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(Upakarma) Avani Avittam

In English
31-08-2011 (Friday): Varalakshmi Vratham :
13-8-20011 (at!rday): "igv#da Upakarma (Avani Avittam)
13-8-20011 (at!rday): $a%!rv#da Upakarma(Avani Avittam)
1&-8-2011(!nday): 'ayatri (apam
31-8-2011()#dn#sday):amav#da Upakarmam
1*$agny+pav##tha dharana ,antram
(Only Bhramcharis has to change the yagnyopaveetam in the morning)
( Mantram for wearing Poonal)
1. Perform Achamanam
Take minute quantities of water(just sufficient to soak one grain of black gram)
three times in the right hand and take it with the following manthra.
1.Om Achuthaa nama !.Om Ananthaa nama ".Om #o$indaa nama
Touch with thumb both cheeks saing kesa$a %araana
Touch with ring finger both ees saing Madha$a #o$inda
Touch with the first finger both sides of nose saing &ishno'Madhusoodana
Touch with little finger both ears saing Tri$ikrama &amana
Touch with the middle finger both shoulders saing (reedhara')rishi kesa
Touch with all fingers the bell button saing Padmanabha
Touch with all fingers the head saing *amodara
!. #ana+athi danam,
-ecite the following manthra slowl hitting the forehead with both fists
(huklambaradharam &ishnum (asi &arnam /hathur0hujam1
Prasanna &adanam *aeth (ar$a &igna 2+a (anthae.
,This +raer is not recited b &aishna$as. The are requested to go to the ne3t
". *o Pranaamam.
)old both %ostrils with Thumb and the little and third finger of the hands and
recite the following Manthra.'
Om 0hoo
Om 0hu$a
Ogum (u$a
Om Maha
Om 4ana
Om Tha+a
Ogum (atham
Om Tatsa $ithur $arenam 0argo de$asa dhi mahi dhio ona +rachodaath
Om A+a
4othj rasa
Amrutham brahma
Touch the ears three times saing
Om1 Om 1 Om
c.Mamo +artha samastha duritha ksha dwara sri +aameshwara +reethartham
(hroutha smartha $idhi $ihitha nitha karma sadachara anushtanaa ogatha
sidhartham bhramma tejah abhi$rudartham agno+a$eetha dharanam
d.5agno+a$eetha dharana maha manthrasa
Parabrhma rishih(Touch forehead)
Trushtu+ chandah (touch below nose)
Paramathma de$atha (touch heart)
e.5agno+a$eetha dharane $iniogah
6ear Poonal one b one b reciting (+oonal should be held b both hands1
the tie in the +oonal being held abo$e b the right hand facing u+wards)
5agno+a$eetham +aramam +a$ithram +raja +atheh1
5at sahajam +urasthat aausham
Agriam +rathi muncha shubhram agno+a$eetham balamasthu thejah OM .
f.After wearing all +oonals one b one do Aachamanam

g.-emo$e the old +oonals and break them to +ieces b reciting
2+a$eetham bhinna thanthum jeernam kashmala dooshitham1 $isrujami jale
+unarbrahman $archo deergaurasthu me.
h.*o aachamanam.

(ummar meaning. 7 wear the white agno+a$itha that is +urifing 1 which
was born along with brahma1 which is ca+able of increasing life .7 am sure this
would gi$e glor and strength to me.7 am destroing the dirt 1 soiled
asgno+a$ita .
!.8amo 8arisheeth 9 Manura 8arisheeth
a.Aaachamanam.(huklaam 0haradharam::.(anthae
b.Om 0hooh ; 0hoorbhu$asu$arom::::..
c.Mamo +artha''' Preethartham
Tade$a lagnam sudhinam tadai$a1 tharaa balam chandra balam thadai$a 1
$idha balam dai$a balam tadai$a1 (ri <akshmi +athe te aangriugam
A+a$ithra +a$ithro $aa sar$aa$asthaam gatho+i $aa 1 a smareth +undari
kaksham1 sabaha Abhanthara shuchi 1 manasam $aachikam +aa+am 1
karmanaa (amu+arjitham1 (ri -ama smaranenai$a $o+ahathi na samshaah
.(ree -ama -ama -ama1 Tithir &ishnu1 Tatha $aarah1 %akshatram &ishnu re$a
cha1 5ogascha karanam chai$a sar$am &ishnu maam 4agat 1 (ri #o$inda 1
#o$inda1 #o$inda
Aadha sri bhaga$atha mahaa +urushasa &ishnoh Agnaa 1 Pra$arthamanasa
1 Aadha brhmanah 1 dweethia +arardhe1 shweta $araha kal+e1 1 &ai$aswatha
man$anthare1 ashta $imshathi thame1 kali uge1 +rathame +adhe1 4amboo
dwee+e1 0haratha $arshe 1 0haratha 8ande1 Meroh dakshine +arshwe1
(hakabde Asmin $artamane 1 $aa$aharike +rabha$aadheenam sashtah
sam$atsaranaam madhe 1 8hara nama sam$atstare1 *akshinaaane1 #rishma
rithou18arkataka mase1 shukla +akshe1 aadha +ournamasam shubha tithou1
(thira $asara ukthaam1 shra$ana nakshatra ukthaam1 shubhaoga1 shubha
karana e$am guna1 $iseshana $isishtaaam1 asam $artamanaam
+ournamaasam shubha thithou. Taishaam +ournamaasam adhaoth
utsarjana akarana +raaaschithartham 1 sam$atsara +raaaschithartham1
ashtothara satha sankhaka kamo karisheeth manura karisheeth= ithi maha
manthra ja+am karishe.
d.Then chant >8amo karisheeth manura karisheeth
namo namah= 1?@ times.

e.Afterwards perform Aachamana and say Om tat sat
brahmaarpanam asthu.
(ummar meaning.The 0rahmin first +ras #od that the time of doing
whate$er it ma be should become hol and this he is sure is achie$ed b
+raer to #od.Then he tells when he is doing this ja+a1 for e3am+le which ear1
which season1 which da and so on.And he sas that this ja+a is being done as a
re+entance for his not +erfornming $arious religious duties during the ear that
he ought to ha$e +erformed.The main manthra is a +raer to +ardon the la+ses
which were due to 8ama(+assion) krodha(anger) and lo+a(a$arice).
*o Madhaanikam 9 0hramagnam
".0hram agnam
1. Perform Achamanam ::::
2. Aace eastern direction and do >(huklam baradaram:.= Aollowed b
+ranaamam >om 0hoo:= (As mentioned above)
. Mamo+artha samastha duritha kshadwara sri Parameshwara
+reethartham 0rahma 5agnam karishe. 0rahma agnena 5akshe.
!. /hant and clean the hands with water
&idhudasi $ida me +aa+manam amruthath (atha mu+aime
And then chant
Om 0hoooh tatsa $ithur$arenam
Om 0hu$ah 0hargo de$asa *heemahi
Ogum su$ah *hio onah +rachodaath
Om 0hoooh Tatsa $ithur$arenam 0hargo de$asa dheemahi
Om 0hu$ah *hio onah +rachodaath
Ogum (u$ah Tatsa $ithur$arenam 0hargo de$asa *heemahi *hio
onah +rachodhaath
". /hant &edic manthras
Om Agnimeele +urohitham 5agnasa *he$a mruth$ijam1 hotharam
-athna *hathamam
Om 7she Tworje Twa $aa$astha u+aa$astha *e$o $assa$itha
+rar+aathu sreshtathamaa karmane
Om Agna Aaahi $eethae grunano ha$adathae1 ni hotha sadhsi
Om shanno de$irabheeshtae Aa+o bha$antu +eethae sanoh
abhishra$anthu naha
(+rinkle water round the head b reciting
(atham Tha+a shradhaam juhomi
#. -ecite three times with folded hands
Om namo brahmane namosthwagnae nama +ruthwai nama
oshadheebha namo $aache namo $aachas+athae namo $ishna$e
bruhathe karomi.

@./lean the hands again with water b reciting >$rushtirasi $ruschame
+aa+manam amruthath sathamu+aagam=
d#va-rishi-pithr! tharpanam karishy#.
$o deva tharpanam through the tip of fingers
1.0ramodaa e de$a thaan de$aan thar+aami
!.(ar$aan de$aan thar+aami
". (ar$a de$a ganaan thar+aami
B.(ar$a de$a +athnis thara+aami
C.(ar$a de$a gana+athnis thar+aami
Do rishi tharpanam by wearing yagnopaveetha as garland and pouring out
water from the liitle finger
11 8rishna dwai+aanadaah e rishaa thaan rishin thar+aami
!. (ar$aan risheen thar+aami
". (ar$a rishi ganaan thar+aami
B. (ar$e rishi +athnis thar+aami
C1 (ar$a rishi gana +athnisthar+aami
D. Praja+athim kanda rishim thar+aami
E. (omam kanda rishim thar+aami
@. Agnim kanda rishim thar+aami
F. &iswan de$an kanda rishin thar+aami
%our water from the tips of fingers
1?. (agumhithir de$atha u+anishada thar+aami
11. 5agnikeer de$atha u+anishada thar+aami
1!.&aruneer de$atha u+anishada thar+aami
%our out water from the liitle finger
1". )a$a$aham thar+aami
1B.&iswaan de$aan kanda rishin thar+aaami
%our water by the bottom of the palm towards self
1C.0rahmanam swaambhu$am thar+aami
%our out water from the liitle finger
1D.&iswan de$an kandarishin thar+aami
1E.Arunan kandarishin thar+aami
%our water from the tips of fingers
1@.(adasas+athim thar+aami
1F.-ig $edam thar+aami
!?.5ajur &edam thar+aami
!1. (ama &edam thar+aami
!!. Athar$ana &edam thar+aami
!". 7thihasa +uranam thar+aami
!B. 8al+am thar+aami
(Only those who have lost their father do %ithru tharpanam wearing the
yagnopaveetham on the right shoulder pouring water between the thumb. And
inde& finger).
1.(omah +ithruman amo angiraswan agni ka$a$ahana ithadaa
e +ithara
thaan +ithrun thar+aami1
!. (ar$aan +ithrun thar+aami
". (ar$a +ithru ganan thar+aami
B. (ar$a +ithru +athnisthar+aami
C. (ar$a +ithru gana+anthnisthar+aami
D. Oorjam $ahanthi amrutham grutham +aa keelaalam
swadaastha thar+aatha me +ithrun tru+atha1 tru+atha1
(" times)

1C. Put the agno+a$eetha in the normal fashion
And then do aachamanam.
0rahma agnam(sacrifice to 0rahma) is the oblation offered to satisf *e$as1
-ishis(sages) and Pithrus(ancestors). 7t is su++osed to be +erformed dail after
Madhannikam1 0ut nowadas it is done mainl on a$ani a$ittam das.
B.Maha (amkal+am
b.(huklam baradharam::..
c.Om bhoo
d.Maha samkal+am
Mamo +artha''' Preethartham
Tade$a lagnam sudhinam tadai$a1 tharaa balam chandra balam thadai$a 1
$idha balam dai$a balam tadai$a1 (ri <akshmi +athe te aangriugam
A+a$ithra +a$ithro $aa sar$aa$asthaam gatho+i $aa 1 a smareth +undari
kaksham1 sabaha Abhanthara shuchi 1 manasam $aachikam +aa+am 1
karmanaa (amu+arjitham1 (ri -ama smaranenai$a $o+ahathi na samshaah
.(ree -ama -ama -ama1 Tithir &ishnu1 Tatha $aarah1 %akshatram &ishnu re$a
cha1 5ogascha karanam chai$a sar$am &ishnu maam 4agat 1 (ri #o$inda 1
#o$inda1 #o$inda1
Aada sri bhagawatha1 Aadi $ishno1 Aadinaraanasa achinthaa 1
a+arimithaa1 sakthaa1 abriamaanasa1 mahaa jaloughasa madhe1
+aribrhamatham aneka koti brhmaandanam madhe1 eka thame1 +rith$i
a+tejah $aaa$a akasha ahankaradhi 'mahatu a$akthaih 'aa$aranaih'
aa$ruthe' asmin mahathi bramanda'karandaka'madhe aadhara sakthi G
koormaa nandathi ashta diggajo+ari +rathishtithasa 1 athala'$ithala'suthala'
rasaathala'thalaa thala'mahaathala'+athalakaih loka sa+thakasa u+ari thale1
+una kruthaam ni$aasabhuthe bhoor Gbhu$ar'su$ar'mahar'janarr'tha+a'
sataakhai loka shatkasa adho bhage mahaa nalaamana +hani raja seshasa
sahasra +hanaa mani mandala mandithe1 dighdanthi'shunda dhanda'
uttambhithe1 +anchasath koti ojana $istheerne1 lokaloka Gachalena $alaithe
la$aneshu'sura'sar+i'dhadhi'ksheera'udakaarna$ischa +ari$ruthe1 jambhu'
+laksha'saka'salmali'kusa'krouncha'+ushkarakha sa+tha dwee+anaam
madhe1 4amboo dwee+e1 0haratha $arshe1 bharatha kande1 +rajaa+athi kshetre
$edaaranaaadhi1 aneka +una aaranaanam Madha +radeshe1 karma
bhoomou1 rama Gsethu'kedharaoo mada +radaeshe 1 0haageerathi'
#outhami'8rishna $eni'5amuna'%armadaa'Thungabadhraa'Tri$eni'
Malaa+ahaarini'ka$eri' ithadi 1 aaneka +una nadhi $iraajithe1 7ndra+rastha'
5ama+rastha'Aa$anthikaa+uri')asthinaa+uri'Aodhaa +uri'Maaaa +uri'8asi
+uri'8anchi +uri'*warakaa aadi aneka +una +uree $iraajithe (akala jagat
srushta1 +arardha dwaa jee$ana1 bramana dweethia +arardhe1 Pancha
sathabdhou1 +rathame $arshe1 +rathame mase1 +rathame +akshe1 +rathame
di$asae1 aahni1 dweethie ame1 trithie muhurthe1 swaambhu$a'swarochisha'
uthama'thamasa'rai$atha'chakshu shakheshu1 shatsu manusha atheetheshu1
sa+thame $ai$aswathe man$anthare1 aashta $imsathi thame1 kali uge1
+rathame +adhe1 4amboo dwee+e1 0haratha $arshe 1 0haratha khande1 Mero
dakshine +arshwe. Asmin $arthamane 1 $a$aharike +rabha$aadheenam
sashtah sam$atsaranaam madhe 1 8hara nama sam$atstare1 *akshinaaane1
#rishma rithou18arkataka mase1 shukla +akshe1 aadha +ournamasam shubha
tithou1 (thira $asara ukthaam1 shra$ana nakshatra ukthaam1 shubhaoga1
shubha karana e$am guna1 $iseshana $isishtaaam1 asam $artamanaam
+ournamaasam shubha thithou1
Anaadhi a$idha $asanaa +ra$arthamane asmin mahathi samsara chakre
$ichitrabhih karma gathibhih $ichitrasu onishu +unah +unah anekadha
janithwa kena+i +una karma $iseshena idhaanimthana manushe dwija
janma $isesham +ra+tha$ataha mama janmabhasat janama +rabruthi ethath
kshana +arantham 1 baale1 $aasi kaumare owane $aardhake cha jagrath
swa+na sushu+thi a$asthasu mano $ak kaa karmendria jnanendria
$a+araih kama'krodha'lobha'moha'madha'mathsaraadhi sambha$ithaanam
iha janmani janmanthare cha jnana ajnana kruthaanam maha +athakanaam
mahaa +atathaka anumanthrattwadeenam 1 sama+athakaanaam
u+a+aathakaanaam malini karanaanam nindhitha dhana dhaano u+a
jee$anaadeenam aa+athrikarananaam jathi bramsa karaanam $ihitha karma
thaagaaadeenam jnanadha sakruth kruthanaam ajnanatha asakruth
kruthaanam sar$eeshaam +a+aanam sadha aa+anodhanartham
<akshmi %araana sannidhou'de$a brahmana sannidhou'traa trimsath koti
de$athaa sannidhou'sri $isaalakshi sametha $ishweshwara swami sannidhou'
mahaa gana+athi sannidhou'seetha lakshmana bharatha sathrughna'hanumt
sametha sri -ama chandra swami sannidhou'sri rukmani sathabhama sametha
sri go+ala 8rishna swami sannidhou'hari hara +uthra swami sannidhou
Taisham +ournamasaam adhao+akrama karma karishe.Thadangam
sra$anee +ournamasi +unakale sareera shudhartam shuddhodhaka snanam
aham karishe.(take a bath or just s+rink some water in our head with
following mantra)
> Athi krura maha kaa1 kal+anthahano+ama1
0aira$aa namasthubham anujnam dathu marhasi=
(ummar meaning.)ere again a+art from locating oneself with reference to
time 1 one locates himself with reference to +lace also.6e are su++osed to li$e
in 4ambu *wee+a1 0haratha 8anda which is south of the great mountain Maha
meru.Then again this 0hasratha 8anda is blessed with man hol ri$ers and
hol +laces.Then +raer is done to #od to +ardon sins committed b word1
thought and deed1 because this was done ins+ite of his great grace which made
us be born as human beings after se$eral wheels of birth.Also the sins
+erformed during se$eral ages in life is highlighted.(ome of the sins
s+ecificall mentioned are those done while earning mone without conscience1
gi$ing mone to im+ro+er +eo+le1 actions which did not suit the caste we are
born in1 sins due to non +erformance of actions which ought to ha$e been done
and so on. 6e +ra #od and tell him that we would take bath in hol +ure water
and then start the $eda +araanas which is our dut as 0rahmin.
C.5agno+a$eetha dharana manthra
After bath change the +oonal b reciting following mantra.(%lease note that
now a days very rarely people ta'e bath after mahaa san'alpam but do
pro'shana snanam i.e bath by spri'ling of water on the head).
( ,antram -+r .#aring /++nal)
a.Aachamanam.(huklaam 0haradharam:::. (anthae
b.Om 0hoo::::..0hoorbha$aswarom
c.Mamo +artha samastha duritha ksha dwara sri +aameshwara +reethartham
(routha smartha $ihitha sadachara nitha karmaanushtanaa ogatha
sidhartham brhma teja abhi$rudartham agno+a$eetha dharanam karishe.
d.5agno+a$eetha dharana maha manthrasa
Parabrhma rishi(Touch forehead)
Trushtu+ chanda (touch below nose)
Paramathma de$atha (touch heart)
e.5agno+a$eetha dharane $inioga
6ear Poonal one b one b reciting(+oonal should be held b both hands1
the tie in the +oonal being held abo$e b the right hand facing u+wards)
5agno+a$eetham +aramam +a$ithram +raja +athe1
5at sahajam +urasthad aausham
Agriam +rathi muncha shubram agno+a$eetham balamasthu theja.
f.After wearing all +oonals one b one do Aachamanam

g.-emo$e the old +oonals and break them to +ieces b reciting
2+a$eetham bhinna thanthum jeernam kasmala dooshitham1 $isrujami jale
+unarbrahman $archo deergaurasthu me.
D.8anda -ishi Thar+anam

!1(hklaama baradharam
".Om bhoo
B.Mamo +artha samastha durida ksha dwara sri +arameshwata
+reethartham sra$anaam +ournamaasam adhoa+akrama karmangam
kanda rishi thar+anam karishe.
6ear +oonal as garland and do thar+anam using water mi3ed with thil
(black gingel) and akshatha
Hach manthra has to be chanted thrice and thar+anam done.
1.Praja+athim kanda rishim thar+aami
!1(omam kanda rishim thar+aami
".Agnim kanda rishim thar+aami
B.&iswaan de$aan kanda rishim thar+aaami
C.(aahinkeer de$atha u+anishadha thar+aami
D.5agnigeer de$atha u+anishadha thar+aaami
E.&aaruneer de$atha u+anishadha thar+aami
@.0rhamanagum swaubhu$am thar+aaami
F.(adasas+athim thar+aami
wear +oonal in the normal fashion and then do aachamana.
(ummar meaning.Thar+anam means reall satisfing.0 this thar+anam we
satisf the rishi(sages) of (oma(moon)1 Agni(fire)1 &iswaan de$an(all gods
looking after earth)1 etc.
Though these are essential +art of A$ani a$ittam 1
(. /hant &edic manthras
-ig$edam (Om Agnimeele............)
5ajur$edam (Om 7she Tworje ......)
(ama$edam(Om Agna Aaahi........)
Athar$a$edam(Om shanno.............)
) am not giving this because *edic
manthraas are very diffcult to transliterate
in to +nglish and reading them wrongly
would be counter productive.()t is ,trongly
-ecommended that the *eda .antras must
be pronounced as per /urus $irections).
@. #aaathri ja+am (1B'@'!?11)
Aor 5ajur1 -ig and (ama &edis
!1(huklaam baradharam ; (hantae...
".Om bhoo ; (u$arom..
B.Mamo +artha samastha duritha ksha dwara sri +arameshwara
Tade$a lagnam sudhinam tade$a1 tharaa balam chandra balam thade$a 1 $idha
balam dai$a balam tade$a1 (ri <akshmi +athethe aangriugam smaramaami.
A+a$ithra +a$ithro $aa sar$aa$asthaam gatho+i$aa 1 a smareth
+undari kaksham1 sabaha abhantaraha shuchi 1 manasam $aachikam +aa+am
1 karmanaa
(amu+arjitham1 (ri -ama smaranenai$a $o+ahathi na samshaah .(ree -ama
-ama -ama (hubhe (hobane muhurthe ada 0rahmana dwiteea +aradhe 1
(wetha $araha kal+e1 &ai$aswatha Man$anthare1 Ashta$imsathi thame 1 8ali
uge1 Prathame +ade1 4ambhu *wi+e1 0haratha &arshe10hartaha 8ande1 Meroh
*akshine Parshwe1 (akabdhe1 Asmin &arthamane &a$aharike1
Prabha$adinam (ashtiah (ama$athsaranaam Madhe1 8hara nama
sam$atstare1 *akshinaaane1 #rishma rithou18arkataka mase1 8rishna +akshe1
aadha +rathamaam shubha tithou1 0hanu $asara ukthaam1 shra$ishta
nakshatra ukthaam1 shubha oga shubha karana e$am guna $iseshana
$isisishtaaam asaam $artamanaam +rathamaaam shubha tithou.
mithaa *heetha +raaschittartham ashtothara sahasra
samkaka or atha shakti gaatri maha manthra ja+am
(tart from Prana$asa -ishi brahma:. followed b aaathith
anu$agasa: and then chant the gathri manthra 1??@ times.

Afterwards do Pranaaman
1Achamanam1%amaskaram 9 Abhi$aadae
and then com+lete with
8aena $acha:::::.
Om (hanti (hanti (hanti..

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