Creating Value For Customers

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Creating Value for Customers

Consumer Value

Customer value is the relationship between the consumers perception of
benefits they believe they will derive from a purchase compared to the
price that will be paid

The total benefit package include functional attributes of the product and
related service attributes

Therefore value can be defined as the ratio of perceived benefits to
perceived sacrifice that is involved
Components of Customer Value
Product Attributes
Service Attributes
Transaction Cost
Life cycle cost
Product Attributes
Product Attributes
Maximizing the lifetime value of the
Value customer receive
value proposition
value assessment
Value Organization receive
Acquisition economics
Retention economics
Customer segment
Lifetime value analysis
Key steps of the value delivery sequence

Choose the Value
(Customer value need, value positioning,
provide the value
(product development, service development, pricing,
distributing and servicing
Communicate the value
(sales force message, sales promotion, advertising, PR)
How to implement a value proposition

Analyze and segment the markets by the value customers desire
vigorously assess the opportunities in each segment to deliver
superior value
choose the value proposition that promise these opportunities
Value creating relationships
B2B relationships
B2C relationships

However before this market segmentation is essential to better
manage relationships

B2B segmentation by value sought, industry type
B2C segmentation - Loyalty segmentation, occasion segmentation
Relationship Management Chain
1 Define the value proposition understand the customer value chain where
and how intended to create value competitive benchmarking

2 Identify appropriate customer value segmentation
identify customer value preferences
segment profitability analysis
configure the value package
3 Designing value delivery systems
Mass customization
Value added partnerships
Process reengineering

4 Managing and maintaining delivered satisfaction
service process monitoring
customer satisfaction measurement
employee satisfaction measurement

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