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A Seminar Report on

Cruise Control Devices

Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics &
Communication Engineering
Anusha Belurkar (07321A0403)

Department of Electronics an Communication En!ineerin!
Bho" #e$ En!ineerin! Colle!e for %omen
(Approve &$ A'C(E) *e+ Delhi an affiliate to ,*(-) .$era&a)
17/1/2001B) 2ina$ *a!ar Colon$) 3aia&a) .$era&a 400 040
5hone6 040/24437272) 24430433) 8a96 24437271

This is to certify that the project titled :Cruise Control Devices; is a bonafide wor carried
out during !" B#Tech !! Sem by
Anusha Belurkar (07321A0403)
in partial fulfillment for award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and
Communication Engineering from Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for $omen% affiliated to
&awaharlal 'ehru Technological (ni)ersity% *yderabad#

.ea of the epartment) ECE)
Associate 5rofessor<
Department of Electronics an Communication En!ineerin!
Bho" #e$ En!ineerin! Colle!e for %omen
+Appro)ed by A!CTE% 'ew ,elhi and affiliated to &'T(% *yderabad
"inay 'agar Colony% Saidabad% *yderabad -.. .-/
0h1 .2.342-56474%42-5864-9 :a;1 42-564789email1brecw<yahoo#com

Sangam =a;mibai "idyapeet +formerly nown as !ndira Se)a Sadan> is a )oluntary social action group woring for empowerment of
women# !t is registered under the *yderabad 0ublic Societies Registration Act of 85-. :asli with Regn 'o 42 of 8/--3-?

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