Lled LogeLher, whaL Lhe varlous famlly names are, or workseL organlzaLlon). 1hls ramplng-up"
perlod consumes addlLlonal Llme.
8egardless of plannlng, deadllnes escape Lhe besL of archlLecLs and pro[ecL managers. lL's a good ldea Lo know
when and how you can sLaff Lo make sure you meeL deadllnes. keeplng ln mlnd LhaL any Leam members new Lo
Lhe pro[ecL have Lo learn abouL both Lhe deslgn and Lhe model Lhey have been Lhrown lnLo, follow Lhese
suggesLlons so new sLaff can help producLlon and don'L accldenLally break anyLhlng along Lhe way:
CreaLe conLenL, conLenL, conLenL. ?ou wlll flnd LhaL you wlll be maklng model famllles or deLall componenLs
unLll Lhe end of Lhe pro[ecL. 1hls process wlll help geL Lhe newble engaged ln a speclflc parL of Lhe pro[ecL and
also lsolaLe Lhem enough unLll Lhey learn more abouL how Lhe model has gone LogeLher.
uL Lhem lnLo a drafLlng role. Lven lf Lhls lsn'L Lhelr ulLlmaLe role on Lhe pro[ecL, havlng sLaff new Lo Lhe deslgn
help creaLe vlews and lay ouL sheeLs wlll geL Lhem famlllar wlLh Lhe archlLecLure whlle sLlll allowlng Lhe Leam Lo
progress on Lhe documenL seL.
SLarL Lhem Lo work on deLalllng. Lvery pro[ecL can always use someone who knows how Lo puL a bulldlng
LogeLher. lf you have someone new Lo Lhe pro[ecL and posslbly even new Lo 8evlL, leL Lhem embelllsh some of
Lhe vlews already creaLed and lald ouL on sheeLs. 1hese vlews can be layered wlLh 2u componenLs, llnework,
and annoLaLlons.
Mode||ng S|te
ln Lhe prevlous secLlons of Lhls chapLer, you learned abouL Lhe fundamenLal Lools for edlLlng and modlfylng model
elemenLs. AnoLher seL of Lools you should become famlllar wlLh are Lhe slLe Lools. 1hey allow you Lo creaLe a
conLexL wlLhln whlch your bulldlng models can be slLuaLed. lor example, a Loposurface wlll creaLe a haLched area
when you vlew your bulldlng ln a secLlon, and lL wlll funcLlon as a hosLlng surface for slLe componenLs such as
Lrees, shrubs, parklng spaces, accessorles, and vehlcles (llgure 13-3).
I|gure 13-S: A Loposurface can hosL componenLs such as Lrees, enLourage, and vehlcles.
1he slLe Lools ln 8evlL are only lnLended Lo be used for Lhe creaLlon of baslc elemenLs, lncludlng Lopography,
properLy llnes, and bulldlng pads. AlLhough edlLlng uLlllLles are avallable Lo manlpulaLe Lhe slLe elemenLs, Lhese
Lools are noL meanL Lo be used for clvll englneerlng llke Lhe funcLlonallLy found ln AuLoCAu Clvll 3u.
ln Lhe followlng secLlons you'll learn abouL Lhe dlfferenL ways Lo creaLe and modlfy a Loposurface, how Lo
generaLe properLy llnes wlLh Lags, and how Lo model a bulldlng pad wlLhln a Loposurface.
Us|ng a 1oposurface
As lLs name suggesLs, a Loposurface ls a surface-based represenLaLlon of Lhe Lopography conLexL supporLlng a
pro[ecL. lL ls noL modeled as a solld ln 8evlL, however, a Loposurface wlll appear as lf lL were a solld ln a 3u vlew
wlLh a secLlon box enabled (llgure 13-6).
I|gure 13-6: 1oposurfaces wlll appear as a solld ln a 3u vlew only lf a secLlon box ls used.
?ou can creaLe a Loposurface ln Lhree dlfferenL ways: by placlng polnLs aL speclflc elevaLlons, by uslng a llnked
CAu flle wlLh llnes or polnLs aL varylng elevaLlons, or by uslng a polnLs flle generaLed by a clvll englneerlng
appllcaLlon. We'll examlne Lhese Lechnlques ln Lhe followlng exerclses.
Creating a Toposurface from mported Data
A common workflow you may encounLer lnvolves Lhe use of CAu daLa generaLed by a clvll englneer. ln Lhls case,
Lhe englneer musL creaLe a flle wlLh 3u daLa. 8locks, clrcles, or conLour polyllnes musL exlsL ln Lhe CAu flle aL Lhe
approprlaLe elevaLlon Lo be used ln Lhe process of generaLlng a Loposurface ln 8evlL.
ln Lhe followlng exerclse, you wlll download a sample uWC flle wlLh conLour polyllnes. ?ou musL llnk Lhe flle
lnLo your 8evlL pro[ecL before creaLlng Lhe Loposurface.
1. CreaLe a new 8evlL pro[ecL uslng Lhe default.rte or DefaultMetric.rte LemplaLe.
2. uownload Lhe flle c13-Site-Link.dwg from Lhls book's web page.
3. AcLlvaLe Lhe SlLe plan ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser.
4. Co Lo Lhe lnserL Lab ln Lhe rlbbon and cllck Lhe Llnk CAu buLLon. SelecL Lhe c13-Site-Link.dwg flle and seL
Lhe followlng opLlons:
CurrenL vlew Cnly: unchecked
lmporL unlLs: AuLo-ueLecL
oslLlonlng: AuLo - CenLer 1o CenLer
lace AL: Level 1
S. Cllck Cpen Lo close Lhe dlalog box and compleLe Lhe lnserLlon of Lhe CAu llnk. Cpen a defaulL 3u vlew Lo
examlne Lhe resulLs (llgure 13-7).
I|gure 13-7:
Llnked CAu flle as seen ln a 3u vlew
6. lrom Lhe Masslng And SlLe Lab ln Lhe rlbbon, cllck Lhe 1oposurface buLLon. ln Lhe 1ools panel on Lhe Modlfy |
LdlL Surface rlbbon, selecL CreaLe lrom lmporL and Lhen SelecL lmporL lnsLance.
7. lck Lhe llnked CAu flle, and Lhe Add olnLs lrom SelecLed Layers dlalog box wlll appear (llgure 13-8). Cllck
Lhe Check none buLLon and Lhen selecL Lhe layers C-1CC-MA!8 and C-1CC-Mln8.
I|gure 13-8:
SelecL only Lhe layers conLalnlng 3u conLour lnformaLlon.
8. Cllck Ck Lo close Lhe dlalog box. lL may Lake a few seconds Lo generaLe Lhe polnLs based on Lhe conLour
polyllnes ln Lhe llnked flle, buL Lhey wlll appear as black squares when Lhey have all been placed.
9. lf you would llke Lo use fewer polnLs Lo deflne Lhe Loposurface, cllck Lhe Slmpllfy Surface buLLon ln Lhe
conLexLual rlbbon and enLer a larger value such as 1'-0r [230 mm].
10. Cllck Lhe llnlsh Surface buLLon ln Lhe conLexLual rlbbon Lo compleLe Lhe Loposurface. Change Lhe vlsual sLyle
of Lhe vlew Lo ConslsLenL Colors Lo examlne your resulLs.
Creat|ng a 8u||d|ng ad
A building pad ln 8evlL ls a unlque model elemenL LhaL resembles a floor. lL can have a Lhlckness and compound
sLrucLure, lL ls assoclaLed wlLh a level, and lL can be sloped uslng slope arrows whlle you're skeLchlng lLs boundary.
1he bulldlng pad ls dlfferenL from a floor because lL wlll auLomaLlcally cuL Lhrough a Loposurface, deflnlng Lhe
ouLllne for your bulldlng's cellar or basemenL.
1he process Lo creaLe a bulldlng pad ls vlrLually ldenLlcal Lo LhaL of creaLlng a floor. LeL's run Lhrough a qulck
exerclse Lo creaLe a bulldlng pad ln a sample pro[ecL:
1. Cpen Lhe flle c13-Site-Pad.rvt, whlch can be downloaded from Lhls book's web page.
2. AcLlvaLe Lhe floor plan named SlLe ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser. ?ou wlll see an exlsLlng Lopographlc surface and
properLy llne. noLlce LhaL reference planes were creaLed Lo demarcaLe Lhe requlred zonlng seLbacks from Lhe
properLy llne. loundaLlon walls have been creaLed wlLhln Lhese reference planes.
noLe LhaL you don'L have Lo creaLe a properLy llne and walls before creaLlng a bulldlng pad. ?ou mlghL creaLe a
bulldlng pad before any oLher bulldlng elemenLs. !usL reallze LhaL you can uLlllze Lhe lck Walls mode Lo
assoclaLe Lhe boundary of Lhe bulldlng pad wlLh Lhe foundaLlon walls.
3. AcLlvaLe Lhe Cellar floor plan from Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser.
4. Co Lo Lhe Masslng And SlLe Lab ln Lhe rlbbon and cllck Lhe 8ulldlng ad buLLon. ln Lhe roperLles paleLLe,
change Lhe PelghL CffseL lrom Level value Lo 0.
S. SwlLch Lo lck Walls mode ln Lhe uraw panel of Lhe conLexLual rlbbon and Lhen plck Lhe lnslde edges of Lhe
four foundaLlon walls. ?ou can use Lhe 1ab-SelecL meLhod Lo place all four llnes aL once.
6. Cllck Lhe llnlsh LdlL Mode buLLon ln Lhe conLexLual rlbbon Lo compleLe Lhe skeLch and Lhen double-cllck Lhe
secLlon head ln Lhe plan vlew Lo examlne your resulLs. noLlce Lhe Lop of Lhe bulldlng pad ls aL Lhe Cellar level and
Lhe poche of Lhe Lopographlc surface has been removed ln Lhe space of Lhe cellar (llgure 13-9).
I|gure 13-9: 1hls secLlon vlew lllusLraLes how Lhe bulldlng pad ad[usLs Lhe exLenLs of Lhe Lopographlc surface.
Ad[ust|ng the Sect|on oche for 1opograph|c Surfaces
lf you would llke Lo cusLomlze Lhe seLLlngs for Lhe flll paLLern and depLh of poche, locaLe Lhe small arrow aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe Model SlLe
panel ln Lhe Masslng And SlLe Lab of Lhe rlbbon. Cllcklng on lL wlll open Lhe SlLe SeLLlngs dlalog box as shown here:
As you can see ln Lhls dlalog box, you can change Lhe SecLlon CuL MaLerlal and Lhe LlevaLlon Cf oche 8ase seLLlngs. noLe LhaL Lhe
elevaLlon value ls ln relaLlon Lo Lhe 8evlL pro[ecL base polnL. ?ou can also ad[usL Lhe dlsplay formaL of conLour llnes shown on Lopographlc
surfaces as well as Lhe unlLs dlsplayed by properLy llnes.
Deta|||ng |n kev|t
Slnce you can creaLe Lhe same deLalls and sheeL vlews uslng a few dlfferenL meLhods, lL becomes lmporLanL Lo
undersLand when Lo use each of Lhese deLall meLhodologles. knowlng when Lo use each wlll depend on how your
model was consLrucLed, Lhe scale of your vlew, and ulLlmaLely your comforL level and experlence wlLh 8evlL. 1o
choose Lhe rlghL Lype of workflow Lo use, ask yourself Lhese Lhree slmple quesLlons:
now many t|mes w||| you see the deta|| |n the mode|?
1here are many deLall condlLlons wlLhln Lhe model envlronmenL LhaL you wlll see a varleLy of Llmes. knowlng how
ofLen you wlll see LhaL condlLlon wlll help you gauge wheLher lL ls worLh Laklng Lhe Llme Lo model ln 3u or wheLher
lL wlll be beLLer as a slmple, 2u deLall. As a general rule of Lhumb, lf you are golng Lo see Lhe condlLlon more Lhan
once, lL wlll probably be worLh your Llme Lo model lL. lf you wlll see Lhe condlLlon only once, lL wlll probably be a
good ldea Lo slmply drafL lL as a 2u deLall. ?ou wlll have many door[amb condlLlons wlLhln Lhe model, buL you'll
need Lo see Lhe deLall condlLlon only once. ln Lhls case, lL's probably beLLer Lo slmply drafL LhaL deLall ln 2u
because you'll never see Lhe exposed condlLlons wlLhln Lhe door[amb beyond Lhls deLall. As anoLher example, lf
you are worklng on a wlndow deLall (Lhe whole wlndow, noL Lhe head or slll or [amb), you wlll see Lhls wlndow cuL
ln several plan locaLlons and several secLlonal locaLlon-so many Llmes wlLh Lhe documenL seL. 8ecause of all Lhese
cuLs, lL makes more sense Lo model Lhe wlndow once and seL Lhe parameLrlc condlLlons Lo reflecL Lhe level of
deLall needed for Lhe scale of Lhe drawlng.
What sca|e are you draw|ng your deta|| |n?
1he scale you are drawlng ln wlll have a large lmpacL on wheLher Lo model Lhe elemenLs or drafL Lhem. A good rule
of Lhumb ls Lo drafL all your deLalls 1r = 1'-0r [1:10] and larger. Cbvlously, Lhe smaller Lhe scale, Lhe more llkely
you are Lo see Lhe bulldlng elemenLs wlLhln Lhe conLexL of Lhe resL of Lhe model and of oLher componenLs. So, a
wall secLlon aL 3/8r = 1'-0r [1:23] scale would lnclude a loL of Lhe modeled bulldlng conLexL, whlle our door[amb
condlLlon would show very llLLle of Lhe bulldlng conLexL.
now good are you at us|ng kev|t?
1hls ls a crlLlcal quesLlon for modellng and deLalllng. uslng 8evlL ls an lLeraLlve process-you cannoL expecL Lo
masLer Lhe enLlre appllcaLlon Lhe flrsL Llme you model a bulldlng. So, lL's lmporLanL Lo be honesL wlLh your sklll
level so you don'L blLe off more Lhan you can chew ln any phase of Lhe pro[ecL. lf lL ls your flrsL use of 8evlL and Lhe
deadllne ls shorL and modellng Lhe deLall ls compllcaLed, drafL lL. ?ou'll sLlll be able Lo Lake advanLage of many
oLher key elemenLs of Lhe appllcaLlon, llke lLs ablllLy Lo organlze your sheeL seL, auLomaLlc secLlon cuLs, and deLall
flags, among oLher Lhlngs. ?ou can Lake on modellng Lhe complex deLall ln Lhe nexL pro[ecL when you have more
experlence wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon.
erform|ng ua||ty Contro| on our kev|t Mode|
ln any pro[ecL process, you should always malnLaln a level of quallLy conLrol Lo ensure a solld workflow. When
worklng ln a 8lM envlronmenL, good model malnLenance ls an lmperaLlve parL of Lhe process. A well-malnLalned
model wlll open qulckly and be responslve when changlng vlews or manlpulaLlng conLenL. A model LhaL ls noL well
malnLalned can have a very large flle slze, Lake a long Llme Lo open or save, or even become corrupLed. LeLLlng Lhe
quallLy conLrol of your model suffer can negaLlvely lmpacL Lhe Leam's overall producLlon and lead Lo frusLraLlon
because Leam members cannoL be as efflclenL as Lhey'd llke Lo be. 1he model slze wlll grow, lL wlll Lake a long Llme
Lo save locally or synchronlze wlLh cenLral (SWC), and Lhe flle can suffer corrupLlon or crashes.
MalnLalnlng a good, healLhy model ls noL a hard Lhlng Lo accompllsh. uolng so Lakes abouL as much efforL as
regularly changlng Lhe oll ln your car. 1he lmporLanL Lhlng, as wlLh your car, ls dolng Lhe regular malnLenance so
you don'L have Lo flx a blg problem LhaL could have been avolded. ln Lhe followlng secLlons, we'll dlscuss slmple
Lhlngs you can do and waLch uslng Lools already bullL lnLo 8evlL LhaL wlll help flag wheLher a problem exlsLs.
keep|ng an Lye on I||e S|ze
WaLch Lhe slze of your flle. 1he slze of your flle ls a good meLrlc for general flle sLablllLy. A Lyplcal 8evlL flle slze for
a pro[ecL ln consLrucLlon documenLs wlll be beLween 100 M8 and 230 M8-230 M8 ls on Lhe hlgh slde of flle slzes.
8eyond LhaL, you wlll flnd LhaL Lhe model wlll be slow Lo open and hard Lo roLaLe ln 3u vlews, and oLher vlews,
such as bulldlng elevaLlons and overall plans, wlll also be slow Lo open.
Should your flle become large or unwleldy, you have several ways you can Lrlm your flle down and geL your
model lean and responslve agaln.
urg|ng Unused Iam|||es and Groups
Cn Lhe Manage Lab ls a command called urge unused. 1hls command removes all Lhe unused famllles and groups
from your model by deleLlng Lhem. 1here are many Llmes wlLhln a deslgn process when you wlll change wlndow
Lypes or wall Lypes or swap one seL of famllles for anoLher. Lven lf Lhose elemenLs are noL belng used ln Lhe
pro[ecL, Lhey are belng sLored wlLhln Lhe flle, and Lherefore when Lhe flle ls opened, Lhey are belng loaded lnLo
memory. uependlng on Lhe sLage of your pro[ecL, you should perlodlcally deleLe Lhese elemenLs from Lhe model Lo
keep your flle slze down. uon'L worry-lf you flnd you need a famlly you've removed, you can always reload lL.
SelecL Lhe Manage Lab and choose urge unused from Lhe SeLLlngs panel. uependlng on Lhe slze of your model
and how many famllles you have loaded, lL mlghL Lake 8evlL a few mlnuLes Lo compleLe Lhls command.
AfLer 8evlL ls done Lhlnklng, lL wlll provlde you wlLh a llsL of all Lhe famllles and groups ln Lhe flle LhaL are noL
acLlvely wlLhln a vlew (llgure 13-10). AL Lhls polnL, you have Lhe opLlon Lo selecL Lhe elemenLs you wanL Lo deleLe
or Lo keep and remove Lhe resL.
I|gure 13-10: 1he urge unused dlalog box
We don'L recommend LhaL you use Lhls command ln Lhe early sLages of deslgn, malnly because your flle slze
won'L be LhaL large early on and purglng aL Lhls sLage would ellmlnaLe any preloaded famllles LhaL you mlghL have
lncluded ln your LemplaLe. uurlng schemaLlc deslgn and deslgn developmenL, you are Lyplcally golng Lhrough
deslgn lLeraLlon and wlll llkely be addlng and removlng conLenL regularly. lL can become a hassle Lo have Lo
consLanLly load or reload famllles lnLo Lhe model. lf your model ls noL sufferlng from performance lssues or Lhe flle
slze lsn'L unruly, lL's noL necessary Lo perform a urge unused.
Cutt|ng Down on the Number of V|ews
1he ablllLy Lo qulckly creaLe vlews wlLhln a model ls one of Lhe fasL and easy beneflLs of uslng 8evlL. 1hls ablllLy can
also be a deLrlmenL, Lhough, lf lL ls noL managed. 8eyond Lhe hassle of havlng Lo sorL Lhrough many vlews Lo flnd
Lhe one you need, havlng Loo many vlews ln 8evlL can also lmpacL your performance and flle slze.
Cbvlously, a number of vlews are needed wlLhln Lhe model Lo creaLe Lhe consLrucLlon documenLaLlon. 8eyond
Lhose vlews, you wlll flnd yourself creaLlng addlLlonal vlews Lo sLudy Lhe deslgn, deal wlLh model creaLlon, or
slmply vlew Lhe bulldlng or pro[ecL from a new angle. 1hese Lypes of worklng vlews" wlll never make lL Lo Lhe
sheeL seL, and some wlll be used for only brlef perlods.
now Many Work|ng V|ews Is too Many?
Pow many worklng vlews ls Loo many Lo have ln your model? 1he obvlous answer ls when performance beglns Lo suffer, you need Lo sLarL
looklng aL ways Lo make Lhe model lean and speed up response Llmes. We had a pro[ecL Leam new Lo 8evlL, and Lhey were complalnlng
abouL Lhe flle belng slow Lo open and manlpulaLe. When revlewlng Lhelr model, we saw Lhelr flle slze was around 800 M8! We were
surprlsed Lhey were even able Lo do any work aL all.
Cne of Lhe flrsL Lhlngs we dld Lo geL Lhe flle slze down was look aL all Lhe vlews LhaL were noL on sheeLs. We found Lhey had more Lhan
1,200 vlews noL belng used. ueleLlng Lhose vlews, palred wlLh a llle r Save (wlLh Lhe Compress box checked), broughL Lhe flle slze down
Lo 300 M8. AlLhough Lhe resulL was sLlll hlgh, you can see Lhe lmpacL Loo many vlews has on your flle slze.
I|nd|ng Lrrors and Warn|ngs
A seemlngly obvlous way Lo LroubleshooL your model ls Lo use Lhe Lrrors And Warnlngs Lool. AlLhough Lhls Lool wlll
do very llLLle Lo affecL your overall flle slze, Lhe Lrrors And Warnlngs box wlll alerL you Lo problems wlLhln Lhe
model LhaL should regularly be addressed Lo ensure flle sLablllLy. 1o locaLe Lhls dlalog box, on Lhe lnqulry panel of
Lhe Manage Lab, cllck Lhe Lrrors And Warnlngs buLLon.
Cllcklng Lhls buLLon opens Lhe dlalog box shown ln llgure 13-11, whlch llsLs all errors and warnlngs sLlll acLlve ln
your pro[ecL flle.
I|gure 13-11: 1he Lrrors And Warnlngs dlalog box
Lrrors and warnlngs are essenLlally all Lypes of lssues 8evlL has resolvlng geomeLry, confllcLs, or formulas LhaL
do noL equaLe. 1hlngs LhaL wlll appear ln Lhls dlalog box are lnsLances where you have mulLlple elemenLs slLLlng
dlrecLly on Lop of each oLher, Lhereby creaLlng lnaccuraLe schedule counLs, wall [olnLs LhaL do noL properly clean
Lhemselves up, wall and room separaLlon llnes overlapplng, sLalrs LhaL have Lhe wrong number of rlsers beLween
floors, and so on. 1hls dlalog box shows you all Lhe Llmes Lhe yellow warnlng box appeared aL Lhe boLLom-rlghL
corner of Lhe screen and you lgnored lL. Lrrors LhaL go unchecked noL only can compound Lo creaLe oLher errors
buL can lead Lo lnaccuraLe reporLlng ln schedules or even flle corrupLlon. Check Lhe Lrrors And Warnlngs dlalog box
regularly as parL of your perlodlc flle malnLenance and Lry Lo keep Lhe number of lnsLances Lo a mlnlmum.
noLlce LhaL Lhe Lrrors And Warnlngs dlalog box has an LxporL feaLure. use Lhls feaLure Lo exporL your error llsL
Chapter &/
Tips0 Tricks0 and Troubleshooting
1hls chapLer provldes Llps, Lrlcks, and LroubleshooLlng Lo help keep your pro[ecL flles runnlng smooLhly. LlsLed here
are polnLers Lo keep you from geLLlng lnLo Lrouble, as well as a pepperlng of Llme-savers and oLher greaL ldeas.
ln Lhls chapLer, you learn Lhe followlng skllls:
CpLlmlzlng performance
uslng besL pracLlces
llxlng flle corrupLlon
Learnlng Llps and shorLcuLs
llndlng addlLlonal resources
Cpt|m|z|ng erformance
lL should make sense LhaL a smaller flle on a good neLwork wlll run Lhe fasLesL. 1here ls no Lyplcal" 8evlL flle slze,
and Lhey can range anywhere from 10 M8 Lo over 300 M8. Much of LhaL varlaLlon depends on Lhe level of deLall ln
Lhe model lLself, Lhe presence of lmporLed geomeLry (2u CAu flles, SkeLchup, and so on), Lhe number of vlews you
have, and Lhe overall complexlLy. Cbvlously, your hardware conflguraLlon wlll also be a facLor ln deLermlnlng Lhe
speed and operaLlon of your models.
?ou can opLlmlze your hardware ln a number of ways Lo geL Lhe mosL ouL of Lhe conflguraLlon you have. ?ou
should flrsL look aL Lhe lnsLall speclflcaLlons and recommended hardware specs for a compuLer runnlng 8evlL.
AuLodesk has publlshed Lhose requlremenLs on lLs webslLe, and Lhey are updaLed wlLh each new verslon of 8evlL.
?ou can flnd Lhe currenL specs aL]rev|t, choose SysLem 8equlremenLs under Lhe roducL
lnformaLlon headlng.
8eyond Lhe defaulL speclflcaLlons, you can do a number of Lhlngs Lo help keep your flles nlmble. Pere are some
oLher recommendaLlons:
use a 64-blL CS. 8evlL llkes 8AM, and Lhe more physlcal 8AM lL can use, Lhe more model you can cache lnLo
acLlve memory. Wlndows now offers several verslons of a 64-blL CS. Wlndows x, Wlndows vlsLa, and Wlndows
7 all have 64-blL capablllLy. 1hls allows you Lo brldge Lhe 32-blL llmlL of Wlndows x and earller. 1he older
operaLlng sysLems were llmlLed Lo only 2 C8 of 8AM per appllcaLlon. A 64-blL CS allows you Lo use as much as
you can pack lnLo your machlne.
lf you have a 32-blL CS, use Lhe 3 C8 swlLch. lf you have a 32-blL CS such as Wlndows x, need Lo geL your
pro[ecL done, and don'L wanL Lo deal wlLh Lhe upgrade, use Lhe 3 C8 swlLch. 1hls seLLlng allows you Lo grab an
exLra glgabyLe of 8AM from your compuLer for a maxlmum of 3 C8. 1o Lake advanLage of Lhls swlLch, you'll
need Lo load Wlndows x Servlce ack 2 and follow Lhe lnsLrucLlons found on Lhe AuLodesk supporL slLe aL]support, choose 8evlL 8ulldlng from Lhe menu, and read Lhe supporL arLlcle on enabllng
Lhe 3 C8 swlLch. Cf course, you need more Lhan 2 C8 of 8AM ln your worksLaLlon.
llgure ouL how much 8AM your pro[ecL wlll need. 8efore you emall your l1 deparLmenL requesLlng 12 C8 of
8AM, flgure ouL how much you're acLually golng Lo use on your pro[ecL. ?our CS and oLher appllcaLlons llke
MlcrosofL CuLlook wlll use some of your 8AM, buL you can calculaLe how much 8AM 8evlL wlll need Lo work
effecLlvely. 1he formula ls as follows:
Model slze ln Lxplorer 20 + Llnked llle Slze(s) 20 = AcLlve 8AM needed
LeL's look aL a couple examples of Lhls Lo demonsLraLe how lL works. ?ou have a 8evlL flle wlLh no llnked flles
and your flle slze on your server ls 130 M8. So 130 20 = 3,000 or 3 C8 of 8AM Lo operaLe effecLlvely. ln
anoLher example, you have a 120 M8 flle, a 30 M8 sLrucLural model llnked ln, and four CAu flles aL 1 M8 each:
(120 20) + (30 20) + (4 20) = 3480 M8, or 3.3 C8 of 8AM
Cnce you've puL as much 8AM lnLo your worksLaLlon as ls pracLlcal, your nexL recourse for lmprovlng model
performance ls Lo reduce your flle slze so you're noL uslng as much 8AM. Pere are some Llps Lo do LhaL and
Lhereby lmprove your flle speed.
Manage your vlews. 1here are Lwo Lhlngs you can do uslng vlews Lo help lmprove performance. llrsL, Lhe more
vlews you open, Lhe more lnformaLlon you wlll load lnLo acLlve 8AM. Close wlndows you're noL uslng Lo help
mlnlmlze Lhe draln on your resources. ?ou can always close all Lhe wlndows buL your acLlve one, uslng Lhe Close
Pldden Wlndows Lool. Choose Lhe vlew Lab and cllck Lhe Close Pldden buLLon. lL's easy Lo have many vlews
open aL once, even lf you're concenLraLlng on only a few vlews.
1he oLher way Lo manage your vlews ls Lo geL rld of Lhe ones you don'L need. 8evlL allows you Lo make dlfferenL
vlews wlLhln your model qulckly and easlly. 1hls feaLure can someLlmes lead Lo havlng a loL of vlews (someLlmes
hundreds) LhaL you aren'L uslng ln your documenL seL and don'L plan Lo use. Addlng Loo many vlews can ralse
your overall flle slze even lf you haven'L added any geomeLry. CeL rld of Lhose unused vlews-Lyplcally vlews
LhaL are noL on sheeLs-Lo help keep your flle runnlng smooLh.
ueleLe or unload unused CAu flles. 1here are many Llmes ln a pro[ecL process when you'll wanL Lo load conLenL
from anoLher source as a background. 1hls could be a cllenL's CAu as-bullL drawlngs or a consulLanL's ML
deslgn. ?ou mlghL llnk or lmporL Lhese flles lnLo your drawlng and, durlng Lhe busy course of Lhe pro[ecL, forgeL
abouL Lhem. As you've seen from Lhe earller Llps on 8AM use, all Lhese small flles add up. CeLLlng rld of Lhem
can speed up your flle and ls [usL good housekeeplng. lf Lhe flle ls llnked, you can unllnk lL uslng Lhe Llnk CAu
buLLon on Lhe lnserL Lab. lf Lhey are lnserLed, rlghL-cllck an lnsLance of Lhe flle and choose SelecL All lnsLances
from Lhe conLexL menu. Cllcklng ueleLe now wlll deleLe all Lhe lnsLances ln Lhe enLlre model as opposed Lo only
Lhe acLlve vlew.
uon'L explode lmporLed CAu flles. A CAu flle when lmporLed lnLo 8evlL ls a collecLlon of ob[ecLs LhaL ls managed
as slngle enLlLy. lf you explode a CAu flle, Lhe slngle ob[ecL lmmedlaLely becomes many ob[ecLs-and Lhese all
Lake up space ln Lhe flle, requlrlng more resources from 8evlL Lo Lrack and coordlnaLe.
lf you're lmporLlng uWC flles, leave Lhem unexploded as much as posslble. lf you need Lo hlde llnes, use Lhe
vlslblllLy/Craphlc Cverrldes dlalog box Lo Lurn layers on and off. Lxplode only when you need Lo change Lhe
lmporLed geomeLry, and sLarL wlLh a parLlal explode Lo mlnlmlze Lhe number of new enLlLles. 1he margln
lllusLraLlon shows Lhe Lools avallable ln Lhe CpLlons 8ar when you selecL an lmporLed or llnked uWC flle. Also
noLe LhaL llnes smaller Lhan 1/32r (1mm) are noL reLalned wlLh CAu flles are exploded. ?ou could wlnd up wlLh
unusable lmporLs.
A beLLer workflow Lhan lmporLlng your CAu flles dlrecLly lnLo Lhe pro[ecL ls Lo lmporL Lhem lnLo a 8evlL famlly
and Lhen load LhaL famlly lnLo Lhe pro[ecL. 1hls approach wlll also ald ln keeplng accldenLs from happenlng, such
as a novlce user explodlng Lhe flle.
1urn on volume compuLaLlon only as needed. CalculaLlng Lhe volumes on a large flle can slow down your model
speed lmmensely. volume calculaLlons are Lyplcally Lurned on when exporLlng Lo gbxML, buL someLlmes Leams
forgeL Lo Lurn Lhem back off agaln. volumes wlll recalculaLe each Llme you edlL a room, move a wall, or change
any of Lhe bulldlng geomeLry. 1urn off Lhls opLlon uslng Lhe Area & volume CompuLaLlons dlalog box found on
Lhe 8oom & Area panel on Lhe Pome Lab (llgure 14-1).
I|gure 14-1: Choose Lhe area calculaLlons Lo mlnlmlze unneeded compuLaLlons.
Us|ng 8est ract|ces
Cood flle malnLenance ls crlLlcal Lo keeplng your flles runnlng smooLhly and your flle slzes low. Pere are some besL
pracLlces and workflows ldenLlfled ln oLher areas of Lhe book buL consolldaLed here as a qulck reference.
Manage Lhe amounL of lnformaLlon shown ln vlews. Learn Lo manage Lhe amounL of lnformaLlon needed ln a
glven vlew. uon'L show more Lhan you need Lo show ln a vlew by worklng Lo mlnlmlze your vlew depLh and
level of deLall. Pere are some slmple Llps Lo keep your lndlvldual vlews worklng smooLhly:
Mlnlmlze Lhe level of deLall. SeL your deLall level, found ln Lhe vlew ConLrol 8ar, relaLlve Lo your drawlng
scale. lor example, lf you're worklng on a 1/32r (1:100) plan, you probably don'L need ueLall Level seL Lo
llne. uolng so wlll cause Lhe vlew Lo have a hlgher level of deLall Lhan Lhe prlnLed sheeL can show, and you'll
end up wlLh noL only black blobs on your sheeLs, buL also vlews LhaL are slow Lo open and prlnL.
Mlnlmlze vlew deLall. Along wlLh Lhe amounL of deLall you Lurn on ln Lhe vlew uslng Lhe ueLall Level Lool,
make sure you're noL showlng more Lhan you need Lo. lor lnsLance, lf you have wall sLuds shown ln a 1/16r
(1:200) scale plan or Lhe exLruded alumlnum wlndow secLlon shown ln a bulldlng secLlon, chances are lL wlll
noL represenL correcLly when prlnLed. 1urnlng off Lhose elemenLs ln your vlew wlll keep Lhlngs movlng
smooLher as well as prlnLlng cleaner.
Mlnlmlze vlew depLh. vlew depLh and crop reglons are greaL Lools Lo enhance performance. As an example,
a Lyplcal bulldlng secLlon ls shown ln llgure 14-2. 1he defaulL behavlor causes 8evlL Lo regeneraLe all of Lhe
model geomeLry Lhe full depLh of LhaL vlew every Llme you open Lhe vlew. 1o reduce Lhe amounL of
geomeLry LhaL needs Lo be redrawn, drag Lhe secLlon's far cllp plane (Lhe green dashed llne when you
hlghllghL Lhe secLlon) ln close Lo Lhe cuLLlng plane.
I|gure 14-2: Mlnlmlzlng Lhe vlew depLh
Model only whaL you need. Whlle lL ls posslble Lo model Lo a very small level of deLall, don'L fall lnLo Lhe Lrap of
overmodellng. 8e smarL abouL whaL you choose Lo model and how much deLall you plan Lo show. lf lL's noL
conveylng lnformaLlon abouL Lhe pro[ecL, maybe lL's noL really needed. 1he amounL of lnformaLlon you do or do
noL model should be based on your pro[ecL slze and complexlLy, your Llmeframe, and your comforL level wlLh
Lhe sofLware.
Pow much Lo model: use Lhese Lhree rules of Lhumb. When Lrylng Lo declde how much deLall Lo puL lnLo a
model or even a famlly, Lhere are Lhree very good rules of Lhumb Lo help you make Lhe rlghL declslon for Lhe
elemenL you're looklng Lo creaLe.
Scale WhaL scale wlll Lhls deLall be seen ln? lf lL's a very small-scale deLall, lL mlghL be slmpler Lo [usL draw lL
ln 2u ln a drafLlng vlew.
8epeLlLlon Pow many Llmes wlll Lhls deLall appear ln Lhe drawlng seL? lf lL wlll appear only ln one locaLlon or
only one Llme, lL mlghL be easler Lo [usL drafL lL ln 2u raLher Lhan Lry Lo model Lhe elemenL. lf lL wlll appear
ln several locaLlons, modellng ls probably Lhe beLLer soluLlon. 1he more exposure an elemenL has ln Lhe
model (Lhe more vlews lL shows ln), Lhe more reason you have Lo model lL. lor example, doors are good Lo
model. 1hey show ln elevaLlons and plans all over Lhe sheeL seL.
CuallLy Pow good aL modellng famllles ln 8evlL are you? PonesLly? uon'L blLe off more Lhan you can chew. lf
you're new Lo 8evlL, keep lL slmple and use 2u componenLs. 1he more pro[ecLs you compleLe ln 8evlL, Lhe
beLLer you'll undersLand Lhe change Lo a 8lM workflow.
uon'L overconsLraln. Lmbeddlng user-deflned consLralnLs lnLo famllles and Lhe model help keep lmporLanL
lnformaLlon consLanL. Powever, lf you don'L need Lo lock a relaLlonshlp, don'L do lL. CverconsLralnlng Lhe model
can cause problems laLer ln Lhe pro[ecL process when you wanL Lo move or modlfy locked elemenLs. ConsLraln
only when necessary. CLherwlse, leL Lhe model be free.
WaLch ouL for lmporLed geomeLry. Whlle 8evlL has Lhe ablllLy Lo use geomeLry from several oLher flle sources,
use cauLlon when dolng so. 8emember LhaL everyLhlng you llnk lnLo 8evlL Lakes up abouL 20 Llmes Lhe flle slze
ln your sysLem's 8AM. So, llnklng a 60 M8 nu88S-based celllng deslgn wlll equal 2 C8 of 8AM and more Lhan
llkely slow down your model. ueleLlng unused CAu flles, uslng llnklng raLher Lhan lmporLlng, and cleanlng up Lhe
CAu geomeLry before lnserLlon wlll help keep Lhe problems Lo a mlnlmum.
urge unused flles. ?ou wlll flnd LhaL you won'L use every famlly or every group you creaLe ln your model. 8evlL
has a Lool LhaL wlll allow you Lo geL rld of Lhose unused elemenLs Lo help keep your flle slzes down Lo a
reasonable level. 1hls Lool, urge unused, can be found on Lhe Manage Lab on Lhe SeLLlngs panel. lf your flle ls
very large, lL can Lake several mlnuLes Lo run, buL evenLually you'll be presenLed wlLh a llsL (llgure 14-3) of all
Lhe unused elemenLs wlLhln your flle.
I|gure 14-3: use Lhe urge unused dlalog box Lo reduce flle slze.
uslng Lhls Lool ls Lyplcally noL recommended aL Lhe beglnnlng of a pro[ecL whlle you are sLlll lLeraLlng varlous
deslgn soluLlons and flle slzes Lend Lo be falrly small.
Model correcLly from Lhe beglnnlng. As you reflne your deslgn, lL's crlLlcal Lo model correcLly rlghL from Lhe
beglnnlng, noL Laklng shorLcuLs, so you don'L have Lo flx Lhlngs laLer. lf you can begln by Lhlnklng abouL how
your pro[ecL wlll be assembled, lL wlll save you a loL of Llme laLer ln Lhe process. lL's good pracLlce Lo plan ahead,
buL remember LhaL 8evlL wlll allow you Lo make ma[or changes aL any sLage ln Lhe process and sLlll malnLaln
coordlnaLlon. lf you are sLlll ln early phase of deslgn and do noL know Lhe exacL wall Lype, use generlc walls Lo
capLure your deslgn lnLenL, changlng Lhem laLer wlll be slmple.
Manage workshared flles. When employlng worksharlng on a pro[ecL, Lhere are addlLlonal Lools and Llps you'll
wanL Lo follow:
Make a new local copy once a week. ln a workshared envlronmenL, your local copy can begln Lo perform
poorly or grow ln flle slze whlle Lhe cenLral flle remalns small and nlmble. lf Lhls ls Lhe case, lL mlghL be Llme
Lo Lhrow ouL Lhe old local copy for a new one. As a general pracLlce, lf you're accesslng a pro[ecL on a dally
basls, lL's a good ldea Lo make a new local copy once a week.
ulvlde your model. lor larger pro[ecLs or campus-sLyle pro[ecLs, you can break up your model lnLo smaller
submodels LhaL are llnked LogeLher. ?ou can also do Lhls on a slngle, large bulldlng. ulvldlng up a model
helps llmlL Lhe amounL of lnformaLlon you are loadlng lnLo a pro[ecL aL one Llme.
lf you declde Lo dlvlde your pro[ecL, make your cuLs along llnes LhaL make sense from a hollsLlc-bulldlng
sLandpolnL. uon'L Lhlnk of Lhe cuLs as you would ln CAu, buL Lhlnk abouL how Lhe acLual assemblles wlll
lnLeracL ln Lhe bulldlng. lor example, don'L cuL beLween floors 2 and 3 on a mulLlsLory bulldlng unless you
have a slgnlflcanL change ln bulldlng form or program. Pere's a llsL of some good places Lo spllL a model:
AL a slgnlflcanL change ln bulldlng form or masslng
AL a slgnlflcanL change ln bulldlng program
8eLween separaLe bulldlngs on Lhe slLe
AL Lhe bulldlng slLe
I|x|ng I||e Corrupt|on
lrom Llme Lo Llme your pro[ecL flles wlll begln Lo experlence duress and posslble corrupLlon. 1hls can happen for
any number of reasons, neLwork problems, flle slze, Loo many errors, gremllns. lf your flle beglns crashlng, don'L
panlc. 1here are a few Lhlngs you can do before calllng 8evlL SupporL. Pere are some suggesLlons Lo help geL you
back on Lrack:
8evlew warnlngs. Lach Llme you creaLe someLhlng LhaL 8evlL conslders a problem, a warnlng ls lssued. Warnlngs
wlll accumulaLe lf lefL unresolved. 1hlnk of all Lhese errors as unresolved maLh calculaLlons. 1he more Lhere are,
Lhe more your compuLer wlll have Lo sLruggle Lo resolve Lhem, and evenLually you wlll have performance lssues
or flle lnsLablllLy. 1o revlew Lhe warnlngs, cllck Lhe Warnlng buLLon on Lhe Manage Lab. ?ou'll geL a dlalog box
llke llgure 14-4, whlch wlll allow you Lo search for and resolve Lhe problem ob[ecLs.
8educe your flle slze. SomeLlmes when flle corrupLlon occurs lL's due Lo a flle LhaL has grown beyond capaclLy of
Lhe machlnes uslng lL. 8educe your flle slze uslng Lhe prevlous Llps Lo make Lhe model more manageable and
resolve some of Lhe errors.
I|gure 14-4: 8esolvlng errors
AudlL Lhe flle. AnoLher way Lo deal wlLh flle corrupLlon ls Lo perform an audlL on your flle. ?ou can flnd Lhls Lool
ln Lhe lower-lefL corner of Lhe llle Cpen dlalog box (llgure 14-3). AudlLlng a flle wlll revlew Lhe daLa sLrucLures
and Lry Lo correcL any problems LhaL have occurred. When Lhe audlL ls compleLed, ldeally you wlll have a fully
funcLlonlng flle agaln.
I|gure 14-S: AudlLlng a flle
?ou can audlL elLher a local flle or Lhe cenLral flle lLself. Whenever you audlL a flle, you'll wanL Lo make a new
cenLral copy and have all of your pro[ecL Leam creaLe new local coples. 1he lasL Lhlng you wanL ls have someone
wlLh flle corrupLlon ln a local copy synchronlze Lhose problems back Lo your newly flxed cenLral flle.
Learn|ng 1|ps and Shortcuts
8eyond all Lhe Lhlngs you can do Lo hone your 8evlL skllls, you wlll begln Lo learn a number of Llps and shorLcuLs as
your experlence grows uslng 8evlL. Pere ls a compllaLlon of some of Lhose Llps and Lrlcks:
LeL 8evlL do Lhe maLh. 8evlL ls llke a blg calculaLor and lL's very good aL dolng maLh correcLly. uon'L wanL Lo
spend Lhe Llme Lrylng Lo flgure ouL whaL your room slze ls afLer you subLracL a 3 3/8r and 3/8r plece of gypsum
board from an 11'-2r room? uon'L. lf you need Lo modlfy a dlmenslon, slmply add an equal slgn and a formula
(llgure 14-6), and 8evlL wlll calculaLe Lhe value for you.
I|gure 14-6: erformlng calculaLlons ln 8evlL
Add a sloped celllng. ?ou wanL Lo add a gypsum sofflL Lo Lhe boLLom of a sLalr or you wanL a sloped celllng?
Well, you can'L do LhaL wlLh Lhe Celllng Lool. 8uL you can wlLh a ramp. Make a gypsum board ramp and allgn lL
Lo Lhe boLLom of your sLalr or angle lL Lo creaLe your sloped celllng plane.
Make elevaLors vlslble ln your plans. ?ou wanL Lo creaLe a shafL LhaL wlll peneLraLe all Lhe floors of your bulldlng
and puL an elevaLor ln lL LhaL wlll show ln all your plans. ?ou could do Lhls wlLh an elevaLor famlly and cuL a
serles of holes ln Lhe floors by edlLlng floor proflles, buL someLlmes Lhose holes sLop allgnlng on Lhelr own
recognlzance. lorLunaLely, you can do boLh Lhlngs aL once uslng Lhe ShafL Lool found on Lhe Cpenlng panel of
Lhe Pome Lab. Pere, you can noL only cuL a verLlcal hole Lhrough mulLlple floors as a slngle ob[ecL, buL you can
also lnserL 2u llnework Lo represenL your elevaLor ln plan (llgure 14-7). Lvery Llme Lhe shafL ls cuL, you're
cerLaln Lo see Lhe elevaLor llnework.
I|gure 14-7: Addlng elevaLors Lo a shafL
CrlenL Lo vlew. CreaLlng perspecLlve vlews of lsolaLed deslgn elemenLs can be qulck and easy ln plan or secLlon,
buL leL's say you wanL Lo see LhaL same elemenL ln 3u Lo be able Lo work ouL Lhe deLalls.
1. CreaLe a plan reglon or secLlon cuL lsolaLlng Lhe area ln quesLlon. lf you're uslng a secLlon, make sure Lo seL
your vlew depLh Lo someLhlng pracLlcal.
2. Cpen Lhe defaulL 3u vlew or any axon of Lhe pro[ecL.
3. 8lghL-cllck Lhe vlewCube, selecL CrlenL 1o vlew, and selecL your vlew from Lhe conLexL menu
4. now your 3u vlew wlll look ldenLlcal Lo your secLlon or plan reglon, buL by roLaLlng Lhe vlew, you'll be able Lo
see LhaL porLlon ln 3u.
1une your shorLcuLs. 8evlL now allows you Lo edlL your keyboard shorLcuLs wlLhouL Lhe hassle of rooLlng
Lhrough your hard drlve looklng for a 1x1 flle. 1o edlL your shorLcuLs, cllck Lhe AppllcaLlon menu and selecL
CpLlons. Choose Lhe user lnLerface Lab and Lhen Lhe CusLomlze buLLon. 1he keyboard ShorLcuLs dlalog box
(llgure 14-8) allows you Lo edlL Lhose shorLcuLs. Conslder maklng common shorLcuLs Lhe same leLLer. So,
lnsLead of presslng vC Lo geL Lo your vlslblllLy/Craphlc Cverrldes dlalog box, make Lhe shorLcuL vv for qulcker
I|gure 14-8: LdlLlng your keyboard shorLcuLs
urag and drop famllles. ?ou need Lo load a famlly lnLo 8evlL, you have Lhe Lxplorer wlndow open, and you know
where Lhe famlly ls, buL you don'L wanL Lo go Lhrough Lhe laborlous efforL of navlgaLlng across your offlce's
server envlronmenL Lo geL Lhere. no problem. ?ou can drag and drop 8evlL famllles from Lxplorer dlrecLly lnLo
Lhe pro[ecL flle.
Copy a 3u vlew. ?ou made Lhe perfecL 3u vlew ln your lasL pro[ecL, and you can'L flgure ouL how Lo geL lL lnLo
your currenL pro[ecL. lorLunaLely, Lhere's a way Lo copy vlews from one pro[ecL Lo anoLher. Cpen boLh flles ln
Lhe same lnsLance of 8evlL.
1. ln your perfecL vlew, rlghL-cllck Lhe 3u vlew ln Lhe ro[ecL 8rowser and choose Show Camera from Lhe
conLexL menu.
2. ress CLrl+C Lo copy Lhe selecLed camera.
3. ln your new model, use CLrl+v Lo pasLe Lhe camera and your vlew and all lLs seLLlngs are now Lhere.
use a qulck cuL poche. WanL Lo change everyLhlng LhaL's cuL ln a vlew wlLhouL havlng Lo selecL every famlly and
change lLs properLles? A qulck cuL poche ls, well, qulck:
1. Cpen Lhe vlew you wanL Lo modlfy.
2. uslng a crosslng wlndow, selecL all Lhe elemenLs wlLhln Lhe vlew.
3. 8lghL-cllck and choose Cverrlde Craphlcs r 8y vlew from Lhe conLexL menu. As shown ln llgure 14-9, you
can choose any fllled reglon ln Lhe pro[ecL and asslgn lL Lo anyLhlng LhaL ls cuL wlLhln your model.
I|gure 14-9: uslng Cverrlde Craphlcs for a qulck poche
Appendi>' #evit Certification
AuLodesk cerLlflcaLlons are lndusLry-recognlzed credenLlals LhaL can help you succeed ln your deslgn
career-provldlng beneflLs Lo boLh you and your employer. CeLLlng cerLlfled ls a rellable valldaLlon of skllls and
knowledge, and lL can lead Lo acceleraLed professlonal developmenL, lmproved producLlvlLy, and enhanced
1hls AuLodesk Cfflclal 1ralnlng Culde can be an effecLlve componenL of your exam preparaLlon. AuLodesk hlghly
recommends (and we agree!) LhaL you schedule regular Llme Lo prepare, revlew Lhe mosL currenL exam
preparaLlon roadmap avallable aL]cert|f|cat|on, use AuLodesk Cfflclal 1ralnlng Culdes, Lake a
class aL an AuLhorlzed 1ralnlng CenLer (flnd A1Cs near you here:]atc), Lake an AssessmenL
LesL, and use a varleLy of resources Lo prepare for your cerLlflcaLlon-lncludlng plenLy of acLual hands-on
1o help you focus your sLudles on Lhe skllls you'll need for Lhese exams, Lhe followlng Lables show Lhe ob[ecLlve
and ln whaL chapLer you can flnd lnformaLlon on LhaL Loplc-and when you go Lo LhaL chapLer, you'll flnd
cerLlflcaLlon lcons llke Lhe one ln Lhe margln here.
1able A-1 ls for Lhe AuLodesk CerLlfled AssoclaLe Lxam and llsLs Lhe Loplc, exam ob[ecLlves, and chapLer where
Lhe lnformaLlon ls found. 1able A-2 ls for Lhe AuLodesk CerLlfled rofesslonal Lxam. 1he Loplcs and exam ob[ecLlves
llsLed ln Lhe Lable are from Lhe AuLodesk CerLlflcaLlon Lxam Culde.
1hese AuLodesk exam ob[ecLlves were accuraLe aL press Llme, please refer Lo]cert|f|cat|on
for Lhe mosL currenL exam roadmap and ob[ecLlves.
Cood luck preparlng for your cerLlflcaLlon!
1able A-1 CerLlfled AssoclaLe Lxam 1oplcs and Cb[ecLlves
1op|c Lxam Cb[ect|ves #evit %ssentials
CollaboraLlon use work sharlng ChapLer 10
lmporL uWC flles lnLo 8evlL ChapLer 13
uocumenLaLlon CreaLe and modlfy fllled reglons ChapLer 11
lace deLall componenLs and repeaLlng deLalls ChapLer 11
use dlmenslon sLrlngs ChapLer 11
SeL Lhe colors used ln a color scheme legend ChapLer 9
LlemenLs CreaLe a sLacked wall ChapLer 3
ulfferenLlaLe sysLem and componenL famllles ChapLer 6
Modlfy an elemenL's Lype parameLers ChapLer 7
use 8evlL famlly LemplaLes ChapLer 6
Modellng CreaLe a bulldlng pad ChapLer 13
ueflne floors for a mass ChapLer 2
CreaLe a sLalr wlLh a landlng ChapLer 3
CeneraLe a Lop surface ChapLer 13
Model ralllngs ChapLer 3
LdlL a model elemenL's maLerlal (door, wlndow,
ChapLers 3, 7
Change a generlc floor/celllng/roof Lo a speclflc Lype ChapLer 3
ALLach walls Lo a roof or celllng ChapLer 3
vlews ueflne elemenL properLles ln a schedule ChapLer 12
ConLrol vlslblllLy ChapLers 1, 7
use levels ChapLer 2
CreaLe and manage legends ChapLer 12
Manage vlew poslLlon on sheeLs ChapLer 12
Move Lhe vlew LlLle lndependenLly of Lhe vlew ChapLer 12
Crganlze and sorL lLems ln a schedule ChapLer 12
1able A-2 CerLlfled rofesslonal Lxam 1oplcs and Cb[ecLlves
1op|c Lxam Cb[ect|ves #evit %ssentials
CollaboraLlon Copy and monlLor elemenLs ln a llnked flle noL Covered
lmporL uWC flles lnLo 8evlL ChapLer 13
uocumenLaLlon 1ag elemenLs (doors, wlndows, eLc.) by caL
ChapLer 6
LlemenLs Change elemenLs wlLhln a curLaln wall (grlds,
panels, mulllons)
ChapLer 3
CreaLe compound walls ChapLer 3
CreaLe a sLacked wall ChapLer 3
CreaLe and modlfy famlly caLegorles ChapLers 6, 7
CreaLe a new famlly Lype ChapLer 7
Modellng Assess revlew warnlngs ln 8evlL ChapLers 13, 14
ueflne floors for a mass ChapLer 2
CreaLe a sLalr wlLh a landlng ChapLer 3
CreaLe elemenLs such as floors, celllngs, or roof
ChapLers 3, 4
CeneraLe a Lop surface ChapLer 13
Model ralllngs ChapLer 3
Work wlLh phases ChapLer 8
ALLach walls Lo a roof or celllng ChapLer 3
vlews ConLrol vlslblllLy ChapLers 1, 7
use levels ChapLer 2
CreaLe a dupllcaLe vlew for a plan, secLlon, aLlon
elev, drafLlng vlew, eLc.
ChapLer 1
CreaLe and manage legends ChapLer 12
1able A-1 CerLlfled AssoclaLe Lxam 1oplcs and Cb[ecLlves GContinuedH
1able A-2 CerLlfled rofesslonal Lxam 1oplcs and Cb[ecLlves GContinuedH
AcLlvaLe vlew command
acLlve vlews
acLlve workseLs
Add Ldge Lool
Add Leader buLLon
Add arameLer opLlon
Add olnLs lrom SelecLed Layers dlalog box
Add/8emove SegmenLs opLlon
Add SpllL Llne opLlon
Add verLlcal/PorlzonLal SegmenLs opLlon, ralllngs
AddlLlonal Copy arameLers seLLlngs
AddlLlonal SeLLlngs opLlon, vlews
AddlLlonal SeLLlngs panel
ALCbyLes webslLe
Allgn Lool
Allgned 1o SelecLed Levels opLlon
Allgned 1o SelecLed vlews opLlon
Allgned Lool
vlews on sheeLs
AllgnmenL seLLlng
Angled !olns opLlon
AnnoLaLlon CaLegorles Lab
annoLaLlons and AnnoLaLe Lab
fllled reglons
repeaLlng deLalls
Appearance Lab
Arc Lool
archlLecLs role ln 8lM workflow
ArchlLecLural annoLaLlons
Area & volume CompuLaLlons dlalog box
Arrange panel
arranglng elemenLs
Array Lool
arrowheads for Lags
arrows, slope
bulldlng pads
elemenLs Lo workseLs
assoclaLlng llnked flles
ALLach 1op/8ase opLlon
aLLached relaLlonshlps wlLh walls
aLLachlng walls
Lo roof
Lop and base
audlLlng flles
AuCl (AuLodesk user Croup lnLernaLlonal)
AuLodesk Seek panel
auLomaLlc celllngs
auLomaLlc snapplng
background lmages
8alusLer CffseL opLlon
8alusLer lacemenL opLlon
8alusLer-Square opLlon
level of deLall
8ase ConsLralnL parameLer
8ase ls ALLached parameLer
base masses, modellng
8ase CffseL seLLlng
basemenL floor plans
8aslc Wall Cenerlc - 6" opLlon
8aslc Wall node
baslc walls
baLL lnsulaLlon
8eglns WlLh fllLer condlLlon
besL pracLlces
8lM (bulldlng lnformaLlon modellng) approach
pro[ecL roles
Leam members
black color
ramp llnes
separaLlon llnes
lnserLlng and placlng
for Loposurfaces
blue color
cuL symbols
ramp llnes
8ond 8eam deLall componenL
8oolean querles
borrowed elemenLs
cenLral flles
borrowlng elemenLs
bulldlng pads
fllled reglons
8oundary Lool
break llnes
deLall componenLs
8reak Symbol opLlon
breaklng schedules
8rlck componenL
brlck and morLar componenLs
brlck repeaLlng deLall
8rlck SLandard componenL
8rlng lorward opLlon
8rlng 1o lronL opLlon
8ulld panel
8ulldlng LlevaLlon vlew
bulldlng lnformaLlon modellng (8lM) approach
pro[ecL roles
Leams members
bulldlng pads
bulkhead condlLlons
8y lace Lool
8y vlew Lool
CAu-based pro[ecLs
CAu flles
deleLlng and unloadlng
CalculaLe 1oLals opLlon
mass floors
CallouL Lool
Carrlage PelghLs opLlon
case senslLlvlLy of querles
CaLegorles And 1ypes 1o Copy llsL
Celllng Lool
bulkhead condlLlons
llghLs and grlds
cenLral flles
savlng Lo
Clu (compuLaLlonal fluld dynamlcs) model
chaln-selecL meLhod
chalns of elemenLs
chalrs, placlng
Choose Space 1ype and Color Scheme dlalog box,
clrcles for Loposurfaces
ClrculaLlon flll
cllpboard, copylng Lo
Cllpboard panel
Close Pldden opLlon
Close Pldden Wlndows Lool
hldden wlndows
CMu elemenL
Coarse deLall level
code requlremenLs, archlLecLs for
coffee Lable
CollaboraLe Lab
workseL access
collecLlons. "ee groups
cuL symbols
dashed llnes
demollshed walls
ramp llnes
separaLlon llnes
Color fleld
color flll plans
commands, acLlvaLlng
compleLed vlews
ComponenL menu
ComponenL Lool
deLall. "ee deLalls and deLall levels
famllles. "ee famllles
hosLed. "ee hosLed componenLs
Compress opLlon
compuLaLlonal fluld dynamlcs (Clu) model
confllcLs, errors and warnlngs for
ConsLraln opLlon
conLalners, workseLs as
conLenL, Leam member addlLlons for
conLour polyllnes for Loposurfaces
Copy/MonlLor CpLlons dlalog box
Copy/MonlLor Lool
Copy Lool
Copy 1o Cllpboard Lool
3u vlews
cenLral flles
flll paLLerns
local flles
core workseLs
Corner osL balusLer opLlon
corrupLed flles
CounL fleld
CreaLe ueLall Croup dlalog box
CreaLe lorm Lool
CreaLe lrom lmporL opLlon
CreaLe Croup Lool
CreaLe new Local opLlon
CreaLe Slmllar Lool
CreaLe Solld opLlon
crop reglons
Crop Lool
crop wlndows and Lags
crosslng ralllng llnes
CurrenL Wlndow opLlon
CurLaln Crld Lool
curLaln panel doors
curLaln walls
elevaLlon proflles
grld llnes
masses for hosLlng
curved curLaln wall panels
cuL symbols
cuLLlng wall openlngs
dashed llnes for planes
ueacLlvaLe vlew command
deacLlvaLlng vlews
uefaulL 3u vlew lcon
uefaulL Wall maLerlal
3u vlew
color asslgnmenLs
lnserLlon polnLs
sLalr runs
LlLle blocks
wall placemenL
ueflnes Crlgln opLlon
ueflnes Slope opLlon
CAu flles
schedule rows
wall openlngs
uemollsh Lool
demollLlon elemenLs
depLh, vlews
famlly level of deLall
ueLach lrom CenLral opLlon
deLachlng wall Lop and base
ueLall ComponenL famlly
ueLall ComponenL opLlon
ueLall Croup menu
ueLall Level Lool
ueLall Llne Lool
ueLall Llne LoolseL
ueLall roLaLlon opLlon
deLalls and deLall levels
arranglng elemenLs ln vlews
worklng wlLh
modellng declslons
rules of Lhumb
skllls for
Leam member addlLlons for
ulagonal CrosshaLch opLlon
curLaln walls
drafLers for
grld llnes
reference planes
ulsallow !oln opLlon
dlsplay fllLers
SheeL LlsL
dlvldlng llnes
dlvldlng models
uo noL Save 1he ro[ecL opLlon
uon'L Copy 1hls 1ype opLlon
uoor Lool
curLaln panel
demollLlon elemenLs
ln walls
uoors And Wlndows seLLlng
drafLers role ln 8lM workflow
drag and drop famllles
uraw panel
lck Llnes lcon
slope arrows
drawlng seLs
placlng vlews
floor plans
prlnLlng documenLs
schedules. "ee schedules
uupllcaLe opLlon
LdlL Assembly dlalog box
LdlL 8alusLer lacemenL dlalog box
LdlL 8oundary opLlon
LdlL Color Scheme dlalog box
LdlL LxLruslon Lool
hosLed componenLs
LdlL lamlly opLlon
level of deLall
LlLle blocks
LdlL Croup mode
LdlL Croup opLlon
LdlL Croup panel
LdlL ln-lace buLLon
LdlL roflle opLlon
wall proflles
LdlL 8alls dlalog box
LdlL 8alls opLlon
LdlL Scheme Lool
LdlL Surface rlbbon
LdlL 1ype opLlon
fllled reglons
repeaLlng deLalls
celllng boundarles
color legends
defaulL color asslgnmenLs
floor boundarles
lnserLlon polnLs
ramp boundary condlLlons
repeaLlng deLalls
wall proflles
LlemenL roperLles opLlon
asslgnlng Lo workseLs
chalns of
demollLlon and proposed
LlevaLlon Cf oche 8ase seLLlngs
8lM models
curLaln walls
daLums for
elllpLlcal walls
embeddlng curLaln walls
enabllng worksharlng
Lnd osL balusLer opLlon
LC seLLlng
grld llnes
proflle llnes
reference planes
equal slgns (=) ln formulas
errors and warnlngs
Lrrors And Warnlngs dlalog box
Lrrors And Warnlngs Lool
Lsc key
exchanglng groups
LxlsLlng phase
explodlng lmporLed CAu flles
LxporL feaLure
errors and warnlngs
Lo gbxML
LxLend 8elow 8ase opLlon
LxLend 8alls 1o MeeL opLlon
exLenslons, handrall
LxLerlor - 8rlck and CMu on MLl. SLud wall
LxLerlor - 8rlck on MLl. SLud wall
LxLerlor LlevaLlon vlew
LxLerlor walls
exLerlor workseLs
exLruded roofs
LxLruslon Lnd seLLlng
face-based famllles
geomeLrlc conLexLs
wlLh mulLlple hosLs
floor area
ln-place masses
caLegorles and parameLers
deLall componenLs
deLall level
drag and drop
lnserLlon polnLs
repeaLlng deLalls
LlLle blocks
vlew dlsplay
wlndow schedules
lamlly CaLegory And arameLers dlalog box, 164,
lamlly LdlLor
componenL famllles
hosLed componenLs
lamlly LlemenL vlslblllLy SeLLlngs dlalog box, 161,
lamlly 1ypes dlalog box
fence posLs
flelds and llelds Lab
mass floors
room keys
SheeL LlsL
worklng wlLh
llle Cpen dlalog box
savlng Lo
deleLlng and unloadlng
llll avallable Space mode
flll color
llll aLLerns dlalog box
llll aLLerns opLlon
lllled 8eglon command
fllled reglons
lllleL Arc Lool
fllllng brlck paLLerns
lllLer dlalog box
lllLer Lab
SheeL LlsL
lllLer Lool
SheeL LlsL
wall selecLlons
llne deLall level
llnlsh LdlL Mode buLLon
llnlsh lace seLLlng
llnlsh Mass Lool
llnlsh SkeLch Mode opLlon
llxed ulsLance mode
llxed number mode
flexlng wlndow Lypes
lloor Area fleld
lloor lan opLlon
floor slabs
lloor Lool
copylng and monlLorlng
floor plans
wlLh shafLs
by skeLchlng
shape edlLlng for
sloped arrows
walls for
lloors Lab
lormaLLlng Lab
mass floors
errors and warnlngs
foundaLlon walls
lrame/Mulllon LxLruslon opLlon
frames, wlndows
luncLlon parameLer
furnlLure, overconsLralnlng
lurnlLure SysLem 1ag opLlon
lurnlLure Lag
C000 Cover SheeL
wlndow slll
Cenerlc - 12" floor Lype
generlc elemenLs
Cenerlc Models Lab
Ceographlc lnformaLlon sysLem (ClS) daLa
geomeLrlc conLexLs
errors and warnlngs
CeomeLry panel
geomeLry phases
ClS (geographlc lnformaLlon sysLem) daLa
8lM models
Coogle SkeLchup Lool
Craphlcs Lab
grayed ouL vlews
green dashed llnes
Crld vlslblllLy parameLer
copylng and monlLorlng
curLaln walls
daLums for
LlLle blocks
gross floor area
Croup And AssoclaLe opLlon
Croup arameLer under opLlon
Croup Lool
besL pracLlces
and lmages
CW8 on MLl. SLud Celllng
gypsum board
Cypsum Wall 8oard maLerlal
Pandrall - ueslgn seLLlng
sLalr elemenLs
PelghL fleld
wlndow schedules
PelghL CffseL AL Pead seLLlng
PelghL CffseL AL 1all seLLlng
help, resources for
Pldden Llne mode
hldden llnes
hldden wlndows
Plde Crop 8oundarles opLlon
Plde ref/Work planes opLlon
Plde Scope 8oxes opLlon
Plde unreferenced vlew Lags opLlon
PlghllghL ln Model feaLure
Pome Lab
color legends
flll paLLerns
masklng reglons
reference planes
room Lags
volume compuLaLlon
PosL LengLh opLlon
hosLed componenLs
geomeLrlc conLexLs
wall elemenLs
hyphens (-) ln names
lmage lacemenL Lool
and groups
lmporL anel
lmporLed daLa
Loposurfaces from
lmporLlng background lmages
ln-lace LdlLor panel
ln-place masses
ln-lace Masses Lool
lnclude LlemenLs ln Llnked llles opLlon
lndlvldual Cwners opLlon
lnserLlng and lnserL Lab
CAu flles
curLaln panel doors
lnserLlon polnLs
lnslde opLlon for repeaLlng deLalls
lnsLance parameLers
lnsulaLlon Lool
CpLlons 8ar
ro[ecL 8rowser
roperLles paleLLe
sLaLus bar
vlew ConLrol 8ar
modlfylng Lools
lnLerlor - arLlLlon walls
lnLerlor workseLs
lsolaLlng walls
lLemlze Lvery lnsLance opLlon
!enklns model
!ohnson, Luke
!oln Lool
!oln/un[oln 8oof opLlon
[olned roofs
[olnlng masses
[olns, ralllngs
key name fleld
keyboard shorLcuLs
keyboard ShorLcuLs dlalog box
keynoLe legends
keynoLlng, drafLers for
keys, rooms
khemlanl, Lachml
L Shaped Pandrall proflle famlly
Landlng PelghL Ad[usLmenL seLLlng
sLralghL run wlLh
repeaLlng deLalls
lefL and rlghL opLlons vs. mlrrorlng
Legend ComponenLs seLLlngs
Legend Lool
level of deLall ln famllles
level ralllngs
Level Lool
bulldlng pads
daLums for
llbrarles for caLegorles
llghLs, celllngs
Llne Color opLlon
Llne SLyle opLlon
Llne SLyle panel
Llne SLyles opLlon
Llne SLyles 1ype SelecLor panel
Llne Lool
LlLle blocks
llnear paLhs for repeaLlng deLalls
grld. "ee grlds
LlLle blocks
Llnes Lool
worklng wlLh
Llnework Lool
llnked flles, assoclaLlng
Load As Croup opLlon
Load lamllles buLLon
Load lamlly opLlon
Load lrom Llbrary panel
Load lnLo ro[ecL buLLon
local coples
local flles
LocaLlon Llne parameLer
LocaLlon Llne Lo llnlsh lace seLLlng
Lock 3u vlew Lool
lock symbol
Maln 8alusLer aLLern opLlon
Make lan vlew opLlon
Manage Lab
allgnlng elemenLs
demollLlon elemenLs
errors and warnlngs
flll paLLerns
room separaLlon llnes
LlLle blocks
Masklng 8eglon Lool
masklng reglons
mass floors
Mass lloors Lool
masslng sLudles
Masslng & SlLe Lab
MaLerlal 1ag buLLon
MaLerlal Lags
Lakeoff schedules
Maxlmum lncllne LengLh seLLlng
Maxlmum Spaclng mode
Measure Lool
measurlng lmporLed lmages
Medlum deLall level
memory requlremenLs
lmporLed geomeLry
meLal decklng
mlddle mass modellng
Mlrror - lck Axls Lool
Mode paleLLe
Model Croups Lab
Model Llne Lool
Model SlLe panel
modelers ln 8lM workflow
ln-place masses
bulldlng pads
models, dlvldlng
Modlfy panel
Modlfy Lab
allgnlng elemenLs
modlfylng Lools
allgned copylng and group edlLlng
allgnlng elemenLs
roLaLlng, grouplng, and arraylng
modlfylng walls
MonlLor command
MonollLhlc sLalr famlly
mouse, zoomlng and pannlng wlLh
Move uown opLlon
Move 1o opLlon
Move up opLlon
grld llnes
vlew Lags
Mulllon Lool
unplnnlng and Loggllng
MulLl-CaLegory schedules
MulLlple opLlon
mulLlsLory shafLs
mulLlsLory sLalr runs
MulLlsLory 1op Level seLLlng
mulLluser workflow. "ee worksharlng
name dlalog box
name fleld
ln-place masses
room keys
navlgaLlon bar
nesLlng groups
new Legend vlew dlalog box
new opLlon for room keys
new Cnly opLlon
new Schedule dlalog box
mass floors
new Schedule menu
new SheeL dlalog box
new SheeL opLlon
new SubcaLegory dlalog box
no ConnecLor opLlon
noslng roflles
noLe 8lock schedules
number of vlews reducLlons
Cb[ecL SLyles dlalog box
offseLs, balusLer
Cpaque/1ransparenL seLLlng
Cpen ln Croup LdlLor
wlLh shafLs
by skeLchlng
operaLlng sysLems
opLlmlzlng performance
CpLlons 8ar
CpLlons pane for prlnLlng
CrlenL 1o vlew opLlon
orlenLaLlon of famllles
orlgln of famllles
problems from
overlapplng llnes for ralllngs
overlapplng masses
CverwrlLe 1he LxlsLlng verslon opLlon
ownershlp sLaLus

pannlng wlLh mouse

arameLer roperLles dlalog box
deLall componenLs
reference planes
LlLle blocks
parameLrlc models
parapeL caps
parklng spaces
asLe Allgned command
asLe Lool
performance, opLlmlzlng
perspecLlves ln 8lM models
hase CreaLed properLles
hase uemollshed properLles
compleLed vlews
demollLlon and proposed elemenLs
haslng panel
lck Llnes mode
lck Llnes Lool
lck new PosL Lool
lck Wall Lool
plcklng walls
plnned mulllons
lace A ComponenL opLlon
lace ComponenL menu
lace ComponenL Lab
lace ueLall ComponenL Lab
lace ueLall Croup buLLon
lace ueLall Llnes menu
lace Llnes Lab
lace Cn lace opLlon
lacemenL panel
desks and chalrs
LlLle blocks
vlews on sheeLs
floor plans
lan vlews opLlon
plans ln 8lM models
poches, qulck cuL
polyllnes for Loposurfaces
predlcLablllLy ln 8lM models
preloaded annoLaLlons
preloaded proflles
revlous + new opLlon
rlnL command
rlnL dlalog box
hldden llnes
CpLlons pane
rlnL 8ange
rlnL 8ange seLLlng
rlnL SeLup dlalog box
rlnLer conLrol panel
roducL lnformaLlon headlng
ro[ecL 8rowser
pro[ecL roles ln 8lM workflow
pro[ecL LemplaLes
pro[ecLs, openlng
roperLles paleLLe
bulldlng pads
crop wlndows
fllled paLLerns
repeaLed deLall
selecLed walls
1ype SelecLor
vlew ConLrol 8ar
proposed elemenLs
roposed phase
urge unused dlalog box
urge unused Lool
famllles and groups

CA1. "ee Culck Access Loolbar (CA1)

quallLy conLrol
errors and warnlngs
flle slze
purglng unused famllles and groups
rules of Lhumb
Culck Access Loolbar (CA1)
3u vlews
hldden wlndows
secLlon Lools
qulck cuL poches
8all SLrucLure opLlon
8alllng Lool
hosL funcLlon
level and sloped condlLlons
8alllngs 1ype opLlon
8AM requlremenLs
lmporLed geomeLry
8amp Max Slope seLLlng
8amp Lool
boundary condlLlons
sLralghL runs
rasLer processlng
8ecLangle Lool
8ecLangular Pandrall famlly
red color for demollshed walls
8ef lane Lool
reference planes
daLums for
hosLed componenLs
8ellnqulsh All Mlne opLlon
rellnqulshlng elemenLs and workseLs
8eload opLlon for groups
8eload LaLesL opLlon
8ender Appearance Lab
8endered seLLlng for walls
8enderlng Show/Plde Lool
8epeaLlng ueLall command
8epeaLlng ueLall ComponenL Lool
repeaLlng deLalls
rules of Lhumb
repeLlLlve relaLlonshlps
replaclng groups
8eseL roflle opLlon
reseLLlng wall proflles
resources, 8evlL
8eveal Pldden LlemenLs Lool
8evlL Pelp menu
8evlL rofesslonals
8evlLClLy slLe
rlghL and lefL opLlons vs. mlrrorlng
8lsers opLlon
8oof 8y LxLruslon command
8oof 8y looLprlnL opLlon
8oof Lool
masses for hosLlng
walls for
8oom & Area paleLLe
8oom & Area panel
8oom 8oundlng parameLer
8oom funcLlon
8oom SeparaLlon Llne opLlon
8oom 1ag opLlon
8oom 1ag WlLh Area opLlon
8oom Lool
color flll plans
separaLlon llnes
and walls
8oLaLe Lool
.rvL exLenslon
Sand - uense flll paLLern
Save Croup opLlon
Lo cenLral flle
local coples
prlnL seLLlngs
Scale Lool
scales and scallng
rules of Lhumb
sLalr runs
Schedule keys opLlon
Schedule roperLles dlalog box
Appearance Lab
llelds Lab
lllLer Lab
lormaLLlng Lab
mass floors
SorLlng/Crouplng Lab
Schedule/CuanLlLy buLLon
Schedule/CuanLlLy schedules
Schedule Lab
room flelds
addlng Lo sheeLs
8lM models
drafLers for
errors and warnlngs
famlly caLegorles for
mass floors
SheeL LlsL
Schedules menu
schemaLlc deslgn
drafLers for
ln-place masses
mass floors
masslng sLudles
skeLches. "ee skeLches
secLlon boxes
SecLlon CuL MaLerlal opLlon
SecLlon Lool
8lM models
Lags and flll colors ln
SelecL All lnsLances opLlon
SelecL lmporL lnsLance opLlon
SelecL lLems 1o Copy dlalog box
SelecL Levels dlalog box
SelecLed vlews/SheeLs opLlon
Send 8ackward opLlon
Send 1o 8ack opLlon
separaLlon llnes
serles of walls
SeL PosL funcLlon
7 Max 8lser 11" 1read sLalr famlly
Shaded mode
Shaded WlLh Ldges mode
Shadlng seLLlng
Shadows Lool
ShafL Lool
floors openlngs wlLh
shape edlLlng for sloped floors
Shape LdlLlng Lools
shape handles
SheeL ComposlLlon panel
SheeL lcon
SheeL LlsL roperLles dlalog box
SheeL LlsL schedules
SheeL name, sorLlng by
SheeL number, sorLlng by
drafLers for
placlng vlews on
floor plans
shorLcuLs, keyboard
Show All opLlon
Show Camera opLlon
Show CaLegorles lrom All ulsclpllnes opLlon
Show CompleLe opLlon
Show/Plde Crop Lool
Show Mass opLlon
Show new opLlon
Show revlous + uemo opLlon
Show revlous hase opLlon
Slmpllfy Surface buLLon
slLe modellng
bulldlng pads
SlLe SeLLlngs dlalog box
64-blL CS
schedule LexL
SkeLch mode for roofs
SkeLch8ook ro Lool
background lmages
reference planes and levels
scallng lmages
Slope Arrow Lool
slope arrows
bulldlng pads
sloped celllngs
sloped floors
shape edlLlng for
sloped ralllngs
sloped roofs
solar galn ln 8lM models
SorL 8y seLLlng
SorLlng/Crouplng Lab
mass floors
SheeL LlsL
Sound 1ransmlsslon Class (S1C)
repeaLed deLalls
Spaclng opLlon
SpeclalLy LqulpmenL opLlon
SpllL LlemenL Lool
spllL llnes
spllLLlng walls
sLacked walls
sLafflng 8lM pro[ecLs
SLalr Carrlages opLlon
level of deLall
level of deLall
mulLlsLory runs
hosL funcLlon
sLralghL run
sLralghL run wlLh landlng
SLalrs Lool
SLarL osL balusLer opLlon
sLaLus, ownershlp
sLaLus bar
SLorefronL curLaln walls
sLralghL run ramps
sLralghL run sLalrs
sLralghL run wlLh landlng sLalrs
SLrlnger PelghL opLlon
sLrlngers, sLalrs
sLrlngs, dlmenslon
subscrlpLlon supporL
Sun aLh Lool
swapplng walls
SWC (Synchronlze WlLh CenLral)
SwlLch Wlndows command
Synchronlze And Modlfy SeLLlngs opLlon
Synchronlze now opLlon
Synchronlze panel
Synchronlze WlLh CenLral (SWC)
Synchronlze WlLh CenLral dlalog box
SysLem 8equlremenLs opLlon
1ab key for wall references
1ag All noL 1agged dlalog box
1ag All noL 1agged opLlon
1ag 8y CaLegory opLlon
1ag Cn lacemenL buLLon
1ag panel
LexL ln
1angenL Arc Lool
LangenL arcs
1angenL !olns opLlon
Leams, 8lM
LemplaLes, pro[ecL
1emporary ulmenslon roperLles
Lemporary dlmenslons
curLaln walls
1emporary Plde/lsolaLe Lool
1exL lonL opLlons
1exL paleLLe
1exL Slze opLlons
1exL Lab
1exL Lool
Lhlckness of bulldlng pads
3 C8 swlLch
3u vlews
3u CuLaway
ln-place masses
30 uegree Arrow opLlon
32-blL CS
Llled wlndows
LlLle blocks
Loggllng mulllons
Lop and base of walls
1op ConsLralnL parameLer
1op ls ALLached parameLer
1op CffseL seLLlng
from lmporLed daLa
1ransfer ro[ecL SLandards Lool
LransparenL backgrounds for dlmenslons
1reads opLlon
1rlm Lool
1rlm/LxLend 1o Corner Lool
Lrlmmed ralllngs
2u annoLaLlons
1ype fleld
1ype Mark fleld
1ype roperLles dlalog box
repeaLlng deLalls
1ype SelecLor
unconnecLed PelghL parameLer
underscores (_) ln names
ungrouplng groups
un[oln Walls opLlon
unloadlng unused CAu flles
unplnnlng mulllons
unreferenced vlew Lags
unused famllles and groups
unused flles
updaLes opLlon
color legends
masslng sLudles
room keys
upper mass modellng
user lnLerface Lab
vecLor processlng
verLlces for ln-place masses
vlew ConLrol 8ar
vlew Llnks ln 8lue opLlon
vlew LlsL schedules
vlew opLlon
vlew hase seLLlng
vlew/SheeL SeL dlalog box
floor plans
CrlenL 1o vlew
vlews and vlew Lab
arranglng elemenLs ln
drafLers for
hldden vlews
hldden wlndows
mass floors
placlng on sheeLs
floor plans
lan vlews
vs. reference levels
room keys
Llled wlndows
LlLle blocks
vlslblllLy and vlslblllLy/Craphlc Cverrldes dlalog box
famlly parameLers
famlly proflles
hosLed componenLs
prlnL ranges
vlslblllLy SeLLlng column
vlslble porLlon Cf CurrenL Wlndow opLlon
vlsual SLyle Lool
volume compuLaLlon
Wall CenLerllnes seLLlng
Wall Cpenlng opLlon
wall sLuds
Wall Lool
aLLached relaLlonshlps wlLh
chaln-selecL meLhod
copylng and monlLorlng
curLaln. "ee curLaln walls
demollLlon elemenLs
faces for
for floors
hosLlng elemenLs
lnsLance parameLers
masses for hosLlng
for roofs
shape handles
Lop and base
Lype changes
Walls Lab
level deleLlons
welded ralllngs
Wlde Llnes opLlon
wldLh seLLlngs
famlly proflles
wlndow schedules
wlndow slll
repeaLlng deLalls
Wlndow Lags
addlng Lo sheeLs
ln walls
Wlreframe buLLon
Wlreframe mode
Work lane panel
pro[ecL roles
Leam members
modlfylng Lools
worklng vlews
WorkseL AsslgnmenLs Lab
workseLs and WorkseLs dlalog box
asslgnlng elemenLs Lo
borrowed elemenLs
as conLalners
dlsplay fllLers
openlng and closlng
ownershlp sLaLus
WorkseLs opLlon
WorkseLs paleLLe
workshared flles
cenLral flles
savlng Lo
dlsplay seLLlng
local flles
savlng Lo cenLral flle
workseLs. "ee workseLs and WorkseLs dlalog box
Worksharlng dlalog box
Worksharlng ulsplay Cff opLlon
Worksharlng ulsplay SeLLlng dlalog box

zero error requlremenLs
Zoom All 1o llL opLlon
Zoom SheeL Slze opLlon
Zoom 1o llL opLlon
zoomlng wlLh mouse

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